Scenario |
Considerations and outcomes |
32 years old
Provider managed on JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
Lodges Austudy (AUS) claim on 1 March 2023
9 month TGC level course beginning on 3 March 2023
Not entitled to LTIS rate
No employment income
Could be entitled to both JSP and AUS if:
their provider grants a short course approval, or
they can continue to meet their mutual obligation requirements while studying
If Danni remains eligible, JSP appears to be most beneficial – basic rate is higher, no employment income so won't benefit from student income test, course does not attract SSL
If Danni does not remain eligible for JSP, AUS is the only appropriate payment
Unless the above information has been recorded on Notes/DL, make 2 genuine attempts to contact Danni to find out their circumstances
Record this conversation in the claim grant/reject DOC
27 years old
Receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
Not entitled to LTIS
Has short course approval
Reports employment income of $400 each fortnight, no other income
Lodges Austudy (AUS) claim on 14 March 2023
1 year TGA level course that began on 7 March 2023
Has accepted SSLs for both study periods
Remains eligible for JSP with short course approval
JSP basic rate is higher
Student income test is more beneficial than job seeker income test. Shaina's income is under the student income free area so AUS rate would not be affected
Compare maximum AUS basic rate to income affected JSP basic rate. Use the Payment and Service Finder if needed to compare rates
Course attracts SSL
Customer contact required to discuss options. Base decision on customer preference
Record this conversation in the claim grant/reject DOC
23 years old
Provider managed on JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
No employment income
Lives with parents
Lodges Youth Allowance (YA) claim on 1 August 2022
1.5 year diploma that started on 3 July 2022
No short course approval on AEX
Study has been reported on PBAS
YA basic rate is lower than JSP
Study is over 12 months and Gertie should not be eligible for JSP from study start date, study has been accepted on PBAS reporting
While Gertie cannot remain on JSP for a course of over 12 months, they will not be disadvantaged (e.g. JSP cancelled from study start date) where study has been accepted on any PBAS report since the study start date as part of their job seeking reporting requirements. Gertie is considered to be payable for both JSP and YA from 3 July 2022
Qualification for JSP ceases on the date the YA claim is lodged
Most beneficial grant date is 1 August 2022 – backdating YA to 3 July will result in a debt shell due to lower YA rate
Record the reason for this decision in the claim finalisation note/DOC
24 years old
Provider managed on JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
No employment income
Lives with parents
Lodges Youth Allowance (YA) claim 26 April 2023
3 years bachelor's degree that started on 28 February 2023
No short course approval on AEX
No study reported on PBAS
JSP basic rate is higher than YA, but Shannon loses entitlement to JSP on 28 February 2023 as they are studying in a course over 12 months that is not on AEX or reported on PBAS
YA can be backdated up to 13 weeks under Section 12, SS(A)A 1999, and granted from 28 February 2023
Debt shell will be created for investigation for the difference between JSP and YA rates
Record the reason for this decision in the claim finalisation note/DOC
34 years old
Provider managed on JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
Lodges Austudy (AUS) claim 13 July 2023
2 year associate degree that started on 28 February 2023
No short course approval on AEX
No study reported on PBAS
Lorrae loses entitlement to JSP on 28 February 2023, as they are studying in a course over 12 months
As the claim was lodged more than 13 weeks after the outgoing payment will cease, this claim is not considered a transfer. JSP should be cancelled from study start date and AUS assessed as a standalone new claim
Record the reason for this decision in the claim finalisation note/DOC
23 years old
Lives with parents
Centrelink managed on Jobseeker Payment (JSP)
Lodges Youth Allowance (YA) claim on 25 May 2023
3 year bachelor's degree that started on 1 August 2022
JSP basic rate is higher than YA, but Billy cannot remain on JSP as they are studying in a course over 12 months
For student claim purposes, as a Centrelink managed customer, Billy is considered to have met JSP requirements up to the day before their YA claim was lodged
YA could be backdated up to 13 weeks under Section 12, SS(A)A 1999. Billy qualifies for JSP and YA for that period. If YA was most beneficial, grant from 13 weeks before claim. If JSP is most beneficial, grant YA from claim lodgement date
28 years old
Receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
Single principal carer
Reports earnings of $650 every 2nd or 3rd fortnight
Lodges AUS claim 23 April 2023
2 year TSC level course that started on 1 March 2023
Christy may qualify for both JSP (with PES) and AUS for the period 1 March 2023 to 23 April 2023
Student income test v Principal carer income test
Course attracts SSLs
As it is difficult to determine what is the most beneficial decision for Christy, call the customer to explain their options and assess as per customer preference. If their preference is to stay on JSP, issue a PES claim
Record this conversation in the claim grant/rejection DOC
34 years old
Receiving Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP)
Partner receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
Youngest child 3 years old
No employment income
Lodges Austudy (AUS) claim
TGD level study (any length)
As long as Paul retains entitlement to PPP, there is no benefit to transfer to AUS
Customer contact required. Paul may want to transfer to AUS so that their partner can claim/transfer to PPP
If Paul advises that he wants to transfer to AUS so that his partner can claim and receive PPP, transfer to AUS
Record this conversation in the claim grant/reject DOC
39 years old
Receiving Parenting Payment Single (PPS)
Youngest child 5 years old
No employment income
Lodges AUS claim
TGB level study
CUS has accepted SSLs for both all periods
For as long as Bianca retains entitlement to PPS, she would be disadvantaged by transferring to AUS due to the considerably lower rate, even taking SSL into account
Do not take lodgement of the AUS claim to mean Bianca has a preference to be transferred to AUS
Contact Bianca. This will likely confirm that Bianca was:
trying to claim PES, or
didn't realise that either PPS or AUS could be paid, not both.
Assist Bianca to submit a PES claim
Record this conversation in the claim grant/reject DOC
Reject AUS COP