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Qualification for payment of Rent Assistance (RA) 108-08080010

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

On this page:

Rent Assistance (RA) eligibility criteria which apply to all customers

Additional RA eligibility criteria which apply to specific customer groups

Payability of Rent Assistance to customers in some situations

For some customers not all of the rent paid is used when calculating RA

RA for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and regular care child(ren)

Assessing RA for customers in rental relief schemes and subsidy arrangements

Rent Assistance (RA) eligibility criteria which apply to all customers

Table 1: if only one item says the customer is not eligible for RA, they cannot receive RA. The items are not listed in any particular order.


Rent Assistance (RA) eligibility criteria


Receives a qualifying payment + Read more ...

RA is payable to a qualifying customer (or their partner) who is receiving any of the following:

  • An income support payment (including Austudy from 1 January 2008)
  • More than base rate Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A
  • They would receive FTB Part A except that they have care of a Regular Care Child
  • ABSTUDY Schooling B and Tertiary Awards


Paying rent + Read more ...

Rent is an amount paid by the customer or their partner on a regular basis for the right to occupy their home. It includes:


Living in the home being rented + Read more ...

Select from the below options

Principal home + Read more ...

RA is assessed on the rent paid for the customer's principal home.

A customer can only have one principal home. If they move to a new address, RA stops for the former address.

This is even if the lease has not expired and rent still needs to be paid.

Temporary accommodation + Read more ...

Both homeowners and non-homeowners can be assessed for RA for temporary accommodation. To be eligible:

  • all normal eligibility requirements need to be met, except for ownership of the principal home, and
  • the reason for the temporary accommodation is acceptable


Customers who have security of tenure are homeowners + Read more ...

If the customer has security of tenure and they are an ineligible homeowner, they are not able to receive RA, even if they are paying rent. For example:

  • the principal home is owned by a Trust or Company in which the customer has an interest
  • rent to buy schemes where the customer has the option to purchase the principal home. The customer would become eligible for RA if:
    • the agreement or contract lapses, and
    • they do not take up the option to buy the property
  • the customer is a part-owner of the principal home

Note: a homeowner can receive RA for a temporary address if certain conditions are met.


Homeowners + Read more ...

A homeowner is a person who has a right of ownership over the home in which they live, their principal home.

To be a homeowner they:

  • own the property outright
  • are purchasing the property, or
  • have an interest in the property (for example, by way of paying instalments)

Customers assessed as being ineligible homeowners are not eligible for RA unless they meet certain exemptions.

For more details, review the definition for ineligible homeowner or search ineligible homeowner in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes.

Exemptions where homeowners are eligible for RA:

If members of a couple are temporarily separated, eligibility for RA must be assessed for each person separately. See Step 16 in Table 2 for more information.

In all other cases if one member of a homeowner couple is not eligible for RA, neither are.


Travellers + Read more ...

Additional RA eligibility criteria which apply to specific customer groups

Table 2: if only one item says the customer is not eligible for RA, they cannot receive RA. The items are not listed in any particular order.


Customer circumstances


ABSTUDY + Read more ...


  • Go to the Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen
  • Action field will have:
    • IND or HOM if the customer is independent
    • AFH if the customer has been granted away from home rate
    • If none of the above are there, the customer is dependent, receiving an 'at home' rate of payment
    • Use screen help for the Action field to see more detail

The customer is not eligible for RA if they live in the parental home and they are:

  • Under 22
    • receiving a dependent, at home rate of payment, or
    • are an accommodated independent person
  • Aged 22 to under 25 and single

The customer is eligible for RA if they are:

  • 25 or over
  • aged 22 to under 25, single and do not live in the parental home
  • aged 22 to under 25 and are a member of a couple
  • independent but not an accommodated independent person, or
  • receiving the away from home rate:
    • Away from home will have been granted for the customer to live in a specified location for a specified reason. For example, to attend study
    • If the location or the reason change, away from home will need to be reassessed before eligibility for RA can be decided

If the customer's partner is a dependent YA or ABSTUDY customer, see Independent and dependent customers living together.

Precluding course/study details

ABSTUDY customers who are studying under the below categories are not entitled to RA.

To check the customers study details, go to the Education Course History (EDCH) screen and check:

  • Masters and doctorate: course level code = MST or DOC
  • Schooling A: Benefit status shows as ABT/CUR
  • Part-time: level code = PTS
  • Testing and Assessment: level code = TAA
  • Lawful Custody: level code = LAW


Youth Allowance (YA) + Read more ...

RA eligibility is different for customers who are:

  • independent
  • dependent, away from home rate of payment
  • dependent, at home rate of payment

Customers aged 22 or over are automatically independent.

Note: if the customer's circumstances have changed, a review of their independence or their rate of payment may be needed.


  • Go to the Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen
  • Action field will have:
    • IND or HOM if the customer is independent
    • AFH if the customer has been granted away from home rate
    • If none of the above are there, the customer is dependent, at home rate of payment
    • Use screen help for the Action field to see more detail

The customer is not eligible for RA if they are:

  • dependent, at home rate of payment
  • an accommodated independent person

The customer is eligible for RA if they are:

  • independent but not an accommodated independent person. This includes customers in supported and unsupported State care who have a rent liability
  • receiving away from home rate:
    • Away from home will have been granted for the customer to live in a specified location for a specified reason. For example, to attend study or to live in a specified location to look for work
    • If the location or the reason change, away from home will need to be reassessed before eligibility for RA can be decided


One or both members of a couple receive Youth Allowance (YA) or ABSTUDY + Read more ...

It is possible for one member of a couple to be independent but the other to be either:

  • dependent, at home, or
  • an accommodated independent person

For example, a YA customer will be independent when they have been in a relationship for 12 months or longer. For an ABSTUDY customer, the period is only 6 months.

  • If one customer is living in their parental home and is dependent, or an accommodated independent person they are not eligible for RA
  • If the customer's partner is an independent person, they are eligible for RA


Disability Support Pension (DSP) customer + Read more ...

All customers

If the customer receives, or their partner receives, Incentive Allowance they are not eligible for RA.

Single aged under 18

The customer is not eligible for RA if they are dependent and living in the parental home.

The customer is eligible for RA if they:

  • reside in disability accommodation
  • are not living in the parental home because of a medical condition of the person
  • are independent, even if they are living in the principal home of a parent

Note: if the customer's circumstances have changed, a review of their independence may be needed.

Single, aged 18 to under 21

The customer is not eligible for RA if they are living in the parental home.

The customer is eligible for RA if they:

  • reside in disability accommodation
  • are not living in the parental home on a permanent basis

To check independence or away from home status:

  • Go to the Pension Disability Information (PDI) screen
  • Independent Living code field will show:
    • NID, UTN or NLE if the customer is dependent, at home rate of payment
    • LAH if away from home rate has been granted
    • All other codes are independent
  • Use screen help for the Independent Living code field to see more detail


Some JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customers not eligible for RA + Read more ...

JSP customers aged under 25 are not eligible for RA if they are:

  • single, and
  • living in the parental home


Aged care - temporary or respite + Read more ...

To assess eligibility for RA where the move to an aged care or respite service is temporary, see Temporary change of address to an aged care home for respite care.


Aged care - permanent + Read more ...

Customers living permanently in subsidised aged care, (a funded bed), are not eligible for RA. RCA/CUR (Residential Aged Care-Current) will show on the customers benefit status line.

RCA/CUR is not on the benefit status line

See Rent Assistance (RA) for care receivers to determine if RA is payable.

The customer may need to lodge a request for an Aged Care Means Test Assessment (MTA).


Retirement village + Read more ...

The amount the customer paid as an entry contribution will decide if they are a homeowner or a non-homeowner.

If the customer is a:

  • homeowner, RA is not payable
  • non-homeowner, RA can be paid for fees and charges that must be paid as a condition of occupancy, for example, maintenance and service fees


Shared equity housing + Read more ...

Some organisations provide shared equity accommodation to people such as the elderly or the disabled. The customer buys shares in the company. In return, they have the right to live in the accommodation.

If the amount the customer paid for the shares in the company is:

  • equal to or more than the Extra Allowable Amount, the customer is a homeowner
  • less than the Extra Allowable Amount, the customer is a non-homeowner

The customer may need to pay regular fees as a condition of occupancy, for example, insurance, maintenance, and administration. If the customer is a:

  • homeowner, RA is not payable
  • non-homeowner, RA can be paid for compulsory regular on-going fees


Refugee and Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) + Read more ...


Care must be taken when assessing RA eligibility for customers who are refugees.

Some newly arrived refugees may be eligible to receive rent free accommodation for the first 4 weeks after arrival in Australia. After the 4 weeks has elapsed, they may then receive a rent subsidy.

A refugee's RA is assessed on the net rent amount (rent minus any ongoing subsidy).

If the customer needs help in their preferred language. contact an on demand telephone interpreter (Interpreter Connect) for help.

If the customer is unsure of any help they are receiving in respect of their rent, then their Humanitarian Settlement Program service provider should be able to help. For more details see service providers on the Department of Home Affairs webpage.


Services Australia pays SRSS payments on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs to people while they seek to resolve their immigration status.

These customers are not paid RA, but some SRSS customers may be eligible for Rental Assistance Allowance.


Rent to buy contracts + Read more ...

Some agreements or contracts which give the customer the option of buying the property they are currently renting.

They have a right or interest in the home, so have security of tenure. They are assessed as a homeowner for RA purposes and are not eligible for RA.

The customer would become eligible for RA if:

  • the agreement or contract lapses, and
  • they do not take up the option to buy the property

The customer would need to provide evidence of the change.


Job seeker or student compliance preclusion periods + Read more ...

RA is an add on payment and can only be received with an income support payment. If the customer is in a compliance preclusion period, they will not receive RA.

If RA was split between members of a couple, then the RA received by their partner will not change. They will continue to receive only their half of the RA while their partner is in the compliance preclusion period.


Blind pension + Read more ...

Blind pensions, Age or Disability Support Pension (DSP), are not income or asset tested.

A person receiving a blind pension can only be assessed for RA if they agree to an income and asset assessment.

Once that has been done, it will be used to determine their rate of pension.

Go to the Pension Disability Information (PDI) screen.

If the customer has a current income and asset exemption, an exemption code of Y will be in the Blind - Income and Asset Exempt field.

If they have the exemption code of Y and want to proceed so they can be assessed for RA, see Income and assets test for blind customers for the process to be followed.


Assessment of RA for ministers of religion or members of religious order + Read more ...

Ministers of religion

RA claims from ministers of religion are assessed on a case by case basis.

The customer will need to provide a copy of their employment agreement (not just the section relating to rent amount).

If the agreement refers to a 'Schedule of stipends', a copy of this schedule will be needed.

Some contracts will include a rental allowance or free accommodation. The details are usually in the 'Schedule of stipends'.

Members of a religious order

Customers who are members of a religious order and pay a specific amount for rent may be eligible for RA. Normal eligibility rules apply.


Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) + Read more ...

Customers who receive their social security payment entirely as a loan under the HEAS are not eligible for RA.

For further information on the HEAS only customers, see Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS).


Relationship qualifier codes + Read more ...

Rent Assistance can be assessed and paid individually to each eligible member of a couple who have been assessed and coded with one of the following relationship qualifier codes on the Marital Status (MS) screen.

  • ILB - Ill Sep/Both Left Home
  • ILC - Ill Sep/Left Home
  • ILP - Ill Sep/Ptnr Left Home
  • TEB - Tmp Sep/Both Left Home
  • TEC - Tmp Sep/Left Home
  • TEP - Tmp Sep/Ptnr Left Home
  • PSB - Psych Care/Both L/Home
  • PSC - Psych Care/Left Home
  • PSP - Ptr in Psych Care

RA can be assessed and paid individually to each member of the couple when:

  • one of the relationship qualifier codes listed above is recorded on MS screen
  • neither member of the couple is an ineligible homeowner (exception applies)
  • they each pay rent for a different address
  • they each qualify for RA for their separate address/temporary address
  • the rent amount each person pays is above the relevant rent threshold for their circumstances

Note: if one member of a couple is an ineligible homeowner, both members of the couple are treated as ineligible homeowners. Neither can be paid RA, except when a person has temporarily left their principal home:

  • and they receive ABSTUDY, or
  • for at least 14 consecutive days or more to:
    • provide a substantial level of care, or
    • receive a substantial level of care

In these cases, RA may be payable to a person for a temporary address (including term address) even if their partner remains an ineligible homeowner. See Temporary accommodation and Rent Assistance (RA).

RA can be assessed and paid to a person whose partner is in respite care or gaol and one of the following relationship qualifier codes has been coded on the MS screen.

  • REC - In Respite Care
  • REP - Ptnr in Respite Care
  • GAC - In Gaol
  • GAP - Ptnr in Gaol

Note: customers can continue to receive RA for their principal residence for up to 52 days while in respite care if they:

  • enter into respite care
  • continue to pay rent for their principal home

Payability of Rent Assistance to customers in some situations

Table 3: more than one item may apply to a customer.


Customer circumstances


Which member of a couple receives RA depends on the payment types + Read more ...

How RA is paid depends on the payment a customer receives and their family circumstances. For example, if they are a member of a couple and/or have children.

  • If more than base rate of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A is received, RA is paid with the FTB payment, regardless of relationship status
  • If both members of a couple receive a benefit, each will receive half of the RA
  • If both members of the couple receive a pension, each will receive half of the RA
  • If only one member of a couple receives a pension, the pension customer receives all of the RA for the couple
  • If one member of a couple receives a benefit and the other person has no entitlement, RA for the couple is paid with the benefit at the full member of a couple rate. Note: this does not apply for a compliance preclusion period
  • If a couple are illness separated, temporarily separated or respite care separated, each member of the couple may receive RA assessed on their individual circumstance. Note: this applies even if one member of the couple receives RA with their FTB payment
  • A Jobseeker transitional rate (JTR) customer will receive half (50%) of the couple RA rate and the pension partner will receive the full (100%) couple RA rate. This means that the couple will receive 150% of the couple RA entitlement while the customer receives JTR


Primary payment cancellation verses employment income nil rate period + Read more ...

Some customers who are members of an allowee/allowee couple and receiving rent assistance may benefit financially from having their income support payment cancelled rather than entering an employment income nil rate period.

Customers who may benefit more from payment cancellation are members of a couple:

  • who are allowee/allowee couples
  • receiving rent assistance with their allowance payments and not Family Tax Benefit (FTB), and
  • only one member of the allowee couple will be entering the employment income nil rate period

In these situations, if the customer who would otherwise be entering the employment income nil rate period, chooses to cancel their allowance payment, their partner will be paid 100% of the rent assistance that the couple are entitled to.

If the customer chooses not to cancel their allowance payment and enters the employment income nil rate period, their partner will only receive 50% of the couple’s rent assistance entitlement during the customer’s employment income nil rate period.

Payment cancellation instead of the employment income nil rate period does not need to be considered for couples where:

  • one or both members of the couple receive a pension payment, or
  • rent assistance is paid with FTB

For a calculation example, see Resources.


Rent amount paid is below the threshold + Read more ...

Customers who pay rent less than the threshold amount for their family circumstances are not entitled to RA.


Rent in return for work + Read more ...

If a customer provides services in exchange for free accommodation, the value of the accommodation cannot be considered as rent for RA purposes. As the customer does not pay rent, record NRP - no rent paid in the type of rent field on the AC screen.

The value of the service/free accommodation is also not assessed as income for social security purposes, see Assessment of employment income for Centrelink payments.


Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A base rate + Read more ...

If a customer is receiving FTB Part A base rate only, for example, due to income, RA is not payable.

If the customer is an income support customer, and receiving FTB Part A, they may be eligible to receive RA with their primary payment instead of FTB in limited circumstances.


Government rent + Read more ...

State housing authorities (SHA) provide rental to people at a subsided or market rate. Customers who lease from a state or territory housing authority pay government rent and are not eligible for RA, regardless of how much rent they pay.

Government rent includes customers who are the primary tenant and pay rent through the Transitional Housing Management (THM) program in Victoria.

View the definition for Government rent to see a list of the state housing authorities.

The determining factor is who receives the rent. In very limited cases, a non-government organisation may collect the rent and pass it directly onto a state housing authority/government authority. When this occurs, it is assessed as government rent.

Government sub-tenant

A government sub-tenant may be able to receive RA if the:

  • primary tenant pays market rent, or
  • sub-tenant's income has been taken into account by the SHA when calculating the rent liability


Rental arrangements which are not government rent + Read more ...

Defence Force Housing

  • RA can be assessed on the amount the customer pays to Defence Force Housing
  • This can include an amount to cover water. Paying the water fee is a condition of occupancy and is included in the total rent paid

National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS)

  • Properties are owned and managed by non-government organisations
  • RA can be assessed on the amount of rent paid

For more information, see Item 3 in Table 6.


Effect of social security agreements on Rent Assistance + Read more ...

RA is not payable to a customer residing in Australia, who is paid under an International Social Security Agreement and receiving a proportional rate of payment. Correct agreement/residence coding will make sure the non-payment of RA to these customers.

RA may be payable to a customer residing in Australia, who is paid under an International Social Security Agreement and receiving a direct deduction rate of payment.

Accommodation details for customers are to be recorded by following Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA).

For some customers not all of the rent paid is used when calculating RA

Table 4: more than one item may apply to a customer.


Customer circumstances


Operating the business from home + Read more ...

Lease in the customer's (and/or their current partner's) name:

  • A business expense can be claimed through tax for part of the rent
  • Subtract the amount claimed as a business expense from the total rent paid. RA is only payable for the balance

For example:

  • customer leases their home for $26,000 per annum
  • 20% of their home is used for their business
  • rent expense of $5,200 ($26,000 x 0.20) is included in the business profit and loss statement and is an allowable deduction
  • rent assistance may be payable on the balance of the lease that is, $20,800

Lease in the business name

The business can claim all of the rent paid as a tax deduction when:

  • the customer pays rent to the business, and
  • the amount the customer pays is income for the business

RA is payable on the amount the business declares as income.

Business is run through a Trust or Company the customer has an interest in:

  • Determine if the customer has security of tenure and is therefore a homeowner


Students and scholarships + Read more ...

How the scholarship is assessed will affect the RA amount paid.

Scholarship treated as income or is exempt income:

  • RA paid on the gross amount of rent paid by the student. The terms of the scholarship do not matter

Scholarship not treated as income:

  • RA paid on the net amount of rent actually paid by the student. That is, the gross rent payable is discounted by the scholarship amount (that is above the exempt scholarship income amount)


Rental relief schemes and subsidies + Read more ...

Help offered through rental relief schemes can impact on payability of RA. Generally, RA is payable only on the amount of rent paid, or payable by the RA recipient (and/or their partner), net of any subsidies or payments from other tenants.

There are a few exceptions to this for specified relief schemes where the RA recipient (and or their partner) will qualify for RA on the amount of rent nominated on their lease and any subsidy they are provided is disregarded. However, if part of the rent is covered by payments from other tenants, these amounts are not disregarded.

For a list of rental schemes and subsidies and how RA is to be calculated, see Table 6.

RA for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and regular care child(ren)

Table 5: more than one item may apply to a customer.


Customer circumstances and payment options


Shared care of a child and Regular Care Child + Read more ...

Customers who have less than 35 per cent care of a child are not entitled to FTB. They may still be able to receive the RA rate only of FTB Part A if they:

  • meet the FTB Part A income test
  • have a Regular Care Child who is:
    • not absent overseas
    • aged under 16 years, or
    • over 16 years (until the end of the calendar year in which they turn 19) provided they are in Full Time Secondary Study

The rate of RA paid to FTB customers who share the care of a child is the higher of the:

  • relevant shared care rate of RA
  • non-shared care rate of RA


Arrears payment period + Read more ...

RA arrears can be paid from 1 July of the previous financial year.

The period can be longer if:

  • the customer is claiming FTB and an extension has been granted, or
  • an application for a formal review of decision has been lodged within 52 weeks of being notified of a decision


Fortnightly or lump sum + Read more ...

Customers can choose to be paid RA fortnightly or as a lump sum after the end of the financial year when:

  • they are receiving FTB as fortnightly instalments, or
  • have a Regular Care Child

RA can only be paid with a lump sum FTB claim for the previous financial year if the customer:

  • also claims fortnightly FTB, or
  • is not eligible for fortnightly FTB


When FTB is precluded + Read more ...

If the customer is an income support customer they can receive RA with their primary payment when FTB is precluded.

All FTB entitlements, including RA are assessed at Families reconciliation. If the customer received RA with the income support payment not FTB, Families reconciliation will pay any balance due. FTB RA is paid at a higher rate.


When FTB is prohibited + Read more ...

Customers will lose access to RA with FTB if their FTB Part A is prohibited due to prohibition of FTB instalment payments (PIP).

RA is not paid with their income support payment during this prohibition period as they are still entitled to receive RA through the FTB system when the rate is prohibited to zero.

The customer may be eligible to receive RA with their primary payment if:

  • they are an income support customer, and
  • FTB cancels due to the Sunset Clause


RA rate changes + Read more ...

The income and maintenance income tests may reduce the rate of RA.

Any reduction is apportioned between the components of FTB Part A.

The number of FTB children in care can also affect the maximum rate of RA payable. Higher thresholds and maximum rates apply for larger families.

For an example on how to calculate a reduced rate of RA due to a reduction in FTB Part A, see the Resources page in Apportionment of income/maintenance reduction for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A.


Effect of failed Maintenance Action Test (MAT) + Read more ...

If the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer has failed the MAT, they receive their FTB Part A at the base rate. They do not qualify for their RA to be paid with FTB.

RA will be paid with income support payment until the MAT is satisfied. See

Assessing RA for customers in rental relief schemes and subsidy arrangements

Table 6: scheme or subsidy arrangements.


Scheme or subsidy arrangements


General assessment of rental relief schemes and subsidies + Read more ...

Help offered through rental relief schemes can impact on payability of RA.

In the majority of cases RA is payable only on the amount of rent paid or payable by the RA recipient (and/or their partner) net of any subsidies or payments from other tenants.

There are a few exceptions to this for some specified relief schemes listed below, where the RA recipient (and/or their partner) will qualify for RA on the amount of rent nominated on their lease and any subsidy they are provided is disregarded. However, if part of the rent is covered by payments from other tenants, these amounts are not disregarded.


Department of Home Affairs rental subsidy + Read more ...

Income support customers who are refugees may receive a rental subsidy from the Department of Home Affairs where they are on a:

RA is payable on the net rent amount (rent minus rental subsidy).


National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) + Read more ...

Select from the below options

General NRAS information + Read more ...

The National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) closed to new entrants in 2014. Grandfathering arrangements are in place for existing customers, however the scheme will completely end in mid-2026. Customers renting their principal home under NRAS may be entitled to RA.

Rent paid to occupy a home built under NRAS is not considered as 'government rent'. NRAS dwellings are owned and managed by financial institutions, non-profit organisations and local councils. They are rented to eligible individuals and families at 20 per cent below the market rate.

Properties exiting NRAS + Read more ...

As properties begin exiting NRAS customers may continue to be eligible for RA if they continue to meet all RA eligibility requirements.

Organisations like National Affordable Housing (NAH) are currently a NRAS approved participant. There are many such organisations who are NRAS participants. These organisations may continue to manage these properties when they exit the NRAS scheme.

If a customer notifies that their principal home is exiting NRAS, check if their details, such as rent amount, need to be updated. Tell them that rent assistance is calculated on the amount of rent they pay and to notify of any changes to their circumstances.


State housing authority transitions to community housing organisation providers + Read more ...

In 2017-2018, a number of state housing authorities began to transfer the tenancy management of properties to community housing organisation providers, and customers may be eligible for RA.

Services Australia is working with community housing organisations to:

  • cancel existing deductions for government rent paid through the Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS), and
  • start RA and Centrepay deductions on behalf of affected recipients

During the transition period, customers who are being transitioned will receive:

  • an RDS cancellation letter, and
  • Centrepay/RA commencement letters

If a customer contacts regarding the management of their tenancy, refer the customer to their community housing organisation.


Transitional Housing programs + Read more ...

Select from the below options

General Transitional Housing + Read more ...

Transitional housing is short-term housing for people who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness. Some transitional housing is managed by not for profit organisations including community housing providers. There is also some government agency involvement.

RA may be payable depending on the type of organisation that is providing the housing.

If the rent is:

  • collected by the community housing organisation but then passed on to the state housing authority. The customer is paying government rent and not eligible for RA
  • collected and retained by the community housing organisation to be used by the organisation. The customer would be a community housing tenant and eligible for RA

Customers will need provide a copy of their agreement or a letter from the organisation. This will show which organisation is benefiting from the rent so that RA eligibility can be determined.

Transitional Housing Management (THM) + Read more ...

THM is a transitional housing program run in Victoria. Customers who are the primary tenant and pay rent through THM pay government rent and are not eligible to RA.


Community or disability housing tenants + Read more ...

Customers who rent their accommodation from community housing or disability housing organisation (community housing organisation) are not considered to be government tenants or sub-tenants.

These community housing organisations may receive state funding or lease houses from the state housing authorities, but this does not mean the customer is a government tenant or sub-tenant for RA purposes. For example, some customers pay rent amounts to the New South Wales Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO). Payments made to the AHO are not government rent for the purposes of assessing eligibility for RA.

For more information about community housing organisations search Community housing and OHO in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes.

Customers who rent in disability housing may have a written agreement such as a lease, but may still be considered to be living in exempt accommodation. If they are living in exempt accommodation, they do not need to provide verification.

For more details, review the definition for exempt accommodation or search exempt accommodation in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes.


Defence Housing Authority (DHA) + Read more ...

Defence force housing is not government rent. Assess the customer for RA.

The customer receives a Rental Allowance subsidy where the DHA does not have available housing. The member receives a fortnightly subsidy through the Defence pay system and pays their share of the rent to the agent or landlord.

Rent paid by the customer can be rent only, or comprised of rent and water contribution. If the water contribution is included in the rent if it is a condition of occupancy of the accommodation.

RA is assessed on the net rent amount (rent minus any ongoing DHA subsidy).


Private Rental Subsidy + Read more ...

This scheme is run by NSW Family and Community Services.

Private Rental Subsidy helps people to access affordable accommodation in the private rental market. Eligible customers are able to:

  • rent accommodation in the private rental market, and
  • receive a subsidy from NSW Family and Community Services

This will make sure they pay no more than they would if renting a public housing dwelling.

RA is payable on the total amount of rent nominated on the lease. If rent is shared with a third party, the net rent rules may apply.

The Resources page has a link to more information about Private Rental Subsidy.


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) + Read more ...

The NDIS may provide customers with an SDA payment to reside in an SDA registered property as part of their NDIS plan. The total SDA payment will be paid directly to the accommodation provider.

On top of the SDA payment, the accommodation provider may charge the customer a Reasonable Rent Contribution (RRC). RA is payable on the RRC amount the customer is liable to pay to the accommodation provider.

The customers RRC amount must be provided as a dollar amount. It is not to be calculated from a formula that may be contained within the customer's accommodation agreement.

Customers who are unable to advise what the RRC dollar amount is, must be referred back to their accommodation provider. Their RA cannot be assessed until the RRC amount has been received.


Rent Choice + Read more ...

This help is offered by Service NSW.

Rent Choice supports access to safe and affordable housing in the private rental market to eligible clients who are able to demonstrate a capacity to sustain their tenancy in private rental accommodation.

Rent Choice may be available to clients who have had a major financial setback, for example:

  • illness
  • job loss
  • escaping domestic and family violence
  • a war veteran
  • aged 16 to 24

The following Rent Choice products may be offered to eligible clients:

  • Rent Choice Start Safely
  • Rent Choice Youth
  • Rent Choice Veterans
  • Rent Choice Assist (trial)
  • Rent Choice Transition (pilot)
  • Deeper Subsidy
  • Moderate Income

RA is payable on the total amount of rent nominated on the lease. If rent is shared with a third party, the net rent rules may apply.

The Resources page has a link to more information on Rent Choice.


Rental Security Subsidy + Read more ...

This help is offered by the Queensland Government.

Rental security subsidy provides temporary financial support, up to a maximum of 6 months, to help customers sustain a private rental tenancy.

RA is payable on the total amount of rent nominated on the lease. If rent is shared with a third party, the net rent rules may apply.