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Reimbursing fares for the use of a private vehicle or taxi for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) 010-04060060

Scenarios of rates to travel by private car

Table 1: This table shows the rates of Fares Allowance that can be reimbursed where a journey has been made by private car.

Engine capacity of car without rotary engine (cubic centimetres)

Engine capacity of car with rotary engine (cubic centimetres)

Cents per kilometre

1600 or less

800 or less


1601 - 2600

801 - 1300


More than 2600

More than 1300


Approved free text - Requesting evidence for higher rate due to transportation of living/study necessities

Table 2: This table provides free text when requesting evidence for the requirement to transport living/study necessities from parental home to the institution.



Process Direct

you have recently claimed Fares Allowance for travel on DD Month YYYY. Further information is required to determine eligibility for reimbursement at a higher rate. Please provide evidence or a statement as to the requirement to take your living and/or study necessities from your permanent home to your institution, and the reason it is not practicable for you to travel using public transport. If you do not provide this information by the DD Month YYYY, you will be reimbursed at the least expensive mode of public transport rate. This is a notice requesting information under Section 63 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999.

Customer First

Each free text paragraph can have 9 lines and has a limit of 74 characters per line and does not line wrap.

Line 1 - You have recently claimed Fares Allowance for travel on DD Month YYYY

Line 2 - Further information is required to determine eligibility for reimbursement

Line 3- at a higher rate. Please provide evidence or a statement as to the

Line 4 - requirement to take your living and/or study necessities from your

Line 5 - permanent home to your institution, and the reason it is not practicable

Line 6 - for you to travel using public transport. If you do not provide this

Line 7 - information by the DD Month YYYY, you will be reimbursed at the least

Line 8 - expensive mode of public transport rate. This is a notice requesting

Line 9 - information under Section 63 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999