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Determining the Date of Event for employment income 108-07010040

Coding employment income pre-7 December 2020 - determining DOV for notification reporters




Separate procedures for Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) Age Pension age, SWS customers and notification reporters going overseas

A separate procedure applies:


Notification reporter advises constant employment (with stable earnings) retrospectively for an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020

When a notification reporter advises they or their partner have employment income that is constant but was paid in an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020:

  • The employment income is coded on the Employment Income Details (EAN) screen with a continuing frequency (for example, 2WE)
  • The date of event (DOV) is the actual date the work started
  • If there are subsequent changes to the amount of employment income, the date of event (DOV) is the actual date of the change

Note: for a notification reporter with a Reporting Statement variable reporter partner, the date of event (DOV) is the date the notification reporter starts work.

See Resources of Recording and correcting employment income details to cease or convert continuous income recorded pre-7 December 2020.


Notification reporter has changes to constant income amount for an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020 and advises retrospectively

Code the new amount on the Employment Income Details (EAN) screen using a date of event (DOV) as the first day their hours or pay rate changes when a notification reporter advises their normal income changed in an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020, due to:

  • an increase or decrease in hours, or
  • a change in pay rate:

See Resources of Recording and correcting employment income details to cease or convert continuous income recorded pre-7 December 2020.


Notification reporter commences employment with variable income in an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020 and advises retrospectively

A notification reporter advises they or their partner have worked and income is variable or a notification reporter was directed to contact to report their and/or their partner's employment income for the previous Entitlement Period End Day/s (EPED).

If income is one off and not expected to continue (this could be multiple days in an entitlement period, but is one instance):

  • Code the date of event (DOV) as date commenced work and income frequency as IOP
  • Customer will remain a notification reporter

Income is reported late after the Entitlement Period End Day (EPED) or for more than one entitlement period

If the customer advises employment income for more than one entitlement period, code earnings for each entitlement period and frequency as IOP. The date of event (DOV) for each will be:

  • First entitlement period = date commenced work
  • Subsequent entitlement periods = Entitlement Period End Day (EPED)

The notification handler (NOHL) determines the DOE for variable employment income. If customer or partner advises of starting work after 14 days, the customer may incur a debt. If a customer who notifies late was a notification reporter on the day they commenced earnings and has since changed to statement reporter, the date of event (DOV) rules for notification reporters would apply, for example, the date of event (DOV) is the date of commencement of employment.


Notification reporter advises a one-off change to their regular earnings for an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020

When a notification reporter advises they or their partner have a one-off change to their regular employment income (for example, the customer worked overtime, did an extra shift or had time off without pay):

  • Code the changed income amount, using the date the customer's hours or pay rate changed as the date of event (DOV)
  • Code the frequency (depending on the customer's pay period), for example, 1WE, 2WE, MTH, etc.)
  • If the customer has not earned any income in the pay period, frequency is not required
  • When the change covers more than one entitlement period (that is, customer takes leave and returns to work) record the customer's income for each period with a change
  • Code the customer's regular income from the date that their pay/hours returned to normal

See Resources of Recording and correcting employment income details to cease or convert continuous income recorded pre-7 December 2020.


Notification reporter ceased work in an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020

When a notification reporter advises they have ceased work:

Coding employment income pre-7 December 2020 - determining DOV for statement reporters




Separate procedures for Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) Age Pension age, SWS customers and statement reporters going overseas

A separate procedure applies:


Statement reporter advises of commencing employment with constant income in an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020

When a statement reporter advises they or their partner have employment income that is constant but was paid in an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020:

  • the employment income is coded on the Employment Income Details (EAN) screen with a continuing frequency (for example, 2WE)
  • the date of event (DOV) is the actual date the work started
  • if there are subsequent changes to the amount of employment income, the date of event (DOV) is the actual date of the change

See Resources of Recording and correcting employment income details to cease or convert continuous income recorded pre-7 December 2020.


Statement reporter advises of variable employment income for an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020

A statement reporter is required to report on their reporting day, usually the Entitlement Period End Day (EPED).

Variable employment income for each entitlement period is entered with frequency IOP. The date of event (DOV) will be the customer's Entitlement Period End Day (EPED).


Statement reporter receiving constant employment income changes to receiving variable income for an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020

If a customer or their partner who has had continuing employment income coded as 2WE, MTH, etc. advises their employment income will now vary each fortnight, code the EAN screen as follows:

  • Cease the continuous income with a date of event (DOV) as the Entitlement Period Start Day (EPSD) of the entitlement period where the change occurred
  • Variable employment income for each entitlement period is entered with frequency IOP
  • The date of event (DOV) will be the customer's Entitlement Period End Day (EPED)


Statement reporter ceases work in an entitlement period prior to 7 December 2020

Where continuous income is recorded:

Where continuous income is not recorded:

Note: customers with mutual obligation requirements or customers receiving an IMP-affected payment, must have an Employment Separation Certificate (SU1) requested. See Requesting information (CLK).