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Manual Cash reconciliation for Child Support payments - Payment Services team 277-04160000

Contacts details

Staff Facing Products (SFP) - Cuba and Pluto

Child Support Cash Management Team

Payment and Child Support Systems Branch

Payment Services Team

Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)


These attachments are not to be shared externally. See Freedom of Information – Information Publication Scheme.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.png RBA Invoice verification (also known as the 'Count')
\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.png Convert RBA Payment and BSB File

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngComplete the LP24 Summary on the Load Payment file


UQ18.00 - Incorrect Payment Reference number Payer or Employer letter

Load payment file screen shot example

Load payment file screen shot example - see screenshot below.


Create action pending list




Create today's action pending list

  • copy today's Load Payment file (columns A to S) from Albury’s site drive>CSA>Payment Services>workload>Load Payment Files>year>month, into a new work book
  • delete rows 1 & 2 (close the original Payments file spreadsheet)
  • delete column S
  • expand column N to show all numbers
  • select and highlight all the columns
  • custom sort by column N, select OK
  • select radio button –Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately, select OK
  • delete the rows with all 0’s in the N column
  • select and highlight all the columns and custom sort by column P (HOR column), select OK
  • select radio button –Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately, select OK
  • filter column P to locate HOR 90
  • delete all rows with HOR 90, remove filter
  • select and highlight all the columns and custom sort by column O, then add a level to also sort by column P select OK
  • select radio button –Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately
  • delete all double 00s, in both columns
  • insert a column between columns N & O, highlight column N
  • from the menu, select DATA, then text to column, select ‘fixed width’ radio button. Select Next
  • insert a break prior to the last 2 digits. Select Next
  • highlight both columns (Ctrl+Shift) and select ‘Column data format’ Text radio button. Select Finish
  • select and highlight all the columns and custom sort by column O (new column) A-Z order, select OK and OK to Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately
  • delete rows with 0 and 00 in column O
  • delete rows with all zero’s in column N, this will leave payments with a valid CSRN (numbers ending in 01 to 09)
  • add numbers from column O 01 to 09 (data in column O) back to the end of the number in column N
  • delete column O
  • copy the data from these rows and paste into the Action Pending worksheet
  • save the new ‘Action Pending’ worksheet, to be actioned tomorrow
  • close the workbook you created the ‘Action Pending’ list for tomorrow. Do not save