Personal/Partner Income Tests for students, trainees or Australian Apprentices 010-08010000
This document outlines how the personal and partner income tests apply to customers who are claiming or receiving Youth Allowance (YA) as a student, Austudy or ABSTUDY, including the application of the income bank. Customers receiving these payments are not entitled to Working Credit as they have access to the income bank.
Income Test
Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and ABSTUDY customers are subject to a Personal Income Test on any income they receive. Depending on their circumstances, they may also be subject to a Partner Income Test or the Parental Means Test.
Students and Australian Apprentices are able to access income banks which enable them to build up credits while they are not earning income, for use when they do earn income.
Transfers between payments attracting Working Credits
If the customer transfers to a payment that attracts Working Credits with the exception of Youth Allowance (other), they will be able to transfer the lower of their income bank balance or 1000 credits from their income bank to their new Working Credit balance. If the customer transfers to Youth Allowance (other) they will be able to transfer the lower of their income bank balance or 3500 credits to their new Working Credit balance.
Youth Disability Supplement (YDS) is paid to full-time students and Australian Apprentices in receipt of YA and ABSTUDY if the customer is 21 years of age and under and has been assessed by an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) as having a partial capacity to work of less than 30 hours per week.
Rates and thresholds
For information about:
- current rates and thresholds, see Rates and Thresholds
- rates for a previous year, see Centrelink rate charts
Unfavourable decisions
When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:
- explain the decision
- give them a chance to provide more information, and
- advise their review and appeal rights
The Resources page contains a table of maximum credits transferred between payments.
Partner Income Test for ABSTUDY customers 22 years and over
Under 16 ABSTUDY customers and the Personal Income Test
Related links
Assessing the Partner details (MOD P)
Assessment of income and assets
Personal Assets Test for allowances, Austudy and independent Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY customers