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Child leaves customer's care/custody 102-05050020

This document explains when a child leaves a customer's care or custody.

On this page:

Child leaves customer's care/custody

Update records and finalise activity

Child leaves customer's care/custody

Table 1: this table explains the initial steps to take when a child leaves a customer's care or custody. Portions of the process can be completed by appropriately trained Smart Centre staff only.




Has the change in care/custody already occurred? + Read more ...

  • Yes, the change has already occurred. For:
    • Income Management Contact Officers (only) who are advised a child has left care, a handoff to trained FCC staff must be completed in Customer First. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > Change in CHILD - IMCO advice Left Care
    • All other staff, go to Step 2
  • No, the change is for a future date:
    • Tell the carer to contact once the change has actually occurred
    • Record the advice given in a DOC
    • Procedure ends here


Determine the payment + Read more ...


Determine if a care activity has been started or finalised by Child Support + Read more ...

Check the customer's record to determine if Child Support are doing a care activity.

In Process Direct:

  • Select the child from the Relations menu
  • Check the Care Alignment Details (CADDS) screen to see if Child Support has started or finalised a care activity
  • Check the Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen. The record on the FTB Shared Care (FSC) table will display as 'CSP Care Decision' if the care activity is showing as finalised on CADDS
  • Check the Document List (DL)/Notes screen for relevant DOCs

In Customer First:

  • Go to the Child Selection (CHS) screen and 'S'elect the relevant child
  • Check the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) screen to see if Child Support has started or finalised a care activity
  • Check the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen. The record will display as 'CSP Care Decision' if the care activity is showing as finalised in !CADDS
  • Check the Document List (DL) screen for relevant DOCs

Has a care activity been started by Child Support?


Child Support has started a care activity + Read more ...

No updates are needed, as the care decision has not been finalised by Child Support.

Note: when Child Support starts (pend) a care decision, the Centrelink system expects to receive a finalised decision within 21 days. When this does not occur, the commenced care line as shown on CADDS/!CADDS is meant to lapse. A known system issue is preventing this from occurring. If the CADDS/!CADDS screen shows a care decision started by Child Support that is more than 21 days old, disregard.

If the care assessment was completed by Child Support:

  • In Process Direct:
    • Select the child from the Relations menu and go to the SCA screen, where the date the new care arrangement started, the care percentage, assessment method (CSP Care Decision) and carer will show on the FSC table
    • If the person receives an income support payment, check the SSA Shared Care (SSC) table on the SCA screen and Principal Carer Circumstances Details (PCCD) screen. See Principal carer of a dependent child (dept.local) for further information
  • In Customer First:
    • Select the child from the CHS screen and go to the FSC screen, where the date the new care arrangement started, the care percentage, assessment method (CSP Care Decision) and carer will show
    • If the person receives an income support payment, check and update the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen with the Child Support care decision if not already completed
  • Record details of the contact on a Note/DOC

Procedure ends here.


Customer advises child is no longer in their care + Read more ...


Change of care - permanent or temporary + Read more ...


PPL scheme customer – loss of care without consent + Read more ...

Choose a below option.

PPL + Read more ...

For a customer to remain eligible for PPL or DAP when their child was taken from their care without consent, the following must apply:

  • the customer was previously the primary carer of the child
  • the customer is taking steps to have the child returned to their care (for example contacted the police, sought legal representation)
  • there is a court order or parenting plan (where the child is in the care of the other legal parent)
  • PPL is not being paid to another person for the child

Is the customer taking steps to have the child returned to their care?

  • Yes, record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, the customer is no longer eligible to receive PPL for the child. Go to Step 11

    DAP + Read more ...

    For a customer to remain eligible for DAP when their child was taken from their care without consent, the event must have occurred without the customers consent and the following must apply:

    • the customer was previously providing care for the child
    • the customer is taking reasonable steps to have the child returned to their care
    • the customer or their partner is the child's legal parent, or legally responsible for the child
    • there is a court order or parenting plan where the child is in the care of the other legal parent
    • DAP is not being paid to another person for the same period for the same child

    Is the customer taking steps to have the child returned to their care?

    • Yes, record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here
    • No, go to Step 11


    Temporary change of care for FTB + Read more ...

    If the Service Officer is unsure whether the case is a temporary change in care, they should seek help from Local Peer Support (LPS) or a Service Support Officer (SSO) using standard escalation protocols.

    Note: if a child is moving or has temporarily moved into the care of an Approved Care Organisation (ACO), the customer may not be eligible for temporary care provisions, even in cases where the care is less than 4 weeks. For more details, see the Resources page or Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for Approved Care Organisations (ACO) - ACO Smart Centre Processing.

    Once the decision has been made that a temporary change in care has occurred, DOC the following:

    • Temporary care details on the customer's record
    • Start/end dates
    • The circumstances surrounding the temporary change of care

    Any evidence relevant to the decision should also be documented and scanned to the record. Note: if the customer is receiving Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) for the child temporarily leaving their care, a Fast Note must be sent - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > AIC > AIC Change in Care. A child receiving AIC will be displayed as an EIC Link type on the parents Link Summary (LS) screen.

    Is the customer receiving a social security payment?


    Principal carer and FTB + Read more ...

    A person may remain the principal carer of a child (for social security payments) if the child is absent from the customer's care temporarily and it is clear the child will return to live with the customer. This generally applies to absences of up to eight weeks, for example, during school holidays a child spends time with their other parent or relative.

    • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngFor periods of no more than 8 weeks, the person will remain the principal carer of the child, however, will need to advise if circumstances change and the absence will extend or does extend past 8 weeks
    • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngFor periods of 8-12 weeks, the person may remain the principal carer of the child, depending on the circumstances, if they can demonstrate an ongoing involvement in the care of the child and continual exercise of control over key decisions about the child. It should also be clear that usual caring arrangements will resume at a specified time
    • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngFor absences of more than 12 weeks, there may be circumstances where the person may remain the principal carer. Refer details to appropriate Level 2 Policy Support who will need to seek advice using the online referral to the Level 3 Business Support Services Team. The referral request needs to outline the circumstances and the length of time for the absence

    Principal carer and FTB determinations may differ, for example, one parent may qualify for 100% FTB during the absence while the other parent remains qualified for Parenting Payment (PP). If it is determined that a child is a dependent child for one payment but not another, in Customer First on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen code the child as ineligible using reason 'TOP' against the relevant service reason for which the child is not a dependant. For further information see Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen (dept.local).

    If a principal carer delegates care of the child to a person who does not have legal responsibility for the child, use guidelines under the definition of a dependent child. The person may remain the principal carer if it is clear that the child normally lives with the person, the child will return to live with the person, and the person has a continual involvement with the child and continues to exercise control over key decisions about the child.

    For further guidelines, see References page.

    The Resources page has examples.

    • If the child is a care receiver for Carer Allowance (CA)/Carer Payment (CP), payment may continue in some cases if the child is temporarily absent from the caring situation. Otherwise, it is treated as a change of care. Use the Fast Note - select Auto text, use FAMILIES > UPDATES > CA/CP referral – check eligibility, to send a request of the Carer Payment and or Carer Allowance eligibility to be checked by appropriately trained staff
    • For ABSTUDY customers, check continuing entitlement after ABSTUDY customer leaves parental home
    • If ABSTUDY (ABY) or ABSTUDY Schooling A (ABT) is paid for the child (with status of CUR, SUS or ASS), record the details of the losing carer, gaining carer and DOV of the care change on an open ABSTUDY action request Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY action request > Confirm

    Record details on a DOC.

    Code the review to follow up child's return and tell them to notify if their circumstances change.

    Procedure ends here.


    Record child left customer's care + Read more ...

    FTB and/or CCS/ISP customers

    Only action cases, where the child has left care permanently, and the losing carer is advising the change.

    For claims, action losing carer's record first.

    Social workers can call the Technical Support Line for assistance with care coding.

    Note: if the P24845 workaround is present on a record for a child, the record will need to be referred for the care coding to be applied. See the Resources page for more details.

    Child changes recorded on one customer's record will 'ripple' to other customers linked to the child.

    Is the customer receiving PPL or DAP for the child?


    PPL scheme child left care + Read more ...

    PPL and DAP are not payable to customers who are not providing care for their child, for example, where the PPL primary carer travels overseas to care for parents.

    Generally, the PPL or DAP period will be cancelled from the date the customer stopped to provide care of the child.



    Moving the DAP period + Read more ...

    Is there another period where the customer is eligible for DAP?

    Procedure ends here.


    PPL child removed by a child protection agency + Read more ...

    Birth mothers, whose child is removed from their care by a State or Territory child protection agency, may be eligible for PPL after the child has left their care.

    This is to enable leave for maternal recovery purposes. PPL can continue to be paid during the initial 18 week period following the child's birth or when the customer returns to work, whichever comes first.

    These customers should connect their Flexible PPL days to the end of their PPL period to receive their maximum entitlement.

    See Step 4 in Table 2.


    Environment transfer + Read more ...

    Further coding is needed if the child is in a different environment to the customer.

    Is the customer in a different environment to the child?


    Environment transfer cont. + Read more ...

    If the child is in a different environment, locate a carer/previous carer with the same environment as the child to code the changes.

    In Process Direct:

    Check the Inter-environment change of Address (ICoA) screen to determine the child's environment in relation to the gaining and losing carer, and transfer if needed. See Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions for information including environment transfers.

    In Customer First:

    The child's home environment can be determined by conducting an index search for the child using the Name Search (IN) screen. The National Index Name Search (IL) screen will indicate which environment the child's record is located.

    • 'S'elect the child from the IL screen
    • 'S'elect a carer in the same environment as the child's environment
    • Go to the CHS screen, 'S'elect the child and press [Enter] to go to the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen to make any updates

    Child changes recorded on one customer's record will 'ripple' to other customers linked to the child. Any changes recorded affecting the 'losing carer' will need to be merged or left started to make sure the changes flow on correctly, before completion.

    • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen, stopping at the Ripple Manager Consequence (RMC) screen to update the ripple activities to the related carers. Change the assessment instruction for the relevant carers from Complete to either Merge (the AMR of the activity in the carer's record to merge into is needed, to enter into the Merge on Act id field) or Start. Select continue to go to the AR screen and finalise the activity on the child's record

    If the gaining carer is in a different environment to the child, action the Inter-environment change of address (ICoA) transfer of a child record once the below coding is completed.


    Is the child a customer? + Read more ...

    In Customer First a message will show on child update screens if this is the case, and the screens will be protected.

    This does not happen in Process Direct as child updates can be completed the same way whether the child is a customer or has a child record.

    If using:

    Update records and finalise activity

    Table 2: this table describes the steps to update the relevant record and finalise a change of care for a child.




    Child is a customer, Customer First process + Read more ...

    A message will display on child update screens, and the screens will be protected.

    Use the correct DOR when applying care decisions. This is the earliest date Centrelink received notification of the change of circumstances, either verbally or in writing.

    If there is no related activity on the losing parent/carer record:

    • Create an activity using the Activity Registration (AYR) screen
    • Use the appropriate Service Reason (FTB or JSP), Source, activity type (CHI) and the correct source and DOR
    • Select OK
    • The activity created will now appear in the Activity List (AL) screen

    Make note of the AMR, as it will be needed to merge data on the Ripple Manager Consequence (RMC) screen.

    Note: there is a current problem (P24845), where shared care is not applying correctly. This happens when a child is in the care of a parent who has transferred their FTB to their current partner (step parent). See the Resources page for more details.

    Key the Child's Customer Reference Number (CRN) in CRN/BP: to go to the child record. Code child updates in the following order:

    • On the Child Selection (CHS) screen:
      • 'S'elect 'Self', and
      • Update the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen (see FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen) for family assistance, to nil from the date the child left care and use the appropriate assessment method

    Note: if the preliminary care indicator on the FSC screen has been coded as a 'Y' do not update the In Customer Care (CHC) screen with LCC. This will make sure the preliminary care decision does not automatically apply in Cuba

    • On SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen:
      • Update existing shared care percentage to nil from the date left care, and
      • Code 'No' in the Principal Carer Child status: field
    • Update the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) Care assessment field to 'Finalised':
      • by 'S'electing the provisional lines and updating the status for that child
      • if the Disputed Care Indicator field has been previously recorded, update to 'No'
    • Is the preliminary indicator on the FSC screen coded as a 'Y':
      • No, on the CHC screen:
        - Code LCC (left customer care) in the Care Status: field from the date the child left the customer's care
        - If there is more than one carer or if in child's customer record, code the carer number for the 'losing' customer in the Carer: field
      • Yes, do not update the CHC screen with LCC:
        - If the customer receives PPS for the child and the DOV coded on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is prior to 2 March 2024, update the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen on the PPS customer's record with reason OTN. This will make sure that the child is no longer considered a PP child
    • Update other child details if necessary, for example, child education details
    • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen, stopping at the Ripple Manager Consequence (RMC) screen to update the ripple activities to the related carers. Change the assessment instruction for the relevant carers:
      • From Complete to either Merge (the AMR of the activity in the losing carer's record to merge into is needed, to enter into the Merge on Act id field), or
      • Start for other affected previous carer
      • Select Continue to go to the AR screen and finalise the activity on the child's record
    • Record details on a DOC and finalise activity on the child's record
    • If ABSTUDY (ABY) or ABSTUDY Schooling A (ABT) is paid for the child (with a status of CUR, SUS or ASS), record the following details on an open ABSTUDY Action request Fast Note template:
      • losing carer
      • gaining carer, and
      • DOV of the care change
    • Select Auto text , use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY action request > Confirm
    • Return to the customer's record and check that the data has merged into the activity on the customer's Activity List (AL) screen

    Is the customer receiving PPL for the child?


    Child is not a customer, Customer First process + Read more ...

    Use the correct DOR when applying care decisions. This is the date of notification. The date Centrelink was advised of the change of circumstances, either verbally or in writing.

    Key the Customer's Customer Reference Number (CRN) in CRN/BP.

    Code child updates in the following order:

    • On the Child Selection (CHS) screen:
      • 'S'elect the child
      • Update the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen for family assistance, to nil from the date the child left care and use the appropriate assessment method

    Note: if the preliminary care indicator on the FSC screen has been coded as a 'Y' do not update the CHC screen with LCC. This will make sure the preliminary care decision does not automatically apply in Cuba

    • On the Shared Care (SSC) screen:
      • Update existing shared care percentage to nil from the date left care, and
      • Code 'No' in the Principal Carer Child status: field
    • Update the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) Care Assessment field to 'Finalised':
      • by 's'electing the provisional lines and updating the status for that child
      • if the Disputed Care Indicator field has been previously recorded, update to 'No'
    • Is the preliminary indicator on the FSC screen coded as a 'Y':
      • No, on the CHC screen:
        - Code LCC (left customer care) in the Care Status: field from the date the child left the customer's care
        - If there is more than one carer or if in child's customer record, code the carer number for the 'losing' customer in the Carer: field
      • Yes, do not update the CHC screen with LCC:
        - If the customer receives PPS for the child and the DOV coded on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is prior to 2 March 2024, update the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen on the PPS customer's record with reason OTN. This will make sure that the child is no longer considered a PP child

    When a child leaves a customer's care, details transferred between Centrelink and Child Support will advise 0% care

    Is the customer receiving PPL for the child?


    In Process Direct for updates being made as part of FTB claim processing + Read more ...

    For standalone updates, key Start into the Super Key on the losing carer's record

    • Select the Families - Care Assessments workflow from the Task Selector
    • update the FTB Shared Care (FSC) table and Shared Care (SSC) tables on the Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen:
      • Update the shared care percentage to nil from date left care, and
      • Use the appropriate assessment method
      • Key 'No' in the Principal Carer Child status: field on the SSC table
    • Update the Care Alignment Details (CADDS) - check and update the Care Assessment field to 'Finalised':
      • Select the provisional line and update the status for that child
      • If the Disputed Care Indicator field has been previously recorded, update to 'No'
    • Is the preliminary indicator on the FSC table on the SCA screen coded as a 'Y':
      • No, on the CHC screen:
        - Code LCC (left customer care) in the Care Status: field from the date the child left the customer's care
        - If there is more than one carer or if in child's customer record, code the carer number for the 'losing' customer in the Carer: field
      • Yes, do not update the CHC screen with LCC:
        - If the customer receives PPS for the child and the DOV coded on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is prior to 2 March 2024, update the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen on the PPS customer's record with reason OTN. This will make sure that the child is no longer considered a PP child
    • Update other child details if necessary, for example, child education details

    When a child leaves a customer's care, details transferred between Centrelink and Child Support will advise 0% care.

    Is the customer receiving PPL for the child?


    PPL coding + Read more ...

    Note: the Parental Leave Pay days (P1FLX) must also be selected in the PPL Change of Circumstances workflow to check if any future flexible days need to be changed.

    Is the customer receiving PPL only for the child?


    Finalise activity + Read more ...

    Check and finalise the activity. Note: coding the CHOC screen may be needed if the FTB and/or income support payments are not reassessing correctly:

    • when coding the child out of care, or
    • where different FTB and principal carer determinations are made

    If the CHOC screen needs coding, go to Step 6.

    This will automatically:

    • cancel family assistance and/or PPL for child
    • cancel customer entitlements if they have dependent children

    Reduce the income support payment if the customer no longer qualifies for the 'with child' rate.

    Cancel PP where no other qualifying child in care.

    Reduce the additional income free area for customers paid under the pension income test.

    Check child eligibility details on the Assessment Explanation (AX) screen before finalising the activity. For Parenting Payment Single and pension customers, dependent child details show on the Pensions Child Summary (PNKDS) screen.

    Note: if the child is attracting Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance, appropriately trained carer staff will still need to complete a reassessment of eligibility. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use FAMILIES > UPDATES > CA/CP referral - check eligibility, to send a request for the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance eligibility to be checked by appropriately trained staff.

    Record details on a DOC, stating the date child left care and new carer details (if known). Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > Change CHILD - Change in Care Status.

    Go to Step 7.


    Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen for customer + Read more ...

    If the record is not reassessing correctly, override the automatic assessment by coding the CHOC screen with the following fields:

    • Date: the date the child left care
    • Svc Rsn: field

    In the Reason: field, for Service Reason of:

    • FTB, code 'TOP' where child is no longer an FTB child
    • PPS and the DOV coded on SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is prior to 2 March 2024, code:
      • 'TOP' if the child is no longer a dependent child of the customer
      • 'OTN' if the child is not in their principal care but is still considered their dependent child

    Record details on a DOC and go to Step 5 to finalise the activity.


    Further action + Read more ...

    • Maintenance action for the child should auto update to 'Child left care no MAT requirement'. Maintenance income currently received for child should be automatically disregarded. Check details are correct - see Action required when Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer no longer entitled to child support. Offer the customers a warm transfer to Child Support to end a child support assessment and record details on a DOC
    • For ABSTUDY customers, check continuing entitlement after ABSTUDY customer leaves parental home
    • For CCS customers, in Process Direct select the Child Care icon to view the Entitlement table and ensure CCS has cancelled as expected
    • Advise customer of outcome, including any change of rate
    • If the customer receives an income support payment and the last qualifying child leaves care, invite customer to claim an alternative payment (for example, JobSeeker Payment (JSP) if no longer eligible for Parenting Payment (PP))
    • Principal carers with mutual obligation requirements will need to renegotiate their Job Plan
    • A new concession card will not automatically be issued because of this action. Check if customer needs a new concession card to be issued. See How to reissue concession cards
    • If the customer is receiving Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) for the child leaving their care, or percentage of care has reduced below 50%:
      • A Fast Note must be sent - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > AIC > AIC Change in Care, advising of the change and the date of effect
      • A child receiving AIC will display as an EIC Link type on the parents Link Summary (LS) screen