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Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility hints 102-03020080

This page contains information to consider when commencing and monitoring the progress of an Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA).

General points for starting and monitoring ICoA

This table describes the steps to follow and points to consider when initiating a file transfer in an Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA).




Before scheduling a transfer + Read more ...

  • update the Address Details (AD) screen and Accommodation (AC) screen prior to commencing the transfer
  • check the InterEnvironment Transfer System Status (ITSS) screen in Customer First to see if:
    • the Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) system is available in both the gaining and losing environment, or
    • if any of the payment systems have been disabled
  • alternatively, edits will appear on the Inter Environment Transfer (ICOA) screen in Process Direct or Edit List (ITED) screen in Process Direct during the actioning of the transfer. This screen will also indicate that a system or systems have been disabled
  • is ICoA unavailable?


Is a payment type disabled? + Read more ...


Ensure no action is taken to prevent transfer + Read more ...

  • do not code any Address Details (AD) activities or DOCs in either the losing or gaining environment, as these activities will prevent the transfer
  • do not input information from an Application for Payment (SU19) (NSS) and schedule a transfer on the same day. Input the SU19, and then on the next day schedule the transfer


Failed transfer with bypassed reconsideration request + Read more ...

An Inter-environment transfer fails, with error code 'EO761T, Appeals Incomplete ODM Reconsideration exists', where the review officer reconsideration is bypassed at the customer's request.

Has the customer requested that the review officer reconsideration be bypassed?


Transferring the customer record to the gaining environment + Read more ...

Transfer the customer record to the gaining environment.

In Process Direct:

  • Key 'ICOA' in Super Key, select Enter
  • Select Request transfer
  • Select Gaining environment
  • Select Customer’s new office code & gaining region
  • Edit children if required.
  • Select Transfer
  • Go to Step 6

In Customer First:

  • Go to the APL system, 'S'elect the relevant record from the Case List (ACL) screen, and print its Modify Reconsideration (MR) screen
  • Change the Recons. Outcome: field from 'BYPASSED AT CUS REQ' to 'AFFIRMED', then complete the New Info Received: and Date Recons. Finalised: fields
  • Go to the ICOA/File Transfer system and complete the inter-environment transfer
  • Go to the APL system in the gaining environment and update the MR screen to reflect the information on the screen you printed at the first dot point above

Go to Step 6.


Check if a transfer has already been scheduled for the customer and/or partner + Read more ...

  • Check the ICOA screen in Process Direct or ICoA Log Information (ITLG) screen in Customer First for both customer and partner to see if a transfer has already been scheduled for either of them
  • When scheduling a transfer of a couple, only one member of the couple should be scheduled because the ICoA facility automatically schedules the partner for transfer

These edits appear when the transfer is completed and the user is attempting to transfer the record again:

  • E004IT - Customer already transferred today: can reschedule tomorrow
  • E078IT - Partner already transferred today: can reschedule tomorrow
  • E086IT - Customer has already been transferred from selected environment

These edits will appear when a transfer has been scheduled and the user is trying to schedule a second transfer:

  • E007IT - Customer is already scheduled for transfer (see ITSC)
  • E077IT - Partner is already scheduled/started (see ITSC)
  • E087IT - Partner has already been transferred from selected environment

For assistance in identifying and clearing edits, see Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility edits.


Check for any outstanding activities preventing the transfer + Read more ...

  • a record can be scheduled if there are outstanding activities
  • the outstanding activities in either the gaining or losing environment will prevent the transfer from completing
  • where the outstanding activities are old contact the Service Centre responsible for the activities and request action be taken to finalise the outstanding activities in that environment