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Foreign Pension System (FPS) status and reviews 106-08010040

For Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff only.

This document outlines how Foreign Pension System (FPS) processes track and review the progress of foreign pension claims.

Foreign Pension System (FPS) Manual Follow-ups (MFU)

FPS MFUs and action required

This table describes the FPS MFU and the action required for each. Work item types are assigned to FP MFUs in Workload Management (WLM). For more information, see Workload Management.




I032FP MFU - Possible Invalid claim for NZ + Read more ...

Message Help Text:

Automatic screening for the possibility of a foreign pension claim has commenced on this customer. Screening was not able to be completed however, as the customer does not have either a Severely Disabled Code or NZ Severe Dis Date coded. These are required for NZ Invalidity claim assessment.

Action required: Investigate the circumstances and update the disability details on the Pensions Disability Information (PDI) screen. See Disability Support Pension (DSP) severely disabled assessments for International Agreements.


I034FP - Foreign claim returned to CIS + Read more ...

Message Help Text:

Claim has been returned to CIS.

Action required: Check if sent overseas.


I035FP - Foreign embargo details required + Read more ...

Message Help Text:

Claim has been granted. Embargo details yet to be finalised.

Action required: International Services (CIS) to follow up embargo of arrears with customer and/or foreign pension authority. See Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP) lump sum arrears debts.


I037FP - Fgn Clm sent o/s + Read more ...

Message Help Text:

Claim has been sent overseas by CIS but no outcome has been recorded.

Action required: Follow up outcome of claim.

Before this review matures, customers are sent a legal notice requesting information on the result of the foreign claim and are notified that they may have payments stopped if they do not respond.

Contact the customer to ask about the result of the foreign claim. If the customer has:

  • received a notice of decision:
    • verbally advise the customer that they must send the notice to us within 14 days or payments will be stopped
    • issue a Request for Information (RFI) letter and record action in DOC
  • not received anything:
    • verbally advise customer that it will be reviewed again in 6 months but that, if they receive a notice before then, they must send us a copy within 14 days
    • navigate to Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen and select the relevant foreign pension claim
    • on the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen, code Date of Event: field with today's date and Status: field as 'OVS'
    • finalise activity and navigate to the Future Activity List (FAL) screen
    • select the OVS review and change the date to mature in 6 months
    • record action in DOC

Note: if the customer is experiencing genuine difficulty in contacting an agreement country, for example, notice received but no money or unable to contact after several attempts, you can send a liaison form to the relevant agreement country. This does not absolve the customer's responsibility to follow up.

If the customer is unable to be contacted, suspend the customer's payment for failure to reply to correspondence (SUS-FRC). See Suspension of payments (CLK).


I040FP - Foreign Pension Grant - CIS to look at Arrears Debt + Read more ...

Message Help Text:

All grants of foreign pension are to be examined by CIS for possible debts during the period covered by any arrears payment.

Action required: Check for arrears debt. See Comparable foreign payment lump sum arrears debts.


I044FP - Foreign claim returned to CSC + Read more ...

Message Help Text:

Claim has been returned to a Service Centre.

Action required: Check if claim has been received in CIS.

  • if received, update status accordingly
  • if not received, follow up claim with Service Centre and finalise the claim for sending overseas. See Processing a foreign pension claim.


I036FP - ## ## pension coded by non-CIS, follow up required + Read more ...

Message Help Text:

An Agreement foreign pension has been granted and embargo action must be commenced. Embargo actions are done by staff in CIS.

Action required: Check for arrears debt or process embargo. See Comparable foreign payment lumps sum arrears debt.


I043FP - Foreign liaison with ## Incomplete + Read more ...

Message Help Text:

A foreign Liaison has been started but not finalised. Please investigate and finalise the liaison on the FGL screen. Foreign liaisons are processed by CIS.

Action required: Check the FGL screen and finalise liaison. See Agreement liaisons, NZ CICs and exchange of information.