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Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (RHCA) eligibility for Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 011-44060000

This document explains details about eligibility under RHCA for Medicare and PBS.

This page contains information about RHCA eligibility for visitors to Australia and recording enrolment details on the CDMS for each country.

On this page:






New Zealand


Ireland (also known as Eire)



United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, or the Isle of Man)

Entitlement less than 3 months

Retirees - visa subclass 405 or 410

Defence force personnel (subclass 945) and medical visa holders (subclass 602)

Eligibility for Australian citizens under RHCA


Table 1




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from Belgium can enrol in Medicare and be issued with a Medicare card.

To be eligible for Medicare the customer must be insured in the Belgium health system, this also includes:

  • customer travelling on a student visa
  • Australian citizens that have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 3
  • is extending eligibility (no break in entitlement, go to Step 5
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 6
  • holds a retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, see Table13
  • is Defence Force personnel or holds a Medical visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from Belgium and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card, and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of visa).

Documents required:

Service Officers must:

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family members must have evidence of their diplomatic status, this will be noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following fields:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - Belgium
  • RHCA Country: Belgium
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Procedure ends here.


Register a customer for Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

Belgian and non-Belgian citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • evidence of valid insurance with the Belgian Health System, or
    • valid European Health Insurance card (EHIC) with the initials 'BE'

Service Officers must:

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (Belgium)
  • RHCA Country: Belgium
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival in Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: entitlement ends when the first of these expires:
    • Belgium Health Insurance Card
    • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), or
    • Visa
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

If the:

  • customer has applied for a permanent visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, customer for aged parent or contributory parent visas) the customer can be enrolled for a period of 5 years each time
  • customer has applied for a temporary visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, work visa) the customer can be enrolled for a 12 month period
  • entitlement end date is less than 3 months, see Table 12


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types Eligibility Document: See Eligibility documents for RHCA countries.


Extending eligibility to existing Medicare enrolment (no break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and requests an extension to eligibility, amend the group end date only where there is no break in entitlement. The customer must have:

  • not left the country
  • a new visa that was granted before the previous one expired, and
  • a valid:
    • European Health Insurance card (EHIC) with the initials 'BE', or
    • National Health Insurance card

The customer must provide a:

If a valid EHIC or National Health Insurance card is recorded in CDMS Documents, customers do not need to provide this again, unless the EHIC or National Health Insurance card has expired.

Service Officers must:


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement, the customer must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • confirmation that they still meet the RHCA criteria by holding a valid:
    • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'BE', or
    • Belgian National Health Insurance card

Service Officers must:

To add a new entitlement under the Entitlement tab - New/Additional Entitlement, see Step 3.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 4


Table 2




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from Finland can enrol in Medicare and are issued with a Medicare card.

To be eligible for Medicare the customers must have been residing in Finland before arriving in Australia. This also includes Australian citizens that have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside.

Customers travelling on a student visa are not eligible under the RHCA.

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 4
  • is extending their eligibility (no break in entitlement), go to Step 6
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 7
  • holds a retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, go to Table 13
  • is Defence Force personnel or holds a Medical visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from Finland and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of visa).

Documents required:

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family members must have evidence of diplomatic status, this will be noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

Service Officers must:

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following fields:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - Finland
  • RHCA Country: Finland
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Procedure ends here.


Determining residency + Read more ...

To determine if the customer was residing in Finland before arriving in Australia see the Medicare enrolment form (MS004):

  • Q16 - 'Previous country of residence before arriving in Australia'
  • Q17 - 'How long were you residing in that country'

If the information provided in Q16 and Q17 shows the customer did not live in Finland before arriving in Australia the customer must provide 2 residency documents.

Note: for Medicare purposes, a customer's country of residence is the country they have resided in for a period of 6 months or more before arriving in Australia. A Finnish citizen who was not a resident of Finland before arriving in Australia is not eligible.


Register a customer for Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

Finnish citizens must provide a:

Non-Finnish citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current non-Finnish passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • Sickness Insurance card issued by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution, or
    • valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'FI'

If a non-Finnish citizen cannot provide evidence of their health insurance they must provide 2 residency documents.

Service Officers must:

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (Finland)
  • RHCA Country: Finland
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival in Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: for Finnish citizens residing in Finland, entitlement ends when the visa expires. For non-Finnish citizens, entitlement ends when the first of these expires:
    • visa
    • sickness insurance card issued by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution, or
    • valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'FI'
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Note: if the:

  • customer has applied for a permanent visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, customer for aged parent or contributory parent visas) the customer can be enrolled for a period of 5 years each time
  • customer has applied for a temporary visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, work visa) the customer can be enrolled for a 12 month period
  • entitlement period is less than 3 months, go to Table 12


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types.


Extending eligibility to existing Medicare enrolment (no break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and requests an extension to their eligibility, amend the group end date only where there is no break in entitlement. The customer must have:

  • not left the country
  • a new visa that was granted before the previous one expired, and
  • a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) card with the initials 'FI' or Sickness Insurance card (for non-Finnish citizens only)

The customer must provide a:

If a valid EHIC or Sickness Insurance card is recorded in CDMS Documents, non-Finnish citizens do not need to provide this again, unless the EHIC or Sickness Insurance card has expired.

If the customer provided residency documents at the time of the initial enrolment, additional residency documents are not required to extend the customer's eligibility.

Service Officers must:


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement.

Finnish citizens must provide a:

If there is evidence that suggests the customer may not have resided in Finland before arriving in Australia, see Step 3.

Non-Finnish citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current non-Finnish passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • Sickness Insurance card issued by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution, or
    • valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'FI'

If non Finnish citizens cannot provide evidence of their health insurance they must provide 2 residency documents.

Service Officers must:

To add a new entitlement under the Entitlement tab - New/Additional Entitlement, see Step 4.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 5.


Table 3

Note: for details about the historical extension of RHCA entitlement for eligible citizens of Italy and Malta during COVID, see the Resources page.




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible Italian citizens can enrol in Medicare and are issued with a Medicare card. The entitlement period must not exceed 6 months.

To be eligible for Medicare the customer must be:

  • a citizen of Italy, and
  • eligible for services under the national health legislation of Italy on the date of entry to Australia, this includes:
    • customer travelling on a student visa
    • dual citizens (Australian/Italian) who have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside

An Italian citizen does not need to have been residing in Italy but must be an Italian citizen and meet the other RHCA conditions.

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 3
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 5
  • holds a retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, go to Table 13
  • is Defence Force personal or holds a Medical visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from Italy and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card, and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of visa).

Documents required:

Service Officers must:

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family member/s must have evidence of their diplomatic status, this will be noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - Italy
  • RHCA Country: Italy
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Procedure ends here.


Register a customer for Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

Italian citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004) or digital Medicare application
  • a current Italian passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • either of the following:
    • a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'IT' valid on date of arrival in Australia, or
    • an Italian health insurance card valid on date of arrival in Australia, or
    • a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration (must be completed in English and state they are eligible for medical and hospital services under the national health legislation of Italy on the date of arrival in Australia)

Service Officers must:

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (Italy)
  • RHCA Country: Italy
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: maximum of 6 months from each arrival date. Entitlement ends on the earliest of the following dates:
    • 6 months from the date of arrival in Australia, or
    • visa expiry date if earlier
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Note: if a statutory declaration is provided, the entitlement end date should be 6 months from the arrival date or the visa expiry date, whichever is earlier. If the entitlement period is less than 3 months, go to Table 12.

Service Officers can accept statutory declarations provided by Italian citizens under RHCA. The declaration must state they are eligible for medical and hospital services under the national health legislation of Italy. It is not necessary for them to state the validity date.

See the Resources page for a link to the Commonwealth statutory declaration.


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types Eligibility Document: see Eligibility documents for RHCA countries.


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement, the customer must provide:

  • a completed Medicare Enrolment form (MS004) or digital Medicare application
  • a current Italian passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • confirmation that they still meet the RHCA criteria by providing a:
    • valid EHIC with initials 'IT' valid on their initial entry to Australia, or
    • valid Italian health insurance card, which was valid on their initial entry to Australia, or
    • Commonwealth Statutory Declaration (must be completed in English and state the customer is eligible for medical and hospital services under the national health legislation of Italy on the date of arrival in Australia)

Service Officers must:

To add a new entitlement under the Entitlement tab - New/Additional Entitlement, see Step 3.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 4.


Eligibility beyond 6 months + Read more ...

Medicare eligibility cannot be extended beyond 6 months, unless the customer:

  • has left and re-entered Australia, and
  • provides evidence of meeting the eligibility criteria by having a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'IT' or valid Italian health insurance on date of entry to Australia, and
  • has a valid visa

An Italian citizen experiencing an episode of ill health must provide documentation. For example, correspondence from medical practitioners setting out the treatment the customer is undergoing and why the customer is unable to travel, where the:

  • course of treatment starts before the end of the 6 month eligibility period, and
  • treatment needs to continue after the 6 month period has ended

Service Officers must follow the Escalation Process for Medicare Eligibility.

Only the Department of Health and Aged Care makes the decision on the extension of these applications.


Table 4

Note: for details about the historical extension of RHCA entitlement for eligible citizens of Italy and Malta during COVID, see the Resources page.




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from Malta can enrol in Medicare and are issued with a Medicare card. The entitlement period must not exceed 6 months.

To be eligible for Medicare the customer must:

  • be a citizen of Malta, and
  • have been residing in Malta before arriving in Australia

This also includes dual citizens (Australian/Maltese) who have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside.

Customer travelling on a student visa are not eligible under RHCA.

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 4
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 6
  • holds are retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, see Table 13
  • is Defence Force personnel or holds a medical visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from Malta and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued with a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card, and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of the visa).

Documents required:

Services Officers must:

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family must have evidence of their diplomatic status, this will be noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - Malta
  • RHCA Country: Malta
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Procedure ends here.


Determining residency + Read more ...

To determine if the customer was residing in Malta before arriving in Australia refer to the Medicare enrolment MS004 form:

  • Q16 - Previous country of residence (before arriving in Australia)
  • Q17 - How long were you residing in that country

If the information provided in question 16 and 17 shows the customer did not live in Malta before arriving in Australia the customer must also provide 2 residency documents.

Note: for Medicare purposes, a customer's country of residence would be the country they have resided in for a period of 6 months or more before arriving in Australia. A Maltese citizen who was not a resident of Malta before arriving in Australia is not eligible under RHCA.


Register a customer for Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

Maltese citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a valid visa, and either:
    • a current Maltese passport
    • a current identity card issued under the Maltese Identity Card Act 1975, or
    • proof of being a dependant on someone else's Maltese passport or identity card

Non-Maltese citizens are not eligible under RHCA.

Service Officers must:

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (Malta)
  • RHCA Country: Malta
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: maximum of 6 months from each arrival date. Entitlement ends on:
    • 6 months from the date of arrival, or
    • visa expiry date if it is earlier
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

If the entitlement period is less than 3 months, go to Table 12.


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types Eligibility Document: See Eligibility documents for RHCA countries.


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement, the customer must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a valid visa, and either:
    • a current Maltese passport
    • a current identity card issued under the Maltese Identity Card Act 1975, or
    • proof of being a dependant on someone else's Maltese passport or identity card

Service Officers must:

To add a new entitlement under the Entitlement tab, see Step 4.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 5.


Eligibility beyond 6 months + Read more ...

Medicare eligibility cannot be extended beyond 6 months, unless the customer:

  • has left and re-entered Australia
  • has a valid visa, and
  • provides evidence of still meeting the RHCA Malta eligibility criteria. See Step 4


Table 5

Note: Netherlands citizens and non-citizens are referred to as ‘Dutch’ or ‘non-Dutch’ in this table.




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from the Netherlands can enrol in Medicare and are issued with a Medicare card.

To be eligible for Medicare the customer must be entitled to benefits according to the Netherlands Health Insurance Act, this includes:

  • customer travelling on a student visa, and
  • Australian citizens that have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 3
  • is extending eligibility (no break in entitlement), go to Step 5
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 6
  • holds a retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, see Table 13
  • is Defence Force personnel or holds a Medicare visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15

Note: as long as the customer is entitled to benefits according to the Netherlands Health Insurance Act, their country of residence before arriving in Australia does not matter.


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from the Netherlands and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued with a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of visa).

Documents required:

Service Officers must:

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family member/s must have evidence of their diplomatic status, this will be noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - Netherlands
  • RHCA Country: Netherlands
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Procedure ends here.


Register a customer for Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

Dutch and non-Dutch citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • evidence of valid 'basic' insurance under the Netherlands Health Insurance Act - Zorgverzekeringswet, or
    • valid European Health Insurance card (EHIC) with the initials 'NL'

Service Officers must:

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (Netherlands)
  • RHCA Country: Netherlands
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: entitlement ends when the first of these expires:
    • Visa
    • Netherlands health insurance, or
    • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
  • Entitlement End Reason: entitlement ceased

If the:

  • customer has applied for a permanent visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, customer for aged parent or contributory parent visas) the customer can be enrolled for a period of 5 years each time
  • customer has applied for a temporary visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, work visa) the customer can be enrolled for a 12 month period
  • entitlement end date is less than 3 months, see Table 12


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types Eligibility Document: see Eligibility documents for RHCA countries.


Extending eligibility to existing Medicare enrolment (no break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer previously had RHCA entitlement requests an extension to eligibility, amend the group end date only where there is no break in entitlement. The customer must have:

  • not left the country
  • a new visa granted before their previous one expired
  • one of the following:
    • a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'NL', or
    • Netherlands Health Insurance

The customer must provide a:

If a valid EHIC or Netherlands health insurance is recorded in CDMS Documents, customer do not need to provide this again, unless the EHIC or National Health Insurance has expired.

Service Officers must:


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement, the customer must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • evidence of valid 'basic' insurance under the Netherlands Health Insurance Act - Zorgverzekeringswet, or
    • valid European Health Insurance card (EHIC) with the initials 'NL'

Service Officers must:

To add a new entitlement under the Entitlement tab, see Step 3.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 4.

New Zealand

Table 6




Eligibility + Read more ...

To be eligible under the RHCA for Medicare, the customer must have been a New Zealand citizen or resident before arriving in Australia.

Eligible New Zealand visitors under RHCA are not enrolled in Medicare and are not issued with a Medicare card.

New Zealand residents who are not New Zealand citizens are also covered under the RHCA for the duration of their visit to Australia. New Zealand residents are not enrolled in Medicare and are not issued a Medicare card.

New Zealand citizens are only eligible to enrol in Medicare if they:

  • intend to reside in Australia
  • are in Australia for 6 or more months
  • are traveling frequently in and out of Australia and spend more than 6 out of 12 months in Australia
  • are a:
    • diplomat who is in Australia for 6 or more months, or
    • student who is in Australia for 6 or more months

For more details, see New Zealand citizens' eligibility for Medicare.


Services covered + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from New Zealand have access to the following services for the length of their stay in Australia:

  • medically necessary care as a public patient in a public hospital (including inpatient and outpatient services), and
  • some PBS prescription medicines


Documents required to get treatment at a public hospital or pharmacy + Read more ...

If treatment is required, the following documents are sufficient to provide to the public hospital or pharmacy:

  • New Zealand citizens:
    • current New Zealand passport
  • Non-New Zealand citizens:
    • current passport or current certificate of identity endorsed to the effect that the holder is entitled to be in New Zealand indefinitely, or
    • current refugee travel document granted by the Government of New Zealand


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from New Zealand and their family get the same entitlement to Medicare as a non-diplomatic New Zealand citizen if they are in Australia for less than 6 months:

  • Medically necessary care as a public patient in a public hospital (including inpatient and outpatient services), and
  • Some PBS prescription medicines at the general rate
  • They are not enrolled in Medicare and are not issued Medicare cards

Diplomats from New Zealand and their family who are in Australia for more than 6 months may be eligible to enrol in Medicare. See Medicare eligibility for New Zealand citizens.


Students eligibility + Read more ...

Students from New Zealand who are in Australia for longer than 6 months may be eligible to enrol in Medicare, see Medicare eligibility for New Zealand citizens.


Table 7




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from Norway can enrol in Medicare and are issued with a Medicare card.

To be eligible for Medicare the customer must have been residing in Norway before arriving in Australia and a member of the Norwegian Insurance Scheme.

This includes Australian citizens that have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside.

Customers from Norway travelling on a student visa are not eligible under the RHCA.

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 4
  • is extending their eligibility (no break in entitlement), go to Step 6
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 7
  • holds a retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, see Table 13
  • is Defence Force personnel or holds a Medical visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Norwegian diplomats and their family are not eligible under RHCA.

Procedure ends here.


Determining residency + Read more ...

To determine if the customer was residing in Norway before arriving in Australia, refer to the Medicare enrolment (MS004) form:

  • Q16 - Previous country of residence (before arriving in Australia)
  • Q17 - How long were you residing in that country

Note: for Medicare purposes, a customer's country of residence would be the country they have resided in for a period of 6 months or more before arriving in Australia. A Norwegian citizen who was not a resident of Norway before arriving in Australia is not eligible.


Register a customer for Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

Norwegian and non-Norwegian citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following, a:
    • document establishing that the customer is a member of the Norwegian Insurance Scheme, or
    • valid European Health Insurance card (EHIC) with the initials 'NO'

Service Officers must:

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (Norway)
  • RHCA Country: Norway
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: entitlement ends when the first of these expires:
    • Norwegian National Health Insurance
    • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), or
    • Visa
  • Entitlement End Reason: entitlement ceased

If the:

  • customer has applied for a permanent visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, customer for aged parent or contributory parent visas) the customer can be enrolled for a period of 5 years each time
  • customer has applied for a temporary visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, work visa) the customer can be enrolled for a 12 month period
  • entitlement period is less than 3 months, go to Table 12


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types: Eligibility Document: see Eligibility documents for RHCA countries.


Extending eligibility to existing Medicare enrolment (no break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and requests an extension of eligibility, amend the group end date only where there is no break in entitlement, that is the customer must have:

  • not left the country
  • a new visa granted before their previous one expired
  • one of the following:
    • a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'NO', or
    • Norwegian National Health Insurance

The customer must provide a:

If a valid EHIC or National Health Insurance is recorded in CDMS Documents, customers do not need to provide this again unless the EHIC or health insurance has expired.

Service Officers must:


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement, the customer must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following, a:
    • document establishing that the customer is a member of the Norwegian Insurance Scheme, or
    • valid European Health Insurance card (EHIC) with the initials 'NO'

Service Officers must:

To add new entitlement under the Entitlement tab, see Step 4.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 5.

Ireland (also known as Eire)

Table 8




Eligibility + Read more ...

  • To be eligible for Medicare, the customer must have been a resident of Ireland before arriving in Australia
  • Eligible visitors from Ireland are not enrolled in Medicare and are not issued with a Medicare card
  • Customers from Ireland travelling on a student visa are not eligible under the RHCA
  • If the customer is an Irish diplomat, go to Step 2


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from Ireland and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of visa).

Documents required:

Service Officers must:

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family member/s must have evidence of their diplomatic status, this will be noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - Ireland
  • RHCA Country: Ireland
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Procedure ends here.


Services covered + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from Ireland have access to the following services for the length of their stay in Australia:

  • medically necessary care as a public patient in a public hospital (including inpatient and outpatient services), and
  • some PBS prescription medicines


Documents required to get treatment at a public hospital or pharmacy + Read more ...

If treatment is required, the following documents are sufficient to provide to the public hospital or pharmacy:

  • Irish citizens:
    • current Irish (EIRE) passport
  • Non-Irish citizens:
    • current passport
    • valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'IE'


Table 9




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from Slovenia can enrol in Medicare and are issued with a Medicare card.

To be eligible for Medicare the customer must be insured in the Slovenian health system. This includes:

  • Customers travelling on a student visa
  • Australian citizens that have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 3
  • is extending eligibility (no break in entitlement), go to Step 5
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 6
  • holds a retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, see Table 12
  • is Defence Force personnel or holds a Medical visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from Slovenia and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued with a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of visa).

Documents required:

Service Officers must:

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family member/s must have evidence of their diplomatic status, this is noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - Slovenia
  • RHCA Country: Slovenia
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Procedure ends here.


Register a customer for Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

Slovenian and non-Slovenian citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • evidence of valid compulsory insurance with the Republic of Slovenia, or
    • valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'SI'

Service Officers must:

entitlement end date is less than 3 months, see Table 12

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (Slovenia)
  • RHCA Country: Slovenia
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: entitlement ends when the first of these expires:
    • Slovenian Health Insurance Card
    • European Health Insurance card (EHIC), or
    • Visa
  • Entitlement End Reason: entitlement ceased

If the:

  • customer has applied for a permanent visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, customer for aged parent or contributory parent visas) the customer can be enrolled for a period of 5 years each time
  • customer has applied for a temporary visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, work visa) the customer can be enrolled for a 12 month period
  • entitlement end date is less than 3 months, see Table 12


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types: Eligibility Document: see Eligibility documents for RHCA countries.


Extending eligibility to existing Medicare enrolment (no break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer previously had RHCA entitlement and request to extend their eligibility, amend the group end date only where there is no break in entitlement. The customer must have:

  • not left the country
  • a new visa granted before the previous one expired
  • one of the following:
    • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with initials 'SI', or
    • Slovenian National Health Insurance

The customer must provide a:

If a valid EHIC or Health Insurance card is recorded in CDMS Documents, customers do not need to provide this again unless the EHIC or health insurance has expired.

Service Officers must:


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement, the customer must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • evidence of valid compulsory insurance with the Republic of Slovenia, or
    • a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'SI'

Service Officers must:

To add new entitlement under the Entitlement tab, see Step 3.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 4.


Table 10




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from Sweden can enrol in Medicare and are issued with a Medicare card.

To be eligible for Medicare the customer must have been residing in Sweden before arriving in Australia. This includes:

  • customers traveling on a student visa, and
  • Australian citizens that have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 4
  • is extending their eligibility (no break in entitlement), go to Step 6
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 7
  • holds a retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, see Table 13
  • is Defence Force personnel or holds a Medical visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from Sweden and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of visa).

Documents required:

Service Officers must:

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family member/s must have evidence of their diplomatic status, this will be noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - Sweden
  • RHCA Country: Sweden
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Procedure ends here.


Determining residency + Read more ...

To determine if the customer was residing in Sweden before arriving in Australia refer to the Medicare enrolment form (MS004):

  • Q16 - Previous country of residence (before arriving in Australia)
  • Q17 - How long were you residing in that country

If the information provided in Q16 and Q17 shows the customer did not live in Sweden before arriving in Australia they must also provide 2 residency documents.

Note: for Medicare purposes, a customer’s country of residence would be the country they have resided in for a period of 6 months or more before arriving in Australia. A Swedish citizen who was not a resident of Sweden before arriving in Australia is not eligible.


Register a customer in Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

Swedish citizens must provide a:

Non-Swedish citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current non-Swedish passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • health insurance certificate issued by the Swedish Social Insurance office, or
    • a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'SE'

If the non-Swedish citizen cannot give the agency evidence of their health insurance they must provide 2 residency documents.

Service Officers must:

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (Sweden)
  • RHCA Country: Sweden
  • Entitlement Start date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End date: for Swedish citizens residing in Sweden, entitlement ends when the visa expires. For non-Swedish citizens, entitlement ends when the first of these expires:
    • health insurance certificate issued by the Swedish Social Insurance office
    • valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'SE'
    • visa
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

If the:

  • customer has applied for a permanent visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, customer for aged parent or contributory parent visas) the customer can be enrolled for a period of 5 years each time
  • customer has applied for a temporary visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, work visa) the customer can be enrolled for a 12 month period
  • entitlement end date is less than 3 months, go to Table 12


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types:


Extending eligibility to existing Medicare enrolment (no break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer previously had RHCA entitlement and requests an extension to eligibility, amend the group end date only where there is no break in entitlement. The customer must have:

  • not left the country
  • a new visa was granted before their previous one expired, and
  • a valid EHIC or National Health Insurance (for non-Swedish citizens only)

If a valid EHIC or National Health Insurance is recorded in CDMS Documents, non-Swedish citizens do not need to provide this again unless the EHIC or insurance has expired.

The customer must provide a:

Service Officers must:

If the customer provided residency documents at the time of the initial enrolment, additional residency documents are not needed to extend the customer’s eligibility.


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer has previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement, the customer must provide a:

Swedish citizens

  • completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • current Swedish passport, and
  • valid visa

If there is evidence that suggests the customer may not have resided in Sweden before arriving in Australia, see Step 3.

Non-Swedish citizens

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current non-Swedish passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • one of the following:
    • health insurance certificate issued by the Swedish Social Insurance office, or
    • valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'SE'

If non-Swedish citizens cannot give the agency evidence of their health insurance they must provide 2 residency documents.

Service Officers must:

To add a new entitlement under the Entitlement tab - New/Additional Entitlement, see Step 4.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 5.

United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, or the Isle of Man)

Table 11




Eligibility + Read more ...

Eligible visitors from the United Kingdom (UK) can enrol in Medicare and are issued with a Medicare card.

To be eligible for Medicare the customer must be ordinarily resident in the UK before arriving in Australia. This includes:

  • customers travelling on a student visa
  • Australian citizens that have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more and are not returning to Australia to reside
  • British defence force personnel (visa subclass 945). See Table 14

If the customer:

  • is a diplomat, go to Step 2
  • is enrolling for the first time, go to Step 4
  • is extending their eligibility (no break in entitlement), go to Step 6
  • is re-enrolling (break in entitlement), go to Step 8
  • was enrolled before the Policy change on 1 September 2022, go to Step 7
  • holds a retiree visa subclass 405 or 410, see Table 13
  • is Defence Force personnel or holds a Medical visa subclass 602, see Table 14
  • is an Australian citizen, see Table 15


Diplomats eligibility + Read more ...

Diplomats from the UK and their family are eligible for full Medicare cover and are issued with a green Medicare card for the length of the visa. The system automatically issues a green Medicare card, and an entitlement end date must be added (expiry date of visa).

Documents required:

Service Officers must:

For a diplomatic Medicare enrolment, key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: Diplomat - United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
  • RHCA Country: United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Note: the diplomat and accompanying family member/s must have evidence of their diplomatic status, this will be noted on (either or both) their passport and/or visa.

Procedure ends here.


Determining residency + Read more ...

To determine if the customer was residing in the UK before arriving in Australia refer to Medicare enrolment form (MS004):

  • Q16 - Previous country of residence (before arriving in Australia)
  • Q17 - How long were you residing in that country

Note: for Medicare purposes, a customer’s country of residence would be the country they have resided in for a period of 6 months or more before arriving in Australia. A UK citizen who was not a resident of the UK before arriving in Australia is not eligible.


Register a customer for Medicare (not previously enrolled in Medicare) + Read more ...

British and non-British citizens must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004) or digital Medicare application
  • a current British or non-British passport
  • a valid visa, and
  • evidence of residency of UK, Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man through one of the following documents:
    • a valid UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), or
    • a European Health Insurance card with the initials UK, or
    • a National Health Insurance card if they are from the Isle of Man, or
    • a Health Service card if they are from Northern Ireland, or
    • a Health card from the Health and Social Services department of the States of Jersey, or
    • proof of insurance from the Guernsey State Insurance Authority, or
    • other proof that they are a resident of Guernsey

If the British or non-British citizen cannot provide evidence from the above list, they must provide 2 residency documents from the UK.

Service Officers must:

Key the following:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (United Kingdom and Northern Ireland)
  • RHCA Country: United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
  • Entitlement Start date: date of arrival into Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: entitlement ceased


  • if proof of health insurance has been provided as evidence of residency use visa expiry date as the entitlement end date
  • if residency documents have been provided as evidence of residency use visa expiry date as the entitlement end date
  • if the customer has applied for a permanent visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, customer for aged parent or contributory parent visas) the customer can be enrolled for a period of 5 years each time
  • if the customer has applied for a temporary visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, work visa) the customer can be enrolled for a 12 month period
  • if the entitlement period is less than 3 months, go to Table 12


Recording eligibility documents in CDMS + Read more ...

For a new Medicare enrolment, eligibility documents must be added in CDMS, under Document Types:


Extending eligibility to existing Medicare enrolment (no break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer previously had RHCA entitlement and requests an extension to eligibility, amend the group end date, only where there is no break in entitlement. The customer must have:

  • not left the country, and
  • a new visa granted before the previous one expired

The customer must provide a:

If proof of residency (proof of health insurance, residency documents) is recorded in CDMS Documents, customer do not need to provide this again. Customers can be enrolled for the length of their visa.

Service Officers must:

Note: if enrolled before the policy change 1 September 2022, go to Step 7.


Extending eligibility to existing Medicare customer enrolled before Policy change on 1 September 2022 + Read more ...

Some UK visitors are in Australia on long term visas. If the customer was enrolled in Medicare before 1 September 2022, they did not need to provide proof of residency. The entitlement end date can be amended if they have a valid visa.

The customer must provide a:

Proof of residency documents will not be recorded in CDMS Documents. Do not ask the customer to supply proof of residency documents if they were enrolled before 1 September 2022.

Service Officers must:


  • the customer can be enrolled for the length of their visa
  • if the customer has applied for a permanent visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, customer for aged parent or contributory parent visas) the customer can be enrolled for a period of 5 years each time.
  • if the customer has applied for a temporary visa and is in Australia on a bridging visa without an end date (for example, work visa) the customer can be enrolled for a 12 month period


Re-enrolling in Medicare (break in entitlement) + Read more ...

If the customer previously had RHCA entitlement and there has been a break in entitlement, the customer must provide a:

  • completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004) or digital Medicare application
  • current passport
  • valid visa, and one of the following:
    • a valid Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), or
    • a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the initials 'UK'
    • a National Health Insurance Medical card (Isle of Man)
    • a Health Service card (Northern Ireland)
    • a Health card from the Health and Social Services department of the States of Jersey
    • proof of Insurance issued by the Guernsey States Insurance Authority
    • other proof that they are a resident of Guernsey

If the customer cannot provide evidence of their health insurance, they must provide 2 residency documents from the UK.

Service Officers must:

To add a new entitlement under the Entitlement tab, see Step 4.

All eligibility documents must be recorded under Documents, see Step 5.

Entitlement less than 3 months

Table 12




When a customer's entitlement is less than 3 months + Read more ...

If the customer's entitlement is less than 3 months, the Production Control check box must be selected in CDMS which will prepopulate the address. This prevents a Medicare card from being produced, but still allows the customer to make a claim.

See Register a customer for Medicare in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS).

Attempt to call the customer once to tell them their Medicare card number. If unsuccessful send Your Medicare card details letter (Z2590).

Retirees - visa subclass 405 or 410

Table 13




Holders of the following visas are not eligible for Medicare under a RHCA + Read more ...

  • Investor Retirement visa subclass 405, or
  • Retiree visa subclass 410 issued after 1 December 1998, or
  • Retiree visa subclass 410 issued before 1 December 1998 where the customer opted for Medicare levy exemption in lieu of eligibility under a RHCA (this arrangement is outlined under a Ministerial Order)

Note: the pre 1 December 1998 arrangements for holders of visa subclass 410 only apply if the RHCA was in force at that time. See Ministerial orders and Medicare eligibility.


Customers that hold a retiree visa 405 or 410 may be eligible under a RHCA if one of the following applies, customer has lodged an application for permanent residency under the :

  • Aged Parent category, visa subclass 103 or 804. The parent visa application supersedes the existing visa subclass, however, they would still need to meet the eligibility criteria under the specific RHCA
  • Contributory Parent visa, see Ministerial orders and Medicare eligibility

Procedure ends here.

Defence force personnel (subclass 945) and medical visa holders (subclass 602)

Table 14




Defence force personnel + Read more ...

Medical expenses for foreign defence force personnel residing in Australia are covered by their defence force. However, the customer can enrol in Medicare together with their spouse and dependants if they are from a country that has a RHCA with Australia. The customer is then covered under Medicare for medically necessary treatment dependent on the RHCA that applies.

British defence force personnel

British defence force personnel and their dependants on exchange transfer with Australian defence services are eligible for enrolment in Medicare under RHCA.

British defence force personnel must provide the following documents, a:

  • completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • current UK passport for each person
  • VEVO confirming visa 945, and
  • letter from the British High Commission

Entitlement to Medicare:

  • Entitlement Type: RHCA (United Kingdom and Northern Ireland)
  • RHCA Country: United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
  • Start Date: date of arrival in Australia
  • End Date: visa expiry date
  • Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased

Note: if the customer does not provide a VEVO, Service Officers must check VEVO to confirm visa subclass 945.

See Register a customer for Medicare in the CDMS.


Medical visa (subclass 602) + Read more ...

Visa issued outside Australia

A person entering Australia with a Medical Treatment visa subclass 602 who is a resident from an RHCA country can enrol in Medicare but is not entitled to claim benefits for treatment related to the medical condition for which the visa was issued.

Visa issued in Australia

If a person residing in Australia is issued with a medical visa (commonly subclass 602) and are from a RHCA country, the customer remains eligible for Medicare enrolment. There is no restriction to benefits as they are generally elderly and too ill to return to their home country. To enrol, a current passport and valid visa is required.

Action required by Service Officers

If it is identified that a customer holds a medical visa, tell the customer they will be asked when lodging claims to:

  • produce a letter from a doctor stating the reason for seeking medical treatment, or
  • provide other evidence of the condition they are seeking treatment for

Give this advice to the customer at the time of enrolment.

Service Officers must key the details of the medical condition relating to the issue of the visa in the Comments field on CDMS.

Eligibility for Australian citizens under RHCA

Table 15




Eligibility + Read more ...

Australian citizens are eligible to be enrolled under RHCA, if they:

  • have been residing outside of Australia for 5 years or more
  • have been residing in a RHCA country, and
  • are visiting Australia

Customers s must provide:

  • a completed Medicare enrolment form (MS004)
  • a current passport, and
  • proof of valid health insurance (if required, see RHCA country details)

Australian citizens who are travelling on an Australian passport are not issued with a visa.

Service Officers must:

  • verify identity documents in DVS
  • confirm the customer’s initial departure date from Australia, and
  • amend entitlement details in CDMS

Note: the customers initial departure date from Australia can be confirmed from Q16 and Q17 on the MS004 or may be recorded in Personal comments.


Updating existing entitlement in CDMS + Read more ...

Amend existing entitlement details, under Eligibility Status:

  • Select Eligibility Status
  • Select Amend Option tab
  • Entitlement End Date: the date should be 5 years from the date the customer left Australia to reside overseas Entitlement End Reason: Entitlement ceased
  • Select Validate and Update


Add new RHCA entitlement + Read more ...

If only one person on a family Medicare card is changing their entitlement type to RHCA, they must be transferred to a Medicare card of their own.

Under New/Additional Entitlement:

  • Entitlement type: select relevant RHCA country from the dropdown menu
  • RHCA country: select relevant country from the dropdown menu
  • Entitlement Start Date: date of arrival in Australia
  • Entitlement End Date: departure date from the MS004 (must not exceed 6 months)
  • Entitlement End Reason: select Entitlement Ceased from the dropdown list
  • select Validate
  • select Documents
  • add all the eligibility documents provided
  • select Return
  • Validate and Update
  • add Group comment: 'Australian citizen/s residing in RHCA country'
  • Validate and Update

Note: Australian citizens travelling on an Australian passport may not be able to provide proof of health insurance or European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). In this situation, 2 residency documents from the RHCA country must be provided.