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Coding specialist portability assessments for Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff 061-17101900

Examples – approval codes

Portability approval codes

This table contains a list of all portability reasons and the extended reasons required for some approvals, a portability reason is optional coding. It is not required for all payment types. Note: the Code NZL was used to show a customer was intending to remain in New Zealand long-term. The codes NZL and N50 have been end dated with effect 30 June 2017 and cannot be used after that date.

Portability Reason


Further detail


Acute Family Crisis

Note: for departures on or after 1 January 2015, DSP customers with an “Approved Reason” of AFC, HUM, or MED are portable for a maximum of 28 days and this portability period can be combined with customer’s available “general” portability. This combined portability period cannot be greater than 56 days.

A01: Visiting critically ill family member

A02: Visiting hospitalised seriously ill family member

A03: Death of a family member

A04: Life threatening situation facing a family member

A05: Policy Workaround


Acute Family Crisis Rejected


Humanitarian reasons

H01: Involvement in custody proceedings

H02: Relating to adoption of child

H03: Involvement in legal proceedings

H04: Australian Paralympic Team Member

H05: Australian Government Approved memorial Services

H06: Policy Workaround


Humanitarian Rejected


Extension at Delegates discretion

Note: Discretionary extensions (EXT) and rejections of (AFR, EXR, HUR, MER) and reason codes AFC, HUM, MED, MIL, NWC, and NZL can only be input by approved CIS delegates.

E01: Serious accident: customer or family member

E02: Illness: customer or family member

E03: Hospitalisation: customer or family member

E04: Death of a family member

E05: Custody proceedings

E06: Criminal proceedings

E07: Robbery/Serious crime: Customer or family member

E08: Natural Disaster

E09: Political or social unrest

E10: Industrial action

E11: War

E12: MTOP: customer

E13: MTOP: carer of recipient

E14: ADF deployment

E15: AFP deployment

E16: Policy workaround


Extension rejected by delegate


Medical Treatment Outside Australia

This is approved portability. Not to be confused with extension reason of MTOP


Medical Treatment Rejected


Australian Defence Force Reserves Training


Overseas Full Time Study


Holiday between semester breaks


Indefinite portability: no work capacity

Note: indefinite portability reason code NWC is valid only for eligible customers. The End date for this code can be updated manually only by approved CIS delegates. Automated processing will input an end date when associated circumstance details change on the Pension Disability Information (PDI) screen or the Medical Conditions Details (MC) screen.


Other reasons


Respite care

Contact details

Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for customers

Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff

International and DVA Programmes - Policy Contacts

Services Australia Website links