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Coding specialist portability assessments for Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff 061-17101900

This page contains information which helps Service Officers in Centrelink International Services (CIS) code assessments and issue arrears when the decision has been made to approve exceptions to general portability rules. This process covers Newstart System (NSS) payments. For further information about making specialist portability assessments see Related Links.

On this Page:

Newstart System (NSS) payments

Payments relating to future departure

Payments relating to current absence

Payments relating to recent absence

Payments relating to previous absence

Newstart System (NSS) payments

Initial assessment of required process

Table 1: This table describes the steps to be taken by a Centrelink International Services (CIS) Officer to determine the procedure to continue payment when a recipient has been approved for additional portability period/s. The process required to continue payment is dependent on the duration and circumstances of the recipient’s absence from Australia.




Portability approved for overseas full-time study + Read more ...

Is the approved portability due to overseas full-time study?


Approved portability period for future departure + Read more ...

Is the approved portability for a future departure, that is, the recipient has not yet departed Australia?


Approved portability period for current absence + Read more ...

Is the recipient currently outside Australia, and portability being approved for the current absence?


Approved portability period for past absence + Read more ...

If the portability is being approved for the most recent absence from Australia go to the Portability approved for most recent absence only table.

If the portability is being approved for prior absences, including a recent absence go to the Portability approved for previous absence table.

Payments relating to future departure

Portability approved for future departure

Table 2: This table describes the steps to be taken by a Centrelink International Services (CIS) Officer when portability is being approved for a future departure from Australia. Unless otherwise stated, coding is to be completed in the Customer Record system.




Reason for departure + Read more ...

Most Newstart System (NSS) departure reasons may be assessed and coded by the Portability Script. The exception is when a recipient is travelling due to receiving financial assistance under the Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP).

Is the recipient travelling due to receiving financial assistance under the MTOP?


Run the Portability Script + Read more ...

Is the Portability Script – Departures and Returns working?

  • Yes:
    • Complete the portability interview and coding using the Portability Script
    • Go to the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen
    • Code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • On a new line code the day after the end of the approved portability in the Event Date: field and AU in the Country: field
      Note: this coding will ensure the record suspends after the approved portability period
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


Manually code the portability details + Read more ...

See Resources for examples of Portability approval codes.

  • Go to the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • code the date of departure in the Event date: field
    • code the destination country in the Country: field. If the customer is travelling to multiple destinations or the destination country is unknown, code 'XT'
    • enter the appropriate codes in the Portability reason: and Ext Rsn: fields
    • code the last day of the approved period in the End date: field. Note: for all reasons except MIL and EXT (MTOP), this is a maximum of 42 days after departure
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the day after the end of the approved portability in the Event Date: field and AU in the Country: field. Note: this coding will ensure the record suspends after the approved portability period
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the date of return to Australia (if known) in the Event date: field, and code Australia in the Country: field
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Has appropriate evidence already been provided for the portability reason?


Create review for the return of evidence + Read more ...

If portability has been approved pending evidence, a review must be recorded to follow-up on the provision of evidence.

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: customer's payment type
  • Review Reason: FOR (Return of Form/Correspondence)
  • Due Date: 2 weeks after the expected return to Australia date
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Check for return of evidence. [Record a brief summary of the evidence required and reason it is required. Reference the portability approval DOC]. Follow Table 5 in OB 061-01110050 for instructions on how to action, whether evidence has been returned or not.'
  • Keywords: !PDI
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: WTW

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here.

Payments relating to current absence

Portability approved for current absence

Table 3: This table describes the steps to be taken by a Centrelink International Services (CIS) Officer to code the approved portability for a current absence from Australia regardless of payment status. It can also be used where a person has returned to Australia but has not yet had payment restored or re-granted. Unless otherwise stated, coding is to be completed in the Customer Record system.




Payment entitlement at date of departure + Read more ...

Portability for payment may only be approved if the recipient remained qualified for payment at the date they departed Australia. When a person departs Australia their payment may be suspended or cancelled for a reason not related to portability, for example CAN-FRP due to failure to report.

If the recipient was still entitled to payment but has not yet been approved portability, their payment should be suspended for a portability reason.

At the date of departure, had the recipient’s payment already ceased for a non-portability reason?


Type of portability period to be approved + Read more ...

Different coding will be required, dependent on whether you are approving a period of approved temporary absence (approved from date of departure) or a portability extension (approved following an approved temporary absence).

If an approved temporary absence has already been recorded further payment may be approved by allowing a longer approved period, or by approving a portability extension.

To code a new approved temporary absence, go to Step 3

To extend the end date of an existing temporary absence, go to Step 4

To approve a portability extension, go to Step 5


Code an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

See Resources for examples of Portability approval codes.

  • Go to the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • code the date of departure in the Event date: field
    • code the destination country in the Country: field. If the customer is travelling to multiple destinations or the destination country is unknown, code 'XT'
    • enter the appropriate codes in the Portability reason: and Ext Rsn: fields
    • code the last day of the approved period in the End date: field. Note: for all reasons except MIL and EXT (MTOP), this is a maximum of 42 days after departure
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the day after the end of the approved portability in the Event Date: field and AU in the Country: field. Note: this coding will ensure the record suspends after the approved portability period
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the date of return to Australia (if known) in the Event date: field, and code Australia in the Country: field
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Has the payment suspended or cancelled for a portability reason?


Extend an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

  • Go to the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • correct the End date: field to reflect the new end date of the approved period
    • Note: for all reasons except MIL and EXT (MTOP), this is a maximum of 42 days after departure
    • code a C in the Action: field to confirm the correction
    • select [Enter]
    • correct the End date: field to reflect the new day after the end of the extended approved portability period
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the date of return to Australia (if known) in the Event date: field, and code Australia in the Country: field, or
    • correct the Event date: field if the return to Australia was previously coded and has changed
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Has the payment suspended or cancelled for a portability reason?


Approve a portability extension after an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

This step must be undertaken in the Customer First system. Only specialised officers in CIS have the delegation to complete this coding. See Resources for examples of Portability approval codes.

  • Go to the Travel Outside Australia Details (TOAD) screen:
    • code the Source: and Receipt Date: fields
  • On the TOAD screen, code the following details in the Portability Reason section:
    • code the Date: field with the day after the approved temporary absence end date
    • select Extension At Delegates Discretion in the Reason: field
    • select the appropriate code in the Extension Reason: field
    • record the appropriate date in the Reason End Date: field
    • click Add
    • on a new line code the date of return to Australia (if known) in the Date: field, and code Australia in the Country: field
    • click Add
    • click Continue
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Has the payment suspended or cancelled for a portability reason?


Update the suspension/cancellation reason + Read more ...

When suspended or cancelled for a portability reason, the system will not allow the payment to be restored while the person is outside Australia. The payment must therefore be cancelled for reason ‘Other’ from the existing suspension/cancellation date, which can be viewed on the Allowance/Benefit History (ABH) screen.

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • code the payment type in Svc Rsn: field
    • code CAN in the Action: field
    • code OTH in the Reason: field
    • code the Effect Date: field with the same date as the current suspension/cancellation date
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Navigate to the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen by keying Z in the Go to: field on the AR screen:
    • Ensure to inhibit all advices
  • Finalise the activity. Note: where the payment is SUS, using CAN/OTH brings NSS payments in line with other systems

To restore payment go to Step 7


Restore the payment + Read more ...

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • code the payment type in Svc Rsn: field
    • code RES in the Action: field
    • leave the Reason: field blank
    • code the Effect Date: field with the same date as the current cancellation date
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • press [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check the results are correct:
    • payment restored from date of suspension with appropriate arrears issued
    • if the approved portability end date is in the past, payment should SUS/POC from that date
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Procedure ends here.

Payments relating to recent absence

Portability approved for most recent absence only

Table 4: This table describes the steps to be taken by a Centrelink International Services (CIS) Officer when portability is being approved for the most recent absence from Australia, for a person who has returned to Australia and had their payment restored. Unless otherwise stated, coding is to be completed in the Customer Record system.




Determine the entitlement + Read more ...

If the person has returned to Australia and had their payment restored for their most recent absence only, go to Step 2.

If the person has returned to Australia and their payment has not been restored or re-granted, see the Portability for current absence table.

If the person has returned to Australia and more than more than one absence is being approved, go to the Portability approved for previous absence table.


Payment entitlement at date of departure + Read more ...

Portability for payment may only be approved if the recipient remained qualified for payment at the date they departed Australia. When a person departs Australia their payment may be suspended or cancelled for a reason not related to portability, for example CAN-FRP due to failure to report.

Otherwise, the payment should have suspended from the date of departure for a portability reason.

At the date of departure, had the recipient’s payment already ceased for a non-portability reason?


Type of portability period to be approved + Read more ...

Different coding will be required, dependent on whether you are approving a period of approved temporary absence (approved from date of departure) or a portability extension (approved following an approved temporary absence).

If an approved temporary absence has already been recorded further payment may be approved by allowing a longer approved period, or by approving a portability extension.

To code a new approved temporary absence from the departure date, go to Step 4

To extend the end date of an existing approved temporary absence, go to Step 5

To approve a portability extension, go to Step 6


Code an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

See Resources for examples of Portability approval codes.

  • Go to the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • code the date of departure in the Event date: field
    • code the destination country in the Country: field. If the customer is travelling to multiple destinations or the destination country is unknown, code 'XT'
    • enter the appropriate codes in the Portability reason: and Ext Rsn: fields
    • code the last day of the approved period in the End date: field. Note: for all reasons except MIL and EXT (MTOP), this is a maximum of 42 days after departure
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the date of return to Australia (if known) in the Event date: field, and code Australia in the Country: field
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 7


Extend an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

  • Go to the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • correct the End date: field to reflect the new end date of the approved period. Note: for all reasons except MIL and EXT (MTOP), this is a maximum of 42 days after departure
    • code a C in the Action: field to confirm the correction
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the date of return to Australia (if known) in the Event date: field, and code Australia in the Country: field, or
    • correct the Event date: field if the return to Australia was previously coded and has changed
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 7


Approve a portability extension after an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

This step must be undertaken in the Customer First system. Only specialised officers in CIS have the delegation to complete this coding. See Resources for examples of Portability approval codes.

  • Go to the Travel Outside Australia Details (TOAD) screen:
    • code the Source: and Receipt Date: fields
  • On the TOAD screen, code the following details in the Portability Reason section:
    • code the Date: field with the day after the approved temporary absence end date
    • select Extension At Delegates Discretion in the Reason: field
    • select the appropriate code in the Extension Reason: field
    • record the appropriate date in the Reason End Date: field
    • click Add
    • click Continue
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 7


Update the suspension reason from date of departure + Read more ...

The payment should have suspended for a portability reason during the absence from Australia, and have been restored from the date of return.

In order to issue arrears for the approved period, the payment must be suspended for reason ‘Other’ from the existing suspension date, which can be viewed on the Allowance/Benefit History (ABH) screen.

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • code the payment type in Svc Rsn: field
    • code SUS in the Action: field
    • code OTH in the Reason: field
    • code the Effect Date: field with the same date as the current suspension date
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity. The BSt: line will show the payment is CUR
  • Navigate to the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen by keying Z in the Go to: field on the AR screen:
  • Ensure to inhibit all advices
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 8


Restore the payment + Read more ...

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • code the payment type in Svc Rsn: field
    • code RES in the Action: field
    • leave the Reason: field blank
    • code the Effect Date: field with the same date as the current suspension date
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • press [Enter]

Is portability approved for the full period of absence?


Finalise arrears for full period of absence + Read more ...

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check the results are correct:
    • payment restored and arrears issued from date of suspension until the return to Australia
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Procedure ends here.


Finalise arrears for part period of absence + Read more ...

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check the results are correct; to check results enter the RATS screen by placing a T next to the result line on AR screen:
    • payment restored and arrears issued from date of suspension until the end of the allowable portability period
    • payment SUS-POC from day after end of approved portability period. Note: if the payment does not automatically SUS-POC code a new line on the RSCD screen with the day after the end of approved portability in the Event Date: field and AU in the Country: field
    • overpayment from date of return to Australia until the last payment
  • Navigate to the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen by keying Z in the Go to: field on the AR screen:
    • Type INV in the Dbt Act: field to refer the debt shell for investigation
    • Ensure to inhibit all advices
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 11


Restore the payment from date of return to Australia + Read more ...

On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:

  • code the payment type in Svc Rsn: field
  • code RES in the Action: field
  • leave the Reason: field blank
  • code the Effect Date: field with the date of return to Australia
  • code the Source: and DOR: fields
  • select [Enter]

Go to Step 12


Finalise restoration from date of return to Australia + Read more ...

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check the results are correct; to check results enter the RATS screen by placing a T next to the result line on AR screen:
    • payment restored and arrears issued from date of return to Australia
    • arrears automatically reduced by the amount of the overpayment generated in Step 10
    • total arrears issue are equal to the arrears amount generated for the approved portability period in Step 10
  • Navigate to the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen by keying Z in the Go to: field on the AR screen:
    • Ensure to inhibit all advices
  • Finalise the activity

Procedure ends here.

Payments relating to previous absence

Portability approved for previous absence

Table 5: This table describes the steps to be taken by a Centrelink International Services (CIS) Officer to code the approved portability for a previous absence or for one or more absences from Australia. Unless otherwise stated, coding is to be completed in the Customer Record system.




Payment entitlement at date of departure + Read more ...

Portability for payment may only be approved if the recipient remained qualified for payment at the date they departed Australia. When a person departs Australia their payment may be suspended or cancelled for a reason not related to portability, for example CAN-FRP due to failure to report.

Otherwise, the payment should have suspended from the date of departure for a portability reason.

At the date of departure, had the recipient’s payment already ceased for a non-portability reason?


Type of portability period to be approved + Read more ...

Different coding will be required, dependent on whether you are approving a period of approved temporary absence (approved from date of departure) or a portability extension (approved following an approved temporary absence).

If an approved temporary absence has already been recorded further payment may be approved by allowing a longer approved period, or by approving a portability extension.

Note: if you are approving portability for multiple absences, this procedure should be followed separately for each absence, starting from the earliest absence.

To code a new approved temporary absence from the departure date, go to Step 3

To extend the end date of an existing approved temporary absence, go to Step 4

To approve a portability extension, go to Step 5


Code an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

See Resources for examples of Portability approval codes.

  • Go to the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • code the date of departure in the Event date: field
    • code the destination country in the Country: field. If the customer is travelling to multiple destinations or the destination country is unknown, code 'XT'
    • enter the appropriate codes in the Portability reason: and Ext Rsn: fields
    • code the last day of the approved period in the End date: field. Note: for all reasons except MIL and EXT (MTOP), this is a maximum of 42 days after departure
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the date of return to Australia (if known) in the Event date: field, and code Australia in the Country: field
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 6


Extend an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

  • Go to the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • correct the End date: field to reflect the new end date of the approved period
    • Note: for all reasons except MIL and EXT (MTOP), this is a maximum of 42 days after departure
    • code a C in the Action: field to confirm the correction
    • select [Enter]
    • on a new line code the date of return to Australia (if known) in the Event date: field, and code Australia in the Country: field, or
    • correct the Event date: field if the return to Australia was previously coded and has changed
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 6


Approve a portability extension after an approved temporary absence + Read more ...

This step must be undertaken in the Customer First system. Only specialised officers in CIS have the delegation to complete this coding. See Resources for examples of Portability approval codes.

  • Go to the Travel Outside Australia Details (TOAD) screen:
    • code the Source: and Receipt Date: fields
  • On the TOAD screen, code the following details in the Portability Reason section:
    • code the Date: field with the day after the approved temporary absence end date
    • select Extension At Delegates Discretion in the Reason: field
    • select the appropriate code in the Extension Reason: field
    • click Add
    • click Continue
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 6


Update the suspension reason from date of departure + Read more ...

If portability is being approved for more than one period, undertake this process for one portability period at a time starting with the earliest departure.

The payment should have suspended for a portability reason during the absence from Australia, and have been restored from the date of return.

In order to issue arrears for the approved period, the payment must be suspended for reason ‘Other’ from the existing suspension date, which can be viewed on the Allowance/Benefit History (ABH) screen.

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • code the payment type in Svc Rsn: field
    • code SUS in the Action: field
    • code OTH in the Reason: field
    • code the Effect Date: field with the same date as the current suspension date
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that there have been no changes to the recipient’s payment as a result of the activity
  • Navigate to the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen by keying Z in the Go to: field on the AR screen:
    • Ensure to inhibit all advices
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 7


Update the Immigration Advised Movements screen + Read more ...

It will not be possible to restore the payment while a later departure from Australia is recorded. It is therefore necessary to temporarily remove the immigration data for any absences after the portability period that is being approved.

  • On the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen:
    • delete the departure and arrival for any absence after the relevant portability period
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
  • On the RSCD screen:
    • delete any associated coding for each departure and arrival deleted from RSIM
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen but do not finalise the activity

Go to Step 8


Restore the payment + Read more ...

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • code the payment type in Svc Rsn: field
    • code RES in the Action: field
    • leave the Reason: field blank
    • code the Effect Date: field with the same date as the current suspension date
    • select [Enter]

Is portability approved for the full period of absence?


Finalise arrears for full period of absence + Read more ...

The later absence/s from Australia must be refreshed from the Immigration Datalink within the same activity.

  • On the Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen
    • code Y in the Request Immigration data: field
    • select [Enter]
  • On the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen:
    • check that all later movements have replicated correctly
  • On the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • recode the data previously deleted in Step 7
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check the results are correct:
    • payment restored and arrears issued from date of suspension until the return to Australia
  • Do not inhibit the advice
  • Finalise the activity

Is portability approved for another period?

  • Yes, in date order repeat the relevant steps in this table for each absence from Australia
  • No, procedure ends here


Finalise arrears for part period of absence + Read more ...

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check the results are correct; to check results enter the RATS screen by placing a T next to the result line on AR screen:
    • payment restored and arrears issued from date of suspension until the end of the allowable portability period
    • payment SUS-POC from day after end of approved portability period. Note: if the payment does not automatically SUS-POC code a new line on the RSCD screen with the day after the end of approved portability in the Event Date: field and AU in the Country: field
  • overpayment from date of return to Australia until the last payment
  • Navigate to the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen by keying Z in the Go to: field on the AR screen:
    • Type INV in the Dbt Act: field to refer the debt shell for investigation
    • Ensure to inhibit all advices
  • Finalise the activity

Go to Step 11


Restore the payment from date of return to Australia + Read more ...

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • code the payment type in Svc Rsn: field
    • code RES in the Action: field
    • leave the Reason: field blank
    • code the Effect Date: field with the date of return to Australia
    • code the Source: and DOR: fields
    • select [Enter]

Go to Step 12


Finalise restoration from date of return to Australia + Read more ...

The later absence/s from Australia must be refreshed from the Immigration Datalink within the same activity.

  • On the Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen
    • code Y in the Request Immigration data: field
    • press [Enter]
  • On the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen:
    • check that all later movements have replicated correctly
  • On the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen:
    • Recode the data previously deleted in Step 7
    • select [Enter]
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check the results are correct; to check results enter the RATS screen by placing a T next to the result line on AR screen:
    • payment restored and arrears issued from date of return to Australia until the day before next departure
    • arrears automatically reduced by the amount of the overpayment generated in Step 10
    • total arrears issued are equal to the arrears amount generated for the approved period in Step 10
  • Navigate to the Assessment Consequences (ASC) screen by keying Z in the Go to: field on the AR screen:
    • Ensure to inhibit all advices
  • Finalise the activity

Is portability approved for another period?

  • Yes, repeat the relevant steps in this table for each absence from Australia in order
  • No, procedure ends here