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Carer Payment (CP) for 2 or more carers in respect of the same care receiver 009-04060000

This document explains details to help Service Officers with issues which may arise when Carer Payment (CP) is claimed by 2 or more carers for one care receiver.

Qualifying for CP

Normally, a carer does not qualify for CP unless they are considered to be the primary carer and are personally providing constant care.

If another person assists in providing care, details of the amount and frequency of this other care must be provided to determine whether each person personally provides constant care

In situations where the care is shared equally, and neither carer provides a sufficient degree of care to meet the requirements, neither carer qualifies for CP.

Child care receivers

A child care receiver (under 16 years) with a severe medical condition or severe disability may qualify 2 or more carers for separate CP each if:

  • each carer achieves a qualifying rating of 'intense'
  • to achieve a rating of 'intense', the total score for the Care Needs Assessment (ACL) questionnaire completed by the carer is 85 or more
  • the score on the Treating Health Professional (THP) questionnaire is a qualifying score of greater than zero, and
  • the THP certifies in writing that care is to be provided by 2 or more carers

A child care receiver (under 16 years) with a severe medical condition or severe disability may qualify 2 or more carers for a separate CP each if:

  • the care load is so high that 2 or more carers need to provide daily care
  • a medical practitioner has certified the child care receiver has a 'terminal condition’, and
  • the THP certifies in writing that care is to be provided by 2 or more carers

Note: the medical report will identify the number of carers required to care for the child. If there is any doubt about the number of carers required to care for the child, more investigation may be appropriate, for example a social worker assessment or discussion with the THP.

Adult care receivers

An adult care receiver (16 years or over) who is likely to suffer from their disability permanently or for an extended period may qualify 2 or more carers for separate Carer Payments if:

  • Each carer personally provides constant care for the care receiver - such as care required for a significant period each day (at least the equivalent of a normal working day). This care can overlap and does not necessarily have to be in separate periods
  • Each person can fully satisfy the qualification criteria.
  • The care receiver's Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) score is 80 or more, including a Treating Health Professional (THP) score of 32 or more. Such a high score indicates the care receiver's needs are high

Note: if an adult care receiver is certified as being in the final phase of a terminal illness only that part of the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Medical Report for a person 16 years or over (SA332a) needs to be completed. The care receiver is automatically assessed as having a qualifying ADAT score of 30. However, if 2 or more carers wish to claim CP the care receiver will need to be reassessed using another SA332a and have an ADAT score of 80 or more (and 32 or more from the THP).

Re-use and re-claim provisions

Child - Re-use and re-claim provisions allow eligible Treating Health Professional (THP) Medical Reports and/or Care Needs Assessments (CNA) previously supplied to be used for a subsequent claim. The online claim and First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) will identify the option to re-use this existing data for the child care receiver if the most recent reports meet the re-use provisions.

Adult - Re-claim and re-use provisions allow information previously gathered under the Adult Disability Assessment Determination (ADAD 1999) or terminal condition assessment for Carer Payment (adult) and/or Carer Allowance (adult) to be used for a subsequent claim. Re-claim provisions are automatically assessed when a customer claims online or FCSO is run.

The Resources page contains:

  • an example of when constant care requirements are met
  • Q134 letter text
  • a link to:
    • the Level 2 Policy Help Desk Online Query Form, and
    • Processing Service details


Changes to Carer Payment (CP) for 2 or more carers in respect of the same care receiver

Assessing claims for Carer Payment (CP)

Carer Payment (CP) (child) exchanged care

Coding the Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT)

Carer Payment (CP) absences for qualification Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT) 80+

Carer Payment (CP) (child) short term care

Carer Payment (CP) (child) episodic care

Carer Payment (CP) (child) when caring for 2 to 4 children each with a disability or medical condition (combined care)

Carer Payment (CP) claims for care receivers aged under 16

Claiming Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA)

Re-use and re-claim provisions for Carer Allowance (CA) (child) and Carer Payment (CP) (child) claims

Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT)

Creating a Q134 letter