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Teaching Payment Claims for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) 012-10110000

This document outlines the Teaching Payments Claims process.

On this page:

Assess the IP006 form

Process the IP006 form

Amend or withdraw a teaching claim

Assess the IP006 form

Table 1




Log into systems and check practice details + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online.

Assess the practice details on the form.

The practice must provide their:

  • Practice ID at Question 1
  • Practice name at Question 2, and
  • Main practice address at Question 4

If the above practice details are missing, check the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then go to Step 14.

The practice does not need to provide these details:

  • ABN at Question 3
  • Practice phone number, fax number or email at Question 5


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the Practice ID
  • Select Search
  • The Search Results will show
  • If no Search Results show, the practice ID is incorrect. Check the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then go to Step 14
  • Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the form. An address variance may be accepted

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 3.
  • do not match, check the company or trading name
    • Select the Practice ID
    • The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the drop down
    • The Ownership Details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?


Practice status and form version + Read more ...

  • On the Practice Search screen, check the Search Results Status
  • Check the form version number on the bottom left corner of the PDF form
  • Check if this is acceptable in the Practice Incentives forms list
    • If the form does not have a form version number, escalate to the Local Peer Support (LPS) for assessment

Does the status show as Approved and is the form acceptable?


Closed or withdrawn practices + Read more ...

If the practice status is showing as closed or withdrawn, check the dates of the sessions against the date of withdrawal/closure.

Closed/withdrawn practices may be eligible for sessions provided before the date of closure or withdrawal.

  • Select the practice ID hyperlink
  • The Practice summary screen will show
  • Check the date of closure/withdrawal
  • Check the teaching session dates at Question 10

Are the teaching session dates before the date the practice was closed or withdrawn?

  • Yes, escalate to Payments team via LPS
  • No, reject the form, go to Step 14


University Certification + Read more ...

The University must:

  • complete all questions in the university certificate, or
  • provide correspondence between the practice and the university arranging the teaching sessions. Correspondence can be a letter or email and must:
    • be dated before the first teaching session occurred
    • include the university name and the full name of a university representative
    • include the student's full name and student identification number

If the above university details are missing, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice, go to Step 6.


  • Electronic or stamped signatures from universities are acceptable
  • The university stamp does not need to be provided
  • The university representative’s certification date must be on or before the first teaching session on the form
  • The university representative’s certification date cannot be blank, invalid, future dated or American style
  • The university contact phone number is not mandatory
  • The student ID number is not mandatory on correspondence


Check teaching sessions + Read more ...

Teaching session requirements:

  • All dates must be in full
  • Date of sessions cannot be blank, invalid, future dated or American style
  • Date of sessions cannot be before the university representative’s certification date at Question 8
  • dates of teaching sessions must be after 1 January 2015
  • The practitioner’s name and signature is needed for each listed session date:
    • The GPs full name is not mandatory, as long as the name provided can be identified in the current Associated GPs
    • If one signature is used for a group of sessions, this is acceptable as long as the practitioner clearly indicates which sessions the signature applies to
    • If a University Session Log is attached to the claim form, this is acceptable as long as each session is listed and it is signed by the practitioner

Note: if there are more than 2 sessions listed per GP per day, process 2 sessions only and use z1657 to advise practice of teaching session not payable.

Has the practice provided teaching session details (Question 10) and met all of the teaching session requirements?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice, go to Step 7


Check if the sessions are after the PIP approval date and the practitioner is associated with the practice + Read more ...

  • Log on PIP Online.
  • On the Practice Search screen:
    • Key the Practice ID
    • Select Search
    • The Search Results screen will show
    • Select the Practice ID hyperlink
  • The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Check the approval date
    • Sessions dated before the approval date are not eligible for payment
  • Select Associated GPs from the Main Menu
    • The Associated GPs screen will show
  • Check the list of Associated GPs – current and non-current

Is the practitioner associated with the practice and were they current when teaching sessions occurred?

  • Yes, go to Step 8
  • No, if the sessions were before the date of approval, reject the form. Go to Step 14. Search PaNDA for unprocessed IP003 forms:
    • an IP003 form is located and can be updated, add the GP to the profile, go to Step 8
    • no outstanding IP003, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice. Go to Step 8

Note: if the claim includes sessions before and after the approval date, continue assessing the form. Once the eligible sessions have been processed, use PIP teaching session/s not payable (Z1657) letter to advise the practice of the ineligible sessions.


Student declaration + Read more ...

Student declaration date cannot be blank, invalid, future dated or American style.

Has the student signed and dated the declaration on or after the last date of session at Question 13?

  • Yes, go to Step 9
  • No, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice. Go to Step 9

Note: if a university session log is attached and it has been signed and dated by the student after the final sessions, this can be accepted.


Additional attachments + Read more ...

Has the practice attached separate student attendance pages for additional students?


Practice declaration + Read more ...

Check the declaration details on the form at Question 14. There must be:

  • the signature of at least one registered owner or an authorised contact person
    • Do not check these details if the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice cannot be identified
    • All signature types are acceptable
  • the signature date
    • must be on or after the last date of session
    • cannot be blank, invalid, future dated or American style
  • their full name. If the name can be identified from the signature, this is acceptable
  • go to Step 11


Check for duplicate claims + Read more ...

Check if the claim has already been submitted.

  • Select Incentive Summary from the Main menu
  • The Incentive Summary screen will show

Under Capacity Stream:

  • Go to Teaching Incentive from the Incentive column
  • Select View from the History column.
  • The Teaching Claim Details screen will show

Under Claims Recorded:

  • Find the claims with a waiting to be paid status
  • Select View Claim from the Action column

Do the Student’s ID and Date of session match the current claim form?

  • Yes, go to Step 12
  • No, repeat this step for all claims with a waiting to be paid status and added after the session dates being claimed, then go to Step 13


Check the duplicate claims + Read more ...

Check the number of sessions waiting to be paid.

If the number of sessions waiting to be paid is:

  • 2 per GP, the claim is not payable
  • one, determine if the session on the claim is payable:
    • Call an authorised contact person or owner. Confirm the number of sessions per GP
    • Add a comment to the practice profile
    • If unable to contact, go to Step 13

Check if the date of session/s are payable, then go to Step 13


Check for rejected claims + Read more ...

Check if the claim has previously been rejected for more information.

  • Select Associated Documents from the main menu
  • The Associated Documents screen will show
  • In the Type drop down list under Available Documents, select Teaching Claim Form
  • The available documents will be filtered to show teaching claims only

Search the uploaded claims for rejected claims with the student’s name. If the upload date is after the session dates, open the document and review the rejection reasons.

Has the practice addressed the reasons for initial rejection?


Assess which letter to use to return the form + Read more ...

If the sessions are payable but more details or information needed:

If the teaching session/s are not eligible sessions under the guidelines:

  • Use the PIP teaching session/s not payable (Z1657) letter
  • If the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice cannot be identified, use the name and address on the form. If no name, use ‘Practice Manager’

Note: if the claim contains eligible and ineligible sessions, process the eligible sessions and return a copy of the claim form with the z1657 letter advising which sessions have not been paid.


Return the form and upload the work item + Read more ...

  • Complete the correct letter
  • Upload the IP006 form to the practice profile. Record the following in the description field:
    • Rejected, student name
    • if the letter was posted or sent via HPOS
  • Upload the documents to PaNDA only if the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice can not be identified, key the:
    • practice name in the Practice ID field
    • student name in the Fax No. field
  • Finalise the work item as Complete, Request rejected in PaNDA
  • See Forms and letters for PIP and WIP – Practice Stream for letter quality checking process

Note: if returning the form within 14 days of a point in time date, use the next point in time date as the return date.

Process the IP006 form

Table 2




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online.


Open the practice profile + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key Practice ID
  • Select Search
  • The Search Results screen will show
  • Select the Practice ID number hyperlink
  • The Practice Summary screen will show


Add the claim + Read more ...

  • Select Incentive Summary from the Main menu
  • The Incentive Summary screen will show

Under Capacity Stream:

  • Go to Teaching Incentive from the Incentive column
  • Select Add Claim from the Actions column
  • The Add Teaching Claim screen will show

Under Teaching session details:

  • Select the University the claim applies to from the drop down
    • If the university is not listed in the drop down field, escalate to the LPS for assessment
    • If the teaching claim has more than 20 lines select Add A Row before keying any details
  • Select/key the below details:
    • Student’s name. Key the student name once if there are multiple sessions
    • Student ID. Key the student ID for each session
    • Date of session and Number of sessions completed

Repeat this process for each student.


Declaration + Read more ...

Under University’s Certification Details:

  • Key the Declaration Date (Question 14) in the Declaration Date as signed by the Authorised Contact Person field
  • Select Save and Exit
  • The Confirmation message will show
  • Select Yes
  • The Incentive Summary screen will show

To process more than 2 teaching sessions per student, per day, PIP Online will prompt a Duplicate Check. To override:

  • Select Save and Exit to ignore the message
  • Select Yes to the message Confirm 2461 – No selection has been made. Are you sure you want to exit?
  • Select Save and Exit
  • the claim will save and close

Note: record the claim number allocated by the system. This must be included in the associated documents description.


Verify claim + Read more ...

Verify the Teaching claim

Under the Capacity Stream:

  • Go to Teaching Incentive from the Incentive column
  • Select View from the History column
  • The Teaching Claim Details screen will show

Under Claims recorded:

  • The operator’s P number will show in the Added By column
  • Select View Claim from the Action column
  • The Add Teaching Claim screen will show with all of the previously entered details
  • Note the Claim Number under the Claim Number column

Are the teaching claim details correct and match the form?


Upload documents and finalise the work item + Read more ...

  • Select Close on the Teaching Claim Details screen
  • The Incentive Summary screen will show
  • Upload the IP006 form to the practice profile under Associated Documents, include the student name and claim number in the description
  • Finalise the work item as Complete in PaNDA

Amend or withdraw a teaching claim

Table 3




Log into systems and practice search + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online.


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key Practice ID
  • Select Search
  • The Search Results will show
  • Select the practice ID hyperlink
  • The practice summary screen will show


View claim + Read more ...

  • Select Incentive Summary from the Main menu
  • The Incentive Summary screen will show

Under Capacity Stream:

  • Go to Teaching Incentive from the Incentive column
  • Select View from the History column
  • The Teaching Claim Details screen will show

Under Claims Recorded:

  • Go to the relevant claim
  • Select View Claim from the Action column
  • The Add Teaching Claim screen will show with all of the previously entered details

Note: only claims with a status of waiting to be paid can be amended or withdrawn.

If the claim needs to be:


Amend Claim + Read more ...

From the Add Teaching Claim screen:

  • Select Back
  • The Teaching Claim Details screen will show

Under Claims Recorded:

  • Go to the claim that needs amending
  • Select Add/Edit Details from the Action column
  • The Add/Edit Claim Details screen will show

If teaching session details need to be:


Edit claim + Read more ...

Under Teaching session details:

  • If the University needs updating, select the University the claim applies to from the drop down
  • If the Student’s name, Student’s ID, Date of session and/or Sessions completed need updating:
    • Go to the row that needs editing
    • Select Edit from the Select to Edit column
    • Amend the details
    • Select Override Details
    • Repeat this process for all rows that need updating
  • If the Declaration Date needs updating, key the Declaration Date in the Declaration Date as signed by the Authorised Contact Person field
  • Select Save and Exit
  • Select Yes

Procedure ends here.


Add teaching session details + Read more ...

Under Teaching session details:

  • Select Add a row. A new blank row will be added
  • Select/key the below details:
    • Student’s name
    • Student’s ID
    • Date of session and Sessions Completed
  • Select Save and Exit
  • Select Yes

Procedure ends here.


Withdraw Claim + Read more ...

From the Add Teaching Claim screen:

  • Select Back
  • The Teaching Claim Details screen will show

Under Claims Recorded:

  • Go to the claim needing to be withdrawn
  • Select the relevant radio button from the Select to Withdraw column

Under Withdraw Selected Claim:

  • Select the relevant withdrawal reason from the Reason drop down
  • Select Withdraw Claim
  • A Confirmation message will show
  • Select Yes


Upload documents and finalise the work item + Read more ...