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Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY Parental Income Test (PIT) reviews 110-07060060

This document explains the assessment process for PIT reviews.

On this page:

Assessing YA and ABSTUDY PIT review letters

Assessing Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY Parental Income Test (PIT) reviews

Assessing YA and ABSTUDY PIT review letters

Table 1




YA/ABSTUDY PIT Review + Read more ...

PIT reviews are sent to dependent Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY customers to confirm their family circumstances and parent(s)/guardian(s) income. This information is used to determine the customer's eligibility and rate of payment.

There are four types of PIT reviews:

  • Annual
  • Employment Income NIL rate (EIR)
  • Parental Income (PIR)
  • Change in Circumstance

If the customer, or parent(s)/guardian(s) contacts to:

  • request a reissue of the YA and ABSTUDY PIT review, go to Step 2
  • request an extension of YAL/ABSTUDY PIT review including where the payment is suspended YAR (Failed to return PIT review form), go to Step 4
  • complete the PIT review verbally including where the payment is suspended YAR (Failed to return PIT review form), see Step 3 in Table 2
  • enquire about who are the parents or what is applied under the PIT, see Parental Income Test (PIT)

See Step 1 in Table 2 if:

  • a PIT review is allocated via Workload Manager
  • uploaded evidence of parental income has been provided, or
  • the parent(s)/guardian(s) have completed the PIT review using the API online service and it has not automatically completed


When is a PIT review to be reissued? + Read more ...

Before issuing a replacement, check if the customer's Household and Income Assets (NHI) screen has already been updated with verified income.

The Parental Income Test (PIT) review only needs to be reissued if:

  • the original PIT review is not received
  • it has been misplaced
  • the parent is unable to lodge the PIT review online, by phone or at a service centre

Is a replacement PIT review needed?


Reissue Youth Allowance (YA) PIT letter + Read more ...

Service Officers must:

  • Reissue Youth Allowance PIT letters in Customer First
  • Discuss a reasonable timeframe for the customer to provide the information taking into account reasonable postage time
  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Activity Registration (AYR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: YAL
    • Activity Type: MFU
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Review Reason: YAR (YAL Dependent Review)
    • Resubmit Date: date determined suitable
    • Action: REV
    • Action Date: as per Resubmit Date
    • Keywords: SY012 and YARyyyy. Staff must capture 'yyyy' as the appropriate year, for example, in 2022 the keyword is YAR2022
    • Proceed with Activity?: N
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
    • Notes: 'PIT Review Extended until DD MMM YYYY. Suspend payment with reason YAR if not supplied by new due date.'
  • The review will mature on the Resubmit Date coded in the AYR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action

If the NSSREM advice has been archived, reissue the letter via an AYR activity, (which will provide a new One Time Access Code and start the review timeline again), create a review on the Activity Registration (AYR) screen by coding the following fields:

  • Service Reason: 'YAL'
  • Source: 'SY012'
  • Activity Type: 'YAR'
  • Date of Receipt: Applicable date
  • Review Reason: 'YAR'
  • Action: 'FMI'
  • Keywords: 'YARyyyy' staff must capture 'yyyy' as the appropriate year, for example, in 2022 the keyword is YAR2022
  • Proceed with Activity?: 'Y'
  • Select Continue

Note: staff must make sure they record all information about the PIT review in a DOC.

The Resources page has a link to the SY012 (A) form if a parent says they cannot A self service option is available for customerscomplete the PIT Review online.

Procedure ends here.


Extension to return the PIT review + Read more ...

If the customer or their parent(s)/guardian(s) contacts asking for an extension, Service Officers can extend the date if they can give the review before 1 January.

Service Officers should encourage parent(s)/guardian(s) to give a PIT estimate rather than extending the PIT review as this will prevent cancellation.



Coding extension to return the PIT review in Customer First + Read more ...

If an extension to the review has been requested and the review can be given before 1 January, check if a PIT review letter/reminder is reissued via the AYR screen. The due date will automatically appear on the Future Activity List (FAL) screen.

If an extension is needed:

  • go to the FAL screen
  • highlight the YAL Dependent Review or ABY PIT Review activity
  • select To VIEW a future activity via the FAY screen
  • select Continue
  • on the Future Activity Details (FAY) screen
    • open the Actions section, and
    • go to the Action Date: field
  • key the new date agreed on for the return of the PIT information in the Date: field
  • select Continue

For YA only, create a manual review on the Activity Registration (AYR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: YAL
  • Activity Type: MFU
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Review Reason: YAR (YAL Dependent Review)
  • Resubmit Date: date determined suitable
  • Action: REV
  • Action Date: as per Resubmit date
  • Keywords: SY012 and YARyyyy. Staff must capture 'yyyy' as the appropriate year, for example, in 2022 the keyword is YAR2022
  • Proceed with Activity?: N
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • Notes: 'PIT Review Extended until DD MMM YYYY. Suspend payment with reason YAR if not supplied by new due date.'

The review will mature on the Resubmit Date coded in the AYR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

If the NSSREM advice has been archived, reissue the letter via an AYR activity, (which will provide a new One Time Access Code and start the review timeline again), create a review on the AYR screen by coding the following fields:

  • Service Reason: 'YAL'
  • Source: 'SY012'
  • Activity Type: 'YAR'
  • Date of Receipt: Applicable date
  • Review Reason: 'YAR'
  • Action: 'FMI'
  • Keywords: 'YARyyyy' staff must capture 'yyyy' as the appropriate year, for example, in 2022 the keyword is YAR2022
  • Proceed with Activity?: 'Y'
  • Select Continue

If payments are:

  • suspended, go to Step 6
  • current, record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


Restoration + Read more ...

Customer's payments are suspended and the parent(s)/guardian(s) have requested an extension. Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and complete the following fields:

  • ServRsn: select the appropriate payment type
    • YAL - Youth Allowance or
  • Action: RES - Restore
  • Effect Date: the date of suspension
  • Select Continue
  • Finalise the activity
  • Record details on a Note/DOC, see Getting it Right (GIR) Minimum Standards

Procedure ends here.

Assessing Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY Parental Income Test (PIT) reviews

Table 2




Lodgement of Parental Income Review or supporting documents + Read more ...

In most cases, if the parental income information has been lodged using the Advise Parental Income (API) online service, PIT reviews will be completed automatically.

If the system has not automatically completed a submitted PIT review, or more information is required, Workload Manager (WLM) will allocate the review or supporting documents for processing.

If a Request for Information (RFI) has fallen due, or parental income documents have:

  • been provided, go to Step 3
  • not been provided, and the customer is on YA, within the PIT review activity suspend the payment:
    • go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
    • Service Reason: field, appropriate payment type
    • Action: field, SUS - Suspension
    • Reason: field, YAR - Failed to return PIT review form
    • Effect Date: field, Due date of RFI
    • Source: field, INT - Internal
    • Receipt Date: field, system date
    • select Submit Change
    • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen, go to Step 10
  • not been provided, and the customer is on ABSTUDY:
    • do not record any details on the NHI
    • Finalise the review
    • set the CoC status as Completed via Interaction History
    • make sure the ABSTUDY payment has reverted to a zero rate, go to Step 10

If a PIT review has been allocated in WLM or the parent(s)/guardian(s) have completed the PIT review using the API online service and it has not automatically completed, go to Step 2.


Advise Parental Income (API) Online Service + Read more ...

If parent(s)/guardian(s) have completed the PIT review using the API online service, a pre assessment check must be completed.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) can submit multiple PIT reviews using their OTAC. Service Officers may be allocated more than one PIT review. If this occurs, Service Officers must check all PIT reviews and compare the details.

In Process Direct:

  • On the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, select the Claim Overview Open left slider; Close right slider to review the information provided
  • Check the Transaction Notes as they may provide details on why the update was not automatically applied to the record
  • Check if any supporting documents have been uploaded
  • Check the FAO Income Previous Year (FIPY) screen in the parent(s)/guardian(s) record for any confirmed data

Is more information required to assess the PIT review?


Verbal, SY012, MOD JY or supporting documents for a PIT review + Read more ...

If parent(s)/guardian(s) contact to complete their PIT review verbally, or a SY012/MODJY or supporting documents have been uploaded, Service Officers must complete a pre assessment check.

If a MOD JY or SY012 has been provided, Service Officers must make sure each section of the form has been completed.

In Customer First:

  • go to the workspace in Customer First, and select Document Tools under Quick Links or New Document Tools - Digitisation
  • select the SY012 or MODJY, to review the information provided
  • check if any supporting documents have been uploaded
  • check the FIPY screen in the parent(s)/guardian(s) record for any confirmed data

If parent(s)/guardian(s) contact to provide their income details verbally, Service Officers must still complete the above pre assessment checks.

Is more information needed, or are there multiple PIT reviews with different details?


Further information if needed + Read more ...

If more information is needed, attempt to contact the parent/guardian verbally to get the information.

If the parent(s)/guardian(s) has not answered a question(s) properly, get the answers verbally from the parent(s)/guardian(s).

If the contact is successful:

  • confirm with the parent(s)/guardian(s) that:
    • the details they have provided are correct, and
    • they acknowledge that giving false or misleading is a serious offence
  • If the parent/guardian declares the information provided is true and correct, record details in a Fast Note, using the Auto Text function:
    • Category 1:
    • Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices for YA or ABSTUDY (STU/APT)
    • Jobseekers for YA (OTH/JSK)
    • Category 2: Claims
    • Template: Verbal MOD JY
    • Select Confirm
    • Edit auto text with the details provided by the parent(s)/guardian(s)
    • Select Continue to complete the DOC
  • Process the PIT Review:
    • for verbal, SY012/MOD JY PIT reviews action in Customer First, go to Step 6
    • for Online PIT Reviews action in Process Direct, go to Step 5

If the contact is unsuccessful, or more documents are required:

  • issue a written request for information notice on the customer's record, see Requesting information (CLK)
  • make sure the PIT review is placed on hold until the documents are provided, or until the due date
  • DOC the record with actions taken
  • go to Step 10

For information on what documents are accepted as verification, see Documents accepted as evidence of parental income.


Processing Annual PIT Review in Process Direct + Read more ...

If a PIT review has been allocated via WLM, Service Officers must process this work item in Process Direct, unless the payments are CAN-PIE or SUS-PIE and the PIT review was completed before the CAN-PIE or SUS-PIE date.

If the customer is CAN-PIE or SUS-PIE and the PIT review was completed before the CAN-PIE or SUS-PIE status, Service Officers must process the PIT Review in Customer First. Go to Step 6.

To assess the PIT review in Process Direct:

  • Check the transaction notes as it may provide details on why the update was not automatically applied to the record
  • Review parent responses in the transaction overview
  • Update the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen with any changes to the parent(s)/guardian(s) provided

Check the following fields on the NHI screen:

  • Super Key: NHI
  • Event Date: see Event Date for Parental Income
  • Financial Year: the Base Tax year of the calendar year for which the review was issued
  • Review Date: field, for:
    • estimates: the date provided by the parent(s)/guardian(s). If the parent(s)/guardian(s) have not supplied the date the evidence is expected, get the date from the parent. If the parent cannot be contacted, code the review date 28 days in the future
    • actual income: blank. If actual income is being coded for a financial year for which an estimate was previously recorded, the review date must be deleted
  • Estimate Indicator:
    • No, where actual income has been advised
    • Yes, where estimated income has been advised
  • Parent CRN: select the relevant PIT linked parent from the options provided. Make sure the appropriate parent(s)/guardian(s) are PIT linked via the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen
  • Update the following income fields, with the information provided within the PIT review:
    • Taxable Income
    • Overseas Income
    • Maintenance Paid
    • Investment Loss
    • Reportable superannuation contributions
    • Exempt reportable fringe benefits
    • Other reportable fringe benefits
    • Tax free pensions and benefits (applies from 1 July 2017)
  • Finalise the activity, select Assess, the Entitlements (ELD) screen will show
  • If any errors present, see the Digital Assistant Roxy before escalating to ICT
  • If an overpayment occurs for:

Note: if appropriate, update all dependent sibling records.

PIT Review CoC transaction will automatically be set as 'Completed'.

If the payment is:


Processing PIT review in Customer First or Customer Record + Read more ...

PIT reviews must be completed in Customer First or Customer Record where the parent(s)/guardian(s) are supplying their parental income:

  • verbally
  • via a Youth Allowance Parental Income Assessment (SY012), or
  • via a Parents/Guardians details for the Base Tax Year and Current Tax Year for Dependent Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY customers (MOD JY) form, or
  • if the payment has been CAN-PIE and evidence of parental income has been supplied or a PIT review has been completed before the CAN-PIE Date of Event (DOV)
  • if the payment has been CAN-PIA (Parental income and assets not provided) and the PIT review has been submitted within 13 weeks

In Customer First or Customer Record:

  • If their payments are Current (CUR), select the PIT review activity from the:
  • Activity List (AL), or
  • Future Activity List (FAL) screen
    Note: if the payments are Suspended (SUS) or Cancelled (CAN), a PIT review activity will not be available on AL or FAL
  • If required, update the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen
  • Next: field, key 'NHI'
  • Event Date: field, see Event Date for Parental Income
  • Financial Year: field, the Base Tax year of the calendar year for which the review was issued
  • Review Date: field, for:
    • estimates: the date provided by the parent(s)/guardian(s). If the parent(s)/guardian(s) have not supplied the date the evidence is expected, get the date from the parent. If the parent cannot be contacted, code the review date 28 days in the future
    • actual income: blank. If actual income is being coded for a financial year for which an estimate was previously recorded, the review date must be deleted
  • Estimate: field:
    • No, where actual income has been advised
    • Yes, where estimated income has been advised
  • Update the following income fields, with the information provided within the PIT review:
    • Taxable Income
    • Overseas Income
    • Maintenance Paid
    • Investment Loss
    • Reportable superannuation contributions
    • Exempt reportable fringe benefits
    • Other reportable fringe benefits
    • Tax free pensions and benefits (applies from 1 July 2017)

Note: if appropriate, update all dependent sibling records. See Linking sibling records with customers/students/Australian Apprentices/job seekers - Parental Income Test (PIT).

If the payment is:


Date verification of parental income provided + Read more ...

If the customer's YA is Cancelled - Failed to Verify Parental Income (CAN-PIE), Service Officers must establish if verification of the parental income was provided with a date of receipt (DOR) before the CAN-PIE Date of Event (DOV).

If the verification of the parental income was provided after the CAN-PIE DOV and there are no exceptional circumstances, the customer should lodge a new claim.

If the customer requests a review of the decision by lodging a new claim, they can be assessed under their current circumstances while a review decision is pending. See Resources for examples.

If parental income was provided with a Date of Receipt (DOR):

  • after the CAN-PIE Date of Event and no exceptional circumstances apply, do not restore the payment, tell the customer to lodge a new claim, then go to Step 10
  • before the CAN-PIE Date of Event or after the CAN-PIE and exceptional circumstances apply, Service Officers must, in Customer First:
    • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
    • ServRsn: field, YAL - Youth Allowance
    • Action: field, CAN
    • Reason: field, OTH
    • Effect Date: field, code the date before the CAN- PIE Date of Effect
    • Source: field, as appropriate
    • Date of Receipt: field, date the evidence of parental income was supplied
    • Notes1: field, 'Approved Workaround'
    • press [Submit Change]
    • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen, the system will potentially generate an overpayment for 1 day. This will auto waive within the restoration
    • Make sure the advice is inhibited before finalisation
    • Finalise the activity
    • In a new activity, restore YAL from the CAN OTH Date of Effect. Go to Step 9


Cancelled PIA and PIT review submitted within 13 weeks + Read more ...

In Customer First:

  • If needed, update the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen
  • Next: field, key NHI
  • Event Date: field, see Event Date for Parental Income
  • Financial Year: field, usually the Base Tax year of the calendar year for which the review was issued
  • Estimate Indicator: field:
    • No, where actual income has been advised
    • Yes, where estimated income has been advised
  • Review Date: field, if needed, update the review date field with the date provided by the parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • Update the following income fields, with the information provided within the PIT review:
    • Taxable Income
    • Overseas Income
    • Maintenance Paid
    • Investment Loss
    • Reportable superannuation contributions
    • Exempt reportable fringe benefits
    • Other reportable fringe benefits
    • Tax free pensions and benefits (applies from 1 July 2017)

Note: if appropriate, update all dependent sibling records. See Linking sibling records with customers/students/Australian Apprentices/job seekers - Parental Income Test (PIT).

Go to Step 9.


Restoration needed + Read more ...

To restore payments:


  • In the Nxt field, key SVABY and then in the System field, key ISS and press [Enter]
  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and code the following:
    • Svc Rsn field - ABY
    • Action field - RES
    • Source and DOR fields
    • press [Submit Change]
  • Effect Date: will default to the date of suspension/cancellation
  • in Customer First:
    • select Continue
    • finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • in Process Direct:
    • select Assess
    • the outcome will be recorded via the Finalisation Notes

Youth Allowance:

  • go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and code the following:
  • Svc Rsn field - YAL
  • Action field - RES (for restore)
  • Source and DOR fields
  • press [Enter]
  • Effect Date: the date of suspension/cancellation
  • in Customer First:
    • select Continue
    • finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • in Process Direct:
    • select Assess
    • the outcome will be recorded via the Finalisation Notes

Note: if parental income is too high, the restoration may change the status to CAN-PIH (Parental income too high) instead of current.

Go to Step 10.


Record details on a DOC + Read more ...

If PIT information has been obtained verbally, Service Officers must record details in a Fast Note, using the Auto Text function:

  • Category 1:
  • Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices for YA or ABSTUDY (STU/APT)
  • Jobseekers for YA (OTH/JSK)
  • Category 2: Claims
  • Template: Verbal MOD JY
  • Select Confirm
  • Edit auto text with the details provided by the parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • Select Continue to complete the DOC

Otherwise, record details in a DOC including any of the following information where appropriate:

  • additional information or documents requested
  • rate reduction/increase or overpayment
  • suspension
  • restoration
  • cancellation if parental income too high (CAN/PIH)

It is important to record any additional information as per the GIR DOC Minimum Standards.

If Service Officers have the relevant skills, they must select all relevant activities/scans to complete on the customer's record. Once all work is completed, make sure relevant work items are completed.