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Processing JobSeeker Payment (JSP) claims 001-19051507

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

This document explains how to process JSP claims. This includes online claims and Assisted Customer Claims (ACC).

On this page:

Review claim

Process claim

Assess and finalise claim

Reindexing and backdating job seeker claims

Review claim

Table 1




Locate claim + Read more ...

For online claims, Request or search for the claim work item via Inbox:

  • Select the work item to view the Customer and Claim Information table on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen
  • Go to Step 3

For paper claims scanned to Documents, an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) must be run:

  • Use the 'Assisted Customer Claim' desktop app to record answers from the paper claim
  • Create a JSP claim work item
  • If more information is needed to complete the ACC, make one genuine attempt to contact the customer and obtain the information verbally. See Requesting information (CLK). Issue a pre-call notification (SMS only) between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm using the customer's local time to let them know a Service Officer will call them today from a private number, see Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging. If the customer cannot be contacted:
    • send a Request client to contact (Q164) letter asking the customer to contact within 14 days
    • use Fast Note to create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC advising to complete an ACC when the customer contacts
    • review scanned documents for a Job Seeker Snapshot Offline form. This is used to complete the Participation Interview if the customer is unable to be contacted by phone

Go to Step 2.


New or reindexed claim + Read more ...

A JSP new claim or reindexed claim cannot be assessed unless the Participation Interview has been completed and a RapidConnect determination made.

The Participation Interview codes a RapidConnect status on the Job Seeker RapidConnect (JMRC) screen to determine the customer's start date of payments. See RapidConnect.

If error E543NM - 'Participation Workflow has not been completed' appears, the Participation Interview has not been completed successfully, see Table 3 in Participation Interview before continuing with claim processing.

To reassess a previously rejected claim:

If the customer is claiming Disability Support Pension (DSP), assess the claim as JobSeeker Payment (JSP) provisional.

The claim status must be In Process before it can be processed.

Is the claim status In Process?


Check customer benefit status line + Read more ...

If the customer's benefit status is JSP/CUR indicating that the claim assessment has already been completed, update the claim status to Completed via the Status icon. If Completed is not available, update to Not Required. Procedure ends here.

Was a claim generated for a customer who is currently on ABSTUDY (ABY/CUR) or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) (EPA/CUR) payments?


Pre-assessment checks + Read more ...

Complete all pre-assessment checks in Process Direct using the icons on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen. Checks may include selecting:

  • Open left slider; Close right slider and Enter full screento view the Claim Summary in a new window. If it is blank, press [F5] to refresh the page
  • Review the Claim Summary. Note: for Streamline transfer claims, the Claim Summary will show as 'Claim Empty'. Key details include:
    • relationship status
    • date last worked
    • accommodation details
  • Circumstance Data for customer and claim information including:
    • identity confirmation
    • claim type, submission date and status
    • the Link Summary (LS) and Marital Status (MS) screen data
  • Benefit History for previous claim dates and benefit history
  • Tasks to view required tasks, supporting documents requested and their due date
  • Notes to view:
    • the Progress of Claim Note
    • any comments made by a previous Service Officer, and
    • the Document List (DL) screen
      DL also shows confirmation the customer accepts the verbal declaration where an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) has been run
  • Status to view or update the claim status
  • Documents to view documents uploaded or scanned, including:
  • the Activity List (AL) screen to view outstanding activities

Immediately process an Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313) if lodged with a new claim and satisfied of the nominee's identity. This is to make sure the nominee will also receive the outcome of claim letter. See Adding or rejecting a nominee request. The Resources page has a link to the SS313 form.


Check customer record + Read more ...

To prevent incorrect claim assessment, there may be a need to update the customer's record outside the new claim, for:

Pre-claim vulnerable circumstance

For customers who have pre-claim vulnerable circumstances recorded within the 8 weeks prior to their intent to claim contact date, the system will automatically calculate the start date.

Pre-claim vulnerable circumstances that are not able to be automatically determined by the system, can be manually added:

  • on the Pre-Claim Vulnerable Circumstance (PRECLM) screen in Process Direct, or
  • via the Create Intent to Claim guided procedure in Customer First

Where the PRECLM displays with a start date that is more than 8 weeks and no end date consider if a pre-claim vulnerable circumstance still exists using the available information.

In these cases, assess if the:

  • vulnerable circumstance is no longer active, consider end dating the vulnerable circumstance from the associated circumstance screen and regenerate the claim
  • pre claim circumstances are required to remain current on a customer's record indefinitely. This includes exemptions from seeking child support due to family and domestic violence. In these cases, assessment for these circumstances is required:

After completing any updates, from the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, select > Regenerate claim.


Streamlined transfer claims + Read more ...

A streamlined claim is offered to some customers when they are losing qualification for their previous payment.

Eligible customers will be offered a 'task' on the home page of their online account, allowing them to advise that they wish to claim JSP. The task is variable according to the payment type. It is available from up to 28 days before qualification for their current payment ends, up until the date they lose qualification.

Streamlined transfer claims can be identified by the DOC on the Document List (DL) screen:

  • For Parenting Payment (PP) customers transferring to JSP:
    • DL will display a PP to JSP Transition Claim DOC
    • The DOC will contain the Claim ID
    • Advise of any required supporting documentation that is to be provided
    • This claim was auto populated from existing verified customer details. This claim can be assessed without the need to review the details in the claim
  • For students transferring to JSP:
    • DL will display a STU to JSP Transition Claim DOC
    • The DOC will contain the Claim ID
    • Advise of any required supporting documentation that is to be provided
    • This claim was auto populated from existing verified customer details. This claim can be assessed without the need to review the details in the claim

As customers transfer from another payment, the Claim Summary will show as 'Claim Empty' as the information contained on their record is deemed current. No updates are required unless the customer indicates any changes in their streamline claim.

For more information, see Transfer to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) from another payment.

Is this a transfer claim?


Identity Confirmation + Read more ...

On the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, check the customer's Identity Status.

If the Identity Status is:

  • Confirmed, go to Step 8
  • Not Confirmed, consider coding alternative proof of identity:
    • Select the Not Confirmed link to open a Customer Summary window
    • Select Identity Confirmation > Identity Confirmation Dashboard from the Task Selector. See Table 2 of Coding identity documents
    • Code the identity documents or consider applying alternative identity. See Alternative Identity

Close the Customer Summary window to return to the claim.


Relationship details + Read more ...

Review and update the following relationship details before selecting Process.

If the customer is partnered and a there is a separate JSP claim submitted on the partners record, staff must:

  • complete the claim with the earliest Date of Receipt (DOR) first
  • allocate the partners' claim to self in Workload Management (WLM)
  • assess the partner's claim

On the TS screen:

If linking customers, check the customer and partners environments. See Inter-environment change of address (ICoA) transfer of a customer record.

Check the Marital Status

Compare relationship details provided in the claim with the information already recorded in the MS table.

If the information recorded in MS does not match with the claim information, attempt to contact the customer by phone. To record the information for a:

  • successful phone contact, use the information confirmed by the customer
  • unsuccessful phone contact, use the relationship details supplied in the claim

If the customer advises they are separated and living with their previous partner (Member of a Couple (MoC) and Separated under one roof (SUOR) assessments), a MoC assessment is required to be finalised before the claim can be processed. The outcome of the MoC assessment will determine the coding required on the Marital Status (MS) screen.

Note: take extra care when assessing JSP claims where a customer advises they are separated under one roof or where a customer updates their address only and not their partner's.

For more information, see:


Qualification for JSP + Read more ...

When assessing qualification for JSP, check the customer:

  • is of qualifying age for JSP
  • satisfies the Australian residence requirements
  • is not in receipt of any other social security benefit, social security pension or a Service Pension, Income Support Payment (ISP) or Veteran Payment
  • is not receiving ABSTUDY Living Allowance
  • is unemployed, or:
    • unable to look for work due to a medical condition, illness or injury, or
    • is employed or studying full time and are unable to undertake these due to a medical condition, illness or injury and have a job or study to return to
  • is prepared to negotiate and agree to a Job Plan if required, comply with or renegotiate an existing Job Plan
  • can satisfy the requirements of a Job Plan

Is the customer eligible for JSP or will they become eligible within 13 weeks of the date of lodgement?


Payability for JSP + Read more ...

The customer must meet the payability provisions for JSP (or will meet the provisions within 13 weeks of the date of claim). Base the decision on the following:

Is the customer payable now, or they will be within 13 weeks of the date of claim?


Review scanned documents + Read more ...

To view supporting documents:

  • select links at the bottom of the expanded Claim Summary
  • select Quick link from the bottom of the open Process Direct window, or
  • select the Documents icon

When reviewing the supporting documents:

  • check all documents are received to process the claim
  • check the date the document was scanned
  • older documents not related to the claim may be used to verify the customer's circumstances and remove the need to request other documents


Employment Separation Certificate (SU1) + Read more ...

If the customer states they and/or their partner have ceased work in the previous 12 months, an SU1 is required. The online claim will identify if an SU1 is required and request this as part of the Next Steps process within the online claim.

An employer can return an electronic Employment Separation Certificate via the Business Hub. See Employment Separation Certificate (SU1) on how to access the information.

A compliance action investigation may be required where the customer has voluntary ceased employment or been dismissed due to misconduct.

Has an SU1 been provided?


Bank accounts and balance verification + Read more ...

Customers claiming JSP supply details of all bank accounts they hold, including balances as part of the claim and make a legal declaration the information is correct. Evidence of bank account balances is not required.

Bank balance information is collected to confirm customer income and asset details and assess waiting periods. Bank account details may be pre-populated into an online claim. Verbal confirmation of bank account balances is acceptable.

Only request bank balance verification if there is doubt about the validity of the information provided by the customer and the Service Officer anticipates a different claim outcome.


Supporting evidence and additional documents + Read more ...

The online claim will:

  • identify what documentation is required
  • request documentation in the Next Steps process in the online claim

In some circumstances, staff may determine further documentation, or information is required to assess a customer's eligibility for JSP. For example, additional evidence may be required to assess a trust, company or compensation.

When information is missing from a claim or module, or clarification is needed about the claim, processing staff can accept and use verbal information from the customer. See Claims received that are incomplete or incorrect.

When assessing a JSP claim, staff must:

  • only request documents required to grant or reject the claim. See Documents required for Centrelink new claims
  • not request documents that have already been requested unless further clarification of the customer circumstance is required
  • make one genuine attempt to contact the customer by phone if further information is required to grant or reject the claim

Is further documentation or information required, or has the customer failed to provide requested documentation?


Requesting further information or documentation + Read more ...

Make one genuine attempt to contact by phone.

If contact is successful, tell the customer:

  • what additional documentation or information is required
  • to upload evidence through the requested task in the online claim on the day of the call, if required
  • the claim will be placed on hold for one day to wait for the customer to give the extra documentation. If the customer cannot give these details in one day, a Request for information will be sent
  • the claim may be rejected if the customer does not give the requested information

Did the customer provide the additional information or documentation?

  • Yes, go to Step 16
  • No:
    • Place the claim on hold for one day
    • If the customer cannot provide the evidence in one day, issue a Request for information. Go to , select Request documents. The system will place the claim on hold for 14 days
    • Annotate the Progress of Claim DOC with the contact outcome
    • Procedure ends here

If contact is unsuccessful:

  • Issue a Request for information:
    • Go to
    • Select Request documents
  • Annotate the Progress of Claim DOC with details of the request
  • Procedure ends here


Check child details for a change in care arrangements + Read more ...

Staff may have already decided to streamline reject the claim; however, staff must make sure any changes in care are actioned before finalising the rejection. For example, not actioning a change in care arrangement could result in an overpayment of family assistance payments due to an incorrect principal carer assessment.

A customer lodging a claim may advise details of a change in child care arrangements. For example:

  • Child enters care
  • Child no longer in care
  • Percentage of care
  • Principal carer status

Any child details provided within the claim must be checked against information held on the customer's record for each child before proceeding.

A change of child details may impact a customer's rate of payment. Failure to refer a change in care may result in:

  • the wrong principal carer assessments, and
  • granting the customer the wrong rate of payment
  • the incorrect maximum reserve for Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP)

A person the agency assesses as having a dependent child or being a principal carer may get the following benefits:

  • a higher 'with child' rate of payment
  • a more generous income test
  • some mutual obligation exemptions
  • the child to be listed on their Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) or Health Care Card (HCC)
  • the higher maximum reserve amount for LAWP

A shared care assessment should be completed in all cases, even if only one person is claiming income support or if each person has another qualifying child solely in their care.

The shared care assessment will determine the:

  • principal carer status
  • customer's entitlement
  • rate and income test applied in some circumstances, to the ongoing entitlements for single principal carers

A principal carer is a person with primary care of a dependent child under 16 years. A principal carer assessment must be made if one or both customers caring for a child are claiming income support as a principal carer. For more information, see Principal carer of a dependent child.

A step parent may be a principal carer if they live as a member of a couple with the parent of the child.

To determine if a change in care has occurred, check the Child Details in the Claim Summary against the information held on the customer's record for each child:

  • Check the Child Details in the Claim Summary
  • In Process Direct, go to Relations menu icon and select each child from the left-hand column and then go to:
    • Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen
    • Child in Care (CHC) screen
  • Check the Assessment explanation and details (AX) screen in the parents record to determine which child is a principal care child
  • Go to the NSS Principal Carer Details (PCCD) screen
  • Select the Keyword icon and check for a SHAREDJSP or SHAREDYA keyword
    • Note: if there is a change in care within a job seeker claim, the system may apply shared care keywords to help identify if a change in care assessment is needed. However, staff must still check all other screens to confirm if a care change has occurred

See the Resources page for examples of how to identify a change in care.

Has there been a change in care and/or is a Principal carer assessment required?

  • Yes, an Assessment of Care arrangements referral must be completed as job seeker staff are not suitably skilled to make a care assessment, go to Step 17
  • No, go to Step 18


Assessment of Care Arrangement + Read more ...

Has an Assessment of Care Arrangement referral already started?

  • Yes, and the claim has come off hold, but the referral is still in progress:
    • Select the Status icon
    • Place the claim on hold for another 7 days using the Third Party to Provide Information reason until the completion of the care referral or the shared care assessment is complete
    • Annotate the Progress of Claim DOC with care assessment is still pending
    • Procedure ends here until the Assessment of Care Arrangements is determined. The claim must remain on hold until the completion of the care assessment
  • No:
    • In the claim transaction, go to the Transaction Summary (TS) screen. Select More Options icon > Referral
    • Select Referral Type: Assessment of Care Arrangements Referral
    • Select Next
    • Select the appropriate Referral Reason
    • In the What is Required? field, add the details below:
      JSP/YAL claim lodged 'date'. Care determination and Principal Carer determination is required for:
      Child/ren's Name and DOB:
      Date of care change: if known, otherwise enter the following text:
      'Job seeker claims do not ask for date of care change. Job seeker staff are not suitably skilled to discuss change in care and any further information may need to be requested by staff completing referrals'
      Percentage of Care:
      Other Carer's Name/CRN:
      Additional Information:
    • Select Finish
    • Select the Keyword icon. Add the keyword SHAREDJSP or SHAREDYA, if not already displaying
    • Annotate the Progress of Claim DOC with the referral for a care assessment
    • Procedure ends here until the Assessment of Care Arrangements is determined. The system will place the claim on hold. The claim must remain on hold until the completion of the care assessment


Additional Referrals (if required) + Read more ...

Staff may have already decided to streamline reject the claim; however, staff must make sure any changes in care are actioned before finalising the rejection. For example, not actioning a change in care arrangement could result in an overpayment of family assistance payments due to an incorrect principal carer assessment.

If a specialist assessment is required, select > Referral and complete the referral details:

After a referral is made, the claim remains on hold until the assessment has been completed. Annotate the Progress of Claim DOC with details of the request.


Check for other activities + Read more ...

Some activities may stop finalisation of JSP claims or may need action before finalising the JSP claim.

To check, go to the Activity List (AL) screen.

  • If there is another income support payment pending, check if the customer is eligible for JSP. See Step 2 in Table 1 of Indexing, re-indexing, and cancelling claim activities
  • Finalise any Parental Leave Pay (PPL) claim activity, before finalising the JSP claim:
    • place the JSP claim on hold for 5 days via the Status icon
    • send a request using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Claims > Families Claim Escalation - Hardship
  • Check family assistance

Once all relevant circumstances have been actioned, see Table 2.

Process claim

Table 2




Select Process + Read more ...

Select Process at bottom right of the claim to start coding and assess the claim. Do not start coding before selecting Process. This will result in errors.

The Errors (SWE) screen will display.

Before coding any screens:

  • Select Assess to send the claim details to ISIS. This will allow the waiting period waivers to be applied
  • The Entitlement (ELD) screen will display
  • Return to the SWE screen to complete the claim coding by selecting Back or key SWE in Super Key

Message Log

This section displays any errors with existing coding. These must be fixed before the claim can be assessed. For help, see Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct.

Task Selectors

These list common screens. Task selectors that contain mandatory screens are pre-selected.

Task selectors may not list all screens that must be checked or coded. Check screens to compare historical details with the claim details.

A flag will display against all screens that contain provisional claim data:

  • Select screens to be checked or updated. There is an option to select all screens
  • Select Next or press [Enter] to go through the selected screens

Key 'Screens' in the Super Key to view a full list of screens.

See the Resources page for common screens for JSP claims.


Transfer claims + Read more ...

If the customer is in receipt of another income support payment, and they have lodged:

  • A STU or PP to JSP Transition claim:
    • If no changes were indicated in the claim, assess the claim. Go to Step 12
    • If the customer indicates any changes in the claim, update the changes and assess the claim. Go to Step 12
  • An online or paper claim for JSP, and they are in receipt of:


Check if in receipt of PP + Read more ...

Parenting Payment (PP) customers may choose to get JSP if they are:

  • single and have a child under 14, or
  • partnered and have a child under 6

They must meet their mutual obligation requirements to be eligible for JSP.

Check if the customer has received Parenting Payment (PP), using the Payment Summary (PS) screen in Process Direct, for a period of time after the customer has claimed JSP. If they have:

  • received Parenting Payment (PP), the start date of the JSP new claim is DPT+1 of PP
  • not received Parenting Payment (PP), process claim as per the normal process

Is the claim to be rejected?


Claim rejection + Read more ...

Before rejecting a customer's claim, check the customer is not vulnerable, at risk. or in a crisis.

As the customer has not met all the qualification or payability provisions, the claim will be rejected for the most appropriate reason. Do not request further information unless this will change the decision.

Streamlined rejections

A streamlined rejection can only be coded if:

  • the customer is in receipt of precluding payment (CPP)
  • another payment is more appropriate (COP), or
  • the customer failed to supply documents (FSD)

Do not streamline reject FSD if the customer has failed to supply

  • their Tax File Number, or
  • Proof of Identity (POI)



Rent verification + Read more ...

The date of event on the Accommodation History (ACS) screen depends on the customers circumstance and if the customer or partner are receiving another payment, such as Family Tax Benefit. To determine the correct DOV, see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA).

If verification has been provided, code the appropriate verification code, see Processing proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen.

If verification has not been provided, determine if verification of rent is needed.

To confirm the customers sharing details match the accommodation details, go to the Sharing Details (SDQ) screen.

Rent verification is not required if:

  • the customer or partner already receives Rent Assistance (RA) with Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or another income support payment
  • the customer or partner already receives RA with another income support payment
  • rent has previously been verified within the last 12 months and the address/accommodation details have not changed

For all other circumstances, see Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen.


SVS, SVDI, MIS, OINS, SIS screens + Read more ...

Savings Bank Accounts (SVS), Direct Investments Accounts (SVDI), Managed Investments (MIS), Other Income Summary (OINS) and Shares and Securities (SIS) screens are pre-filled from the online claim.

Customers may be required to provide evidence for SVDI, MIS, OINS and SIS. Evidence is not required for bank account balances on SVS. If evidence has been supplied, these screens must be updated to reflect the evidence provided. Specific coding may also be required to update these screens.

For more information, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services.


OAS screen + Read more ...

Other Assets Details (OAS) screen is pre-filled from the online claim.

For more information, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services.


Earnings + Read more ...

Employment income: Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen is pre-filled from the online claim.

Single Touch Payroll (STP)

Employment details may be pre-filled through Single Touch Payroll (STP) in the online claim for the customer to confirm. This includes the employer's name and ABN. Staff can recognise a STP employer has been presented if the question 'Do you work for (employer)' is displayed in the claim slider. Further details can be seen on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen.

If a customer confirms the STP employer, STP pre-filled income may also present on the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen. Staff can accept the STP data on EMGI if the pay event date is after the customer grant date. Staff will need to contact the customer to confirm the amounts prior to accepting the STP data.

If a customer has previously confirmed an employer and advises they do not work for the employer anymore, the employer will still remain as confirmed on EMCF. This employer should be recorded by the customer in previous employer details for employers ceased within the last 12 months in the claim.

Continuous earnings

Check to see if the customer or/and partner has any previous continuous employment income on their record that is not advised within their online claim.

If the customer has declared they are not currently working or not receiving any income but there is continuous employment income on the NSS Income Summary (NIS) screen, the income must be zeroed off using the Event Date as the date before the claim was submitted. Note: the NIS screen can only be viewed via Customer Summary in Process Direct.

To amend details, select Edit. For help, see Recording and correcting employment income details.

If the customer has declared continuous earnings within their claim, staff must check if customer is eligible to have a continuous income frequency applied. See Recording and correcting employment income details.

Customer declared 'this is not my usual wage'

If the customer has declared employment income as 'this is not my usual wage', staff can remove this provisional coding from the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen. The customer will declare any paid employment income when they complete their first report.

Customer and/or partner to receive last employment income payment

If the customer and/or their partner is to be paid a final employment income in the first entitlement period, code the details within the claim. The claim may reject if the employment income is over the threshold. If information from the customer or in the claim, indicates they and/or their partners paid employment income will preclude payment for the first entitlement period:

  • go to the Entitlement Delivery (RAD) screen and find out the customer's entitlement period end date, then
  • go to the NSS Waiting Period Calculation (NDC) screen. Update the Manual Start Date with the date the customer becomes payable. This is usually the entitlement period start date following the entitlement period preclusion. Update the Comments field as to why the Manual Start Date was changed. Explain any update in the Claim Finalisation DOC

Partner details

Partner income and assets will not display in the customer's record.

To view and update partner income and assets, select Relations menu and select the partner from the menu slider.

To return to the customer's record, use Relations menu.


Waiting periods + Read more ...

Waiting periods will need to be assessed based on information provided by the customer:

For assessment of waiting periods, see:


NDC screen + Read more ...

The NSS Waiting Period Calculation (NDC) screen is pre-filled with assessment information relevant to the calculation of the customer's payment start date.


Details prefill for the Date Last Worked (DLW), Date Ceased Study (DCS) or Date Paid Prior to Qualification (DPQ). They may need updating.

Where evidence has been supplied, DLW/DCS/DPQ fields must be coded to reflect that evidence. Specific coding may be required where backdating provisions are to be applied.

LAWP field

A total amount will auto calculate from the SVS, SIS, MIS and SVDI screens, therefore, no updates are required to this field. The only time a manual calculation is required is if the customer has LAWP within a Private Company or Private Trust. See Liquid Assets Waiting Period (LAWP).

Start date field

The system automatically calculates a start date for eligible claims. These system calculations are not always correct; therefore, it is important to confirm the start date.

For example, a customer could reclaim a payment after having:

  • a backdated cancellation of the payment, and
  • a debt raised for the period they were not eligible

To calculate the start date of payment, go to Step 11.


Calculate the start date for payment + Read more ...

For a new claim where the customer was not previously on a payment, the system will automatically calculate the start date.

If the customer has a partner who is on a payment, see Calculating the start day for a claim made after partner's claim.

Discretion is required when changing the system calculated start date.

The system will apply the backdating rule correctly and calculate the date of commencement as Date Paid To (DPT)+1, even if the date of the claim is within 14 days of DPT.

When the cancellation date is outside 14 days of the claim date, do not apply DPT+1. The correct start date for these claims is the date the customer reclaims payment.

To correct the start date where system has applied an incorrect date

Where the correct date should be after the DPT+1, code the correct start date in the Manual Start Date field on the NSS Waiting Period Calculation (NDC) screen.

Where the start date should be before the DPT+1 of previous payment

Where the customers start date for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) overlaps with a previous payment, a system limitation occurs and:

  • the system may raise the previous payment as a debt shell and pay the full entitlement of JSP from the date of qualification. The system is not able to automatically offset any arrears against debts raised
  • staff are unable to manually adjust any of these arrears or debts

When the start date is to apply before DPT+1, staff must:

  • code the date of qualification in the Manual Start Date field on the NDC screen
  • take note of any potential debt amounts and dates raised for the previous payment
  • take note of any arrears triggered for JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
  • issue a pre-call notification (SMS only) between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm in the customer's local time
  • make two genuine attempts to contact by phone
  • if contact is successful:
    • advise the customer:
      - that they will receive JobSeeker Payment (JSP) for a period they have already been paid
      - a debt may be raised for their previous payment, as they have lost qualification
      - of their review of decision rights (if required)
    • record a DOC detailing any potential debt or arrears issued and the reason for start date determination
  • if contact is unsuccessful, record a DOC detailing:
    • dates and times of unsuccessful contact attempts
    • any potential debt or arrears issued and reason for start date determination

Early Claims

For early claims, the date in the DLW/DCS field will be after the date of receipt/submission of the claim.

In some cases, the start date may not be automatically determined due to the DLW being prior to the DOR.

To code the start date in these circumstances:

  • check the automatically calculated start date on the NDC screen
  • consider any waiting periods
  • if required, code the Manual Start Date on the NDC screen


Tax File Number (TFN) + Read more ...

Before granting JSP, customers must supply a valid TFN. A TFN exemption may apply in limited circumstances.

Has the customer provided a valid TFN?

  • Yes:
    • on the Tax File Number Authority (TFN) screen, ensure the TFN Authorisation Details are coded with Y in the Authorisation field
    • if the customer has a partner, repeat the above step on the partner's TFN screen
    • go to Step 13
  • No, see Requesting a Tax File Number (TFN)


Temporary incapacity + Read more ...

If medical evidence has been provided verifying the customer has a temporary incapacity, the customer may be eligible for an exemption from their mutual obligations.

To code the medical evidence, see:

Update the Employment/Education History (NEEH) screen if the customer has a job or study to return to (not including self-employment) and has a temporary incapacity.

To add new details on the NEEH screen:

  • select Add. On the Create Employer/Education Institution Details screen. Update the following fields:
    • Event date: calculated start date of claim
    • Employer/Education Institution Name
    • Employer/Education Verified: select Y or N
    • Employer/Education Status: select the appropriate status based on the customers circumstances


Mutual obligation requirement exemptions + Read more ...

In some circumstances, if the job seeker is unable to meet their mutual obligation requirements an exemption can be applied.

If customer supplies evidence to support a mutual obligation requirement exemption, assess eligibility for an exemption. See Mutual obligation requirements exemptions.


Miscellaneous Circumstance Details (NMIS) screen + Read more ...

Updates to the NMIS screen may be required if the customer has previously returned to study or have provided evidence that they are an expectant customer.

If the customer is:

  • not returning to study:
    • Go to the NMIS screen
    • Select Add. On the Create miscellaneous details screen update these fields:
      Event Date: key the applicable date
      Current Circumstances: select Not Returning to Study (NRS)
    • Select Save
  • an expectant customer, see Exempting a job seeker from their mutual obligation requirements when they are an expectant customer
    • Go to the NMIS screen
    • Select Add. On the Create Miscellaneous Details screen update these fields:
      Event Date:
      Expected Date of Confinement:
      Pregnancy Verified:
    • Select Save


Start or cease tax deductions + Read more ...

Customer will indicate within their online claim if they wish to start or cease a tax deduction. The tax deduction is usually mapped to the Tax Instruction (PITX) screen as provisional data. If the provisional data has not come across from the claim, Service Officers may need to add a new amount/percentage request or cease an old tax deduction.

For more instructions on how to code, see Managing Australian Taxation Office (ATO) tax deductions.

See Table 3.


JSP Provisional claims + Read more ...

Customers may be eligible for JSP Provisional when they have an outstanding Disability (DSP) claim. Customers who meet this criteria are exempt from mutual obligation requirements for the period during which the DSP claim is being determined (13 weeks).

To determine if the customer is claiming JobSeeker Provisional and exempt from mutual obligations:

  • Select the Keyword icon. If the keyword JSPPROV is displayed the customer is applying for JobSeeker Provisional, or
  • Select the Review of claim. Under the Circumstance details, the circumstances will display Disability Support Pension - JobSeeker Payment confirming the customer is applying for JobSeeker Provisional

Code the DSP exemption:

  • Go to the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen
  • Select Add. On the Create manual activity/exemption screen, update these fields:
    • Activity: DSP - Claiming DSP
    • Start Date: the date the DSP claim was lodged, noted from the Review of Claim or the DSP Progress of Claim DOC
    • End Date: the date 13 weeks from the start date
    • Activity Type: DSP - Claiming DSP

See JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (YA) (Provisional).

See Table 3.

Assess and finalise claim

Table 3




Assess claim - ELD screen + Read more ...

The Entitlement (ELD) screen displays the outcome of the claim and payment dates.

After coding the claim, select Assess.

Resolve any errors that may present on the Errors (SWE) screen. For help, see Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct.

After fixing any errors, select Assess again to go to the Entitlements (ELD) screen.

Check rate details on screens such as:

  • Payment Summary (PS) - check payments are starting from the right date and are directed to the correct bank account. Make sure 'Number of months in past' is changed to '999' to view all potential arrears
  • Rate Component Override (RCO) - warning message will display to check the manual rate, further investigation will be required
  • Rate Summary (RATS)
  • Rate Component (RAC) - check arrears, overpayments and manual rate adjustments
  • Assessment Consequences (ASC) - determine debt investigation actions and stop advices

Check the child details are correct (if required) and the customer is being correctly assessed for the 'with child' rate and/or Principal carer determination.

If the claim outcome is:


Rejecting SEA + Read more ...

The job seeker must ask their Self-Employment Assistance provider to cancel their Self-Employment Allowance. The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) will cancel their Self-Employment Allowance and send them an email to confirm it has stopped.

Once the job seeker has evidence from DEWR that they are no longer receiving Self-Employment Allowance:

  • go to the Other Government Payments (OGP) screen
  • zero the Self-Employment Allowance from the relevant date, code the reason for the action in the Chg Rsn field
    • if the start date of the Self-Employment Allowance is before the cancellation date, zero the Self-Employment Allowance from the cancellation date, code the reason for the action in the Chg Rsn field

Go to Step 4.


Rejecting FCJ + Read more ...

Check to see if the customer has met RapidConnect requirements within 28 days from the date of the Participation Interview.

Has the customer met their RapidConnect requirements?


Finalise claim + Read more ...

  • Once the claim is assessing correctly, select Finish
  • The Claim Finalisation DOC will appear, see Recording reasons for decisions
  • Edit or add any extra details required, for example:
    • Discretionary decisions, including references to Operational Blueprint
    • Waiting periods being served
  • Select Finalise to complete the claim
  • A confirmation dialog box will appear, select OK
  • If a checklist of scans displays, mark as complete using the tick boxes to close scans off the customer's record
  • Note: if the customer's start date of payment is more than 28 days in the future, code a RapidConnect exemption on the Job Seeker RapidConnect (JMRC) screen. See Table 3 of RapidConnect Exemptions


Customer contact + Read more ...

Make one genuine attempt to contact the customer once the claim is finalised, regardless of the claim outcome. If the customer is subscribed, issue a pre-call notification (SMS only) between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, using the customer's local time, to let them know a Service Officer will call them today from a private number, see Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging.

Note: if the claim is selected for Quality Management Application (QMA) checking, it is the Quality Management Officer's (QMO) responsibility to make the outbound call to the customer once the QMA has been completed.

Successful + Read more ...

Annotate the Claim Finalisation DOC with the details given to the customer.

If the claim was granted, tell the customer:

  • their rate of payment, payment date and any waiting periods
  • about self service options such as enrolling their voiceprint for phone self service, the transactions available in their online account or Express Plus mobile app and how to access tutorials on the agency website, see Accessing and using Centrelink self service
  • their reporting requirements, including to:
    • use their Centrelink online account or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app to report
    • report for the specific dates within the reporting period
    • report the gross amount of earnings, and
    • complete any immediate or outstanding reports they must action
  • where a job seeker's circumstances mean they can be Centrelink managed, negotiate a Job Plan, see, Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans
  • any mutual obligation requirements, where applicable
  • if there are outstanding reporting statements:
    • see Recording and correcting employment income details to process payment/s
      For example, a customer cannot report through self service when the reporting statement has been outstanding for more than 2 fortnights.
      the system will reject JSP, using reason Failed to report (FRP), after 22 days from the claim assessment date if the customer fails to action an outstanding report

If the claim was rejected, tell the customer:

  • about possible alternate income support payments, and/or
  • their review of decision rights

    Unsuccessful + Read more ...

    There is no need to make a further outbound call.

    Annotate the Claim Finalisation DOC with the following information:

    • Contact attempt unsuccessful
    • Contact number/s: (what telephone numbers were used to attempt contact)

    Reindexing and backdating job seeker claims

    Table 4




    Reindexing and backdating job seeker claims + Read more ...

    In some cases, an earlier Date of Receipt (DOR) needs to be used for a job seeker claim to:

    • implement a review of decision from an ARO or AAT
    • reinstate payment that was incorrectly rejected during a change of circumstance update

    In limited circumstances, the original claim cannot be reindexed in Process Direct.

    There is no existing process to complete the action, and manual completion of the claim in Customer First is needed.

    To implement the decision for a Newstart Allowance (NSA) claim, go to Step 3.

    To implement the decision for all other job seeker claims:

    • Reindex the original claim in Process Direct. See Indexing, re-indexing and cancelling claim activities
    • If the original claim is unable to be indexed, run an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) to create a claim shell. If the original claim has a date of receipt (DOR):
      • within 12 months - use the original DOR for the ACC
      • more than 12 months in the past - use the current date as the DOR for the ACC
    • Go to Step 2


    Complete the Participation Interview + Read more ...

    Run the Participation Interview in Process Direct prior to finalising the claim activity. If it is not completed, error 'E543NM - Participation Workflow has not been completed' will present.

    Once the Participation Interview is completed, if the original claim DOR is:

    • within 12 months, complete the claim in Process Direct. Procedure ends here
    • more than 12 months in the past, update the claim status to cancelled, then go to Step 3


    Manually index a claim activity + Read more ...

    Manually index a claim on the Name Search (IN) screen in Customer First as follows:

    • Surname: customer name as recorded on file
    • First Name: customer name as recorded on file
    • DOB: customer date of birth
    • SrvRsn: the payment type, that is, JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Newstart Allowance (NSA)
    • Act: NCL
    • Source: INT
    • DOR: the relevant DOR (can be no more than 3 years in the past)

    Note: if the Date of Receipt (DOR) is more than 3 years in the past, complete a mySupport request for ICT to index the claim.

    Complete all the required claim coding to implement the decision. Make sure any relevant waiting periods are applied, for example OWP and LAWP.

    To finalise the claim activity for:

    • Newstart Allowance (NSA) claims, go to Step 4
    • all other job seeker claims, finalise in Customer First. Procedure ends here


    Newstart Allowance (NSA) claim + Read more ...

    Once the Newstart Allowance (NSA) claim is indexed in Customer First, ready to be finalised and the decision implemented, email the Job Seeker Portfolio positional mailbox. Include the following:

    • summary line of: NSA claim finalisation request
    • customer's Customer Reference Number (CRN)
    • decision being implemented
    • expected outcome. For example, expected arrears or arrears to be zeroed

    The emailed request will be reviewed, and:

    • finalised, if it was correctly completed in Customer First
    • returned to the Service Officer if the original claim could have been reindexed and finalised in Process Direct

    Procedure ends here.

    Note: if a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).