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Coding a paper claim for Carer Payment (child) for a disabled adult and 1 or 2 children with a disability or medical condition (multiple care) 009-04050050

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

A system issue exists resulting in incorrect and/or incomplete claim forms being issued to customers. Staff must follow the workaround available in Network News Update (NNU) - NNU - PD - CLM - CAR - FCSO issuing incomplete system-generated forms (12719)

For Carer Payment/Carer Allowance Smart Centre Processing staff only

This document outlines how to code paper claims for Carer Payment (CP) for a disabled adult and 1 or 2 children, each with a disability or medical condition (multiple care).

On this page:

Initial processing - Coding the carer and care receiver details for CP claim

Finalising - Coding the care receiver income, asset and assessment details for CP claim

Initial processing - Coding the carer and care receiver details for CP claim

Table 1




Check that the carer record has been indexed and Identity Confirmation + Read more ...

Before attempting to code the claim ensure the customer record is indexed.

From 1 July 2018, eligible carers will receive payments or concession cards from the date they submit a complete claim with all relevant supporting documentation.

Note: different processes apply for carers in vulnerable circumstances. See Intent to claim and vulnerable customers.

Identity Confirmation

If a customer does not have a 'Confirmed' Identity Status on the Identity Summary screen, they will be required to provide documents that establish commencement of identity (COI) and use of identity in the community (Primary Use in the Community (PUIC) and Secondary Use in the Community (SUIC)). The link between the identity and the individual will be established via a photographic identity document. See Identity Confirmation.

Code identity documents using the Identity Confirmation Dashboard in Process Direct (PD) if required.


Customer Details Task (CDTS) screen + Read more ...

After indexing, on the CDTS screen complete address, payment destination, marital status and Proof of Identity screens.

The final screen in the CDTS screen flow is the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen.

Does the name of the care receiver appear on the CRS screen?


Care receiver on CRS screen + Read more ...

  • If the link is current (CUR) for CP, the carer is already receiving CP for this care receiver. Reject the claim for CP. Record details on a DOC on the carer's record. Procedure ends here
  • If the link is not (CUR) but is for CP, select the name with an 'S' and press [Enter]. Go to Step 4
  • If the link is to another payment:
    • Select the name and type 'Y' in the relevant Add a new care receiver or new link type?: field. Press [Enter]
    • The Link Confirmation (LC) screen will be displayed, with a 'Y' in the Confirm Selection: field. Press [Enter] and go to Step 4


Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen + Read more ...

Press [Enter] to accept the selected screen flow.

Update the following:


Care Load Validation (CLVL) screen + Read more ...

If the CLVL error SR004 displays on SWE, a process called validation will be required.

Is validation required?


Care Receiver Care and Institution Details (CRCI) screen + Read more ...

Complete the following fields:

  • Date of event: (If the claim is to be backdated, the date must be entered into this field). For more information on backdating, see Backdating provisions for claim lodgement
  • Carer CRN:
  • Carer is: use field help (?) for relevant code
  • Constant Care: use field help (?) for more information. Note: if the THP indicates they are not sure whether constant care for the child is required for a significant period each day and has not provided details that clarify the situation, contact the THP to clarify. Once all the information from the form and the discussion with the THP has been considered, the Service Officer makes the final decision. If the care receiver is part of a combined care package, see Carer Payment (CP) (child) when 2 to 4 children each with a disability or medical condition (combined care)
    • Code 'Y' if the THP and carer haves stated the care receiver requires constant care
    • Code 'C' if the THP states that constant care is not required for an individual but is required for the care receivers in total
    • Code 'N' if the THP and carer state that the care receiver does not require constant care and the Service Officer agrees. If the Service Officer disagrees with the THP and/or carer and has made the determination that constant care is required, code 'Y' and DOC the decision
  • Permanently in Institution: code 'Y' or 'N'
  • Press [Enter]
  • The system will redisplay CRCI to confirm the details coded. Press [Enter]

Note: the updates on the CRCI screen will need to be repeated for each additional child/ren or adult who is linked to the carer's CP claim.


Care Receiver Income and Assets Details (CRIA) screen + Read more ...

Code the income and assets details of the child care receiver and if the child lives with their parent or legal guardian the combined income and assets of the child care receiver, their parent or legal guardian and their partner and any FTB children.

If there is more than one care receiver, a CRIA screen should be coded for each care receiver. The system will not combine totals but will separately assess each care receiver. The income and assets details of all assessable persons for that care receiver should be included.

Complete the new claim coding to assess all remaining qualification and payability issues.

Go to the Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen.

Does another child care receiver need to be added to the Multiple Care Assessment?


Add additional child to multiple care assessment + Read more ...

Enter 'Y' in Add a new care receiver or new link Type? Child: field. The Link Person (LP) screen displays. Enter 'CHI' in the Search Type: field and complete the child's details in the relevant fields. Press [Enter].

Does a record for the child already exist?

  • Yes, select the correct record on the Name List (IL) screen. Enter 'Y' in the confirm selection field: on the Link Child (LC) screen. Press [Enter]. 'S'elect the child care receiver on the CRS screen. Code the Child Medical Details, the CNA, care receiver care and Institution details and the care receiver income and assets. Note: if the child being added is linking to another carer - reassess the losing carer's record, see Changes to Carer Payment (CP) for two or more carers in respect of the same care receiver. Go to Step 9
  • No, go to the Add Child (ACHI) screen which will show with the child's details. Press [Enter] and to go to CRS screen. Select the child care receiver. Code the child medical details, the care needs assessment, the care receiver care and institution details and the care receiver income and assets. Go to Step 9


Add adult care receiver to assessment + Read more ...

On the CRS screen, enter 'Y' in the Add a new Care Receiver or new Link Type?: field. Press [Enter]. The Link Person (LP) screen is displayed. Complete the relevant fields. Press [Enter].

Does a record for the adult already exist?

  • Yes, select the correct record on the IL screen. On the LC screen enter 'Y' in the confirm selection: field. On the CRS screen. 'S'elect the adult care receiver and press [Enter]. Note: if the adult being added is linked to another customer - reassess the losing customer's entitlement
  • No, go to the Add Person (AP) screen. Update the adult care receiver's information to create a new record. Press [Enter]

See Step 1 in the Coding the care receiver income, asset and assessment details table.

Finalising - Coding the care receiver income, asset and assessment details for CP claim

Table 2




Care Receiver's Activity List (AL) screen + Read more ...

  • 'S'elect the following:
    • CRP/ADD activity on the adult care receiver's record. Press [Enter]
    • Relevant fields on the Customer Details Task Selector (CDTS) screen and the POI Document Selection (PDS) screen will display. If the care receiver has 'Confirmed' or 'Non-payment Identity Confirmed' status on the Identity Summary screen, code 'IC' on the legacy POI screen. Press [Enter]
    • Relevant fields on the Residence Cluster Task Selector (RCTS) screen and complete the Legal Residence Details (LRDS) screen and Country of Residence (CRS) screen
    • 'SELF' on the CRS screen and press [Enter]. The Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen will display. Both the Disability Assessment Tool and the Care and Institution Details: fields will be auto selected. Press [Enter]
  • The Adult Disability Management (ADMG) screen will display. Complete the screen flow to calculate the Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) score
  • The Care Receiver Care and Institution Details (CRCI) screen will display. Update CRCI screen as needed


Care Receiver Income and Assets (CRIA) test + Read more ...

If the care receiver is eligible for:

  • a Centrelink payment, go to Step 4
  • a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) payment, go to Step 3
  • neither a Centrelink or a DVA payment, the care receiver will be tested under the CRIA test and the care receiver assets test. Code the income and assets details on the CRIA screen. A review will be automatically set up for November 1 of the year after the grant. Go to Step 4


Care receiver is on DVA payment + Read more ...

If a care receiver is

  • in receipt of a DVA Income Support Payment, they are exempt from the CRIA test. To ensure that this exemption is applied correctly the details of all DVA payments received must be coded on the Veterans' Affairs Pension (DVA) screen
  • not receiving a Centrelink benefit or pension, contact the Services Australia DVA Clearance Team who will verify and code all the DVA payments made to the care receiver. The team should be contacted by phone if urgent updates or information is required. For information, see Completing Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) clearances and income coding
  • not in receipt of a DVA Income Support Payment, the care receiver will be assessed under the CRIA test. The CRIA screen must be coded in addition to the DVA screen
  • only in receipt of a non-income tested payment from DVA (for example, War Widows Pension) they are subject to the CRIA test. In such case, in addition to coding the DVA payment, income and asset details must also be coded on the CRIA screen
  • If in receipt of a non-income tested payment (such as WWP) in addition to a DVA income support payment, they are not subject to the non-customer income and asset test. The CRIA screen should not be coded. Note: do not update the DVA screen on a current War Widow or Widower's record as this may cause them to lose their 'Saved' pre March 1995 status which cannot be restored


Complete the ADD/CRP activity + Read more ...

Complete the ADD/CRP activity on the care receiver's record and navigate back to the carer's record. 'S'elect the CAR/NCL activity on the carer's record and press [Enter].

Go to the Pension Task Selector (PTS) screen. Complete the screen flow for the carer. One of the screens auto selected on the PTS screen is the Pensions Assessment (PNA) screen. The screen will display the start date it has calculated. Update any income or assets the carer has advised on the Income and Assets form (SA369 or SA414). Press [Enter].

Are there any hospitalisation or respite absences which need to be coded for any or the care receiver's?


Care Receivers for Assessment (SCRA) screen + Read more ...

The SCRA screen must be used for selection of care receivers for assessment for CP child.

The assessment rules that may allow grant of the payment are determined by the combination of care receivers selected.

Care receivers are listed in priority order on the SCRA screen. Select all care receivers that are to be included in the multiple assessment and press [Enter].

Warning messages will display under certain circumstances.

The screen also displays:

  • the THP score total for the care receiver
  • the CNA score total for the care receiver
  • the ADAT score is the total score for the adult care receiver

To insert a new occurrence, or correct an existing provisional occurrence, 'S'elect the care receiver/s.


Record a DOC and finalise the activity + Read more ...

Record all details on a DOC in the carer's record and finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

After the AR screen has been displayed, go to the Selection of Care Assessment Results Summary (SCRR). This screen displays the assessment results summary for the selected carer. It displays the assessment type and the list of care receivers included in the assessment, and the result.

Note: if the carer has not been through an assessment and does not have historical data, the screen will be blank.

Assessed Type: field displays the type of assessment stream under which this carer was assessed:

  • 'MUL' - Multiple
  • 'CMB' - Combined
  • 'MST' - Mainstream
  • 'MSG' - Mainstream - grandfathered
  • 'CMG' - Combined - grandfathered

Qual Indicator: field indicates whether the carer is qualified either provisionally ('y'es or 'n'o (lower case)) or confirmed ('Y'es or 'N'o (upper case)).

Qual Reason: Displays the expanded qualifying and non-qualifying reason codes.