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Coding Income Management expenses 103-01040070

This document outlines the action to take when an Income Management customer asks to commence, cease or vary a regular expense, or a one-off payment using income managed funds.

Income Management expenses

A customer may contact asking for a change to their Income Management expenses such as:

Requests not covered in this procedure include customers:

Ranking of priority needs

Under the Child Protection Income Management (CPIM) measure, the referring authority may recommend where income managed funds should be directed. Social workers who assess a customer as Vulnerable for the Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient (VWPR) Income Management can also recommend how income managed funds could be directed.

Service Officers do not have to comply with the recommendation, but should document how these needs will be met when conducting an assessment of reviewing a customer's priority needs.

Reviewing priority needs

When commencing, varying or ending a regular expense, Service Officers should make sure the customer's priority needs continue to be met. For more information, see Changes to Income Management priority needs.

Any review of priority needs should include a review of voluntary deductions (Centrepay and Rent Deduction Scheme payments). This will identify whether any deductions can be changed to an Income Management expense, or a duplication of payments.

To do these reviews, staff need to understand how to determine a customer's priority needs.

Customer changes their EPED

Whenever a customer changes their Entitlement Period End Date (EPED), staff should update regular expenses to align with the change, as this does not happen automatically.

Payments from Income Management for a Consumer Lease Agreement

Payments to consumer lease providers can be paid from the Income Management funds. However, before starting any deductions, tell the customer about resources available to help them make a decision about consumer leases and alternatives which include:

  • using the Rent vs buy calculator
  • layby
  • No Interest Loan (NILs)
  • applying for an advance payment (if eligible)
  • a StepUP Loan (low interest loan)

See the Resources page for links.

Income Management and nominees

A payment nominee is responsible for determining allocations from the Income Management account of the person for whom they are a payment nominee. A BasicsCard can be issued to the payment nominee, or the payment nominee can decide to have the card issued to the customer. Should the payment nominee consent to the card being assigned to the customer, the customer needs to sign the BasicsCard receipt.

A correspondence nominee cannot be issued with a BasicsCard. A correspondence nominee can, where there is no payment nominee, generally act in place of, or on behalf of, the customer in the application of Income Management.

The Resources page contains links to:

  • Office Locator for relevant contact details for staff and customers
  • the Rent vs buy calculator
  • NILs and StepUP Loan web pages, and
  • a list of Income Management Deduction Service Reasons, examples of when customers have insufficient funds, contact details for external agencies that can help customers with consumer rights issues

Payment of Schools Meals Program (SMP) expenses from Income Management funds or Centrepay

Income Management customers accessing funds while travelling

Initial offer or replacement of BasicsCard

Payment of fines from income managed funds

Determining a person's priority needs for Income Management

Changes to Income Management priority needs

Restricted Direct Payments (RDP)

Unrestricted Cash Payments (UCPs)

Income Management and BasicsCard Work Items

Income Management Summary Screen

Expense Management Summary screen

Nominee arrangements under Income Management