Amend customer details in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare 011-40060030
This document outlines information about amending customer details in CDMS for Medicare.
Incorrect details recorded
Personal details requiring amendment, such as an incorrectly recorded name or date of birth, can be updated once the correct details have been confirmed.
Incorrect details must be deleted from the customer's record. If they are not deleted, they will stay on the customer's Medicare record history.
Examples of how incorrect details may be recorded include when a customer is:
- enrolled on an incorrect Medicare record
- enrolled twice on the same Medicare card
- registered onto the incorrect Medicare Safety Net family registration. See Table 3 in Family registration and confirmation for Medicare Safety Net
- separated and updated their address before transferring off the Medicare card. See Separating safely - protecting personal details
Refer the enquiry to Medicare Consumers Program Support - Medicare Consumers Section - Medicare Branch to delete the incorrect details.
End date reason code for linked to another consumer
The Medicare Customer Data Integrity Unit merge customer records as identified, as part of remediating duplicate Medicare enrolment records. Non-surviving (or secondary) records were removed from the list of Medicare records for My Health Record creation.
The Consumer End Reason for a non-surviving record in these situations is 'L' (linked to another consumer).
Removing an end date from a record will result in the automatic creation of a second My Health Record for the same person.
End dates with this reason must not be deleted. See Table 4 on the Process page.
Process Record Amendment (PRA)
For Medicare Consumer Program Support team only
PRA's allow deletion of incorrect Medicare card and/or customer personal details recorded in CDMS.
Access to this function is restricted to specific Tivoli Access Manager (TAM) groups, which includes staff from Medicare Consumer Program support team and other program areas.
As part of the quality assurance process 2, Service Officers are required to process the PRA.
Information available for deletion or amendment includes (but is not limited to):
- customer/s
- addresses
- bank account details
- customer association with incorrect Medicare card
- customer in incorrect Medicare card program group association history
- program group history when customer was added to the group
- customer comments (if applicable) when customer was transferred to incorrect Medicare card
- customer Sensitive Information Indicators
- incorrect Medicare card address in customer address history
- group comments (if applicable) when customer was transferred to incorrect Medicare card
- all programs affected by the audit deletion will be notified and asked to approve the amendment
- comments are included for each request to explain the reason for the amendment
- the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) came into effect on the 12 March 2014 and replaced the Information Privacy Principles (IPPs). The APPs require Services Australia to change the way personal information is managed
- See the Resources page for a link to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)
The Resources page contains links to the:
- Medicare Consumer Program support team
- Report a privacy incident portal, and
- Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)
Related links
Amend address in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare
Amend a person's Medicare enrolment details
Customer password for Medicare enquiries
Family registration and confirmation for Medicare Safety Net
My Health Record - individuals
Register a customer for Medicare in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS)
Sensitive Information Indicators in the CDMS
Separating safely - protecting personal details
Service Now - Customer Service Management for My Health Record
Unauthorised Medicare activity