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Change of practice ownership for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream 012-10010030

This document outlines the process for a change of practice ownership.

On this page:

Assess the IP010 form

Continue assessing the IP010 form

Process the IP010 form

Complete the ownership change in PIP Online

Complete the ownership change in WIP - Practice Stream Online

Assess the IP010 form

Table 1




Log into systems and check practice details + Read more ...

Log on to these systems:

Assess the practice details on the form. The practice must provide their:

  • Practice ID at Questions 2 or 3
  • Practice type at Question 5
  • Practice name at Question 6, and
  • Full practice address at Question 7
  • Notification type at Question 9. This question is optional if the change to practice ownership details is clear

If the above practice details are missing, check the form version and the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then see Step 6 in Table 2.

The practice does not need to provide the below details:

  • Program notification at Question 1
  • ABN at Question 4
  • Practice phone number, fax number and email at Question 8


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the Practice ID
  • Select Search. The Search Results will show
  • If no Search Results show, the practice ID is incorrect. Check the form version and the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then see Step 6 in Table 2

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the form. Note: an address variance may be accepted.

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 3
  • do not match, check the company or trading name:
    • Select the Practice ID. The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the dropdown, The Ownership Details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?


Practice status and form version + Read more ...

  • On the Practice Search screen, check the Search Results Status
  • Check the form version number on the bottom left corner of the form. Check if this is acceptable in the Practice Incentives forms list

Does the status show as Approved and is the form version acceptable?


Adding or removing owners from existing ownership + Read more ...

Does the practice want to add or remove an owner from the practice ownership?

If the practice advises a partial change of ownership, but the IP010 indicates a change in ownership type, check if the current ownership details (ABN, company name) at question 4 match the practice profile. If the details match, continue assessing the form. See Step 1 in Table 2.

  • Yes, check if the practice has provided owner details at Question 10
    • The owners must:
      - provide the title, family name, first name and position held for all owners being added or removed
      - select the checkbox indicating whether the owner needs to be added or removed from the practice profile
      - sign if they are a new owner being added to the practice profile
    • The practice does not need to complete the RA number
    • If the above details are incomplete, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice. See Step 1 in Table 2.
  • No, see Step 1 in Table 2


Previous practice owner(s) details + Read more ...

Check that the practice has provided the previous owner(s) details. The practice must provide:

  • Date of sale at Question 11
  • The signature of at least one previous owner at Question 13
    The owner must be registered on the practice profile

If the above practice details are incomplete, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice, go to Step 6.

The practice does not need to provide Forwarding address at Question 12.

If the form needs more details, ask for this information to be completed.

If no owners are listed on the practice profile, escalate to the LPS.


New practice ownership details + Read more ...

Check that the practice completed the new ownership details.

The practice must provide:

  • Practice ownership arrangement type at Question 14
  • New practice name, company name, trading name, ABN and ownership address at Question 15
    The practice does not need to provide the company name if the ownership arrangement type is an individual proprietor
  • New practice type at Question 16

If the above practice details are incomplete, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice. Go to Step 7.


Eligibility requirements - public liability insurance + Read more ...

Check questions 17 and 18, if the practice answered:

  • Yes, the public liability insurance company name, expiry date and policy number are optional. If they have completed these details staff must check that the expiry date has not expired (past date):
    • if public liability details are expired, call an authorised contact person or the new owner. Confirm that the insurance details are up to date
    • if unable to contact, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice. Go to Step 8
  • No, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice. Go to Step 8


Eligibility requirements - WIP - Practice Stream eligibility + Read more ...

Are Questions 19 and 20 complete?

The practice does not complete Questions 19 and 20 if they do not participate in the WIP - Practice Stream.

  • Yes, and the practice has selected Yes to both questions, go to Step 9
  • No, or the practice answered No, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice. Go to Step 9


Accreditation + Read more ...

Are Questions 21 and 22 complete?

  • Yes, and there is a copy of the ‘Accreditation,’ or ‘Registered for accreditation’ certificate, and the practice’s accreditation status has not lapsed. see Step 1 in Table 2
  • No,
    • But the practice has included is a copy of the ‘Accreditation,’ or ‘Registered for accreditation’ certificate, and the practice’s accreditation status has not lapsed
    • And there is no Accreditation’ or ‘Registered for accreditation’ certificate provided. Check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice, go to Table 2

Note: if the accreditation is not included in the sale, the new owners must reapply for the program(s). A practice cannot revert to ‘registered for accreditation.’

If the practice name changes, the new name must reflect on the accreditation certificate. The practice has 6 months from the date of sale to provide the certificate.

If the processing date is

  • within 6 months from the date of sale and the certificate is provided, continue to process the form. See Table 2
  • not within 6 months of the date of sale and the certificate is:
    • provided, escalate to the LPS for assessment
    • not provided, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice

Continue assessing the IP010 form

Table 2




Bank account details + Read more ...

If there are new bank account details at Question 23, make sure the below details are complete:

  • BSB number
  • account number
  • account name

If any of the above bank account details are incomplete, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice, go to Step 2.


Ceasing a general practitioner or nurse practitioner + Read more ...

Is Question 24 complete?

  • Yes, and the Provider number and Full name are:
    • complete, go to Step 3
    • incomplete, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice. Go to Step 3
  • No, go to Step 3


Authorised contact person(s) + Read more ...

A practice can have up to 5 authorised contact person(s) at a time.

If they want more than 5, contact the practice to confirm what they need.

Is the practice adding or removing an authorised contact person at Question 25?

The RA number is not mandatory.

If the authorised contact details are incomplete, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice, go to Step 4.

  • Yes, check the below details are complete:
    • Title, family name and first given name are clear, and
    • The practice has checked the add/remove checkbox
    • There is a signature (if adding to the practice)
    • Go to Step 4
  • No, go to Step 4


Check the declaration + Read more ...

Check the declaration details on the form at Question 28. There must be:

  • The signature of the minimum required number of owners.
    • Do not check these details if the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice cannot be identified
    • Partial change of ownership, if a new owner has signed at Question 10 and not at Question 28, this is acceptable if an existing owner has signed the declaration
    • Full change of ownership, if a new practice owner signs in the incorrect section, this is acceptable as long as the ownership and/or position held is clear
  • Their full name. If there are no name details, check the signature. Accept the form if the name can be identified from the signature

Are the declaration details complete?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, check the supporting documents to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice


Supporting documents + Read more ...

Partial change of ownership

No supporting documents are needed. If the form is:

Full change of ownership

The practice must provide an acceptable supporting document.

If the date of sale on the supporting document does not match the form, escalate to the LPS for assessment.

If the form is:

  • Complete, and an acceptable supporting document and accreditation certificate is provided, see Table 3
  • Not complete or an acceptable supporting document or accreditation certificate is not provided, go to Step 6


Return an incomplete form + Read more ...

If the form needs more details:

If the practice is not a PIP consenting practice, upload the letter to both profiles.

Check the work type classification before finalising in PaNDA and update if not correct

Process the IP010 form

Table 3




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online


Search for the practice + Read more ...

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the Practice ID
  • Select Search . The Search Results will show

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the form.

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 3
  • do not match, check the company or trading name:
    • Select the Practice ID. The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the dropdown, The Ownership Details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?

  • Yes, and
  • No, check that the Practice ID keyed is correct or re-assess the form. See Table 1


Update a full change of ownership + Read more ...

Do not process a change of ownership in the calculation months: February, May, August and November.

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Ownership Details from the dropdown. The Ownership Details screen will show
  • Select Change Ownership hyperlink

The practice does not need to provide a company name or trading name if they are an individual proprietor.

If the ownership type is Body Corporate, enter the names of 2 owners.

For the system to accept a sole trader, enter the director’s name as the first owner and enter ‘Sole Director’ as the second owner.

Key the details below as prompted by each empty field:

  • Company Details
  • ABN Details
  • Ownership Address Information
  • Owners/Partners/Associates
  • Practice Name
  • Check the box to confirm the relevant change of ownership forms have been sighted
  • Select Save and Exit

Go to Step 6.


Update a partial change of ownership + Read more ...

Do not process a change of ownership in the calculation months: February, May, August and November.

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Ownership Details from the dropdown. The Ownership Details screen will show

If the ownership type, company name and/or trading name (Question 15) need updating, under Current Details:

  • Select Override Details
  • Key the below details:
    • Date Ownership changed
    • Ownership Type
    • Company Name (if applicable)
    • Trading Name (if applicable)
  • Select Save

Note: the practice does not need to provide a company name or trading name if they are an individual proprietor.

If the ABN (Question 4) needs updating:

  • Key the ABN in the New ABN field
  • Select Update ABN

If the ownership address (Question 15) needs updating, under Update Ownership Address Information:

  • Select/key the following details:
    • Address Line 1
    • Address Line 2 (if applicable)
    • Locality
    • State
    • Postcode
  • Select Update Ownership Address


Adding or removing owners from existing ownership + Read more ...

If the Owners/Partners/Associates need updating, under Owners/Partners/Associates:

  • Select Override Details
  • Select Add Another Owner/Partner/Associate
  • Key the below details:
    • Title
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • RA Number (if applicable)
  • Select Apply Changes

If a new owner has signed at Question 10 and not at Question 28, this is acceptable if an existing owner has signed the declaration.

If the ownership type is Body Corporate, enter the names of 2 owners.

For the system to accept a sole trader, enter the director’s name as the first owner and enter ‘Sole Director’ as the second owner.

If the Owners/Partners/Associates need removing, under Owners/Partners/Associates:

  • Select Override Details
  • Go to the relevant owner
  • Select Remove from the Remove column
  • Select Yes


Update the practice name + Read more ...

If the practice name (Question 15) needs updating:

  • Select Practice Summary from the Main menu
  • The Practice Summary screen will show

Under Change Practice Name:

  • Key the practice name in the Practice Name field
  • Key the practice name in UPPERCASE
  • Select Update Practice Name


Update the practice type + Read more ...

If the Practice type (Question 16) needs updating, under Change Practice Type:

  • Select the Practice type from the dropdown
  • Select Update Practice Type


Accreditation + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Eligibility from the dropdown
    • The Eligibility screen will show

Do the accreditation details need updating?


Bank account details + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Payment Details from the dropdown. The Payment Details screen will show

Do the bank account details (Question 23) need updating?


General practitioner or nurse practitioner details + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Associated GPs from the dropdown. The Associated GPs screen will show

Do any practitioners need ceasing (Question 24)?

Note: there must be at least one Associated GP remaining on the practice profile.


Authorised Contact Person(s) + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Contact Details from the dropdown. The Contact Details screen will show

Do the authorised contact person(s) (Question 25) need updating?

If a full change of ownership occurs, remove the previous owners as an authorised contact person.


Contact details + Read more ...

Under Update other details, check the practice phone number, fax number or email (Question 8).

If the practice phone number, fax number or email need updating, under Update Other Details:

  • Select Contact Details
  • Key the below details in the appropriate fields:
    • Phone Number
    • Facsimile Number
    • Email Address
  • Select Update Other Details

See Table 4.

Complete the ownership change in PIP Online

Table 4




PIP Annual Confirmation Statement + Read more ...

Check the PIP Annual Confirmation Statement Status.

  • Select Confirmation Statement from the Main menu
  • The Confirmation Statement screen will show

Under Current Details, if the status is:

  • Confirmed, go to Step 2
  • Sent, update the statement:
    • Under Declaration, key the date of lodgement in the Date Received field
    • Select Confirm

Add a comment to the practice profile.

  • Select Comments from the Main menu
  • The Comments screen will show

Under Add new comment:

  • Key the below details:
    • Area: Ownership Details
    • Reason: Other
    • Comment: Practice is exempt from the Annual Confirmation Statement process due to a change of practice ownership P###### DD/MM/YYYY
  • Select Add Comment

Note: the Annual Confirmation Statement will be automatically confirmed when the ownership is updated via the Change Ownership hyperlink. A comment must still be added to advise the practice is exempt from the Annual Confirmation Statement process.


Check the payment status + Read more ...

Check if the practice’s payments are on hold:

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Payment Details from the dropdown. The Payment Details screen will show

Check the Status of the PIP payments.

If the status is On Hold and:

  • The reason is Change of ownership in progress, remove the hold:
  • The reason is for something else, escalate to the LPS, if the reason for the hold has not been resolved with the information provided with the change of ownership.

Note: payments must stay on hold until the practice provides an updated accreditation certificate with the new practice name and/or new address (if a practice name change or relocation has been notified with the change of ownership).

Do not remove payment holds during a calculation months: February, May, August and November. If a payment hold can be removed:


Check for held and failed payments + Read more ...

Check for any held or failed payments.

  • Select Payments from the Main menu
  • Select Payment History from the dropdown
    • The Payment History screen will show
    • Check the Payment Status

If any payment shows:

  • Rejected or error, see if there are new bank account details (Question 33). If so, redirect the payment
  • Held, see if the payment can be released. If it can:
    • escalate to the LPS
    • request the release of payments

Do not remove payment holds during calculation months: February, May, August and November If a payment hold can be removed:


Add a comment + Read more ...

Add a comment to the practice profile to confirm the change of ownership and the release of payments (if applicable):

  • Select Comments from the Main menu
  • The Comments screen will show

Under Add new comment, select/key the below details:

  • Area: Payment Details
  • Reason: Other
  • Comment:
    • Change of practice ownership updated, ownership changed on DD/MM/YYYY, system updated on DD/MM/YYYY
    • Requested the release of held/failed payments. Payment hold removed P###### DD/MM/YYYY
  • Select Add Comment

Is the practice approved for the WIP - Practice Stream?


PIP consenting practice. + Read more ...

Is the practice PIP consenting practice?

Do not complete Step 1. This is only for PIP.

See also: Link WIP - Practice Stream non-consenting practices with PIP


Upload documents and finalise the work item + Read more ...

Check the work type classification in PaNDA before finalising and update if not correct.

Complete the ownership change in WIP - Practice Stream Online

Table 5




WIP - Practice Stream Quarterly Confirmation Statement + Read more ...

Check the Quarterly Confirmation Statement (QCS) status.

  • Select Quarterly Confirmation Statement from the Main menu
  • The Quarterly Confirmation Statement screen will show

Under Current Details, if the status is:

  • Confirmed, go to Step 2
  • Sent, call an authorised contact person or owner
    • Tell the practice the QCS needs to be complete
    • If unable to contact, go to Step 2


Check the payment status + Read more ...

Check if the practice’s payments are on hold.

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Payment Details from the dropdown. The Payment Details screen will show

Check the Status of the WIP - Practice Stream payments. If the status is On Hold and the reason is:

  • Change of ownership in progress:
    • remove the hold
    • Select Allowed
    • Select Update Status
    • Go to Step 3
  • Other, escalate to the LPS if the reason for the hold has not been resolved with the information provided with the change of ownership

Note: payments stay on hold until the practice provides the accreditation certificate for the new relocation address.

Do not remove payment holds during a calculation month. If a payment hold can be removed:


Check for held and failed payments + Read more ...

Check for any held or failed payments:

  • Select Payments from the Main menu
  • Select Payment History from the dropdown
    • The Payment History screen will show
    • Check the Payment Status

If any payment shows:

  • Rejected or error, see if there are new bank account details (Question 23). If so, redirect the payment
  • Held, see if the payment can be released. If it can:
    • escalate to the LPS
    • request the release of payments

Do not remove payment holds during the calculation months: February, May August and November. If a payment hold can be removed:


Add a comment + Read more ...

Add a comment to the practice profile to confirm the change of ownership and the release of payments (if applicable):

  • Select Comments from the Main menu
  • The Comments screen will show

Under Add new comment, select/key the below details:

  • Area: Payment Details
  • Reason: Other
  • Comment:
    • Change of practice ownership updated, ownership changed on DD/MM.YYYY, system updated on DD/MM/YYYY
    • Requested the release of held/failed payments. Payment hold removed P###### DD/MM/YYYY
  • Select Add Comment


Upload documents and finalise the work item + Read more ...

If the practice is not a PIP consenting practice, upload the form to both profiles.

Check the work type classification in PaNDA before finalising and update if not correct.