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Restoration of Mobility Allowance (MOB) 008-05070020

This document outlines how to restore Mobility Allowance (MOB) after it has been suspended or cancelled. It also explains the shortened reclaim process when a customer requalifies for MOB after an exemption from their mutual obligation requirements for JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Parenting Payment (PP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) expires.

Restoration of MOB

Restoration of MOB without a claim may be appropriate when a customer’s payment is suspended or cancelled.

A claim is required if MOB is cancelled for the reason:

  • whereabouts unknown, or
  • specific portability reason codes
    • Extension Period Overseas Ended (EPE)
    • Customer Gone Overseas Without Notifying (GWN/GWR), or
    • Customer Overseas for 6 weeks (O6W)

Payment can be restored if:

  • it was suspended for one of the previous codes (above)
  • the date of suspension is within 13 weeks, and
  • no other circumstances have changed

When a suspension action is followed by a cancellation:

  • the customer is cancelled from the date of suspension, and
  • any restoration action will proceed as a restoration from cancellation.

If MOB has been suspended, the payment can be restored once the reason for the suspension has been resolved (for example, the forms have been lodged or new address details given).

Note: a customer can continue to receive MOB at the higher rate if all of the following apply:

  • their Disability Support Pension (DSP), Parenting Payment (PP), JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (job seeker) was cancelled (or suspended if DSP) due to employment income or an increase in hours worked
  • they continue to work 15 hours or more per week
  • they continue to satisfy the basic eligibility criteria for MOB, and
  • they do not receive any other income support payment

The customer must provide evidence of the current activity before MOB can be restored if:

  • MOB is in a Period of Grace (POG), and
  • the customer has recommenced or changed their qualifying activity

Evidence must be supplied before cessation of the POG. Otherwise, MOB will be cancelled and the customer will need to reclaim MOB. Evidence can be a letter from the employer with the relevant details:

  • Mobility Allowance: Verification of work (including voluntary work), and
    • looking for work activities (MA005E), or
    • Mobility Allowance: Verification of training (MA005T)

For more information about the POG, see Cancellation and Period of Grace for Mobility Allowance (MOB).

Whereabouts unknown

If MOB has been suspended or cancelled whereabouts unknown (WUK):

  • Payment can be restored with arrears if the customer has stayed eligible for MOB for the time they were suspended/cancelled.
  • Payment can be restored even when the customer contacts more than 13 weeks after the decision to suspend or cancel.
    • Customers are considered not to have received advice of the decision to suspend/cancel, as they were not at their known address and/or advice of the decision was returned to Services Australia.
  • The date of effect of therestoration resulting from review of the decision to suspend/cancel is the date of the original decision (date of suspension/cancellation) - see the References page.
  • Each customer’s circumstances must be reviewed to decide if:
    • their circumstances would have meant they received advice of the decision to suspend/cancel,
    • they stayed eligible during the period, and
    • they may be eligible to receive arrears when restored

Cancellation and Period of Grace for Mobility Allowance (MOB)

Suspension of Mobility Allowance (MOB)

Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Mobility Allowance (MOB) including Period of Grace reasons

Mobility Allowance (MOB) Employment/Training Reviews

Verification of Mobility Allowance (MOB) activities

Rates for Mobility Allowance (MOB)

Qualification for Mobility Allowance (MOB) and rates