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Processing JobSeeker Payment (JSP) claims 001-19051507

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

This document explains how to process JSP claims. This includes online claims and Assisted Customer Claims (ACC).

Claiming JSP

Claims for JSP can be lodged by:

    Intent to claim for vulnerable customers

    Customers are considered to be vulnerable if they experienced a vulnerable circumstance at any time in the 8 weeks before contact and this was the reason they were unable to submit their claim on the contact date. See Intent to claim and vulnerable customers.

    Early claims

    Customers can start an early claim for JSP up to 13 weeks before the first day of eligibility. For the day they become qualified, the customer must provide their:

    • employment separation details, and
    • any other income

    If an early claim lodgement is accepted, the start date is the first day the customer becomes qualified for the payment. See Early claims.

    Streamlined claims

    A streamlined claim is offered to some customers transferring to JSP from another payment.

    Reassessment of JSP claims

    A customer can apply for a formal review of the decision to reject their claim at any time.

    If they apply more than 13 weeks after the rejection notice was given, payment or concession may be affected by date of effect rules. See Customer initiated review of decisions. A new claim will be required for reviews lodged more than 13 weeks after the rejection letter was sent.

    No additional evidence or information is required before an application for a formal review can be made.

    If a customer applies for a formal review, record the application.

    Make sure all outstanding documents have been supplied before re-indexing the original claim.

    See Request to reassess a rejected claim when JSP claim is rejected for:

    • not supplying documents (FSD)
    • not lodging (DNL)
    • not reporting on time (FRP), or
    • Proof of Identity (POI)

      Processing claims in Process Direct

      Use Process Direct to review the JSP claim information and to process the claim once all required information is available.

      A claim ID is created as a work item when the JSP claim has been submitted online or via ACC.

      Process Direct:

      • contains information provided by the customer or their correspondence nominee online or recorded using ACC
      • loads provisional claim information into a JSP claim activity
      • lists documents the customer has been asked to provide
      • has functions to view scanned documents, request information and make referrals

        Single Touch Payroll (STP)

        Pre-filled Single Touch Payroll (STP) data may present to customers during their online claim. Employer details, name and ABN, will present to the customer if STP data is provided to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) within 8 weeks prior to claim.

        Customers will have the option to confirm the employer within the claim. If a customer confirms the employer, once on payment, STP pre-filled income will present to the customer when they report. If the customer does not confirm the employer, once on payment, the STP employer may present to the customer again when they report.

        Pre-population of claim responses in the Job Seeker Snapshot

        Responses to some questions in the JSP claim will be used to pre-populate similar questions in the Job Seeker Snapshot. The job seeker will have the opportunity to review responses, either online or staff assisted and make changes where required.


        Job seekers who are subject to RapidConnect requirements are advised of their requirements or exemption to RapidConnect during their Participation Interview.

        Job seekers who are referred to Workforce Australia Online for Individuals are required to agree to a Job Plan.

        Job seekers who are referred to a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider or other specialist provider will have an initial appointment booked during the Participation Interview. Attending the first provider appointment is known as the job seeker's RapidConnect requirement.

        In most cases, meeting RapidConnect requirements will determine the start date of the job seeker's income support payment. This is subject to job seekers meeting any waiting periods and qualification requirements.

        JSP new claims and re-indexed claims must have the Participation Interview completed and a RapidConnect determination. For more information, see RapidConnect.

        Mutual obligation requirements

        Mutual obligation requirements apply to all job seekers receiving participation payments including JSP, unless exempt.

        Mutual obligation requirements are designed to make sure unemployed people receiving activity tested income support payments are actively looking for work and are participating in activities that will help them into employment.

        Job seekers will satisfy their mutual obligation requirements if they:

        • enter into a Job Plan, if required, with Services Australia or an Employment Services Provider without unreasonable delay
        • fully comply with the terms of the Job Plan, and
        • either:
          • actively seek and are willing to undertake suitable paid work
          • undertake suitable paid work, or
          • participate in some other approved training, program or course which is likely to improve their employment prospects

        For more information, see Mutual obligation requirements.

        Mutual obligation requirements exemptions

        A job seeker who is unable to meet their mutual obligation requirements, in certain circumstances, may be eligible for an exemption.

        For more information, see Mutual obligation requirements exemptions.

        Negotiating a Job Plan during claims processing

        Some job seekers may meet the requirements to have their Job Plan managed by Centrelink.

        For job seekers that meet this criteria, staff should negotiate the Job Plan as part of the new claim finalisation process.

        For eligibility criteria and coding, see Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans.

        Employment Services Assessment (ESAt)

        Some job seekers claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP) may advise they have a medical condition or disability that will impact their ability to work or look for work. An ESAt referral may be needed to assess if a Partial Capacity to Work (PCW) or a Temporary Reduced Work Capacity (TRWC) will apply. This assessment is used to determine the customer's mutual obligation requirements.

        See Determining when an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) is required.

        If the customer requests a reassessment of a claim rejected within the last 13 weeks, an ESAt referral may need to be resubmitted. Staff must check if an ESAt referral was made during the original Participation Interview. If an ESAt is still required, the Participation Interview must be re-run to complete a new ESAt referral. See Participation Interview.

        Higher rate of JSP and Clean Energy Supplement (CES)

        Single customers who also fall into the following categories are entitled to a higher rate of JSP and CES:

        • 55 years and over who have been receiving an income support payment or allowance for 9 or more continuous months
        • Have a dependent child/children
        • Have a partial capacity to work (PCW) of 0-14 hours (baseline and with intervention)

        The system will automatically calculate this and apply the appropriate rate for eligible customers.

        The Resources page contains examples of changes of care, a link to Process Direct resources and a list of common screens for JSP claims. It also contains approved text for Q888 letters inviting customers with a dependent child to claim Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

        Job seeker online claim appointment

        Recording and correcting employment income details

        Assessment of income for Centrelink payments

        Claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP)

        Early claims

        Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP)

        Documents required for Centrelink new claims

        Exempt income and assets for Centrelink payments

        Mutual obligation requirements exemptions

        Principal carer of a dependent child

        Process Direct

        Rapid Connect

        Reporting requirements for job seekers

        Single Touch Payroll (STP)

        Transfers to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) from another payment

        Unemployed eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (job seeker)

        Waiting periods for income support payments

        Withdrawal of claims

        Family Tax Benefit (FTB and income support payment new claim processing interactions)

        Intent to claim and vulnerable customers

        Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM)

        Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

        Shared care for social security payments

        Straight through processing

        Rates and Thresholds