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Is a refund of repayments payable to a bankrupt customer 107-05070020

For Debt Staff only.

This document outlines the impact on Centrelink debts for bankrupt customers. Not all debts cease when a customer becomes bankrupt. However, some cease to be payable for the term of the bankruptcy.

Refund of repayments to bankrupt customers




When a customer enters bankruptcy + Read more ...

Debt staff must examine all debts to determine if a refund of repayments applies. Check the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen for each Debt ID to determine the period of the debt.

If the period of the debt occurs:


The period of the debt occurs both before and after the date of bankruptcy + Read more ...

Send a Fast Note to the relevant Debt Raising Team.

See the Resources page in Debt ownership for referral details.

Request they split the debt into 2 new debts (before and after the date of bankruptcy).

Once the debt has been split, for the debt covering the period:


The debt covers the period before the date of bankruptcy + Read more ...

Were any repayments made after the date of bankruptcy?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, do not refund these repayments. Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


Refund the repayments made after the date of bankruptcy + Read more ...

If the Service Officer decides a refund applies, they need to ensure the payment goes to the correct person. This can be the customer or the trustee. The following apply depending on the initial repayment method:

  • Withholdings are income as they derive from the reversal of a decision to withhold payments - refund these to the customer
  • Wage garnishees are income - refund these to the customer
  • Third party withholdings - refund to the person who made the withholdings
  • Financial Institution account garnishee, any funds received form part of the bankrupt estate, in most cases - refund these to the trustee, not to the customer
  • Ongoing payment arrangements are not part of the customer's income, they are the customer's property - refund these to the trustee

Reparation and judgement orders

Do not resume recovery action after discharge of the customer's bankruptcy where:

  • a reparation or judgement order is in place, and
  • they became bankrupt after the placing of the orders

If recovery has restarted after bankruptcy, refund all monies collected:

  • during the period of the bankruptcy, and/or
  • after discharge (excluding funds received from the bankrupt estate, which are dividends)

Write off the debt.

Note: if the customer has more than one debt, do not refund. Transfer payments to a debt with a period after bankruptcy.

For assistance with refunds, see Transfers and refunds.

Record details on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


The debt covers the period after the date of bankruptcy + Read more ...

Do not refund repayments made on debts covering a period after the date of bankruptcy: