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Undelivered Income Management expenses and actioning Work Items 103-01050060

This document outlines the rules for undelivered regular and one-off Income Management expenses.

When an expense fails to deliver

An expense due on a certain day may fail to deliver for a number of reasons. One reason could be due to insufficient funds in the customer's Income Management account at the time of attempted delivery.

There are rules that determine how long the system will continue to try to pay the expense.

Note: if an expense is unable to be paid, a Work Item is then generated on the Income Management Summary screen for discussion at the next customer contact.

  • A one weekly regular expense will attempt to pay for 7 days. If the expense is still undelivered at the end of this period, the system will stop trying to pay the expense and it will remain unpaid for this period
  • A two weekly regular expense will attempt to pay for 14 days. If the expense is still undelivered at the end of this period, the system will stop trying to pay the expense and it will remain unpaid for this period
  • A one-off expense will attempt to pay for 2 days. After this period, the system will not attempt to pay again and the expense will remain unpaid

Informing customers

When a customer contacts the agency, they are to be informed of the undelivered expense and what options may be available to meet the expense. This could include:

  • ceasing the expense
  • coding a new one-off expense
  • varying the amount of a one-off expense
  • varying the amount of a regular expense
  • changing the one-off expense to a regular expense
  • using their discretionary funds to meet the unpaid expense

The Resources page has links to contact details and the Income Management Policy Helpdesk webform.

Managing Income Management funds

Determining a person's priority needs for Income Management

Changes to Income Management priority needs

Coding Income Management expenses

Income Management and BasicsCard Work Items