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Change of assessment enquiries 277-03120010

Effective 16 December 2014, decisions cannot be made on COA applications where the COA application was made after the assessment has ended for the child.

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speakerphone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

This document outlines the process for managing general customer enquires relating to change of assessment (COA) applications including contact with Decision Makers (DMs). It also provides details on how to manage Customer Management Approach (CMA) issues and intrays when an application is in progress.

On this page:

COA enquiries

Contacting a current or previous Decision Maker

Managing Customer Management Approach (CMA) issues

Suspending a COA decision – for Service Officers and Decision Makers

COA related correspondence and intrays

COA enquiries

Table 1: this table describes the discussion which should occur with the customer when a COA enquiry or a request relating to a previous COA decision is received. It also describes the process for contacting Decision Makers.




COA enquiry + Read more ...

Domestic and international child support customers with an Australian administrative assessment can apply for a COA.

Does the customer reside overseas?


Customer who resides overseas + Read more ...

If the customer resides overseas, check if there is an Australian administrative assessment in place and that a residency decision has been made for both customers, see Residency decisions for Child Support customers. If a residency determination has never been made or the customers’ residency status has changed, a residency decision is required. If the residency decision determines that a terminating event has occurred, a COA would not be required. See Customer Referral Guidelines.

International customers can liaise with the Services Australia via:

  • online communications (preferred)
    • email
    • myGov
  • phone
  • fax

The Resources page has a link to the contact details on the Services Australia website.

Note: check international time zones before making outbound customer calls.


Type of enquiry + Read more ...

If the enquiry relates to a:

  • general or new COA enquiry, go to Step 4
  • COA application in progress, go to Table 2, Step 1
  • customer requesting an explanation of, or expresses dissatisfaction with, a previous COA Decision, go to Table 2,Step 4
  • customer requesting a copy of a previous COA Decision, go to Table 2, Step 5


General or new COA enquiry + Read more ...

Open the Change of Assessment - Discussion macro to guide the conversation with the customer.

Conduct Family and domestic Violence Risk Identification (as per initial COA Discussion macro).
If the customer indicates there is a Family Domestic Violence issue and does not wish to proceed with the application for this reason, discuss whether a referral for a Centrelink exemption is appropriate. If not, consider whether a Capacity to Pay referral is appropriate. If yes, discuss this option with the applicant and whether or not they are agreeable to this referral.

If the customer mentions one of the following reasons for pursing a COA, explain that the COA process does not provide for:

  • a reduction from a minimum assessment (unless the paying parent has at least regular care)
  • a change for a period greater than 18 months before the COA application without leave from the court or greater than 7 years with the leave of the court
  • a change to the child support assessment in a way already determined by a court order or agreement that limits the ability to apply for COA
  • a change to a liability that is not an Australian administrative assessment
  • a change to the child support assessment when the COA application is made after the assessment for the child has ended, including when a court has granted the Child Support Registrar leave under Section 112 to make a determination for a specified period. For a Section 112 order to be considered in respect of a child the COA application must be lodged prior to the assessment ending for the child. Customers should be told to get legal advice about seeking a court departure order in these circumstances

If the customer wishes to proceed with a COA application under one of the 10 reasons, go to Step 5.

If an administrative option is more appropriate, go to Step 6.


Explain COA process + Read more ...

Explain the COA process to the customer including:

  • Approximately 50 day timeframe from lodgement to finalisation
  • The application must be on the approved form, signed by the applicant and include evidence and supporting documents
  • If the customer has multiple cases, they must lodge a separate COA application for each case they are seeking a change
  • Requirements for open exchange of information. Explain the following:
    • 'Change of assessment is an open exchange of information process which means your application and any supporting information, including verbal, third party and court information, will be exchanged with the other parent and information they provide will be exchanged with you'
    • 'If there's information you don't want the other parent to see, you should either not include it or edit it from your documents (e.g. you can remove your employer's name, bank details etc. from your payslip) but be aware any information you delete won't be considered in the decision'
    • 'If you submit an application with information you do not want the other parent to see then you must withdraw your application then resubmit your application with the information you are prepared to exchange'
    • 'If you plan to include information about third parties make sure you have discussed disclosing this information with them. For further information see the Child Support Guide 6.3.4, Collection and use of third party information'
    • 'If you signed a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement, you may want to seek legal advice before sending documents in'
    • 'Keep your application factual and free from offensive content, otherwise it will be considered ineligible and you'll need to re-apply'

See Open exchange of information for Child Support customers

  • The decision is made by a decision maker (DM). A final determination will be made once the circumstances of both parents have been considered
  • The respondent can cross apply under any of the 10 reasons. If this occurs the DM will also consider their cross application when making a decision
  • The DM is not limited to making the decision either parent requests. Even if a reason is established the DM may decide not to make a change
  • Changes to the assessment are generally given effect from the date of lodgement, however the date of effect is determined by the DM
  • Although the DM can review periods up to 18 months, to consider backdating the DM generally needs to be satisfied that exceptional circumstances existed which impacted the customer's ability to apply at an earlier date. The References page has a link to the Child Support Guide 2.6.1
  • If the customer believes backdating should be considered, they will need to provide evidence in their application. There is no guarantee past periods will be reviewed
  • In the event either parent is not satisfied by the decision, both parents will have the right to object to the decision within 28 days of receiving the written decision. If the applicant is either a non-parent carer, or one of the parents in a case involving a non-parent carer, all parties to their case are parties to the COA application - if they do not want to involve all parties they have the option of withdrawing their application

The DM will not communicate with a customer’s representative through the COA process unless they are:

  • A person appointed under an administration order to manage the financial affairs of a party, e.g. an administrator, public trustee or guardian. In such instances, that person is not considered to be representing the party because they are legally permitted to act as if they are the party
  • A person with an Enduring Power of Attorney that is acting for the party because the party is incapable of attending to, or making decisions concerning, their estate/affairs because of a medical condition (mental or physical)

If the customer wishes to proceed with the COA process, encourage them to download a COA application form from the Services Australia website. If they request a COA application form be sent to them, do this via the Products and Services window in Cuba, see the Products and Services Cuba Process Help. The Resources page has a link to the Application to Change your Assessment - Special Circumstances form (CS1970).

Note: only issue COA forms where it is established that COA is an appropriate option. This will reduce the number of invalid, withdrawn or refused applications.

Utilise the COA Initial Discussion macro to document the discussion with the customer then paste in the Communication window. The DM may rely on this information to provide background for their customer interactions or if they are unable to contact the customer.


Administrative options + Read more ...

Determine whether there is an appropriate administrative option available to address the customer’s issue.

Administrative remedies include:

Encourage the customer to pursue an administrative option in the first instance, regardless of whether they can establish a reason for a COA. Discuss the potential administrative advantages which include:

  • the change can be made immediately, avoiding the lengthy COA process
  • the change to the assessment is predictable, there is no contrary decision
  • other future changes in circumstance can be taken into account more easily
  • reduced risk of disrupting the customers' relationship through the exchange of personal or sensitive information or the adversarial nature of COA
  • less interference in the customers' personal affairs

Note: if there are indications of family and domestic violence, see the Family and domestic violence procedure and the References page for a link to the Child Support Guide 6.10: Family violence.

Document the discussion with the customer in the relevant window and action the administrative option.

Contacting a current or previous Decision Maker

Table 2: this table describes the process for referring a customer to the appropriate Decision Maker or team to respond to their inquiry on an ongoing or past COA application/decision.




COA application in progress - contacting Decision Makers + Read more ...

If a customer calls to discuss a new COA application, that is not allocated to a Decision Maker (DM). Check the contact numbers are up to date. Do not create a call back intray.

If the customer is the Applicant, tell them:

  • their application has been received and is in the process of being allocated to a DM
  • the DM will be in contact with them once allocated (generally within 2 weeks of allocation)

If the customer is the Other parent, and they:

  • are aware an application has been lodged:
    • acknowledge the receipt of the application. Tell them the DM will contact them once allocated, only if the application is to proceed
    • do not disclose the content of the application
  • are not aware that an application has been lodged:
    • do not disclose the receipt of the application

If the customer calls to discuss their active COA application in place and they are managed by:

If the call relates to other case issues these must be managed by the Service Officer.


Customer locked to or managed by an Internal Decision Maker (IDM) + Read more ...

Do not:

  • transfer a customer to a DM’s voicemail under any circumstances
  • provide customers with the direct email or telephone number for DMs.

IDM’s will lock customers to themselves. The exception is when the case is locked to International, Non-Compliance or any other specialised area.

IDM name and team details are located on either the Customer screen if locked or in the COA Maintenance window.

If the customer is locked to an IDM and has entered their reference number:

  • the call will route to the IDM. If the IDM is not available, the call will divert to the general queue
  • the Service Officer answering the call will need to ask the customer if the call is related to the COA application

If the call relates to the COA application:

  • tell the customer that the IDM is unavailable at the time and arrange a suitable time for the IDM to return the customer call
  • if the customer is seeking an extension of time to provide a response or additional evidence, tell the customer this is a decision for the IDM and should be discussed when the IDM returns the customer call
  • document the customer conversation in a COA maintenance notepad
  • create a COA Call Back Required intray (defaults to 48 hr due date) and copy the customer conversation into the intray notepad
  • for routing details, go the Customer Referral Guidelines (CRG) > COA – active application, customer asks to speak to a DM

If the call does not relate to the COA application, it is a CMA related issue, assist the customer to resolve the issue.

If the customer has not entered their reference number or they are locked to another area, the call may default to another queue. The Service Officer should warm transfer the customer to the IDM. If the IDM is unavailable, follow the above process and create a COA Call Back Required intray.


Contacting a Contract Decision Maker (CDM) + Read more ...

Customers managed by a CDM will be locked to:


The exception is when the case is locked to International, Non-Compliance or any other specialised area.

The name of the CDM managing the COA can be found in the COA Maintenance window.

CDMs are external contractors and may have limited availability. For CDM contact details, use the Intranet Directory.

Contact the CDM

Calls to CDMs must be warm transferred only.

  • If the CDM indicates they cannot accept the call, ask the CDM when they will return the customer’s call (date and time)
  • Return to the customer and manage their expectations regarding when the CDM will most likely call them back
  • If the CDM cannot be contacted, return to the customer and inform them the CDM will call them within 2 days

CDM uncontactable or unavailable

If you are unable to contact the CDM or the CDM is not able to take the call:

Note: do not include contact details for the CDM in documentation or the intray notepad.

If the customer has a concern regarding call back timeframes, manage as a Level 1 Complaint - Child Support.


Customer requests explanation or expresses dissatisfaction with a previous COA Decision + Read more ...


  • if a post-decision discussion with the DM and customer has occurred, and
  • the date of the COA decision

If the post-decision discussion has not occurred with the DM and it is less than 2 months since the decision, warm transfer the customer to the relevant DM as outlined in Steps 2 and 3 above.

If unable to contact the CDM or IDM:

If DM no longer occupies the role

A DM must contact the customer to explain the decision:

Note: do not include contact details for the CDM in documentation or the intray notepad.

If it has been more than 2 month since the decision, review the decision in the Unique letter in the letter list. Help the customer by answering their questions. If needed use technical, team leader or specialised team support.

Document all discussions and actions on the COA Maintenance notepad.


Customer requests a copy of a previous COA Decision + Read more ...

Pre 4 September 2017

Prior to 4 September 2017, all Notice of Decisions (NTD) were stored on a secure drive. To access a copy, notify the COA Part6A Objections Program Support Manager (PSM) that a customer has requested a copy of an NTD issued prior to 4 September 2017:

  • Create a COA Letters to be Issued intray and locks it to themselves
  • Add a notepad detailing the request
  • Send an email to National COA and Part 6A PSM using the subject heading COA Letters to be Issued and include the following:
    • Case number
    • Lodgement Date of the COA application
    • Decision Makers name
  • The COA and Part6A PSM will locate the decision and email it to the Service Officer within 48 business hours
  • Service Officer posts a copy of the decision to the customer as requested

Post 4 September 2017

After 4 September 2017 all NTDs are issued via an MX0-1 letter which can be accessed through system letters.

Managing Customer Management Approach (CMA) issues

Table 3: this table describes how CMA issues and intrays are managed during the COA process. It also describes managing issues resulting from the COA decision.




COA application in progress + Read more ...

If the COA application is in progress and the customer is managed by:

If the COA application has been finalised and the decision increases the liability, raises a debt or results in a payee overpayment, go to Step 4.


Management of CMA related issues while customer is managed by an IDM + Read more ...

IDM’s will lock customers to themselves. The exception is when the case is locked to a specialised area.

IDMs do not undertake common activities, other than Minimum Collection Activity, under the Customer Management Approach (CMA) process.

  • If there are CMA activities in process before an IDM locks a customer, the IDM will:
    • lock the customer to the IDM
    • route intrays associated with CMA activities to:
      Stream/Team: MC SMCN NATIONAL MCS
      Position: A - MCS REFERRALS
  • If CMA issues arise after an IDM locks a customer, the IDM will address any issues relating to the COA application, then:
    • encourage the customer to use their Child Support online account to complete their enquiry
    • cold transfer the customer to the relevant phone queue. Tell the customer there may be an extended wait for the call to be answered, and to state their call does not relate to the COA application, or
    • create a COA General Follow Up intray and route to MCS REFERRAL position, or
    • route any outstanding CMA issues to the MCS REFERRAL position
  • If a specialist issue arises (e.g. Client Transfer Request intray for a lump sum to ICS), create the applicable intray type and route to the nominated position.


Management of CMA related issues while a customer is managed by a CDM + Read more ...

CDMs do not undertake common activities under the CMA process. The CDM Support Team manage these activities.

  • If there are CMA activities in process before the CDM Support Team locks a customer, the CDM Support Team will:
    • lock the customer to:
      Stream/Team: SP SAS NATIONAL SAS TM
      Position: AA - CDM ALLOCATION
    • route intrays associated with CMA activities to the AA-CDM ALLOCATION position for the CDM Support Team to action
  • If CMA issues arise after the CDM Support Team locks a customer, the CDM will address any issues relating to the COA application, then:
    • encourage the customer to use their Child Support online account to complete their enquiry, or
    • create a COA ESCO Rework intray which will auto route to the AA - CDM Allocation position, or
    • route any outstanding CMA issues to the National CDM Allocation position
  • If a customer raises issues other than COA during a phone call. The CDM will address the COA matters then transfer the customer to the General Enquiry queue

The exception to the CDM Support Team locking a customer is if the customer is managed by a specialist area.


Managing issues resulting from COA decision + Read more ...

COA decisions may increase the liability, raise a debt or result in a payee overpayment.

IDMs will complete minimum collection and then route any outstanding work to the MCS REFERRAL position.

If the COA was managed by a CDM then the CDM Support Team will complete any outstanding work.

Check if a liability has been raised that is not yet due and follow up with the customer, see Debt repayment. The COA process may reveal new sources of debt recovery which may be important if the COA application was initiated after or due to litigation action.

Manage customers in accordance with the Customer Management Approach (CMA) process to progress the case. Document all discussions and actions in the appropriate window, see Documenting Child Support information.

Note: when all issues (including the COA application) are finalised on a customer/case, unlock both customers.

Suspending a COA decision – for Service Officers and Decision Makers

Table 4




Suspending a COA decision to give effect to a change in circumstances + Read more ...

In limited circumstances, the Registrar may suspend a COA decision, to give effect to a change of circumstances that has arisen since the decision was made.

It is not always appropriate to amend an assessment and in some cases a new COA application is needed.

A COA decision may be suspended when:

  • Payee ceases to be an eligible carer

If a payee ceases to be an eligible carer after the COA decision, the Registrar can amend the assessment. They may suspend the COA determination until the payee again becomes an eligible carer. The Resources page has examples.

  • Special circumstances cease to exist

A COA decision reflects the special circumstances of a particular case.

When the special circumstances no longer exist, the Registrar may amend the assessment to stop applying the COA determination.

When considering to suspend a COA decision, it needs to be clear that the change of circumstances was not taken into account as part of the decision.

The option to suspend a decision due to special circumstances ceasing is unlikely where a decision:

  • was based on multiple reasons, or
  • weighing up of evidence is needed.

If it may be appropriate to suspend a COA decision if it relates to:

  • the payee ceasing to be an eligible carer:
    • create a SSO Online Enquiry with details of the new care arrangements and the existing COA decision
    • SSO will refer the case to their site PSM via the PSM enquiry macro
  • special circumstances ceasing to exist:
    • complete the Potential Section 75 amendment section of the Change of assessment – Initial discussion macro
    • paste a copy of this referral (emailed to you) into the COA PT6A S75 REFERRAL intray. This will auto-route to a DM for allocation


Suspending a COA decision where special circumstances have ceased to give effect to a change in circumstances – for Decision Makers + Read more ...

DMs may identify the need to suspend/end a COA decision:

  • when a customer lodges a new COA application, or
  • via a COA PT6A S75 REFERRAL intray

If a new COA application is lodged solely on the basis that special circumstances have ceased, the DM may suspend the COA decision under section 75.

The DM needs to be satisfied that it is appropriate to suspend the COA decision because of the change in circumstances. The customer does not need to establish a COA reason.

In determining whether to suspend/end the COA decision:

  • review recent contacts to determine if the other parent has already advised of the special circumstance ending
  • review the COA decision to determine how the assessment was varied to account for the special circumstance
  • review View Correspondence for any relevant evidence

Document all conversations in the COA or Part 6A Maintenance window

Is it appropriate to suspend a COA decision?

  • Yes
  • create a S75 IN PROGRESS intray. If a COA PT6A REFERRAL intray is present, do not delete the intray
  • contact the other parent to discuss the change in circumstances and the proposal to suspend the COA decision
  • if there is disagreement about the ending of the special circumstance, ask both customers for evidence
  • if satisfied after contacting both customers the COA decision should be suspended, determine the date from when to amend the assessment
  • go to Step 3
  • No, go to Step 4


Amend the assessment + Read more ...

Determine the most appropriate date from when to suspend the decision, taking into account:

  • the date the special circumstances ceased, and
  • the considerations of the original COA decision

The Resources page has examples of amending an assessment.

Process the amendment

  • Update the end date of the Change of Assessment Registration or the applicable Formula Modification to the new end date
  • Save eligibility to give effect to the decision
  • Use the S75 Decision template to document the decision in the COA or Part 6A Maintenance Window
  • issue the S75 Cover Letter to all parties via the Unique Letter MX0-1
  • process the COA/Part 6A application withdrawal where applicable
  • contact both parties to explain your decision
  • delete the COA PT6A S75 REFERRAL and S75 IN PROGRESS intrays

For CDMs:

  • complete the S75 CDM Recommendation and Decision template and email to the CDM Technical mailbox
  • a PSM will review the recommendation and either approve or decline
  • if approved, the PSM will amend the assessment and issue the letters as detailed above
  • if declined, the CDM will continue with the COA or Part 6A application received


No change or matter too complex to consider S75 + Read more ...

If it is determined there has not been a change to the special circumstances or the matter is too complex for consideration under S75

  • delete the S75 IN PROGRESS intray
  • If the customer lodged a new COA or Part 6A application, proceed to consider that application.
  • If a referral was made for a potential S75 amendment, contact the customer, tell them the referral has been declined. If the customer is still seeking a change, ask them to lodge a new COA application

For CDMs:

  • complete the S75 CDM Recommendation and Decision template and email to the CDM Technical mailbox
  • a PSM will review the recommendation and either approve or decline
  • if approved, the PSM will amend the assessment and issue the letters as detailed above
  • if declined, the CDM will continue with the COA or Part 6A application received

COA related correspondence and intrays

Table 5: this table describes the correct positions to route intrays for COA applications, responses and documents.




Intray and correspondence/documentation management + Read more ...

If a Service Officer identifies a COA response and/or documents in customer correspondence and the intray has not been routed to the correction position, re-route the intray:

  • If managed by a Contract Decision Maker (CDM), re-route the intray to:
    Position: AA - CDM ALLOCATION
  • If managed by an Internal Decision Maker (IDM), re-route to the IDM
  • If there is no intray:
    • create a 'COA Correspondence Received' intray
    • if previous intray has been deleted, add a note in the intray created to explain what action has been taken
    • re-route the intray as above


Unactioned or unallocated COA application + Read more ...

If a Service Officer identifies an unactioned/unallocated COA application:

  • re-route the intray to:
    Stream/Team: SP NATIONAL CDM TEAM 1
  • if there is no intray:
    • create a 'COA Correspondence Received' intray
    • if previous intray has been deleted, add a note in the intray created to explain what action has been taken
    • re-route the intray as above to the A - COA CORRO-AWAIT CATEG