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Incentive Allowance (IA) overseas absences 061-01070010

This document outlines information about qualification and payment of IA during overseas absences.

Coding requirements for IA customer going overseas




IA customer going overseas + Read more ...

Centrelink IA customer tell the agency they are going overseas.

Run the Portability Script - Departures and Returns in Customer Record.

Use the script when available.

Is the script working?


Departure interview + Read more ...

Can the interview be delayed?

  • Yes,
    • Book an appointment to be completed by the customer's local service centre
    • Make sure customer contact details are correct
    • Record details on a DOC
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


Ask customer for details of their travel + Read more

Is customer leaving Australia to live in another country?

  • Yes, IA will cancel automatically on departure when the permanent absence is coded for the primary payment, go to Step 4
  • No, go to Step 6


Customer leaving Australia to live in another country + Read more

Stop the customer's payment from date of departure. Explain the decision to the customer then:

  • Record all details of the interview in a DOC including any contact details outside Australia
  • Tell the customer if they ever decide to return to Australia they would have to claim a different payment
  • Give the customer the contact details for Centrelink International Services (CIS), see Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for customers

Check if the customer has any further queries and, if not, end the interview.

  • Issue a Pre Departure Interview - Portability Decision (XOB101) letter if requested


Recording the departure to live in another country + Read more

  • Record the change of address on Address Details (AD) screen if the customer has provided new address details. Note: it is not mandatory for the customer to provide an address outside Australia
  • Record the overseas telephone number and/or email address if available
  • Update the travel. In:
  • Update the Country of Residence (CRES) screen
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check payment will cease from the date of departure for a residence related reason
  • Finalise the activity. Do not suppress the auto advice

Procedure ends here.


Employment ceasing + Read more

Is the customer's employment severed because of going overseas?


Not returning to employment + Read more

Does the customer intend to return to Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) employment?


Manual action + Read more

Tell the customer of the portability decision then:

  • Ask the customer if they have a contact address or phone number while outside Australia. If they do, check if they want their mail to go to their overseas address or continue to their normal Australian address. Note: make sure the customer is aware payments may be delayed if any forms are not returned
  • Ask the customer if they wish to nominate an agent to act on their behalf while they are overseas. If so, record the details in a DOC
  • Check if the customer has income, for example earnings, or is a 2WE reporter. If yes, see Recording and correcting employment income details
  • Check the Future Activity List (FAL) screen for any reviews due before the expected date of return. Action and finalise if possible, or tell the customer they must reply to any Centrelink mail while they are overseas
  • Record all details of the decision on a DOC
  • Tell the customer about the continuation of payment on their return to Australia or to contact Services Australia if their plans change or they are delayed overseas
  • Tell the customer of the contact details for CIS for contact with Centrelink while overseas, see Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for customers
  • Issue the customer with a Pre Departure Interview - Portability Decision (XOB101) letter if requested


Code overseas absence + Read more