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Actioning an undetermined debt on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) 107-04010040

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

This document outlines how to take the correct action on a new debt activity. This can include raising the debt, finalising no debt, or a waiver. This process is used for debt raising under Social Security Act 1991, Student Assistance Act 1973 and A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999, section 70, Debts due to the Commonwealth (excluding Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS).

On this page:

Un-holding an undetermined debt activity

Actioning an undetermined debt in DMIS

Un-holding an undetermined debt activity

Table 1




Undetermined debt is on hold + Read more ...

Note: un-holding an undetermined debt is different to removing a debt from Quarantine. See Quarantine of Centrelink debts.

Is the debt that needs to be actioned on hold?


Access level to un-hold an undetermined debt + Read more ...

DMISAO (DMIS Repayment Adjustment Override) administrative access is required to:

  • code the start of the hold period, or
  • end the hold period

Access is restricted to APS5 staff and above. Apply for this access via the ICT Security Portal, select:

  • Request Resource and complete these fields:
    • Category: INCOME SECURITY
    • Filter by: Name
    • Containing: DMIS
    • Search results and select: DMISA0 - REPAYMENT ADJUSTMENT OVERRIDE (ISP Category: Mainframe Applications)
    • Submit


Restriction to holding a debt + Read more ...

Staff must not place a debt activity on hold, unless otherwise directed. This action is automatic by the system, when there is a business need.


Debt types excluded from the automatic hold process + Read more ...

Certain debt types are considered critical to business and excluded from this process.

These include:

  • FTB auto-determined debts:
    • CCF
    • CCR
    • CCS
    • FHA
    • SLA
    • SLB
    • SLY
  • Compliance Review Debts:
    • DVC
    • ITR
    • ASB
    • CMM
    • CMB


Investigate the debt activity + Read more ...

Investigate the debt and determine the required action. If the debt will be raised:

  • manually:
  • automatically, and:
    • no changes need to be made (as the debt activity is correct), go to Step 8
    • needs to be finalised 'no debt' (FND) to amalgamate multiple (MUL) debt activities, or
    • no legally recoverable debt exists, go to Step 6


Action required to FND an IEA held debt activity + Read more ...

Note: these debt activities can only be cancelled on the AL screen once all other debt activities on the customer record have been finalised.

Do not un-hold the debt activity.

If the IEA debt activity needs to be FND:

  • go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen and 'S'elect the debt
  • go to Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen
  • change the Calculated Amount $: to $0
  • add the Multiple Debts (MUL) code to the FND reason field > [Enter]
  • Reason field will highlight 'Employment Income incorrectly coded or declared'
  • delete the reason and replace with reason type Income earned SSSS (IES)
  • press [Enter] twice to go to the Assessment Finalisation (OPAF) screen
  • key 'Y' in the Finished? field > [Enter] to finalise the debt
  • go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen to confirm the debt now displays the O/S Balance as $ 0.00 and the Status as F-No debt
  • cancel the debt activity in the Activity List (AL) screen and key 'C' in the Selection field of the relevant debt activity > [Enter]
  • procedure ends here


Action required for automatically held ADV debt activity following death action + Read more ...

Do not un-hold the debt activity.

Finalise 'no debt' (FND) the ADV debt:

  • go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen and 'S'elect the ADV debt
  • go to Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen
  • change the Calculated Amount $: to $0
  • add the Multiple Debts (MUL) code to the FND reason field > [Enter]
  • press [Enter] to go to the Assessment Finalisation (OPAF) screen
  • key 'Y' in the Finished? field > [Enter] to finalise the debt
  • go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen to confirm the debt now displays the O/S Balance as $0.00 and the Status as F-No debt
  • cancel the debt activity – go to the Activity List (AL) screen and key 'C' in the Selection field of the relevant debt activity > [Enter]

The ADV debt activity can only be cancelled on the AL screen once all other debt activities on the customer record have been finalised.

Does an ADV debt exist?


Un-holding an undetermined debt activity that will be automatically raised + Read more ...

These debt activities have the keyword DMNSAD added to the Debt Attributes (OPAT) screen.

Note: un-holding this type of debt will trigger the debt to be automatically raised.

To un-hold the debt, in the following fields:

  • Debt Selection, key 'S'
  • Nxt, key DMNUNHLD > [Enter]

If the debt activity is successfully un-held, the generic message 'I042ZZ – Activity ID: ### was successfully un-held' will display.

Is the debt activity un-held?


System error workarounds for un-holding a debt that will be automatically raised + Read more ...

Un-holding this type of debt activity is prevented when there is no 'hold date' present. As the auto raise debts cannot be selected from the Activity List (AL)/Future Activity List (FAL) screen, the normal process for adding a hold date cannot be applied. To rectify this, try the following:

  • Debts with a DOC attached:
    • 'S'elect the relevant DOC from the Document List (DL) screen
    • add a hold date into the Resub To field
    • press [Enter] to return to the AL screen
    • repeat the DMNUNHLD process from Step 8
  • Debts with no DOC attached or the attached DOC cannot be located on the DL screen:
    • attach a new Debt Investigation DOC to the debt activity using the Fast Note tool in Customer First
    • repeat the DMNUNHLD process from Step 8

Have either of the workarounds successfully un-held the debt?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No, refer to mySupport for assistance


Un-holding an undetermined debt activity that will be manually determined + Read more ...

DMISAO Access is not required to un-hold these debts.

These debt activities do not have a keyword. This can be determined by:

  • keying 'K' in the Selection field next to the held activity > [Enter], or
  • checking the Debt Attributes (OPAT) screen

These debt activities will automatically be un-held if they reach their hold date. Un-holding these will change the activity status from HLD to STA.

To un-hold the debt activity:

  • locate the activity on the Activity List (AL)/Future Activity List (FAL) screen
  • key 'U' in the Selection field next to the held activity > [Enter]

Actioning an undetermined debt in DMIS

Table 2




Use the right tool to find and action the debt + Read more ...

Raise and recover Child Care Subsidy (CCS) debts in Process Direct. The data then transfers to DMIS. It shows the status and outstanding balance for all the customer's debts.

For all other debts, use the Debt Action script, if possible.

If required, locate the Work Item via Workload Manager in Customer First.

Is the debt managed in Process Direct?


Investigate the debt + Read more ...

For assistance, see:

If the debt is:

When calculating a new debt, consideration to previously waived debt/s may be appropriate where the debt periods overlap. Staff should review all previously waived debts on the Debt List (OPDL) screen as well as those listed in the Debt Explanation (ADEX) as a related activity. See Reversal of waivers.


Determine debt action + Read more ...

If raising the debt, is there more than one debt associated with the customer?


Multiple debts + Read more ...

The script will detect if there is more than one undetermined debt.

Consider combining the debts if they have the same reason, and:

  • the periods overlap, or
  • the periods are consecutive, that is, one after the other

Note: the Resources page has examples of correct amalgamation of debts and action to be taken under the clean screen policy.


Arrears + Read more ...

Check debt/s to see if any arrears have occurred within the undetermined debt activity. This can be determined by checking the ADEX associated for the debt/s.

Note: if a debt is raised using the MultiCal debt calculator, this information will be displayed under the Debt Report sheet.

An activity may generate a result that includes an undetermined debt and arrears. The arrears may be within and/or outside the debt period.

Arrears that fall within the debt period form part of the debt calculation, and are used to offset the debt amount.

Arrears occurring outside of the debt period can be used to offset the debt amount, if they are legally payable.

Do arrears outside of the debt period exist?


Legally payable arrears + Read more ...


Assess financial hardship + Read more ...

Will using the legally payable arrears place the customer in financial hardship?


Review the debt details + Read more ...

The legally payable arrears will be used to offset the debt amount.

Ensure the debt details are correct.

Check the debt total on ADEX to confirm the arrears are being used to offset the debt.

If the arrears before the first negative adjustment (debt) are:

  • legally payable, use the first day of the positive adjustment (CR) as the debt start date
  • not legally payable, use the first day of the negative adjustment (debt) as the debt start date

If the arrears after the last negative adjustment (debt) are:

  • legally payable, use the last day of the positive adjustment (CR) as the debt end date
  • not legally payable, use the last day of the negative adjustment as the debt end date

Make a note of the following details which will be entered into the manual Account Payable (Q417) letter:

  • The overpayment period
  • The overpayment amount
  • The amount paid for the overpayment period
  • The amount entitled for the overpayment period
  • The legally payable arrears period/s
  • The legally payable arrears amount/s
  • Any applicable recovery fee amount
  • The outstanding (debt) amount

See the Resources page for an example.

Go to Step 10.


Calculate the debt + Read more ...

Calculate the debt details without the arrears payments:

  • add the arrears amount to the debt total
  • amend the New Fn Rate (that is, the amount entitled) to remove the arrears payment
  • use the date of the first negative adjustment as the debt start date
  • use the end date of the last negative adjustment as the debt end date

Go to Step 10.


Record debt details + Read more ...

Use the Debt Action script, if possible, to record the details and outcome of the debt.

When the Debt Action script reaches the Confirm Period and Amount – Raise screen, the debt period and debt amount defaults to the details on the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen. This information may need to be updated.

If coding manually, select the DMN/NDB activity from the Activity List (AL) screen. When the OPMA screen displays, record details of the debt to give a complete summary. Include the reason, relevant legislation and the amount.

These fields show details already recorded:

  • Debt Id
  • Debt Status
  • Authority, can be updated
  • Source of Debt
  • Estimated Amount $, can be updated
  • Project code

Code these fields:

  • Benefit Type
  • Reason, where multiple debt reasons have contributed to the debt, use the debt reason that has generated the largest portion of debt
  • Section of Act
  • Date of Event, key the date the change occurred that caused the debt
  • Date of Notification
  • Start Date, key the first date the customer was overpaid. If there are legally payable arrears before the debt start date, use the date identified in Step 8
  • End Date, key the last date the customer was overpaid
  • Calculated Amount $
  • Addtnl Reference No
  • NZ Office
  • Was debt solely due to system or clerical error?
  • Position Responsible
  • Acknowledgment Date


Amount of debt + Read more ...

Does the actual amount equal the estimated amount?

  • Yes, the script bypasses the Component Amount (OPCA) screen if components were captured when setting up the debt TAG. Go to Step 13
  • No, go to Step 12


OPCA screen + Read more ...

This screen breaks down a debt by financial years and payment components. This is mainly for tax adjustments.

The dates used for the financial years are based on the periods the customer was paid.

Code the component amounts. Their total must equal the total debt amount.

If arrears are not legally payable, remove the arrears component and adjust the relevant dates to reflect the overpayment period only. See General debt raising information. This explains:

  • common tax processing errors
  • how to avoid problems
  • how to prevent manual follow-ups

The Resources page has some examples of correct amalgamation of debts.


Debt recovery fee + Read more ...

Should a recovery fee apply?

  • Yes, code the details on the Recovery Fee (OPRF) screen
  • No, go to Step 14


Account Payable (OPAOD) screen + Read more ...

Note: do not send an Account payable letter until all QOL checks have been completed. If legally payable arrears outside of the debt period are offsetting the debt, suppress the automatic letter and issue a manual Account Payable (Q417) letter explaining the details of the debt and arrears payment.

See Sending Account Payable letters for:

  • how to send an automatic letter
  • how to suppress the automatic letter and issue a manual letter
  • an example manual Account Payable (Q417) letter when legally payable arrears are offsetting a debt

OPAOD screen blocked

The screen may be blocked for some benefit types or cases.

For example:

  • deceased customers - issue a manual Q080 letter to the executor
  • Carer Supplement debts - issue a Q417 to the customer

Record all decisions and actions regarding the debt and/or arrears on a DOC. See Recording reasons for decisions.