Change legal name on Medicare record 011-44110010
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
This is a Family and domestic violence interaction point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
This document outlines information on how to change a name on a Medicare record in the CDMS.
Family and domestic violence
Services Australia plays a critical role in providing support to people with family and domestic violence concerns. The agency gives access to the services and support they may need. Family and domestic violence can pose a serious risk to the safety and wellbeing of our customers. It is important to discuss all options with the customer.
Change of name requested verbally
When a customer requests to change their name, discuss the reason for their request. This can indicate other changes in the customer's circumstances (for example, a new partner or recently separated). If the reason is a separation, see Family and domestic violence and follow the Family and Domestic Violence Support Model process.
Service Officers must:
- check to make sure records are updated correctly especially when there is an indication of a change of circumstances
- consider if the customer has requested to move to another card. Process this request before actioning the change of name (or change of address). See Copy or transfer a person or child to another Medicare card for the copy/transfer process
- discuss with the customer if updates are required to the Family Medicare Safety Nets registration
- make sure address, bank, and contact details are up to date
Note: Service Officers cannot action copy/transfers over the phone. Before actioning the copy/transfer request, the customer will need to:
- complete the Application to copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another form (MS011), and
- supply supporting documentation
Acceptable documents to change a Legal name
Customers can change their legal name:
- by calling Services Australia
- emailing or mailing the request and supporting documents, or
- in a service centre
If a customer has changed their legal name, they must provide one original and unaltered supporting document. This is to comply with the National Identity Proofing Guidelines and aligning Services Australia's programs The Process page contains details on:
- acceptable documents
- change of name overseas for Australian visa holders who do not have Australian citizenship, who return to Australia and ask to change their legal name
- how to process a change of legal name
Recording names in Medicare
A change of name might accompany a change of gender. See Change of gender for Medicare enrolments for more details. Service Officers must manage these enquiries with sensitivity.
At Group, the name recorded can be the:
- person's legal name, or
- preferred name
To record a preferred name at Group, Services Australia requires evidence that the person is known by that name. The Process page contains more details.
At Personal the legal name must be recorded. To change a person's legal name, supporting documents must be provided.
When a name change at Personal occurs, the name must also be changed at Group and a new Medicare card issued.
A customer does not need:
- to re-supply documentation if their name was previously changed at Personal and not at Group. This is enough to allow a name to be amended at Group
- supporting evidence if they request to change their married legal name back to their birth or maiden, and this name was recorded as a previous name in CDMS
Note: where a person has more than one recorded name, for example, a previous name, an arrow will show before the family name in CDMS.
Child under 15 years of age
A child under 15 years of age must be known by their legal name at Group and Personal. If a newborn has a long name, shortening of the name can occur to enable enrolment on the family Medicare card. This must only be made at Group; the legal name of the child is still recorded at Personal. The Process page contains more information.
Note: the exception is where a child is under 15 years of age and is undergoing a change of gender. The child's name can be updated in Group. Documentary evidence that the person is known by that name is required. The Process page contains more information.
Adopted child
If eligible for Medicare and pre-adoption, the child may be:
- Enrolled on their own Medicare card under their legal or given name. This name is provided by the Australian Government agency:
- by Court Order, or
- in writing on the agency's letterhead
Note: this name is held at personal in CDMS
- Known by the name of the adoptive parents at Group. The Australian Government agency or accredited non-government organisation is the group contact
Long name enrolments
Where a person has a long legal name, they would usually be on their own Medicare card. Medicare does allow shortening of names. This makes sure all family members are on the same card.
A name is considered long when any of the following applies:
- the last name has more than 18 characters
- the first given name has more than 12 characters, or
- the first name, initial and family are more than 25 characters in total (includes spaces)
For a long name enrolment record, it is not possible to:
- add another person
- transfer or copy another person
- transfer or copy to another enrolment
There are 2 options for long names:
- enrol them on a Medicare card of their own, or
- shorten their name so they can be added to the family Medicare card
Service Officers must discuss the options with the customer and ask what they would prefer.
Note: if the customer has a hyphenated name and wants to remove one of the names, this is considered a name change. For this change, they must provide supporting documents. See Acceptable documents to change a legal name.
If the customer wants to shorten their name, it must only be done at Group. The legal name is still recorded at Personal. The Process page contains details on processing short and long names.
Updating a long name enrolment
A long name enrolment must be updated when:
- created incorrectly, or
- the group contact has had a name change and the long name record is no longer needed
After updating a long name record, and it is no longer considered a long name, it is then possible to:
- add another person
- transfer or copy another person
- transfer or copy the person to another enrolment
Only name enrolments
An 'only name' enrolment is where the customer has one name only. There is no last name and first name. The Process page contains more details.
Married name
Where a person marries, they can choose to:
- take on their spouse’s family name, or
- both partners can hyphenate their family names
To change a legal name, each partner must make their own application, and provide supporting documents. See Acceptable documents to change a legal name.
Minor or major variations in name
Minor name variations
A minor variation does not change the basis of a person's details. It corrects minor spelling errors that may occur in the normal course of a Service Officer's duties. It is acceptable to update a minor variation of a name without documentation. Services Australia has an obligation to make sure the personal information it holds about customers is up-to-date and accurate.
- Marie should be Maree
- Brown should be Browne
- Cook should be Cooke
- Ashlee should be Ashlie
Major name variations
Where the change is a major variation to their recorded legal name, customers must provide supporting documentation to verify the required changes. (These documents do not include situations where a customer is changing their legal name).
- change the spelling of a name
- change hyphenated names to non-hyphenated and vice versa
- moving a name from first name field to middle name field
- customers first name keyed in the Surname field, and surname keyed in the First Name field
- removing or adding a middle initial or middle name
Customers can do a major variation to recorded legal name:
- by calling the agency
- by emailing or mailing the request and supporting documents, or
- in a service centre
The Process page contains more information. See Escalation process for Medicare Eligibility for additional information to help.
Application for transfers or copy that include a name change
When a customer requests a copy/transfer and a change of name, customer privacy must be considered. Service Officers must action the request in the following order:
- copy/transfer
- update the customers change of name (customers must provide documentation to change their name)
- order a new Medicare card
Note: Service Officers cannot action copy/transfers over the phone. Before actioning the copy/transfer request, the customer will need to:
- complete the Application to copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another form (MS011), and
- supply supporting documentation
Document verification
Service Officers must verify identification documents in the Medicare Document Verification Service (DVS) Portal.
See Identity verification for Medicare enrolments, re-enrolments and extensions in the Medicare Document Verification Service (DVS) Portal for more details.
The Resources page contains links to contact details and letters.
Related links
Amend a person's Medicare enrolment details
Change of gender for Medicare enrolments
Amend address in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare
Copy or transfer a person or child to another Medicare card
Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency
System functionality of the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) for Medicare
Medicare identity documents A to Z