Initial contact with students or Australian Apprentices claiming Youth Allowance (YA) 010-06010000
Social Security Guide,, Qualification for YA
Social Security Guide,, General Claim Requirements
Social Security Guide,, Claim Lodgement - General Provisions
Social Security Guide,, Deemed Claims
Social Security Guide, 8.3.2, Start Days for Early Claims
Social Security Guide, 8.1.8, Interviews
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General qualifications for YA
- section 540, general rule
- YA has specified age limits. See section 543, Youth Allowance age
- section 541B, Undertaking full-time study - rules that define when a person may be regarded as undertaking full time study and when a two thirds study load may apply
General information on making a claim
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
- section 4, Social security law section 11, General rule. A claim for YA (student) can be made up to 13 weeks before the student becomes qualified for payment
- section 13, Deemed claim-person contacting Department about a claim for a social security payment
- section 29, General rule. Generally, a person must be in Australia and an Australian resident to make a claim for a payment or concession card
- section 15, Deemed claim-incorrect or inappropriate claims. If a person lodges an incorrect claim for payment, it may be deemed as the date of lodgement of a subsequent correct claim
- section 16, How to make a claim