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Carer Payment (CP) customer going overseas 009-03100030

This document outlines the procedure for Service Officers to decide if CP is payable to the customer while they are outside Australia and for how long, when the portability script is not available. It also explains the actions the Service Officer and the customer are to take before the customer's departure.

On this page:

Initial assessment of overseas absence for CP customers

Payability during absence overseas

Eligibility under an international agreement

Updating customer record and coding the absence

Initial assessment of overseas absence for CP customers

Table 1:




CP customer advises they are going overseas + Read more

The Portability Script - Departures and Returns will prompt the Service Officer to ask relevant questions of the customer, such as destination, date of departure, expected date of return, who is going, the reason for absence, and it will produce the required documentation.

While conducting the portability interview, advise the customer if they need to contact when they have returned to Australia and discuss this before the customer's departure.

Discuss temporary cessation of care with the customer who may be the carer or care receiver. Check the Absences Enquiry Screen (ABCE) before launching the Portability Script - Departures and Returns, to calculate the date respite will be fully used. Enter this date at the question 'Do you know or the customer know of any event that will happen and cause them to lose entitlement to Carer Payment/Carer Allowance before xxxxxx?' If respite applies, launch the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow after running the Portability Script.

The customer may contact after using the Travelling outside of Australia service within their Centrelink online account. If the online service has already coded the absence, the system will record details in a DOC. The online service may refer the customer to contact to:

  • have their absence coded, or
  • explore further portability for their situation

In either case, the Service Officer is to run the script.

Is the script working?

  • Yes, see Coding departures and returns for customers leaving Australia. It is important to identify if the customer is getting CP (XWP) and if so, to advise that this cannot be restored on return to Australia if they are outside Australia for more than 6 weeks and/or their only or last payment level CA will stop due to respite. Procedure ends here
  • No, and the interview cannot be delayed, go to Step 2
  • No, and the interview can be delayed:
    • Book an appointment to be completed by the customer's local service centre
    • Make sure customer contact details are correct
    • Record details on a DOC
    • Procedure ends here


Is customer paid under an International Agreement? + Read more ...

Check the Agreement Country: field on the Australian Residence Details (ARD) screen.

For assistance, see Portability of payments paid under International Agreements.

Is the customer paid under an International Agreement?


Is the customer advising they are leaving Australia to live in another country? + Read more ...

Is the customer leaving Australia to live in another country?


International agreement covering CP + Read more

The international agreements that cover CP are limited to situations where the care receiver is the partner of the carer. Generally when paid under an agreement and outside Australia the rate is proportional. Some agreements restrict coverage further. For help, see Agreement country that covers Carer Payment.

Note: CP (XWP) is not covered under any international agreement.

Is the customer going to an Agreement country that covers Carer Payment and they are the carer of their partner?

  • Yes, the customer may continue to be paid CP, subject to meeting respite, lodgement and other ongoing qualification requirements. See Step 1 in Table 3
  • No, go to Step 5


Leaving Australia to live in another country + Read more ...

  • The system will cancel the customer's payment from date of departure
  • Any add-ons (such as Rent Assistance) the customer receives also cease on departure
  • Advise the customer if they ever decide to return to Australia to reside, they must reclaim payment

Check if the customer has employment income or is a stimulus customer

Finalise interview

  • Record details of the decision on a DOC including any overseas contact details
  • Give the customer the contact details for CIS so they can contact Services Australia while overseas, see Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for customers
  • Check if the customer has any further queries and, if not, end the interview
  • Issue a Pre Departure Interview - Portability Decision (XOB101) letter if requested


Recording the permanent absence + Read more ...

  • Record the change of address on Address Details (AD) screen if the customer has provided new address details. Note: it is not mandatory for the customer to provide an address outside Australia
  • Record the overseas telephone number if available
  • Update the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen
  • Update the Country of Residence (CRES) screen
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check that payment will cease from the date of departure for a residence related reason
  • Finalise the activity. Do not suppress the auto advice

Procedure ends here.


Temporary absence + Read more ...

Is the customer leaving Australia for more than 6 weeks?


Overseas study + Read more

Is the customer leaving Australia with the care receiver to undertake full-time study as part of an Australian course? (this provision does not apply to CP (XWP) customers).

Payability during absence overseas

Table 2:




Carer and care receiver travelling outside Australia together + Read more ...

Are the carer and the care receiver travelling outside Australia together?


Temporary cessation of care + Read more

Customer's payment is portable but temporary cessation of care will apply.

  • Check the remaining respite balance on the Absences Enquiry Screen (ABCE) and manually calculate the last available respite date
  • Determine which will end sooner, the 6 week maximum portability period or the available respite days

Will the customer use up all their respite days before the end of the 6 week maximum portability period?

  • Yes,
    • Advise the customer CP will be cancelled when all their respite days have been used. CP will not be payable after this and they must reclaim CP on their return to Australia. If the customer is receiving the transitional rate of pension they will lose entitlement to this rate and will be assessed under the new rules on reclaiming
    • Note: A Carer Payment (XWP) customer loses their qualification for CP under grandfathering provisions if they have a break in payment level Carer Allowance (CA) entitlement. When CA cancels due to respite, CP (XWP) will automatically cancel
    • Note: if the customer is over Age Pension age and satisfies the residence qualifications for Age Pension encourage them to Transfer to Age Pension either online or running the Transfer to Age Pension via Assisted Customer Claim, see Transfer to Age Pension
    • See Step 1 in Table 3
    • If temporary cessation of care will apply and the customer will exceed their last respite date according to the ABCE screen, ensure this date is entered when the script asks 'Do you know or does the customer know of any event that will happen and cause them to lose entitlement to Carer Payment/Carer Allowance before xxxxxx?. This date will appear in the letter issued after the script has been finalised. If the script cannot be used to issue a letter, advise the customer of the payability of their CP using a Free Text Q999 letter. Ensure the customer is advised in this letter if their CP will cancel due to exceeding their respite, again using the cancellation date from the ABCE screen
  • No, go to Step 3


Check if the customer is travelling outside Australia for longer than 6 weeks + Read more ...

Is the customer going for longer than 6 weeks?


Check if going to an agreement country that covers CP + Read more ...

CP will cease after the customer has been absent from Australia for 6 weeks unless payable under an Agreement.

Note: CP (XWP) is not covered under any international agreement.

Is the customer going to an Agreement country that covers Carer Payment and they are the carer of their partner?


Temporary cessation of care does not apply or the customer will not use up all their respite days + Read more

  • CP will be portable for the maximum portability period. Explain the decision to the customer and ensure they understand if on return they need to contact when they have returned to Australia
  • Advise the customer about the continuation of payment on their return to Australia. Note: A Carer Payment (XWP) customer loses their qualification for CP under grandfathering provisions if they have a break in payment level Carer Allowance (CA) entitlement. A gap will occur when CA stops due to the maximum portability period because it will only be restored on return to Australia. See, Transfer from Wife Pension (WP) to Carer Payment (CP).
  • Record details of the decision on a DOC
  • Refer the customer to the international phone numbers for Centrelink International Services (CIS) on the Services Australia website to enable them to contact Centrelink while overseas
  • Ask the customer if they would like to nominate an agent to act on their behalf while they are overseas and, if so, document the authority
  • Advise any add-ons will continue while the customer remains qualified, for example, continues to pay rent. See Portability of add-ons
  • If the customer is receiving Rent Assistance (RA), check if they will continue to pay rent on their Australian home while overseas. If not, cancel RA

Check if the customer has employment income or is a stimulus customer

Finalise interview

  • Ask the customer if they have any further questions. If not, the interview can be terminated
  • Issue a letter to the customer. If possible rerun the Portability Script - Departures and Returns at a later date and issue the customer with a Pre Departure Interview - Portability Decision (XOB101) letter if requested

Note: if a care receiver requires respite/hospital care while they are overseas, the 6 weeks portability can include respite or hospitalisation provisions of up to 63 days per calendar year. CP will cease to be payable outside Australia when the maximum portability period has been reached or their respite and/or hospitalisation days have been used, whichever occurs first.

See Step 1 in Table 4.

Eligibility under an international agreement

Table 3: Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff only can perform this process.




Customer may be eligible for payment under an international agreement or is already paid under an agreement + Read more

Is the customer contacting a Service Officer in CIS?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No,
    • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngTransfer the call to Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff CIS. Procedure ends here
    • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngTransfer the activity to CIS. Procedure ends here


Possible payment under an international agreement + Read more ...

For Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff only

Check if the customer's payment can continue under an agreement. The Service Officer must confirm that the:

  • customer is not receiving CP (XWP)
  • customer is going to the agreement country
  • agreement includes CP
  • customer satisfies the criteria for CP under the agreement. For example, some agreements only cover CP for the partner of a DSP or Age pension customer
  • customer has some Australian Working Life Residence (AWLR) or, in the case of the New Zealand Agreement, their partner has some Australian Working Age Residence (AWAR)

For detailed information on each international agreement, see International Social Security Agreements, select the relevant country agreement, and view 'Australian payments'.

Request a Certificate of Location in a country with which Australia has a social security agreement (AUS172) using RFI. See Requesting information (CLK). See the Resources page for a link to this form. Advise the customer payment will not continue if this form is not completed on both sides, signed and returned to CIS.

Check if the customer's residence is recorded on the Country of Residence (CRES) screen. Check any information held with the customer or ask the customer about their working life residence in Australia (WLR) if no information can be located. Once verified, the customer's residence can be recorded on CRES and their WLR will display on the Australian Working Life Residence (AWLR) screen.

Note: if the customer cannot recall any residence information while on the phone, issue a Verification of working life residence in Australia (AUS27) with the Pre Departure Interview - Portability Decision (XOB101) letter at the end of the portability interview. See the Resources page for a link to this form.


Transferring an International Agreement immediately on departure + Read more ...

For Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff only

Does the customer need to transfer to an agreement immediately on departure because they are leaving Australia to live in an agreement country?

  • Yes, transfer customer to an agreement immediately on departure. If satisfied the customer is going to an agreement country (for example, they have provided a copy of the itinerary, they regularly travel to that country, etc.), transfer payment pending the return of the form (AUS172)
    Note: select Information to be supplied within 28 Days + Delivery. Tell the customer payments will stop if the form is not returned within this period. If the Service Officer has doubts, tell the customer payment will be suspended on departure and they must return the form/s before payment can be restored. Advise the customer of the approximate effect on their rate of payment when transferred to agreement assessment. Go to Step 4
  • No, the customer is leaving temporarily and should continue to be paid autonomously until the end of their maximum portability period. Tell the customer payment will stop if the form (AUS172) is not returned before the end of the maximum portability period. Tell the customer of the approximate effect on their rate of payment at the end of autonomous entitlement. Go to Step 4


Further information on overseas departure + Read more ...

For Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff only

  • Give the customer details for CIS to enable them to contact Services Australia while overseas. Contact details are available in Centrelink International Services (CIS) – contact details for customers
  • Ask the customer if they would like to nominate an agent to act on their behalf while they are overseas and, if so, document the authority
  • Advise any add-ons will continue while the customer remains qualified for example, continues to pay rent. See Portability of add-ons
    Note: if a care receiver requires respite/hospital care while they are overseas, the 6 weeks portability can include respite or hospitalisation provisions of up to 63 days each per calendar year. CP will cease to be payable outside Australia when the maximum portability period has been reached or their respite and/or hospitalisation days have been used, whichever occurs first
  • If the customer is receiving Rent Assistance (RA), check if they will continue to pay rent on their Australian home while overseas. If not, cancel RA
  • Check if the customer has income from employment. If yes, use the Earnings and reporting tool to allow changes to the Event Date on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen
  • Ask the customer if they have any further questions. If not, the interview can be terminated

See Step 1 in Table 4.

Updating customer record and coding the absence

Table 4:




Code the overseas absence + Read more ...

  • Record the change of address on Address Details (AD) screen if the customer has provided new address details
    Note: it is not mandatory for the customer to provide an address outside Australia
  • Record any overseas telephone number if provided
  • Update the Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screen

Does a respite absence need to be coded?


Coding respite care + Read more

For more information about coding, see Coding a one-off absence for Carer Allowance (CA)/Carer payment (CP) when the care receiver is absent.

  • Note: where carer is a partner, check if eligible to receive the illness separated rate. If eligible, update the Marital Status (MS) screen, code date of event, the qualifier code and the relationship status
  • If the customer receives CA and the child care receiver will remain in the care of the customer's partner in Australia, this is not an absence for CA, but it is an absence for CP. In these cases the appropriate code is 'CWP'
  • Launch the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow. If this tool is not available, go to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen, and select the appropriate care receiver from the list
  • On the Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen select absence enquiry, absence detail, press [Enter]
  • Go to the Absence Enquiry (ABCE) screen to see a summary of the absences taken during the current calendar year. Code 'Y' to go to the Absences Details (ABSN) screen, then press [Enter]
  • On the ABSN screen, code the Start Date: End Date: and Reason: ('RSP') fields. Press [Enter]
  • ABSN screen will redisplay with the absence accepted. Press [Enter]
  • From Carer's Activity List (AL) screen, select the activity. Check the calculation on the ABCE screen
  • Create a DOC with full details of the absence
  • Finalise the activity on the Assessment Result (AR) screen
    Note: any payment changes will not occur until the customer actually leaves Australia


Check if any of the customer's dependent children are also going overseas + Read more ...


Code child's absence + Read more

  • Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen and select the child(ren) who are outside Australia
  • Key an 's' in line for the relevant child and key 'CHRSCD' in Nxt: field. Press [Enter] to bring up the Customer Advised Child Travel (CHRSCD) screen

Does an error message appear 'I083AM - Child is a customer - please enter CRN in header'?


Update child record + Read more ...

If the dates for the child are already recorded or are different to the customer, update the CHRSCD screen

Note: make sure any temporary absences from or temporary visits to Australia are not coded on CHCRES.

  • Repeat this step for all children leaving Australia
  • Go to Step 7


Update child's customer record + Read more ...

  • Key the child's Customer Reference Number (CRN) in the CRN: field and press [Enter]
  • Key RSCD in the Nxt: field and press [Enter]. Update the update the RSCD screen
  • If the child is leaving Australia permanently, update the CRES screen
  • Note: make sure any temporary absences from Australia are not coded on CRES
  • Key 'AR' in Nxt: and press [Enter]
  • Finalise the activity (key 'y' in the Finished: field)
  • Return to the customer's record (generally using 'FL' in Nxt: field)
  • Repeat steps if required for any other children also travelling outside Australia


Check if customer is to be transferred to an agreement + Read more ...


Transfer to payment under an agreement + Read more ...

For Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff only

For additional requirements and coding, see Transfer to international social security agreements.


Finalise activity + Read more

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity. Do not inhibit the advice. Note: the reassessment will not occur until the customer actually leaves Australia.

Note: if payment of CP will cease whilst the carer is overseas and the carer is over Age Pension age, advise the carer:

  • the date their payment of CP will cease
  • to link their Centrelink online account to myGov before leaving Australia
  • to complete an online Transfer to Age Pension
    Note: customers who have received the invitation to transfer to Age Pension should complete the task before leaving Australia

If the customer is unable to complete the online transfer the Service Officer must run the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) at point of contact

If the carer will be overseas on the 1st of July and can be paid CP past this date, Service Officers must not transfer the customer from CP to Age Pension until after this date. This ensures the carer is paid the Carer Supplement

For more information about transfers to Age Pension, see Transfer to Age Pension.