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Coding specialist portability assessments for Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff 061-17101900

This document outlines information which helps Service Officers in Centrelink International Services (CIS) code assessments and issue arrears when the decision has been made to approve exceptions to general portability rules. This document does not provide information to assist with making portability decisions.

Approved temporary absence portability reasons

Some payments are only payable outside Australia for limited specific reasons and limited to a maximum approved period. Approval of portability for these payments is restricted to specialised officers in CIS.

These approved temporary absence reasons are:

  • acute family crisis (AFC)
  • humanitarian reasons (HUM)
  • eligible medical treatment (MED)

This document provides the coding required when a decision has been made to grant portability under the approved temporary absence provisions.

For information about approved temporary absence decision-making, refer to Restricted portability approval procedure for Centrelink International Services Staff.

Required duration absence portability reasons

Some payments are only payable outside Australia for limited specific reasons but may be paid for as long as the circumstances require.

These required duration absence reasons are:

  • Australian Defence Force Reserve training camp (MIL)
  • overseas full-time study (OFS)

Note: this document does not cover the coding requirements where a person has been approved portability for overseas full-time study. Refer to Student studying outside Australia.

This document provides the coding required when a decision has been made to grant portability due to travel for an Australia Defence Force Reserve training camp. Approval of portability for MIL portability is restricted to specialised staff in CIS.

For information about MIL decision-making, refer to Restricted portability approval procedure for Centrelink International Services Staff.

Discretionary portability extension due to unforeseen circumstances

Most payments that are payable outside Australia have a limited portability period. These payments may be extended where a person is prevented from returning due to:

  • a serious accident involving the person or a family member of the person
  • an illness of the person, or a family member of the person, which is serious
  • the hospitalisation of the person or a family member of the person
  • the death of a family member of the person
  • the person's involvement in custody proceedings in the country in which the person is located
  • a legal requirement for the person to remain outside Australia in connection with criminal proceedings (other than criminal proceedings in respect of a crime alleged to have been committed by the person)
  • robbery or serious crime committed against the person or a family member of the person
  • a natural disaster in the country in which the person is located
  • political or social unrest in the country in which the person is located
  • industrial action in the country in which the person is located, or
  • a war in the country in which the person is located

Approval of portability for these payments is restricted to the International Disability Officers (IDOs) in CIS. This document provides the coding required when a decision has been made to grant portability under the discretionary portability extension provisions.

For information about discretionary portability extension decision-making, refer to Discretion to extend portability period.

Discretionary portability extension - Defence personnel or peacekeepers

Family assistance payment may be extended up to 3 years if the recipient is:

  • a member of the Defence Forces who is deployed overseas
  • a member or special member of the Australian Federal Police deployed overseas for peacekeeping or capacity building purposes, or
  • a protective services officer under the Australian Federal Police Act deployed overseas for peacekeeping or capacity building purposes

Approval of portability for these payments is restricted to the IDOs in CIS. This document provides the coding required when a decision has been made to grant portability under the discretionary portability extension provisions.

For information about discretionary portability extension decision-making, refer to Discretion to extend portability period.

Discretionary portability extension - Medical Treatment Overseas Program

Where a person has been approved financial assistance under the Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP), most payments may be paid for the duration of the absence for:

  • a customer or child who is receiving financial assistance under the MTOP to receive medical treatment
  • a customer or child who is receiving financial assistance under the MTOP to accompany such a person

Approval of portability for these payments is restricted to International Disability Officers in CIS. This document provides the coding required when a decision has been made to grant portability under the discretionary portability extension provisions.

For information about discretionary portability extension decision-making, refer to Discretion to extend portability period.

Discretionary portability extension – Disability Support Payment (DSP) family member posted overseas

DSP portability may be extended for the duration of a family member’s posting from Australia if the recipient is:

  • severely disabled
  • substantially dependent on a family member
  • living with the family member during the temporary absence from Australia, and
  • the family member has been temporarily posted outside Australia for work, immediately before their period of absence the family member of the DSP recipient must be working in Australia for the same employer who posted them outside Australia. They must continue working for the same employer during their absence in order for the DSP customer to continue to be eligible under this provision

Approval of portability for these payments is restricted to International Disability Officers in CIS. This document provides the coding required when a decision has been made to grant portability under the discretionary portability extension provisions.

For information about discretionary portability extension decision-making, refer to Discretion to extend portability period.

Resources contains examples of Portability approval codes, Contact details, Intranet links and Services Australia resource links.

Discretion to extend portability period

Overseas absences for Australian Defence Force Reserves

Restricted portability for payment during overseas absences where customer has special circumstances

Restricted portability assessment procedure for Centrelink International Services Staff

Student studying outside Australia

Suspension of payments (CLK)