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Assessing and coding Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) term enrolment checks 010-21020228

This document outlines the assessment process for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) enrolment checks.

Enrolment checks

AIC students are subject to enrolment checks each term.

Details received from education providers may show one or more of the following. The student:

  • is not enrolled at the recorded education provider
  • has ceased studies
  • did not start studies
  • started studies late
  • changed study load

Use the enrolment check to determine the student's eligibility during their course of study. Full time study is determined on an individual basis by the school. There is no 75% attendance full time study requirement for AIC. Service Officers have the delegation to contact the education provider to confirm a student's on-going eligibility if the attendance record is low.

Reassessment of AIC entitlement may occur at any time when additional information is received by Services Australia.

Start of enrolment checks

The education provider that is recorded in the ‘Institution’ field on the student's Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Details (EDC) screen in Customer First determines if AIC enrolment checks will be issued electronically or as a manual paper form.

AIC enrolment checks are issued:

  • Electronically, through the Integrated Review System (IRS) for:
    • SA Secondary government schools
    • QLD, WA, TAS and ACT Primary and Secondary government schools
  • Manual paper forms for:
    • NSW, VIC and NT Primary and Secondary government schools
    • SA Primary government schools
    • all non-government schools

Customer contact

Make 2 genuine contact attempts to contact the applicant to confirm the student's circumstances when a discrepancy is identified in the enrolment response.

Service Officers can re-assess AIC payment(s), where the applicant:

  • confirms the details in the enrolment check
  • can provide a reasonable explanation for the discrepancy, or
  • says the student was impacted by circumstances beyond their control

Verification documents are needed when the applicant does not meet one of the above criteria.

If the applicant cannot be contacted by phone issue written notification to the applicant.

AIC applicants have up to 29 days (14 days to respond plus 15 additional delivery days for remote applicants) to contact from the date the information is requested. If the applicant fails to contact Services Australia within this period, their AIC payment for that student may be stopped.


Where evidence is needed, issue a Request for Information (Q781) letter. Ask the applicant to provide the documents within 14 days.

Third parties and applicants have an obligation to provide the information under section 343 of the Student Assistance Act 1973.

Cancelling an Enrolment Check

Enrolment checks are non-discretionary reviews. Only AIC-skilled Service Officers should cancel them.

Third party debts

AIC Scheme debts may be the responsibility of a third party. This could be an educational provider, parent or guardian. Check to confirm which party directly received the payment.

Using the Integrated Review System (IRS)

Coding the Contact screen in the Integrated Review System (IRS)

Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme

Restoration of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme payments

Cancellation and debt raising of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme payments

Determining the Entitlement End date for the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme

Change of circumstances for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme applicants