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Using ADEX to explain a system generated debt 107-03020020

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Example 1

From: 13 DEC 2018 To: 26 DEC 2018, $17.20.

No adjustment to ADEX needed for arrears payments that have been paid to the customer without adjustment. Confirm the amount is on the Payment Summary (PS) screen.


Example 2

From 13 NOV 2018 to 26 NOV 2018, $0.00 M $223.64

Arrears payments that have been manually zeroed (note the blue M) will need to be deducted from the ADEX debt amount and 'Old Fn Rate' Total.


Example 3

From: 1 AUG 2019 To: 15 AUG 2019, $592.20

Debt: ID [U4005864] Calc Amt [592.20]

Status: [DET / Determined - Raised]


From: 1 AUG 2019 To: 15 AUG 2019, $592.20

Debt: ID [U4005864] Calc Amt. [592.20]

Status: [FRE / Finalised - Recovered]

No adjustment to ADEX is needed if debt is Raised and/or Recovered for system generated amount.


Example 4

From: 1 AUG 2019 To: 15 AUG 2019, $592.20

Debt: ID [U4005864] Calc Amt [592.20]

Status: [FWV / Finalised - Waived]

Waived debt of more than $50 are treated the same as Raised debts. No adjustment to ADEX is needed where WVD debt = Calc Amt.


Example 5

From: 1 AUG 2019 To: 15 AUG 2019, -$20.00

Debt: ID [U4005864]

Status: [FWV / Finalised - Waived]

Waived debt less than $50 will need to be added back into the ADEX debt amount and 'Old Fn Rate' Total.


Example 6

From: 15 JAN 2018 To: 24 MAR 2018, -$2303.90

Debt: ID [X4017504] Calc Amt [$ 0.00]

Status: [FND / Finalised - No Debt]

Debts that have been FND'D need to be investigated. In most cases, they need to be added back into the ADEX debt amount and 'Old Fn Rate' Total. No further action is required if debts are due to:


Example 7

From: 13 NOV 2018 To: 26 NOV 2018, $ 0.00 M -$223.64

Follow the same steps as Example 6.


Example 8

From: 1 AUG 2019 To: 15 AUG 2019, $592.20

Debt: ID [U4005p64] Calc Amt [400.20]

Status: [DET / Determined - Raised]

Where debt is raised for an amount that is different to the system generated amount - ADEX will need to be adjusted by the difference between the ADEX debt and the Raised amount.

Raised Amt Less - Add difference to ADEX and Old Fn Rate Raised Amt more (if not Recovery Fee) - Deduct difference from ADEX and Old Fn Rate.


Example 9

From: 11 JAN 2018 To: 03 MAR 2019, -$4184.78

Debt: ID [U8119964] Calc Amt (0.00]

Status: [UNO/Undetermined]

Investigate what and who created the debt. Generally there will be two options:

  • If both debts have been caused by the same circumstances, add it to the Total Debt Amount and Total Old Fn Rate and FND the related activity
  • Otherwise, leave it UNO and raise the new debt for the amount calculated by the system