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Using ADEX to explain a system generated debt 107-03020020

This document outlines how to use Debt Explanation (ADEX).

Access and functionality within ADEX




Accessing ADEX Debt Explanation + Read more ...

ADEX Debt Explanation can be accessed via Customer First and Customer Record.

In Customer First, go to either:

  • Customer First Workspace:
    • select Debt Information > on the Debt information overview tab, select the relevant Debt ID. On the Debt information details tab > below Debt calculators, select ADEX (Debt Explanation tool), or
  • the Debt List (OPDL) screen:
    • select the desired debt > Expln button > Stop sign (right side of screen). Copy the URL address and paste it into a Microsoft Edge browser address bar

In Customer Record:

  • go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen
  • key 'W' next to the line of the debt
  • copy the URL address and paste it into a Microsoft Edge browser address bar
  • for a Quarantined debt:
    • select the Quarantined debt from the Debt List for Parked Debts (OPDLP) screen > [Enter]
    • in the Nxt field, key OPMA > [Enter]
    • note the Source Activity ID (AMR) within the debt activity
    • locate the AMR that caused the debt in the Event Summary (ES) screen. For archived AMRs, go to the Archive and Culling Engine (ACE) to retrieve the AMR and send to ISIS. Key ‘S’ next to the AMR > [Enter]
    • go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen, key ‘W’ next to the negative adjustment > [Enter]
    • copy the URL address and paste it into a Microsoft Edge browner address bar

Accessing ADEX for an employment income related debt activity:

  • key 'W' next to the line of the debt on the Debt List (OPDL) screen
  • select the activity that caused the adjustment in Event Summary (ES) screen, navigate to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and key 'W' next to the adjustment amount
  • once ADEX is accessed:
    • select the earnings link in ADEX to open the earnings module when employment income is involved with the debt
    • select Get ADEX Data in the ADEX Scheduler
    • the ADEX Scheduler will be pre-set to use ADEX Dates. If required, select Using ADEX Dates to change it to Using Debt Dates
    • select Get EAN Data if employment income is involved. Load employment income if needed from the Actual Earnings Details (EAAD) screen
  • when in the AR screen for a provisional activity (for example, not finalised), key 'W' next to the adjustment amount
  • the results can then be viewed, printed or copied
  • check the results carefully, in particular if the overpaid amount reflects the ADEX adjustments
  • if 2 or more ADEX debt calculations have been amalgamated and raised as one debt, print and scan the amalgamated ADEX debt scheduler to the customer record and DOCument it. See Scanning Centrelink documents using an MFD

A blue M indicates a payment has been manually zeroed and not released.

Make sure the debt amount is correct by:

  • checking for any penalty deducted
  • using another debt calculator

Note: due to system limitations, if a customer is entitled to less than $1.00 of a payment component (for example, CES/PHA) the system rounds up and pays exactly $1.00. This displays on the Payment Summary (PS) screen. ADEX however, displays the exact amount of their entitlement, for example $0.44.
It is important for Compliance Officers to establish what the customer was actually paid, and actually received, when raising debts, as in these circumstances it may be different to ADEX.


Accessing ADEX Debt Explanation for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) and ABSTUDY + Read more ...

ADEX Debt Explanation can only be accessed via the students record.

In Customer First or Customer Record:

  • go to the Debt List (OPTD) screen
  • key ‘W’ next to the line of the debt
  • copy the URL address and paste it into a Microsoft Edge browser address bar


ADEX vs DMIS + Read more ...

The ADEX result may be one cent different to the debt amount shown in DMIS. The difference is because the ADEX calculates to four decimal points, while DMIS calculates to two decimal points.

ADEX is the preferred debt calculation method. If DMIS is used, it is not considered an error, if the:

  • amount received is not more than the amount the customer received as per the PS screen
  • difference in the ADEX and DMIS is no more than 5 cents (the variable the Component Amount (OPCA) screen allows). Step 4 provides the required steps to adjust the OPCA screen to accommodate the 5 cents difference
  • amount used throughout the process of raising the overpayment is consistent across all areas of the debt. For example, the:
    • information on the DOC
    • letter to the customer, and
    • OPCA screen


Adjusting the OPCA screen when there is no more than 5 cents difference between ADEX and DMIS + Read more ...

The OPCA screen breaks down a debt by financial years and payment components. The total of the component amounts must equal the total debt amount.

Where there is a 5 cents (or less) difference, adjust the components (see note below) on the OPCA screen to match the ADEX total for the same component (to 2 decimal places).

For example:

  • if the Debt Total Amount on ADEX is $100, with a breakdown of Basic $90.00 / Rent Assistance $10.00, and
  • the total of all Component Types on the OPCA screen is $99.97:
    • with a breakdown of Basic $90.00 / Rent Assistance $9.97, then
  • adjust the Rent Assistance Component line by 3 cents, increasing the component amount to $10.00

Note: when selecting a component to apply the adjustment to, make sure the adjustment does not result in the total amount of the debt attributed to that component, exceeding the total amount of the component actually paid to the customer in the relevant financial year.


Related Activities function + Read more ...

Check 'Related Activities' in ADEX to explain differences.

Note: if the related activity (AMR number) has been archived, the Activity and Related Explanations sections will not display complete information. In this event, retrieve the activity (AMR) from the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE).

The 'Related Activities' function alerts users if:

  • any activity on the system has produced an 'adjustment amount' on the Assessment Results (AR) screen, and
  • these are for the same periods covered by the debt for which ADEX is now being run

Record a DOC if:

  • a related activity results in a raised amount different from the calculated estimated ADEX figure, and
  • is accepted as the debt outcome

See the Resources page for examples.


Limitations of debt calculations in the Centrelink system + Read more ...

There are limitations to which debts can be calculated in the Centrelink system. See the Training and Support page for further details.

Do not use another method of debt calculation if the Centrelink system can be used.


Manual calculations not using ADEX + Read more ...


  • manual debt calculations on the customer's record and any information on the partner's record
  • employment income on the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen

This is required to:

  • meet Australian Privacy Principles (APP)
  • prevent new reviews of employment income for that period
  • make sure Working Credit balances are correct
  • identify if any ripple effects of the assessment that were not accounted for in the manual debt calculation, and
  • make it easier to identify why the debt was raised, even if the system estimate amount was not used


Exceptions are rare.

Employment income can be removed from the EANS screen if the Assessment Results (AR) screen shows an undesirable impact to the customer's ongoing assessment.

Record the reasons why the employment income assessment was not completed on a DOC.

If the amount in the debt shell is incorrect and differs from the manual calculation, enter the manual amounts and dates into the debt shell.

This creates inconsistency between the entitlement history and the debt, however, the employment income would still be incorrect if it was not assessed on the customer record.


Processing 'in one period' (IOP) employment income + Read more ...

The processing of the in one period (IOP) employment income assessments is made easier by the use of the Earnings Apportionment Tool (EAT).

EAT can:

  • transfer employment income amounts to and from a MultiCal calculation
  • apportion the employment income, and
  • upload the apportioned employment income to the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen


Help with ADEX + Read more ...

For more details, see the Training and Support page.

Report suspected system faults to mySupport.