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Mobility Allowance (MOB) Employment/Training Reviews 008-10030020

This document outlines information about Mobility Allowance (MOB) employment and/or training reviews. This procedure explains how to help customers complete the review form and how to assess continuing eligibility for MOB when the form is returned.

On this page:

Issue an electronic Mobility Allowance Review form and answer queries

Check customer responses

Verification document for the approved activity

Finalise review and record decision

Issue an electronic Mobility Allowance Review form and answer queries

Table 1




Mobility Allowance Review form + Read more ...

In Customer First, customers who are selected for review are automatically issued a Review of Mobility Allowance (MA003M) form requesting them to complete and return within 21 days. If the form is not returned within 21 days of the:

  • first request, a second request is automatically sent allocating another 21 days
  • second request, payment is automatically suspended
  • suspension, MOB is automatically cancelled

Has the customer asked for an electronic version of the MOB Employment/Training review form?


Accessible (electronic) version of the MOB Employment/Training review form + Read more ...

If the customer asks for an electronic version of the MOB Employment/Training review form and can use their assistive technology to complete it:

  • check the customer's current email address. Update if required
  • tell the customer:
    • the fillable Review of Mobility Allowance (MA003M) form will be emailed to them to complete
    • they must read the form statement before signing (electronic signature also acceptable) the review form
    • to complete, print, sign and submit as stated in the form (online, by post or in person). The form cannot be lodged via email. If a form is received by email, go to Step 4

Email the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) Team:

  • request a fillable MA003M form be sent to the customer
  • include customer details (name, Customer Reference Number (CRN) and email address)

Create a DOC on the customer's record. Include:

  • the date the customer contacted to request the form, and
  • a reference to the email that was sent to the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) Team

Note: ensure customers are aware they can register to receive alternative letter formats.


Electronic Document Classification (EDC) Team + Read more ...

The Electronic Document Classification (EDC) Team will email the customer the review of Mobility Allowance MA003M form from their positional mailbox:

  • check the return date for the MOB/ETR Employment/Training review on the Future Activity List (FAL) screen
    • V’iew the activity
    • tell the customer to return the MOB/ETR Employment/Training review form by the due date
  • annotate the form request DOC on the customer's record noting:
    • the date the electronic form MA003M was emailed to the customer
    • customer has been advised the date the form is to be returned


Form received in Electronic Document Classification (EDC) Team mailbox + Read more ...

If a reminder Review of Mobility Allowance form is received in the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) Team mailbox, Service Officers must check the History Summary (HS) screen. If the form is a reminder form, forward the original email to the customer’s email address:

  • check the return date for the reminder MOB/ETR Employment/Training review on the Future Activity List (FAL) screen
    • V’iew the activity
    • tell the customer to return the MOB/ETR Employment/Training review form by the due date
  • annotate the form request DOC (or create a new one if there is no original DOC) noting the date when:
    • the reminder electronic form MA003M was emailed to the customer
    • the form is to be returned and customer has been told the due date


Check form for qualifying activity + Read more ...

Customers must notify Services Australia if they are still undertaking a qualifying activity to ensure ongoing eligibility, such as:

  • gainful employment
  • vocational training
  • independent living/life skills training
  • voluntary work
  • combination of vocational training, voluntary work, gainful employment and independent living skills
  • job search activities


Employer or training organisation + Read more ...


Customers undertaking employment must provide details of:

  • their employer (or business if self-employed)
  • charitable, welfare or community organisation (voluntary work)
  • the number of hours they spend on the activity over a 2 and 4 week period

Customers receiving the higher rate of MOB must also report their income to verify wages are at or above the relevant minimum wage. While MOB is not income tested, if the hours worked falls below:

  • 15 hours per week as reported by the customer, higher rate MOB recipients will enter a 12 week higher rate Period of Grace
  • 32 hours over a 4 week period, the customer will enter a 12 week standard rate Period of Grace

If an income support payment is precluded due to income/hours worked, the customer may still be eligible for the higher rate of MOB.

Vocational or independent living/life skills training

Customers undertaking vocational or independent living/life skills training must provide:

  • details of the organisation
  • course details
  • number of hours they spend on the activity over a four week period
  • start and end date of the course

Disregard any recreational components of the independent living/life skills training.


Job search or participation activities + Read more ...

In Process Direct:

  • select Customer Summary from the landing page
  • key the customer’s CRN > Go
  • in the customer’s record, select > > Participation Summary > Activity type/Non-applied exemptions > Referral summary

Customers participating in DES Disability Management Service satisfy the eligibility requirement for MOB standard rate through their participation and the number of hours is not taken into account. For customers receiving an income support payment, participation is verified either:

  • through the interface with the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations system, or
  • by viewing the customer’s current Job Plan

Customers undertaking job search activities must provide:

  • details of their Employment Services Provider, or
  • evidence of job search activities if they are not in receipt of an income support payment

Customers who lodge a medical certificate that exempts them from their mutual obligation requirements may lose qualification for MOB because they no longer meet the Mobility Allowance travel test. See Cancellation and Period of Grace for Mobility Allowance (MOB).


Provision of vehicle under the Vehicle Assistance Scheme from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) + Read more ...

If the customer has been provided with a car under the Vehicle Assistance Scheme from DVA they need to provide:

  • the date the vehicle was received, and
  • proof they still have the vehicle

MOB is not payable if the customer is in receipt of a DVA car. See Eligibility for Mobility Allowance (MOB).

The purchase of a GST-free vehicle does not affect qualification for MOB, refer customers to the Australian Taxation Office for advice if required.


Your statement + Read more ...

Customers need to check the form is completed and they have read the statement before signing (electronic signature also acceptable) the review form.

Note:  discuss any concerns about the authenticity of the electronic signature with a supervisor and complete a  Suspected Fraud  referral if appropriate. Do not document specific details of the allegation(s) on the customer's record. Escalate to Level 2 Helpdesk if further assistance is required.

Check customer responses

Table 2: For Mobility Allowance National Team (AMW) only.




Status of review activity + Read more ...

In Customer First, if the status of the review activity is:

  • current (MOB/CUR), go to Step 2
  • suspended MOB/SUS-SNR. If the review form is:
    • returned within 21 days of the suspension date, action review and restore MOB. Go to Step 2
    • not returned within 21 days of the suspension date, MOB is automatically cancelled
  • cancelled (MOB/CAN-CNR). If the review form is returned within 13 weeks of the cancellation date, and the customer:
    • has been entitled to MOB since the date of cancellation, action review and restore MOB. Go to Step 2
    • has not been eligible for MOB since cancellation or the cancellation date is more than 13 weeks in the past, the customer must re-claim. Procedure ends here


Check for vehicle assistance + Read more ...

Has the customer been given a car by the Department of Veterans' Affairs?

  • Yes, customer is no longer eligible for MOB. Insert a new line on the MOCD screen. In the following fields:
    • Event Date, key the date the change occurred
    • Vehicle Assistance Received, key 'Y'
    • press [Enter] and go to Step 4 in Table 4
  • No, go to Step 3


Satisfy the travel test + Read more ...

Does the customer continue to satisfy the travel test?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, no longer eligible for MOB. Insert a new line on the MOCD screen. In the following fields:
    • Event Date, key the date the change occurred
    • Failed Travel Test, key 'Y'
    • press [Enter] and go to Step 4 in Table 4


Job search activities + Read more ...

In Process Direct:

  • select Customer Summary from the landing page
  • key the customer’s CRN > Go
  • in the customer’s record, select > > Participation Summary > Job Plan

Is the customer looking for work?

  • Yes. Customers who are:
    • on the higher rate of MOB and customers who are volunteers, the Job Plan and suitable job search activities will be automatically system-verified and this will trigger the appropriate rate of MOB (from 1 July 2015). Go to Step 3 in Table 4
    • subject to mutual obligation requirements and are eligible for the standard rate of MOB will need their Job Plan checked for suitable job search activities and details keyed on the Employment and Training (ETS) screen, go to Step 5
    • not receiving an income support payment but are undertaking job search activities will need their job search evidence to be checked and considered sufficient, go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 5


Check employment and income screens + Read more ...

In Customer First, check the employment/Training (ETS) and Employment Income Summary (EANS) screens for details of the customer’s employment income and hours.

To navigate to the Employment/Training Summary (ETS) screen:

  • in the AL screen, select the MOB/ETR activity and follow the preselected screen flow, or
  • in the Nxt field, key ETS and press [Enter]

Compare the activity/activities on the ETS screen with the customer's responses on the Review of Mobility Allowance (MA003).

Note: if the customer advises they have started working and are receiving Disability Support Pension (DSP), Jobseeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) or Parenting Payment (PP) they may be entitled to the higher rate of MOB.

If their employment income and hours are not already recorded as part of the reporting requirements for their income support payment, go to Recording and correcting employment income details for further information.

Has the customer indicated a change to the previously approved and verified activity/activities?


Compare customer record with review form responses + Read more ...

Compare the activity/activities on the ETS screen with the customer's review form responses. Determine if the customer has started or stopped:

  • receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) and satisfying mutual obligation requirements
  • receiving JSP, YA (job seeker), Parenting Payment (PP) or Disability Support Pension (DSP) and qualifying for the higher rate of MOB
  • studying and receiving Austudy
  • undertaking job search activities
  • undertaking Disability Employment Services (DES - Disability Management Service program)

Customers on a higher rate MOB who, due solely to an increase in hours/income, are no longer eligible for an income support payment will continue to receive the higher rate of MOB while they continue to satisfy the basic eligibility criteria for MOB.

Has the customer started or stopped any of the above?

Verification document for the approved activity

Table 3: For Mobility Allowance National Team (AMW) only.




Approved activity for MOB + Read more ...

In Customer First, navigate to the ETS screen and check the Customer Results field to confirm if the customer:

  • either satisfies or is exempt from the 32 hours rule, or
  • satisfies the qualifications for higher rate MOB

If the customer is:

  • undertaking gainful employment, training or voluntary work, go to Step 2
  • undertaking other allowable MOB activities which are not displayed on the ETS screen or has changes to other recorded activities, see Step 3 in Table 4
  • not undertaking any other allowable MOB activities or has no further changes to other recorded activities, see Step 3 in Table 4


Employment, training or voluntary work + Read more ...

Has the customer indicated changes to details relating to gainful employment, training or voluntary work?

  • Yes. If the customer has:
    • changed the hours spent doing an approved activity with a previously recorded employer, training organisation or voluntary work organisation, complete the Employment/Training Details (ETD) screen. Go to Step 4
    • stopped their approved activity, go to Step 3
  • No, go to Step 5


Ceased an approved activity + Read more ...

Has the customer ceased an approved activity with a previously recorded employer, training organisation or voluntary work organisation?

  • Yes, from the ETS screen, 's'elect the relevant employer, training organisation or voluntary work organisation. Press [Enter]. Insert a new line on the existing Employment/Training Details (ETD) screen. In the following fields:
    • Event Date, key the date the change occurred
    • Details Verified?, key 'Y' to stop a verification form being automatically issued to the customer for this ceased activity
    • Hrs:Min, key the hours as '00:00'
    • press [Enter]. Go Step 4
  • No, go to Step 4


Started employment, training or voluntary work + Read more ...

Has the customer advised they are starting employment, training or voluntary work with a new organisation (not displayed or previously recorded on the ETD or ETS screen)?

  • Yes. When the ETS screen displays, in the Nxt field, key ETD to create a blank ETD screen. Use ? field help to complete the  ETD  screen Go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 5


Navigate to the Employment/Training Summary (ETS) screen + Read more ...

Check the Details Verified? field.

Do any current activities display Y or I?


Verification form is outstanding + Read more ...

Do not complete the MOB activity if one of the following forms has been automatically issued to the customer overnight:

The customer has:

  • 21 days to return the initial form
  • 21 days to return a reminder form before MOB is suspended, and
  • 21 days of suspension before MOB is automatically cancelled (with no period of grace)

Resubmit the activity for a suitable date in the future. MOB will automatically suspend/cancel if the customer does not return the review form.

When the verification form (or other appropriate information) is returned, go to Step 7.

Note: if pending outstanding verification action, the activity is completed by mistake, payments under a period of grace (POG) will start. This must not occur as there is no legislative basis to pay a POG as a result of unverified hours. See Cancellation and Period of Grace for Mobility Allowance (MOB).


Verification form returned and the employment, training or voluntary work details can be verified + Read more ...

Check the payment status of Mobility Allowance (MOB):

If status is:

  • current (MOB/CUR) or suspended (MOB/SUS-SVR), see Step 1 in Table 4
  • cancelled (MOB/CAN-CVR), and the cancellation date is within 13 weeks. If the customer:
    • has completed and returned the review form within 13 weeks, and has been entitled to MOB since the date of cancellation, restore MOB and see Step 1 in Table 4
    • has not been eligible for MOB since cancellation or the cancellation date is more than 13 weeks in the past, the customer must re-claim. Record the details on a DOC. Procedure ends here

Finalise review and record decision

Table 4: For Mobility Allowance National Team (AMW) only.




Select the MOB Review (MOB/CUR) + Read more ...

From the Activity List (AL) screen:

  • 'S'elect the MOB/ETR activity. If the status is:
    • current (MOB/CUR), MOB/ETR activity from the AL screen
    • suspended (MOB/SUS-SNV), MOB/REA, keyword 'VER' activity from the Future Activities (FAL) screen
  • in the Nxt field, key 'ETS' to go to the ETS screen
  • 'S'elect the relevant Employer/Trainer name to view the ETD screen
  • 'C'hange the Details Verified? field from 'I' to 'Y'. Do not create a new line

Restore via the Benefit Action (BA) screen, if required.

Go to Step 2.


Undertaking sufficient verified hours + Read more ...

Navigate to the ETS screen and check the Customer Results field. This field should show if the customer either satisfies or is exempt from the 32 hours rule.

Is the customer undertaking sufficient verified hours in an approved activity for MOB?


Making a favourable decision + Read more ...

Is the outcome of the review a favourable decision?

  • Yes. The customer will continue to receive Mobility Allowance as a result of the review:
    • finalise the activity via the AR screen. This will automatically mature and finalise the Service Profiling activity on PQSS
    • if there is information from the review indicating the customer’s employment income and hours varies from the information currently reported for their income support payment, the Employment Income Summary (EANS) and Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen are to be updated. See Recording and correcting employment income details. Note: MOB is not income tested so any changes to employment income and/or hours should be reported as part of their income support payment reporting requirements
    • document the result on the customer’s record including actions undertaken, outcome and reason for ongoing eligibility (such as, verified employment with sufficient hours, current Job Plan including job search activities)
    • procedure ends here
  • No. Go to Step 4


Making an unfavourable decision + Read more ...

Customer no longer qualifies for MOB.

Make at least 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer to advise if an unfavourable decision is to be made.

Record all details on a DOC and finalise the activity via the AR screen. This will automatically mature and finalise the Service Profiling activity on PQSS.

Customer’s payment is placed into a Period of Grace (POG) and an automatic advice is issued advising they no longer qualify. At the end of the POG, a customer’s MOB may revert to the standard rate or cancel.

Customers need to advise if they commence or recommence a qualifying activity during their POG as their payment can be restored.

For the relevant period of grace, see Cancellation and Period of Grace for Mobility Allowance (MOB).