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Coding the legacy Proof of Identity (POI) screen 106-07040010

This procedure only applies to Centrelink International Services and some ABSTUDY claims. For Centrelink payments and services use the Identity Confirmation Dashboard in Process Direct, see Identity Confirmation.

This document outlines how to check and code identity documents on the legacy POI screen in Customer First.

On this page:

Checking and coding the legacy POI screen upon lodgement of identity documents

Legacy Identity coding relating to new claims and cancelled claim activities

Checking and coding the legacy POI screen upon lodgement of identity documents

Table 1




Determine correct process + Read more ...

Has the customer lodged a claim for an:

  • Australian payment directly with Centrelink from overseas, or
  • ABSTUDY claim for which additional procedures apply?


Lodgement of Identity documents or additional documents + Read more ...

The customer is providing original Identity documents or returning with further documents.

Check if the customer needs to provide further identity documents to meet requirements.

To be accepted, all identity documents provided by customers must be:

Overseas documents (OD) may be accepted for Identity, however, the documents can be translated into English if required. If translation is required the document should be copied, certified and forwarded to Language Services for translation.

Note: for identity documents received from a customer who is outside Australia, see Proof of identity for customers outside Australia, then see Step 1 in Table 2.


Check Customer Person Details (CPD) screen + Read more ...

Compare document details with information on the CPD screen.

Check and record all known names from the Identity documents onto the legacy CPD screen.

Verify date of birth details on the Identity documents against customer details.

For more information, see:


Identity coding + Read more ...

Are legacy POI screens required to be coded for ABSTUDY or a claim lodged directly with Centrelink from overseas?

Legacy identity coding relating to new claims and cancelled claim activities

Table 2




Determine correct process + Read more ...

Has the customer lodged a claim for an:

  • Australian payment directly with Centrelink from overseas, or
  • ABSTUDY claim for which additional procedures apply?


Activity List (AL) screen + Read more ...

Is there a new claim activity on the Activity List (AL) screen?

  • Yes,
    • 's'elect the new claim activity on the Activity List (AL) screen
    • go to the legacy POI Document Selection (PDS) screen
    • go to Step 4
  • No, the claim has been cancelled, go to Step 3


Find the cancelled Identity DOC + Read more ...

Recode the required identity documents listed on the DOC


Manually code the legacy identity documents + Read more ...

  • Do not photocopy identity documents. Documents should only be scanned onto the record if required
  • Do not request documents if details are already on the Identity Summary screen or the legacy Proof of Identity (POI) screen or DOC'd
  • 'S'elect the applicable documents on the legacy PDS screen. Press [F7] and [F8] to move between the pages on the legacy PDS screen
  • Once selected, the legacy POI screen will display
  • Record the registration or serial number of the document at the Reg/Serial No: field. See Legacy POI tiered model A to Z documents for examples of identity documents and instructions
  • Code the Issue/Expiry: field with the date
  • Code the State: field with a valid Australian State, or 'NAT' for National. If this is coded AU will auto fill the Country of issue: field
  • Country of issue: will be AU for all documents other than Overseas documents (OD). In these instances the Overseas country must be coded
  • Date of Arrival: field - this must be coded for Commencement of Identity documents that establish the date a person arrived in Australia
  • Press [Enter]
  • Once coded, return the identity documents to the customer, or
  • If processing a claim from a customer who has lodged a claim for payment directly with Centrelink from overseas, continue with claim assessment. See Claims for Australian payments under International Agreements. Procedure ends here

Australian citizenship

If the customer has Australia recorded as their country of citizenship on the Recording legal residence screen, the citizenship must be verified, regardless of their country of birth.

The document or other acceptable verification, for example, as provided by Centrelink International Services (CIS), must be recorded on the legacy POI screen.

If the customer was born overseas and cannot provide proof of Australian citizenship, then the country of citizenship must remain the same as country of birth on the RSLEG screen.


  • If not satisfied with the person's identity because their country of birth is Australia but they cannot provide an Australian birth certificate or valid Australian passport the claim will reject due to Proof of Birth not provided
  • If citizenship cannot be verified and the Service Officer is satisfied with the person's identity, legacy Alternative Identity Confirmation may be appropriate
  • If no identity documents are coded or when insufficient documents are recorded for the required legacy tier level, escalate the claim to Local Peer Support (LPS). See Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency\


Check whether customer is an ABSTUDY customer + Read more ...

The following ABSTUDY customer groups are not required to provide any legacy POI documents (though they can still provide POI documents if they have them):

  • Customers claiming ABSTUDY Schooling A Allowance
  • Customers in transition - currently getting or transferring from Family Tax Benefit or ABSTUDY Schooling A payments because they:
    • have turned 16 years, or
    • will be living away from home to study
  • Customers changing activity - transferring from a payment such as Youth Allowance (YA) or JobSeeker Payment (JSP), and other transferees known to Services Australia
  • Customers not receiving Living Allowance (part-time entitlements, Lawful Custody Allowance or other non-living-allowance benefits)

All other ABSTUDY customers not in the above category, Identity Confirmation procedures apply (including Alternative Identity).

Note: ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) must meet Identity Confirmation requirements.

Is the customer excluded from the ABSTUDY customer group to provide POI documents?


Coding legacy POI screen for ABSTUDY customers with insufficient identity + Read more ...

As this is an extra procedure for ABSTUDY only. The system does not record the appropriate details on the legacy POI screen.

The legacy PDS and legacy POI screens will still present in the claim flow for these customers.

  • Press [Enter] when on the legacy PDS screen as no entries are required on this screen for these customers
  • On the legacy POI screen, code 'AB' in the Reason for Insufficient POI: field. Note: After pressing [Enter] the field will display 'In receipt of ABSTUDY last year', but it is also used in these circumstances when identity is not required
  • Leave the Verifying Document: field blank on the legacy POI screen
  • Code the date of claim lodgement in the Date POI Documents Requested: field even though in these cases, no further identity documents are required. The system requires this field to be coded
  • Record details on a DOC

Note: a review is not required.


Check whether the claim can be finalised now + Read more ...

Can the claim be finalised?

  • Yes, the Service Officer needs to ensure that either:
    • sufficient identity documents are recorded to meet the required legacy tier, or
    • the Identity Confirmation model has been met, or
    • the claim has been escalated to LPS and they have advised that the claim can continue
    • Finalise the claim
  • No, make sure there is a DOC on the customer record with details of the actions taken and any extra relevant information