Indicators, codes, modifiers and control lines for claims processing in Medicare 011-43020000
This page contains various lists and forms to assist Service Officers in claims processing for Medicare.
Note: direct bill is also known as Bulk Bill.
Pre 1 November 2002 Abatement indicators
Table 1: this table lists abatement indicators before 1 November 2002.
Abatement indicator |
System application |
A |
Top fee item in multiple procedure. |
B |
Second fee item in multiple procedure. |
C |
Minor fee item in multiple procedure. |
D |
Medicare Benefits Advisory Committee (MBAC) determination. |
E |
MBAC determination/precedent where a fee is entered by Service Officer. |
G |
Item qualifier for non - MBAC item or equipment. |
J |
Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Service Rule A. |
K |
Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Service Rule B (>$40.00). |
L |
Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Service Rule C. |
M |
Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Service Rule B and C (>$40.00). |
N |
Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Service Rule B (<$40.00). |
O |
Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Service Rule B and C (<$40.00). |
S |
Assistant surgeon (pay surgeon). |
T |
Assistant surgeon (pay assistant). |
U |
$35.00 deduction from a consultation item. |
V |
$15.00 deduction from a consultation item. |
W |
$5.00 deduction from a General Medical Services Table (GMST) item. |
X |
$20.00 deduction from a consultation or Diagnostic Imaging (DI) item. |
Y |
$25.00 deduction from a DI item. |
Post 1 November 2002 assessment indicator fields
Table 2: this table lists the fields that show assessment indicators.
Field name |
Description |
Shows assessment indicators associated with the application of Multiple Operations Rule (MOR). |
Shows assessment indicators associated with the application of Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Services Rule (DIMSR). |
Shows assessment indicators associated with the application of Multiple Vascular Ultrasound Services Site Rule (MVUSSR). |
Shows assessment indicators associated with the application of Assistant surgeon (AST). |
Post 1 November 2002 assessment indicators
See the Post 1 November 2002 assessment indicator changes section.
Table 3: this table list the assessment indicators, their meanings and the field in which they show.
Field |
Indicator value |
Meaning |
A |
Highest fee item. |
B |
Secondary fee item. |
C |
Lower Fee Item/s. |
A |
Indicates Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Services Rule (DIMSR). A has been applied. |
B |
Indicates DIMSR B HI (Consultation greater than $40.00) has been applied. |
C |
Indicates DIMSR B LO (Consultation less than $40.00) has been applied. |
D |
Indicates DIMSR C applied. |
E |
DIMSR B HI (Consultation >$40) and DIMSR C applied. |
F |
DIMSR B LO and DIMSR C applied. |
G |
DIMSR B HI (Consultation >$40) applied to Consultation. |
H |
DIMSR B HI (Consultation >$40) adjusted to Consultation. |
I |
DIMSR B LO (Consultation <$40) applied to Consultation. |
J |
DIMSR C applied to GMS. |
K |
DIMSR applied to primary Multiple Vascular Ultrasound Services Site Rule (MVUSSR) item. |
M |
DIMSR manually applied. |
X |
DIMSR exempt. |
A |
MVUSSR A applied. |
B |
MVUSSR B applied. |
C |
MVUSSR C applied. |
M |
MVUSSR manually applied. |
A |
Pay Assistant for their service. |
S |
Pay Surgeon for service of Assistant. |
Post 1 November 2002 assessment indicator changes
This attachment may not be printed, broadcast or released externally. For contact details and more information, see Information Publication Scheme.
MCC137 Online history and assessment indicator changes 29 Oct 2002
Table 4: this table list the assessment indicators, their meanings and the field in which they show.
Field |
Indicator value |
Meaning |
MO |
A |
Highest fee item. |
MO |
B |
Secondary fee item. |
MO |
C |
Lower Fee Item/s. |
A |
Indicates Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Services Rule (DIMSR). A has been applied. |
B |
Indicates DIMSR B HI (Consultation > $40.00) has been applied. |
C |
Indicates DIMSR B LO (Consultation < $40.00) has been applied. |
D |
Indicates DIMSR C applied. |
E |
DIMSR B HI (Consultation >$40) and DIMSR C applied. |
F |
DIMSR B LO (Consultation <$40) and DIMSR C applied. |
G |
DIMSR B HI (Consultation >$40) applied to Consultation. |
H |
DIMSR B HI (Consultation >$40) adjusted to Consultation. |
I |
DIMSR B LO (Consultation <$40) applied to Consultation. |
J |
DIMSR C applied to GMS. |
K |
DIMSR applied to primary Multiple Vascular Ultrasound Services Site Rule (MVUSSR) item. |
L |
Indicates DIMSR has been applied to primary Multiple Musculoskeletal MRI Services (MMMRISR) item. |
M |
DIMSR manually applied. |
N |
Indicates DIMSR has been applied to primary Multiple Echocardiogram Services (MESR) item. |
X |
DIMSR exempt. |
VU |
A |
MVUSSR A applied. |
VU |
B |
MVUSSR B applied. |
VU |
C |
MVUSSR C applied. |
VU |
M |
MVUSSR manually applied. |
A |
Indicates MMMRISR A has been applied. |
B |
Indicates MMMRISR B has been applied. |
M |
Indicates MMMRISR has been manually applied. |
ME |
A |
Indicates MESR A has been applied. |
ME |
B |
Indicates MESR B has been applied. |
ME |
M |
Indicates MESR has been manually applied. |
A |
Pay Assistant for their service. |
S |
Pay Surgeon for service of Assistant. |
Processing indicators
Table 5: this table lists processing indicators and their associated system application.
Processing indicator |
System application |
1E |
Emergency service. |
1L |
Referral details for service is lost. |
01 |
Rejected claim - cheque to cardholder. |
02 |
Rejected claim - cheque to provider. |
03 |
Rejected claim - cash. |
04 |
Rejected claim - manual cheque. |
05 |
Rejected claim - cheque to claimant other than cardholder. |
06 |
Rejected claim - bulk bill cheque to provider. |
09 |
Rejected claim - EFT to claimant. |
10 |
Service has been referred. |
11 |
Diagnostic and pathology service has been self-determined. |
12 |
Pathology service has been requested. |
14 |
Ignore hospital contract flag on provider file. |
15 |
Service is emergency care (Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (RHCA) visitor). |
16 |
Pay this claim using the card number quoted. |
17 |
Pay claim over 2 years old (patient claim) or pay claim over 6 months old (bulk bill). |
21 |
Ignore hospital categorisation of item number and pay benefit according to the presence or absence of the suffix H on the item number. |
22 |
Provider should be regarded as a specialist. |
24 |
Provider is recognised. |
25 |
Sex and/or age restriction for the item should not be applied. |
41 |
Item should not be treated as a composite. |
42 |
Item should not be treated as restrictive. |
43 |
Service is not a duplicate. |
44 |
Service is not aftercare. |
45 |
Time dependant restriction does not apply. |
46 |
Operation or anaesthetic can be performed by provider more than once on the same day. |
47 |
Pay assistant surgeon or anaesthetist service. |
48 |
Pay a long cycle IVF claim (if noted as long cycle). |
58 |
Use fee entered in FEE field to calculate benefit. |
60 |
Fracture is not related to the other fracture items (fee may be entered). |
61 |
Do not use multiple operation rule to assess operation or anaesthetic item (fee may be entered). |
62 |
Indicates to the system to use the fee keyed in the FEE column when DIMSR has been manually calculated. |
98 |
Substantiation - benefit paid subject to the 100% rule. |
Post 1 July 2016 Medicare payee codes
Table 6: this table lists payee codes and their associated payment methods post 1 July 2016.
Payee code |
Payment method |
2 |
Unpaid account - send computer produced cheque made payable to provider via claimant's address. |
4 |
Paid account - manual cheque over the counter to claimant. (Manual cheque over the counter ceased December 2016). |
6 |
Bulk bill - benefit assigned to provider. |
7 |
Easy claim - Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS) patient claim services. |
8 |
Simplified billing - benefit assigned to provider. |
9 |
Paid account - electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment to claimant. |
A |
Billing agent claim - reject service. |
E |
EFT claim - reject service. |
F |
Simplified billing - reject service. |
H |
Record details on patient's history only. |
J |
EFTPOS - rejected patient claim service. |
P |
Pend the item line details. |
R |
Cheque claim - rejected service. |
S |
Bulk bill - rejected service. |
X |
Substantiated service. |
Pre 1 July 2016 Medicare payee codes
Table 7: this table lists payee codes and their associated payment methods pre 1 July 2016.
Payee code |
Payment method |
1 |
Paid account - send computer produced cheque made payable to group contact. |
2 |
Unpaid account - send computer produced cheque made payable to provider via claimant's address. |
3 |
Paid account - cash over the counter to claimant. |
4 |
Paid account - manual cheque over the counter to claimant. |
5 |
Paid account - send computer produced cheque made payable to claimant (other than group contact) at screen name and address. |
6 |
Bulk bill - benefit assigned to provider. |
7 |
Paid electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) patient claim service. |
8 |
Simplified billing - benefit assigned to provider. |
9 |
Paid account - electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment to claimant. |
A |
Billing agent claim - reject service. |
E |
EFT claim - reject service. |
F |
Simplified billing - reject service. |
H |
Record details on patient's history only. |
J |
EFTPOS - rejected patient claim service. |
P |
Pend the item line details. |
R |
Cheque claim - rejected service. |
S |
Bulk bill - rejected service. |
X |
Substantiated service. |
Reason codes
Table Legend:
- ** - The code is for internal use only and will not appear on the statement issued to the claimant
- $ - Charge for service will not be printed on Statement of Benefit
Table 8: this table contains reason codes that are used in Medicare claims processing to indicate the reason a claim was paid, rejected or pended. Search the list using [Ctrl+F].
Reason code number |
Description |
101 |
More details of service required to assess benefit. |
102 |
No amount charged is shown on voucher (bulk bill). No amount charged is shown on account/receipt (patient claims). |
103 |
Letter of explanation is being sent separately. |
104 |
Balance of benefit due to claimant. |
105 |
Benefit paid to provider as requested. |
106 |
Servicing provider unable to be identified. |
107 |
Benefit paid on item number other than that claimed. |
108 |
Benefit is not payable for the service claimed. |
110** |
Benefit paid - details verified with provider/claimant (internal message only). |
111 |
No benefit payable - claim(s) over 2 years old. |
113 |
Total charge shown on account apportioned over all items. |
115 |
Benefit recommended for this item. |
117 |
Benefit not recommended for this item. |
120 |
Age restriction applies to this Item. |
122 |
Associated referral/request line not required. |
123 |
Benefit paid on radiology item other than service claimed. |
124 |
Item is restricted to persons of opposite sex to patient. |
125 |
Not payable without associated operation/anaesthetic item. |
126 |
Service is not payable without radiology service. |
127 |
Maximum number of additional fields already paid. |
128 |
Benefit paid on associated fracture/amputation item. |
129 |
Service is not payable without the base item(s). |
130 |
Referred to National Office for decision. |
131 |
Date of service not supplied/invalid. |
134 |
Single course of treatment paid as subsequent attendance. |
135 |
Provider not a consultant physician - specialist rate paid. |
136 |
Referral details not supplied- paid at general practitioner (GP) rate. |
137 |
Details of requesting provider not shown on account/receipt. |
138 |
Benefit only payable when self-determined/deemed necessary. |
139 |
Approved pathologist should not use this item number. |
140 |
Non-specialist provider. |
141 |
No benefit payable for service performed by this provider. |
142 |
Documents forwarded to Tier 2 Assessing and benefits. |
144 |
Claim benefit not paid - further assessment required. |
150 |
Member has not supplied details to permit claim payment. |
151 |
Associated service already paid-adjustment being processed. |
154 |
Diagnostic Imaging Multiple Service Rule applied to service. |
155 |
Overseas service - refer to MPS Assessing. |
157 |
Service possibly aftercare - refer to provider. |
158 |
Benefit paid on associated abandoned surgery/anae item. |
159 |
Item associated with other service on which benefit payable. |
160 |
Maximum number of services for this item already paid. |
161 |
Adjustment to benefit previously paid. |
162 |
Benefit has been previously paid for this service. |
163 |
Surgical/anaesthetic item(s) already paid for this date. |
164 |
Assistant surgeon benefit not payable. |
166 |
Claim over 2 years old - pended to Tier 2 Assessing and benefits. |
168 |
Not payable without associated operation/anaesthetic item. |
169 |
Operation/anaesthetic item not claimed. |
170 |
Assistant anaesthetic benefit not payable. |
171 |
Benefit not payable - provider may only act in one capacity. |
173 |
Patient episode coning - maximum number of services paid. |
174 |
Patient episode coning adjustment. |
175 |
Benefit paid on associated foetal intervention item. |
176 |
Pay each foetal intervention item as a separate item. |
177 |
Foetal intervention item paid using derived fee item. |
179 |
Benefit not payable - associated service already paid. |
184 |
Benefit paid for additional time item using a derived fee. |
190** |
Short term pend - to look at another screen (Internal message only). |
194 |
Provider under investigation - refer to supervisor. |
195 |
Patient under investigation - refer to supervisor. |
205** |
Re-issue of previously cancelled cheque (Internal message only). |
206 |
Item number does not attract a benefit at date of service. |
208 |
Card number used has expired. |
209 |
Claimant’s name stated is different to that on card number. |
211 |
Patient not covered by this card number at date of service. |
212 |
Date of service used is in the future. |
214 |
Claim form not complete. |
215 |
Service claimed before 1 February 1984. |
217 |
Patient cannot be identified from details supplied. |
222 |
Benefit paid on associated anaesthetic item. |
223 |
Service not payable - specified item not claimed/present. |
225 |
Patient contribution substantiated-additional benefit paid. |
226 |
Date of service is before patient’s date of birth. |
227 |
Date of service before date eligible for Medicare benefit. |
228 |
Date of service after benefit period for overseas visitor. |
229 |
Benefit paid at 100% of schedule fee. |
230 |
Combination of 85% and 100% of schedule fee paid. |
232 |
Service claimed not covered by Medicare. |
233 |
Provider not entitled to Medicare benefit at date of service. |
234 |
Service for diplomat - benefit not payable. |
236 |
Health screening services. |
237 |
Health screening - insufficient details. |
238 |
Not paid because all associated services rejected. |
240 |
Gap adjustment to benefit previously paid. |
241 |
Total charge and benefit for multiple procedure. |
242 |
Service is part of a multiple procedure. |
243 |
Apportioned charge and total benefit for multiple procedure. |
244 |
Benefit not paid - service line in error. |
245 |
Benefit paid on service other than that claimed. |
246 |
Patient cannot be identified from details supplied. |
250 |
Explanation/voucher will be forwarded separately. |
251 |
Details of requesting provider not supplied. |
252 |
Service possibly aftercare. |
253 |
Radiotherapy assessed with other item number on statement. |
254 |
Assessment incomplete - further advice will follow. |
255 |
Benefit assigned has been increased. |
256 |
Benefit not payable on this service for a hospital patient. |
260 |
Benefit assessed with associated item on statement. |
261 |
Associated surgical items/anaesthetic time not supplied. |
262 |
Insufficient prolonged anaesthetic time - service not paid. |
264 |
Benefit not payable - compensation/damages service. |
265 |
Service not covered by reciprocal health care agreement. |
267 |
Service not payable - associated service not present. |
271 |
Not payable without associated ophthalmological item. |
272 |
Benefit paid on associated ophthalmological item. |
274 |
Provisional payment. |
280 |
Cannot identify service. Resubmit with correct Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item. |
282 |
Date of Service outside of referral/request period. |
306 |
Card# not valid at date of service-future claims may reject. |
307 |
Claim not paid - card number not valid for date of service. |
308 |
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) service - conditions not met - no benefit payable. |
316 |
Benefit not payable - item cannot be self-determined. |
317 |
Benefit not payable - additional item to those requested. |
320 |
Quoted Medicare card number is incorrect. |
322 |
Provider not approved for this Medicare pathology benefit. |
325 |
Laboratory not accredited for benefits for this service. |
326 |
Laboratory not accredited for benefits at date of service. |
328 |
Benefit paid on associated tomography item. |
329 |
Not payable without associated tomography item. |
331 |
Benefit not payable - Health Insurance Act 1973 section 20A (1). |
332 |
Category 5 lab - benefit not payable for requested service. |
333 |
Provider must claim time-based items. |
334 |
All associated pathology/Patient Episode Initiation (PEI) items must be either inpatient or outpatient services. |
335 |
Service is not payable without nuclear medicine service. |
336 |
Benefit paid on nuclear medicine item other than one claimed. |
337 |
Provider must claim content-based items. |
338 |
Provider not registered to claim benefits at date of service. |
339 |
Benefit paid at the concession rate. |
340 |
Refund of co-payment amount. |
341 |
No referral details - details required for future claims. |
342 |
Referral expired - paid at un-referred (GP) rate. |
343 |
Card number quoted on claim form has been cancelled. |
344 |
Concession number invalid - benefit paid at general rate. |
345 |
No safety net entitlement - benefit paid at general rate. |
346 |
Co-payment not made - $2.50 credited to threshold. |
347 |
Safety net threshold reached - benefit increased. |
348 |
Overpayment of claim - invalid concession number. |
349 |
Replacement for requested electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment rejected by bank. |
350 |
Hospital referral - paid at specialist/consultant rate. |
351 |
Benefit not payable - LCC number incorrect or not supplied. |
352 |
Service date outside LCC registration dates. |
353 |
Pathology items not present. No benefit payable. |
356 |
Documentation required to process service. |
358 |
Documentation not received - unable to process claim. |
359 |
Documentation not received - unable to process claim. |
360 |
No benefit payable when requested by this provider. |
361 |
Diagnostic Imaging (DI) exemption - items not approved. |
363** |
PEI paid in association with R3EX pathology services. |
364 |
Items claimed must be as a combination item. |
365** |
Benefit paid for S4B3 item. |
366** |
Benefit paid for Rule 3 Exemption item. |
367 |
Service associated with Medicare Benefits Advisory Committee (MBAC) item in a multiple procedure. |
370 |
Benefit paid on item number other than that claimed. |
371 |
Future claims quoting old style card no. will be rejected. |
372 |
Old style card number quoted - benefit not payable. |
373 |
Expired card - benefit not payable. |
374 |
Old card issue used - benefit not payable - also refer @. |
375 |
Service being processed manually. |
377 |
Number of patients seen not indicated. |
378 |
Provider cannot refer/request service at date of request. |
380** |
Pend - referred to Assessing section (Internal message only). |
385** |
Pend - Telephone claim (Internal message only). |
388** |
Pend - referred to Partial Payments Control Section (Internal message only). |
390 |
Documentation not received. |
391 |
Service provider on db1 differs from transmitted data. |
392 |
Benefit amount changed. |
393 |
No benefit payable - baby not an admitted inpatient. |
395 |
Transport Accident Commission (TAC) medical excess. |
397 |
Service not related to current compensation case (Internal message only). |
400 |
Equipment number missing or invalid. |
401 |
Benefit not payable - charge amount missing or invalid. |
402 |
Benefit not payable- number of patients attended required. |
403 |
Subsequent consultation - referral details required. |
404 |
Benefit not payable - referral/request details required. |
405 |
Equipment number invalid for servicing provider. |
406 |
Supporting text required to assess the claim. |
407 |
Benefit not payable - overseas student. |
408 |
Date of service before 29 May 1995. |
409 |
Card number for this enrolment needs to be verified. |
410 |
Age restriction applies for this item - verify details. |
411 |
MBAC determination/precedent number not supplied or invalid. |
412 |
Benefit not payable - provider unable to claim this service. |
413 |
Benefit not payable - date of service before date of request. |
414 |
Provider practice location is closed at date of service. |
415 |
Referral details same as rendering provider - self-deemed? |
416 |
Services form a composite item - composite item required. |
417 |
Referral needed - if no referral, NR item to be transmitted. |
418 |
Item cannot be claimed more than once in one attendance. |
419 |
Benefit already paid on item - verify if multiple pregnancy. |
420 |
Operation(s) schedule fee does not meet item description. |
421 |
Wrong assistant item used for the operation(s) performed. |
422 |
Benefit paid has been reduced (benefit = charge). |
423 |
Optical condition not specified - No benefit payable. |
424 |
More details required - which eye was treated. |
425 |
Benefit not payable - individual charges required. |
426 |
Indicate whether new treatment or continuing management. |
427 |
Compensation related services - please forward documents. |
428 |
Date of service over 2 years - late lodgement form required. |
429 |
Patient cannot be identified from the details supplied. |
430 |
Conflicting referral details - please clarify. |
431 |
Initial consultation previously paid - query subsequent con. |
432 |
Not Multi-op - more details required to pay benefit. |
433 |
Associated referral/request line not required. |
434 |
Expired or invalid card. Benefit not payable. |
435 |
Service for nursing home care recipient/benefit not paid. |
436 |
Cannot claim out of hospital service through Simplified bill. |
437 |
Card details invalid. A new Medicare number has been issued. |
438 |
Consultation and DI item/s not payable on same day. |
439 |
Referring/requesting provider not in eligible area. |
440 |
Multiple echocardiogram services rule applied. |
441 |
Multiple echocardiogram and DI services rule applied. |
442 |
Patient not MyMedicare registered with provider practice. |
443 |
Patient MyMedicare registered with another provider practice. |
444 |
Required eligible base item not present in the same claim. |
445 |
Benefit paid on associated base item. |
446 |
Total benefit for plastic & reconstructive procedure paid. |
449 |
HELD EFT payment reprocessed - incorrect claimant selected. |
450 |
EFT details invalid - cheque issued for benefit. |
451 |
Service provided in an ineligible location. |
452 |
Resubmit claim for this service - image not claim related. |
453 |
Resubmit claim for service - claim details do not match image. |
454 |
Resubmit claim for service - some details not shown on image. |
455 |
Resubmit claim for this service - include account and receipt. |
457 |
No action required - line adjusted to process claim. |
458 |
No action required - benefit paid on adjusted claim. |
461 |
Adjustment to benefit previously paid. |
475 |
Patient/service details invalid or missing. |
500 |
Rejected in association with another item in this claim. |
501 |
Group attendance or item format invalid (Bulk Bill). |
502 |
Patient is not eligible to claim benefit for this item. |
503 |
Referral date format is invalid. |
504 |
Charge amount missing /invalid - no benefit payable. |
505 |
More details required - evidence of condition. |
506 |
Consultation not payable on same day as surgical procedure. |
507 |
Site not accredited for this service. |
509 |
Service paid as item 2712/2719. |
510 |
Service paid as item 52-96/or similar item. |
511 |
Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) threshold reached - cap applied to benefit. |
512 |
Multiple Musculoskeletal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Service Rule applied. |
513 |
Multiple Musculoskeletal MRI and DI Services Rules applied. |
514 |
Required Equipment Type Code not on Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) Register. |
515 |
Equipment is older than allowable age for this item. |
516 |
Ben paid for base and derived radiotherapy items claimed. |
517 |
EMSN threshold reached - 80% out of pocket paid. |
518 |
Benefit paid at 100% schedule fee + EMSN. |
519 |
EMSN threshold reached - partial 80% out of pocket paid. |
520 |
Benefit paid at 100% schedule fee + part 80% out of pocket. |
521 |
Part 80% out of pocket + between 85% and 100% increase. |
522 |
Benefit paid - EMSN + between 85% and 100% schedule fee. |
523** |
Charge entered is greater than 350% of the schedule fee. |
524 |
Safety net benefit adjusted. |
525 |
Only attracts benefit when claimed via Medicare bulk billing. |
528 |
Provider not in eligible area (incorrect Rural, Remote and Metropolitan Areas (RRMA), SSD or state). |
529 |
Bulk bill additional item claimed incorrectly. |
530 |
Patient not on concession/under 16 years at Date of Service. |
535 |
Missing data. |
536 |
Location Specific Practice Number not supplied. |
537 |
Location Specific Practice Number invalid. |
538 |
Location Specific Practice Number not recognised. |
539 |
Location Specific Practice Number not valid at date of service. |
540 |
Enhanced Primary Care Plan not previously claimed. |
549 |
Bulk bill incentive item already paid - adjustment required. |
550 |
Associated service not claimed - no benefit payable. |
551 |
Specimen Collection Point is incorrect or not supplied. |
552 |
Specimen Collection Point not valid at date of service. |
553 |
Approved Collection Centre number not supplied. |
554 |
Total benefit for Anaesthetic service. |
555 |
Benefit paid on Main Relative Value Guide (RVG) Anaesthetic item. |
556 |
RVG time item not claimed. |
557 |
Associated RVG anaesthetic service not claimed. |
558 |
RVG anaesthetic item not claimed. |
559 |
Patient outside age range - please verify age. |
560 |
RVG item restriction. |
561 |
Benefit paid on RVG item claimed. |
562 |
Benefit paid on associated RVG anaesthetic item. |
563 |
Associated RVG service already paid. |
564 |
Multiple Vascular Ultrasound services site rule applied. |
565 |
Multiple DI and Vascular Ultrasound service rules applied. |
566 |
Total benefit for Diagnostic Imaging Service. |
567 |
Benefit paid on main Diagnostic Imaging Item. |
568 |
Item cannot be substituted. |
569 |
Provider unable to substitute. |
600 |
Requesting/referring provider unable to be identified. |
601 |
In hospital services cannot be claimed as out of hospital. |
602 |
Out of hospital service cannot be claimed as in hospital. |
603 |
Newborn not yet enrolled with Medicare - no benefit payable. |
604 |
Service over 2 years old - late lodgement form required. |
605 |
Referral expired - no benefit payable. |
606 |
Referring provider number not open at date of referral. |
607 |
Referral date has been omitted. |
608 |
Referring and servicing provider same - no benefit payable. |
609 |
Service/Claim cancelled at provider's request. |
610 |
Provider specialty not consistent with item claimed. |
611 |
Referral/request details not supplied - no benefit payable. |
612 |
Date of referral after date of service - no benefit payable. |
613 |
Card number cannot be identified from details supplied. |
614 |
No benefit payable - please note time of each visit. |
615 |
Multiple procedures - note times and area of treatment. |
616 |
Item cannot be claimed as an in hospital service. |
617 |
Item cannot be claimed as an out of hospital service. |
618 |
No benefit if requested by this provider at date of request. |
619 |
Servicing provider number not open at date of service. |
620 |
Duplicate transmission - no further payment made. |
621 |
Item not claimable electronically (internal message only) This reason code is used to reject services that are not permitted to be claimed via any electronic claiming method such as Bulk Bill EDI, HIC Online, Pharmacy Connectivity Incentive (PCI), PCS or DBS, Eclipse or Simplified Billing EDI. |
622 |
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) dropdown menu not claimable via EDI. |
623 |
PET items only claimable via direct bill. |
624 |
PET items - payee provider required. |
625 |
Payee provider not eligible to claim PET items. |
627 |
PDT statement NOT provided by the Service Officer. |
629 |
Initial PDT therapy item NOT present on patient history. |
633 |
Refer back to the specialist referring provider closed. |
634 |
Refer back to the specialist - servicing provider is closed. |
635 |
Late Lodgement not approved - Letter being sent separately. |
636 |
Benefit reduced - dental cap broken. |
637 |
No benefit payable - dental cap reached. |
638 |
Derived fee and other item cannot be claimed in-hospital. |
639 |
Provider not in an eligible area to claim this item. |
640 |
More than one base and derived item claimed. |
641 |
More than one base item claimed. |
642 |
Benefit paid for derived and other item claimed. |
643 |
Derived item assessed with other item on statement. |
700 |
Benefit cannot be determined for this service. |
701 |
Benefit cannot be determined due to complex assessing rules. |
702 |
Item restrictive with another item. |
703 |
Duplicate of item already quoted. |
704 |
Provider not permitted to claim this item. |
705 |
No associated pathology service. |
706 |
Provider not associated with a pathology laboratory. |
707 |
Pathology laboratory not registered at date of service. |
708 |
Item cannot be claimed from this pathology laboratory. |
709 |
Another assistant item should be claimed. |
710 |
Associated surgical items not present. |
711 |
Unable to determine associated surgery. |
712 |
Base item not present or in incorrect order. |
713 |
Radiotherapy fields greater than maximum allowable. |
714 |
Benefit not determined - number of time units not present. |
715 |
Number of time units exceeded maximum allowable. |
716 |
Service forms a composite item - composite item required. |
717 |
Benefit not payable on this service for a hospital patient. |
718 |
Provider location closed at date of service. |
719 |
Benefit cannot be calculated for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. |
720 |
Eligibility cannot be determined for this item. |
732 |
Referral period not valid for referring provider. |
812 |
Details of transferred Medicare assessment - underpayment. |
814** |
Details of transferred Medicare assessment - overpayment (internal message only). |
815** |
Overpayment of transferred benefit recorded. |
816 |
Details of revised Medicare assessment - underpayments involved. |
818 |
Details of revised Medicare assessment - overpayments involved. |
819** |
Partial overpayment of benefit recorded. |
821 |
No Change to original benefit - recorded for history purposes. |
831** |
Underpayment of less than $2.00 - no adjustment cheque issued. |
841** |
No change to Original Benefit - Record transferred for history purposes. |
851** |
Underpayment of less than $2.00 - Transferred - no cheque issued. |
861** |
Adjustment to Medicare benefit previously paid. |
881** |
Adjustment to transferred Medicare benefit previously paid. |
888 |
Details of previous Medicare assessment. |
889** |
Details of previous Medicare assessment (transferred). |
890 |
Details of suppressed unrelated service - HIC. |
891 |
Details of suppressed unrelated service - MOL. |
892 |
Details of suppressed unrelated service - Fraud. |
898 |
Details of previous Medicare assessment - Suppressed. |
980 |
Item line adjusted by system - patient contribution. |
999 |
Line has been reversed. |
LCR** |
Repay cancelled service. |
LOC** |
Service cancelled. |
LSC** |
Stale cheque written back. |
Left eye treated. |
Right eye treated. |
Pay benefit to surgeon for service of assistant. |
SUB** |
New referral period generated from subsequent con item. |
UCS** |
Unclaimed cheque cancelled - returned address indicator set. |
WOD** |
Overpayment written off - no recovery attempted. |
@ |
New card issued - quote this number on future claims. |
# |
Card used at time of service not old issue. |
% |
Card expired - future claims may be rejected. |
+ |
New card number used - claimant no longer on card used. |
Provider classification codes
Table 9: this table lists and describes provider classification codes.
Classification |
Description |
C01 |
Medical practitioner |
C02 |
Approved pathologist |
C04 |
Approved dentist |
C05 |
Optometrist |
C50 |
Dentist (extras) |
C51 |
Physiotherapist |
C53 |
Chiropodist/podiatrist |
C56 |
Chiropractor |
C64 |
Accredited orthodontist |
Claims history modifiers
Table 10: this table lists the modifiers that can be used at the end of control line NHOI or NHSI to shortcut to specific patient details.
Modifier |
Description |
History for patient. |
FROM/ddmmyy |
From date specified. |
TO/ddmmyy |
To date specified. |
FROM/ddmmyy,TO/ddmmyy |
History between specified periods. |
FROM/ddmmyy,TO/ddmmyy,item/nnnnn |
History of an item between specified periods. |
Sort date of service. |
SORT/DOS,PROV/nnnnnnnn |
Sort date of service for specified provider. |
History for pathology items. |
ITEM/nnnnn |
History for item number specified. |
ITEM/nnnnn-nnnnn |
History for items within range specified. |
PROV/nnnnnnnn |
History for provider specified. |
PROA/nnnnnnnn |
All practice locations for provider specified. |
DOP/ddmmyy |
History for the date of processing specified. |
DOL/ddmmyy |
History for the date of lodgement specified. |
Pended lines only. |
All Latter Day Adjustment (LDA) claims. |
LDA claims for bulk bill. |
LDA claims for patient claims. |
LDA claims for simplified billing. |
CLM/annnn |
Shows direct bill claim ID specified. |
Shows all direct bill. |
Shows all simplified billing claims. |
Shows home based claiming claims. |
Shows manual patient claims. |
Shows electronic patient claims. |
Used to upload a specified part of the MBS:
Shows account reference number on history. |
Psychiatric consultation paid for the year specified. |
Card number,IRN or name, DENT/ALL,SORT/DOS |
Shows card history for all dental services by date of service. |
Shows Personal Identification Number (PIN) history for all dental services by date of service. |
Medicare patient history PDOR, DOR and DOS modifiers
Table 11: this table lists and describes the three modifiers that have been created for history screens (NHOI and NHSI) to allow Service Officers to find claim items more easily.
Modifier |
Description |
PDOR/ddmmyy |
Use to show all pathology items processed for a specific patient episode by the Date of Request (DOR). For example, checking the coning rule was applied correctly for pathology services which were requested on a specific day, for a specific patient. |
DOR/ddmmyy |
Use to show all items that have the same Date of Request. This excludes referred specialist consultations. |
DOS/ddmmyy |
Use to show all items (pathology and non-pathology) by Date of Service (DOS) for a single day. |
Note: for a referred specialist consultation the modifier DOR/ddmmyy is used by the system to automatically pick the most recent referral DOR, there are many circumstances where referral dates are incorrectly entered on a patient claim, which are not necessarily the same as what the specialist has used or transmitted for the initial consultation.
Modifiers to use with other modifiers
For example, for the patient show all pathology records for the patient episode and sort by date of service (DOS) rather than by processing date: NHOI,1234567890,1,PDOR/150411,SORT/DOS.
Table 12: this table lists modifiers that can be used with other modifiers to locate claim items.
Modifier |
Description |
Shows history of adjusted services. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
CLM/annnn |
History for a bulk bill claim specific to the card number. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Bulk bill claims only. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Home Based Claiming. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Patient Claims - Manual. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Patient Claims - Online. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Simplified Billing. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
DOL/ddmmyy |
Date of lodgement. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
DOP/ddmmyy |
Date of processing. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
FROM/ddmmyy |
Services from the specified date of service. |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Medicare card reference number/sub-numerate of the required patient. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
ITEM/nnnnn |
Shows specified item. |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
ITEM/nnnnn-nnnnn |
Services for the specified item range. |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
name |
First name of the patient. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
PART/?? |
Items in specified part of Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Shows sorted date of service. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
TO/ddmmyy |
Services to the nominated date of service. |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Service Officer daily claims modifiers
RSMI,<operatorno>,<modifier(s)> Supervisor
Table 13: this table lists the modifiers that can be used to show claims processed by a Service Officer for the current day.
Modifier |
Description |
Medicare Patient claims. |
Private Health Incentive 30% rebate claims. |
CARD/ccccccccc |
Medicare Claims for a specific Medicare card number. |
FUND/aaa |
Rebate Claims for a specific Private Health Fund. |
POLICY/ppppppppppppppp |
Rebate Claims for a specific policy number. |
Medicare Claims with Payee codes 2. |
Medicare Claims with Payee codes 9, E. Rebate claims N/A |
Claims with the specified payee code. Valid payee codes are: H, P, R, O, 2, J, 9, E. |
BEN/nnnnnn |
Claims with Benefit amount equal to the specified amount. |
LESS/nnnnnn |
Claims with a Benefit amount less than the specified amount. |
MORE/nnnnnn |
Claims with a Benefit amount more than the specified amount |
FROM/hhmm |
From a particular time. |
TO/hhmm |
Up to a particular time. |