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ABSTUDY system coding for manual rate of payment 108-12020030

This page contains information on ABSTUDY system coding for manual rate of payment.

ABSTUDY manual rate




Manual rate warning prompt + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png On entry to the Recording and correcting employment income details to update earnings, including as part of a fortnightly report where this is applicable, a warning prompt will display advising the customer is on a manual rate.

Service centres and Smart Centre Call are unable to adjust or add a manual rate. When a prompt advises the Service Officer that the customer is on a manual rate the procedure is:

  • process the earnings update in the workflow in Customer First
  • finalise the workflow on the Earnings Outcomes screen which will invoke AR processing. Note: the Earnings Outcomes screen will provide advice about the payment outcomes that will not show any change in rate
  • on the Assessment Results (AR) screen answer 'No' when asked if want to approve

This will leave an unfinalised earnings activity on the Activity List (AL) screen. Service Centres and Smart Centre Call are unable to adjust or add a manual rate. If an assessment requires a manual rate assessment, send an ABSTUDY action request Fast Note to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing team, ensuring all relevant information is included. Select: Auto Text > Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY action request > Confirm.

This activity should only be finalised, along with any rate recalculation by ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing team.

Is the customer receiving ABSTUDY?


Non-standard rate of payment required for customer + Read more ...

Is a non-standard rate of payment required for the customer?


For the ISS system, adjustments are generally made on the Rate Component Override (EPRC) screen to adjust the customer's rate of payment + Read more ...

Access EPRC screen, using field help to determine the relevant value to code. In the following fields:

  • Start Date, key start date for the override
  • End Date, key the end date (if non-standard rate will be for a defined period). Note: for a non-fortnightly payment, the end date must be the same as the start date
  • Component, key the override type. Use field help ('?') for the type of payment, if required
  • Reason, key the reason
  • Amount, key the new rate amount if necessary. Dollar amount is required depending on override type
  • if the customer was receiving Adjusted Disability Pension from DVA before 1 January 2022 and the circumstance change is for a date before 1 January 2022:
  • Source and DOR fields. Press [Enter]


The system will update the customer's record, pay the new rate of payment and issue advices to the customer as appropriate + Read more ...

Record information on a DOC advising reasons for non-standard rate of payment:

  • create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC to alert Service Officers at reassessment that a manual rate applies
  • finalise activity on Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • procedure ends here


Cease non-standard rate for a customer in the ISS system + Read more ...

In the Rate Component Override (EPRC) screen:

  • key 'C' beside the line to be amended
  • in the End Date field, key the date the non-standard rate is to cease
  • key Source and DOR fields. Press [Enter]
  • record details on a DOC advising non-standard rate of payment to cease
  • end date the Display on Access (DOA) DOC from the date the manual rate ceases to apply
  • finalise activity on AR screen