Forms for Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) 011-10150000
This document outlines what forms are available for the AIR, where to access them and how they are used.
AIR forms
The quickest and easiest way for vaccination providers to record immunisation information on the AIR is online using:
- the AIR site, or
- their Practice Management Software (PMS)
Service Officers should recommend that vaccination providers record immunisation information using online options.
All AIR forms for vaccination providers:
- are on the Services Australia website, and
- can be uploaded via the HPOS Messages Form Upload function
HPOS provides a secure, timely and authenticated way for the agency to get this information.
AIR forms are in PDF format and can be:
- downloaded and completed on a device, or
- printed and completed by hand
The Resources page contains links to:
- AIR forms, and
- AIR for health professionals
Note: AIR stationery order forms are no longer available for vaccination providers. AIR Service Officers should advise vaccination providers they can:
- get AIR forms online, or
- record immunisation information using the AIR site, or their PMS
There are 3 types of signatures that can be accepted by the AIR:
- Digital signature
- Electronic, and
- Physical
Digital signatures
Digital signatures use a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), a standard format that provides high security and acceptance to a document. The combination of a public key and a private key is what makes a digital signature safe.
- Adobe Acrobat: digital signature default characteristics are the Adobe logo watermark, with the words ‘Digitally signed by, name.’ It can be accompanied by a typed name, digitally drawn name, or a scanned image. If those 2 features display, it is a digital version of the signature
- DocuSign Digital signatures: a DocuSign digital signature is accompanied by the encryption ID. This ID may be around the name itself, or the envelope ID found at the top of the document
- If a DocuSign Envelope ID (found at the top of the document) displays, the signature with an image, typed or other kind of marking is considered an encrypted version
Electronic signatures
- The signature is electronic if there is no other information to suggest the signature is:
- digital, or
- encrypted
- If the signature does not have watermarks, or encryption IDs to suggest the signature has been encrypted, these signatures are classified as electronic
This is where the document/letter/form has been printed and signed by hand.
The Resources page contains AIR forms and signature requirements details.
The Resources page contains:
- AIR forms and descriptions
- troubleshooting and standard comments for the Provider Directory System
- Service Officer and Local Peer Support (LPS) referral templates
- FAQs, and
- AIR form signature requirements
Related links
Immunisation medical exemptions in Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)
Process claims in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)
Overseas immunisations and processing history forms in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)