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Assessing payment rates and independence for Disability Support Pension customers under 21 years 008-03140000

This document explains how to assess payment rates for Disability Support Pension (DSP) customers under 21 (including permanently blind customers).

DSP rate determination for customers under 21 years




Customer circumstances + Read more ...

The responses from a customer (under 21) to the questions in the DSP online claim, Assisted Customer Claim or the following forms will help determine the correct rate of payment and dependence or independence criteria:

  • Claim for Disability Support Pension (SA466)
  • Claim for a Disability Support Pension for a Terminal Illness (SA494)
  • Disability Support Pension Claim at age 16 (SA439)

Information about a change in circumstances provided by a DSP customer under 21 years may require assessment to determine the correct rate of payment and dependence or independence criteria.

Further evidence and assessment may be required depending on the criteria that apply to the customer's circumstances.

To determine the date to apply the independence/dependence decision, see Notification Handler (NOHL).


Customers living in the parental home + Read more ...

DSP customers under 21 who are currently living in the parental home are usually paid the dependent rate of DSP.

If a customer under 21 advises they have returned to the parental home, check address and rent details. Update the Independent Living Code field on the Pension Disability Information (PDI) screen to make sure the correct rate of payment for the customer's circumstances if required.

The customer can continue to be paid at the independent rate when they return to the parental home if they meet non-reviewable independence criteria, or have/had a dependent child in their care.

Does the customer currently have, or has previously had, a dependent child in care?


Customer currently has a dependent child + Read more ...

DSP customers under 21 who currently have a dependent child in their care are eligible for the '21 and over' (common) DSP rate from the date the child entered their care. This is a different rate to the independent rate:

  • check payment rate
  • update the Independent Living Code field on the PDI screen, key 'PCH'
  • procedure ends here

Note: if the customer currently has a dependent child in their care, the '21 and over' (common) pension rate is paid automatically when the dependent child details are recorded.


Customer previously had a dependent child + Read more ...

DSP customers under 21 who have previously had a dependent child in their care are eligible for the independent rate from the date the child left their care, or from the date they are claiming DSP (whichever is the earlier). This is a different rate to the '21 and over' (common) DSP rate.

For coding information, see Assessing independence when a customer has, or has had, a dependent child.

Procedure ends here.


Previous independence assessment + Read more ...

DSP customers under 21 may have already been assessed against the independence criteria for Youth Allowance (YA), ABSTUDY or DSP. Determine if independence has previously been assessed.

If the previously assessed independence category is reviewable, consider all available information to determine if the independence category still applies to the customer's current circumstances. See the Resources page for more information on reviewable categories.

Has a previous assessment of the independence criteria for YA, ABSTUDY or DSP taken place, and if so, does it still apply to the customer's current circumstances?


Age of customer + Read more ...

If the customer is:

Note: for DSP claims, if the customer is aged 17 at the time of claim, but turns 18 before the claim is finalised, independence may need to be considered under both sets of age criteria. If the customer meets the independence criteria as a 17 year old, the independent rate will continue when they turn 18. This is unless there is a change in circumstances and the independence is reviewable (see the Resources page for independence categories). If the customer is not independent at age 17, assess their eligibility for independence as an 18 year old. If applicable, code the Indep Living Code on the PDI screen from their eighteenth birthday or the event date independence was met if after 18.


16 to 17 + Read more ...

If the customer has indicated it is unreasonable to live at home, see:

Is the customer living away from the parental home because of their disability or a medical condition (this includes living in disability accommodation or alternate accommodation that allows them to be closer to treatment or support services)?

Note: this does not apply to short stays in hospital.


18 to 20 + Read more ...

Is the customer living away from the parental home?


Independence criteria + Read more ...

DSP customers under 21 can be paid the independent rate if they meet at least 1 of the following criteria. If the customer:

Does the customer meet any of the above criteria?


Customer can be paid the independent rate + Read more ...

When processing a DSP claim in Process Direct, go to the PDI screen under Pension Disability Information and update the Independent Living Code.

When updating independence for a current DSP customer, go to the PDI screen in Customer First or Process Direct, and update the Independent Living Code.

It is important the correct Independent code is used so the customer is paid the correct rate of DSP. The Independent code also determines if the independence is reviewable (see Resources Tab), and may determine if the customer is automatically triggered for Income Management.

If the customer meets the independent criteria, code one of the following:

  • PBM: has been partnered
  • PCH: previously had a dependent child
  • PDF: previously in defacto relationship for at least 12 months
  • PDS: previously been in defacto relationship for at least 6 months
  • POR: orphan
  • PRE: refugee
  • PPG: parents cannot exercise responsibilities. In Process Direct the descriptor for code PPG is 'Parents in gaol, asylum' but this code applies to all criteria where a parent cannot exercise responsibilities. Ensure the reason is included in the DOC
  • PSF: in state care, supported
  • PSU: in state care, not supported
  • PSP: part-time work 15 hrs p/w for 104 weeks
  • PSS: full-time work at least 30 hours p/w for 18 months in 2 year period
  • PSE: earned 75% of NTWS in 18 month period
  • 'MED' if aged 16 or 17 years and living away from the parental home due to a medical condition, or
  • 'LAH' if aged between 18 and 20 years (inclusive) and living away from the parental home
  • UTY: Unreasonable to live at home

Record details on a DOC.

Note: if a customer received a Crisis Payment in the period the change is applied, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP).

Procedure ends here.


Customer cannot be considered as independent + Read more ...

Current DSP customer

  • Where the PDI screen has previous independent coding, this must be ceased:
    • Process Direct: on the PDI screen, under the Pension disability information section key 'NLE' in the Independent Living Code field
    • Customer First: on the PDI screen, key 'NLE' in the Independent Living code field
  • Where there is no coding on the Independent Living Code field on PDI and the customer is already received the dependent rate of DSP, no PDI coding is needed

DSP Claim

When processing a claim, key 'NID' in the Independent Living Code field on the PDI screen. This screen is displayed as part of the new claim screen flow.