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Issue a Child Support departure prohibition order (DPO) 277-04130010

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speakerphone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

This document outlines the duties and responsibilities of Service Officers, DPO Gateway Officers, DPO specialists and the delegated decision makers when issuing a DPO.

Departure prohibition order

A DPO prevents a child support debtor, including a debtor with an overpayment, from leaving Australia. If a payer attempts to leave Australia when a DPO is in force they will be physically stopped at the point of departure by the Australian Federal Police (AFP).

DPOs place significant restrictions on the normal liberties of citizens, residents and visitors to Australia and are only made after serious consideration of all relevant circumstances.

Roles and responsibilities

Service Officer

  • Makes a DPO referral

DPO Gateway Officer

  • Scrutinises DPO referrals from Service Officers
  • Allocate customers to DPO Service Officers for action

DPO Service Officer

  • Considers all administrative enforcement options, including whether a DPO is appropriate
  • Prepares submissions recommending:
    • a DPO be issued, refused, retained, varied or revoked for approval by the delegate
    • a departure authorisation certificate (DAC) be issued for approval by the delegate, and
  • Case manage customers, unless managed by specialist team - Deceased Customer Management (DCM), Personalised Services (PS) or Debt Enforcement

DPO Team Leader

  • Support DPO Service Officers
  • Provides advice regarding complex issues
  • Scrutinises and provide feedback on DPO submissions, and
  • Refer DPO submissions to the Delegated Officer

DPO Program Support Manager (PSM)

  • Scrutinise urgent DPO referrals where a parent is travelling in the next 10 business days
  • Support DPO Team Leaders and Delegates
  • Provide advice regarding complex issues
  • Scrutinises and provide feedback on DPO submissions
  • Refer DPO submissions to the National Manager Delegate where required

DPO Contact Officer

  • Manage contact between Child Support and the Australian Federal Police outside of ordinary business hours

DE CSSC Service Support Manager (EL1)

  • Issues DAC out of office hours where child support debt/overpayment is under $50,000

Delegated Officers

  • DE CSSC Service Manager (EL2) - Authorise the issue of DPOs and DACs and revoke DPOs for debts up to $50,000
  • Intensive Collection Services (ICS) National Manager – Authorise the issue of DPOs and DACs and revoke DPOs for debts over $50,000
  • Authorised security payments to be refunded or forfeited

    The Resources page contains links to contact details, macros, templates and protocols to help process DPOs.

    Related links

    Activate and/or retain a Child Support departure prohibition order (DPO)

    Departure prohibition orders (DPO) for Child Support customers

    Issue a Child Support departure authorisation certificate (DAC)

    Revoke a Child Support departure prohibition order (DPO)

    External searches guide