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Rent Assistance (RA) for care receivers 108-18102230

Staff must start at Step 1. The following steps are a step-by-step guide.

Receiving care




Members of a couple separated due to illness + Read more ...

Is the customer a member of a couple who is illness separated?

  • Yes
    • Customers who are illness separated are assessed individually for Rent Assistance (RA)
    • Go to Step 2
  • No, go to Step 2


RCA/CUR on benefit status line + Read more ...

Does this customer have RCA/CUR as a benefit status?


RCA/CUR-MTA + Read more ...

This code appears when the customer's income and assets have been assessed for aged care purposes but they are yet to enter an aged care service.

Check the RCA Institution Summary (RIS) screen for Admission Date and Care Type.

If the customer is advising they are:


RCA/CUR-DSS + Read more ...

The customer will be either:

Go to the RCA Institution Summary (RIS) screen. The Care Type field will advise if the customer is in Residential Aged Care or receiving home care.

If the customer is in Residential Aged Care, the Homeowner code on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen will be:

  • GFN (Govt. funded non-homeowner) or
  • GFH (Govt. funded homeowner)

If the RIS screen has the customer in Residential Aged Care, and the customer is advising:

  • they have moved out of funded permanent residential aged care, go to Step 5
  • the accreditation of the aged care service has changed, go to Step 6
  • they are still paying rent for their former principal home, go to Step 10
  • they are staying in funded permanent residential aged care and asking about RA:
    • Tell them they are not entitled to RA
    • A residential care subsidy is paid directly to the aged care service instead
    • Procedure ends here


Customer has moved out of aged care + Read more ...

Services Australia receives automatic advice when a customer moves out of funded permanent residential aged care.

If the customer still has RCA/CUR the automatic advice has not yet been received.


Status of the aged care service has changed + Read more ...

If the aged care service is no longer accredited it will not receive government funding. The customer can be assessed for RA instead.

If accreditation has been lost, Services Australia receives an automatic advice.

If the customer:


Customer in an aged care service which has become accredited + Read more ...

Is the customer in a service and is advising of a change of accreditation from unfunded to funded?

  • Yes
    • Tell the customer they will no longer be entitled to RA. A residential care subsidy is paid directly to the aged care service instead
    • The customer has no obligation to advise of a change of funding for the aged care service. These details are received via data exchange. There is no debt from when the status of the service changed to the date RA is ceased
    • If the customer is:
      not RCA/CUR the automatic advice has no yet been received. Procedure ends here
      RCA/CUR the automatic advice has been received See Completing the Accommodation (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance to update accommodation details if required. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 8


Customer's care location + Read more ...

Is the customer advising they have moved to an aged care service?


Customer move to aged care service + Read more ...

Is the aged care service accredited and the customer is in a funded bed?


Customer in funded permanent residential aged care and still paying rent for former home + Read more ...

The customer can receive RA for the former principal home for the first 14 days after admission.

If RA stops before 14 days has passed:


Respite care + Read more ...

Rent Assistance (RA) cannot be paid for respite care.

RA is payable for the principal home if:

  • the customer continues to pay rent for it
  • they received RA for that address before going into respite care
  • they have been in respite care for a continuous period of 52 days or less
    Note: the 52 days is not cumulative. It starts again each time the customer goes into respite care

See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance.

Procedure ends here.


Temporary Care other than respite + Read more ...

A customer can receive RA for a temporary address when they have moved for 14 days or longer to:

  • receive a substantial level of care (other than respite care)
  • to access specific medical treatment not available near their principal home

RA is payable for the temporary address even if the customer owns their principal home.

This includes:

  • a nursing home type patient in hospital awaiting placement in an aged care service. Note: only if the customer is not in a bed funded under the Aged Care Act 1997
  • a detoxification clinic, rehabilitation centre, mental health facility or similar institution
  • in a private residence

Has or will the customer receive insurance or compensation payments to cover rental costs for the temporary accommodation?


Permanent care not in a funded bed + Read more ...

Customers living in care situations which are not a funded bed under the Aged Care Act 1997 can be assessed for RA. These services are:

  • non-accredited aged care
  • an unfunded bed in an accredited aged care facility
  • National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care (NATSIFAC) program
  • other types of care facilities, such as Residential Intellectually Disabled Facility
  • a multi-purpose facility and not in the aged care service it provides
  • a nursing home type patient in hospital awaiting placement in an aged care service. Note: only if the customer is not in a bed funded under the Aged Care Act 1997

See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance.

Procedure ends here.


Transitional care programs + Read more ...

Transitional care programs delivered by aged care facilities, including multi-purpose facilities:

  • These are government funded under the Aged Care Act 1997
  • Customers are not entitled to RA
  • For more details, see Transition Care Programme

Some hospitals, psychiatric facilities and disability providers also offer transitional care programs. Customers can be assessed for RA where the transitional care is not funded under the Aged Care Act 1997.

If an update to the customer's Accommodation Details (AC) screen is needed see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance

Procedure ends here.


Insurance or compensation payments to cover rental costs + Read more ...

Is or will the insurance or compensation amount be assessed as exempt income?


Assessment of insurance or compensation payment + Read more ...

The customer must advise how the insurance company calculated the amount. Including what period of time the payments cover, and the amount that was paid.

  • If the insurance company provides free accommodation, RA is not payable
  • If the amount received covers the total rent amount, RA is not payable
  • If the amount received partially covers the rent amount, the amount of RA payable is assessed on the net rent amount

Can the customer advise how the insurance company calculated the amount?

  • Yes, go to Step 17
  • No, tell the customer to contact once details are available. Procedure ends here


Calculation of insurance or compensation payment + Read more ...

Using the details provided by the customer determine how much the customer has been paid to cover rent on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

If the amount received:

Procedure ends here.


Insurance or compensation payment not exempt income + Read more ...

If the amount received is assessed as income for income/assets purposes, RA is payable on the total rent amount payable by the customer for the accommodation.

Customers can be assessed for RA for the temporary address, see Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA) to finalise the update.