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Transfer to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) from another payment 001-19051505

This document outlines the process when a customer is transferred from another payment to JSP. They may become qualified for JSP, or JSP may be identified as more appropriate payment for them.

Assess current circumstances and complete outstanding actions

Table 1




Customer circumstances + Read more ...

If the customer is:

  • a Youth Allowance (YA) job seeker and turning 22, they will be automatically transferred to JSP from the date they turn 22 if their YA is current:
    • Check if the YA customer notified of study details using their online services before their 22nd birthday and the study details were not actioned until after their 22nd birthday. If this is the case, the system will transfer customer to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and a workaround is required. Go to Step 2
    • Otherwise no further action is required for these customers
  • a Youth Allowance (YA) job seeker and their payment is suspended or cancelled on the date they turn 22, they will need to lodge a new claim. Procedure ends here
  • under 22 years of age and they lodge a claim for Youth Allowance (YA) job seeker. If the YA claim is not processed until after their 22nd birthday, the system will automatically transfer them to Jobseeker Payment (JSP) from their birthday. A new claim is not required. Note: the customer must be payable for YA prior to their 22nd birthday for this to occur
  • a YA student ceasing studies (end of course or no longer studying), see Student to job seeker transfers. Procedure ends here
  • on another payment and transferring to JSP, they need to lodge a new claim, preferably online. Customers who lodge an online claim must book and attend a job seeker online claim appointment to complete the Participation Interview
  • transferring to JSP, where appropriate, the customer may be offered a streamlined claim via an online task. Customers offered a streamlined claim must book a Participation Transfer appointment within the streamlined claim and a Participation Interview must be completed
  • in receipt of Parenting Payment and their youngest child is turning 6 for PPP or 14 for PPS, see Table 2

A correspondence nominee can submit a JSP online claim on behalf of their principal. If the customer cannot complete an online claim, check Office Locator for their local service centre. Book a claim appointment to complete the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) workflow. See Claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP).

When the customer lodges a new claim, go to Step 3.


Customer auto transferred to JSP before study details are updated for YA under 22 + Read more ...

This coding must only be undertaken by a Service Support Officer (SSO). Escalate as per Technical Support Model.

Do not use this workaround if the YA customer:

  • is not considered a continuing/intending student, or
  • did not commence study before turning 22

These customers will need to lodge a new claim.

To code the workaround, in Customer First:

  • Date of Receipt (DOR): record as date of online study update
  • Code study details on Education Course Details (EDC) screen and update Newstart Education Status (NES) screen
  • On Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Service Reason: JSP - Jobseeker Payment
    • Action: CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: OTH - Other
    • Comments: 'CUS started study before turning 22. Approved workaround applied.'
    • Effect Date: customer's 22nd birthday
  • Finalise activity on Assessment Results (AR) screen. Take note of any debt amounts raised and debt periods to apply
  • In a new activity on Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Service Reason: YAL - Youth Allowance
    • Action: RES - Restore
    • Effect Date: customer's 22nd birthday
    • Date of Receipt: date of online study update
  • Finalise activity on Assessment Results (AR) screen. Take note of any arrears amounts and make sure they offset any Jobseeker debts in the previous activity if appropriate
  • DOC the record

Procedure ends here.


Process claim + Read more ...

Transfer from Parenting Payment to JSP

Table 2




Parenting Payment to job seeker transfer + Read more ...

If the customer is in receipt of Parenting Payment and their youngest child is about to turn 6 for PPP or 14 for PPS:

  • they may be offered a streamlined claim 28 days prior to their youngest child's birthday
    • if the customer does not complete the streamlined claim tasks prior to their PP cancelling, they need to lodge a new claim, preferably online. Customers who lodge an online claim must book and attend a job seeker online claim appointment to complete the Participation Interview
  • and a Participation Interview (Participation to Job Seeker Transfer (PTT) appointment) work item has been received, go to Step 2

Note: a streamlined claim may be assessed via Automation prior to the participation interview. If so, JSP will have a status of pending (PND) until the current payment end date. The status will then change to 'current zero rate - awaiting participation interview (CZR-API)' until the participation interview is conducted.

If the streamlined claim has not been automatically assessed, see Processing JSP claims to finalise the claim.


Access to Workload Management and Work Items + Read more ...

Access Workload Management capability and/or Work Items through:

  • Inbox (Customer First)
  • Inbox (Process Direct)
  • Worklist (Work Optimiser)

The business process and associated business rules determine how Work Items are managed and actioned.

To receive a Participation to Job Seeker Transfer (PTT) appointment, in Process Direct, select Ready at the top right corner of the Work Inbox.

Multiple Work Items received are referred to as a 'bundle' or 'bundle allocation'. Bundled Work Items display in the Process Direct Inbox with a unique Bundling ID. For more information, see Workload Management.


First call attempt + Read more ...

Attempt contact on all available numbers. If contact with the customer is made but they decline to complete Proof of Record Ownership (PoRO), the contact attempt is deemed unsuccessful.

Was the first call successful?

  • Yes, and the customer wants to:
    • conduct the appointment:
      - on the Change Appointment screen, from First Call, select Answered. The appointment status will auto-update to Completed
      - complete the Participation Interview
    • reschedule the appointment, go to Step 6
  • No:
    • on the Change Appointment screen, from First Call, select Not Answered (either 'message left' or 'no message left')
    • the system will then auto-populate the outcome on the Change Appointment screen, the Notes icon in Process Direct and un-assign the appointment Work Item with the reason SCR - Second Attempt Required
    • Send a pre-call notification SMS via Desktop Messaging, if they have an SMS preference recorded
    • Procedure ends here


Second call attempt + Read more ...

Make an outbound call attempt using all available telephone numbers. If contact with the customer is made but they decline to complete PoRO, the contact attempt is deemed unsuccessful.

A pre-call notification SMS via Desktop Messaging must be sent prior to calling a customer, see Calling a customer or returning a customer's call for more information.

Was the second call successful?

  • Yes, and the customer wants to:
    • conduct the appointment:
      - on the Change Appointment screen, from First Call, select Answered. The appointment status will auto-update to Completed
      - complete the Participation Interview
    • reschedule the appointment, go to Step 6
  • No, go to Step 5


Call unsuccessful + Read more ...

If the second call attempt is unsuccessful:

  • on the Change Appointment screen, from Second Call, select Not Answered (either 'message left' or 'no message left')
  • the system will then auto-populate the outcome on the Change Appointment screen, the Notes icon in Process Direct and update the appointment status to Cancelled - Did Not Attend (DNA)

Once the record is cleared, the JSP streamlined claim will automatically reject with the reason 'Failed to Attend Interview' (REJ-FAI).

The customer must lodge a new online claim. See Claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP).

Note: the rejection only occurs once the record is cleared.


Rescheduling an appointment + Read more ...

  • Select Reschedule selected appointment
  • Select the new appointment details and save the updates
  • Tell the customer or correspondence nominee they must attend an appointment within 14 days of submitting their claim or it will be rejected
  • Procedure ends here