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Manual Cash reconciliation for Child Support payments - Payment Services team 277-04160000

This page contains information about the process of manually reconciling payments transferred to Child Support from the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). This information assists Service Officers in the Payment Services team perform manual cash reconciliations.

On this page:

Daily - prepare files to locate discrepancies

Daily - investigate missing direct deposit payments

Daily - investigate cause of missing payment

Daily - investigate if missing payment was a payment made by a customer

Daily - Cash reconciliation in Cuba

Weekly - Cash reconciliation, manual upload of missing payments

Daily - RBA invoice verification - tasks for reconciling payments transferred to Child Support

Daily - prepare files to locate discrepancies

Table 1




Download the bank statement + Read more ...

The RBA bank statement summarises payments receipted. Download the bank statement:

  • log on to RBA net
  • select Account Statements
  • select CSA account no. 116755
  • select search statement. Note: the statement will automatically default to the current statement. To view another statement, select the statement date from the drop-down calendar
  • select PDF symbol and save the file to G > PaymentServicesAlbury > RBA Files > RBA Text Files > financial year folder > month folder (save it as the date you are working on)


Open bank statement + Read more ...

Open the bank statement. Search for the 'TRF Fund Transfer To Account' total (this is located towards the end of the statement). This figure will be needed at Step 4. Minimise the bank statement.


Create the daily payment file + Read more ...

Child support uses the following reports provided by the RBA to create the daily payment file:

  • RBA payment file
  • RBA BSB file

The reports are provided in electronic format and need to be converted into a readable format. See the Convert RBA Payment and BSB File.

Note: if the payment file is not available by 9.30am, email Staff Facing Products (SFP) - Cuba and Pluto and request a read receipt. They will investigate the missing file and advise when it will be available.


Daily payment file worksheet for reconciliation + Read more ...

The payment file created each day must be loaded to the Load payment file spreadsheet located at G > PaymentServicesAlbury > Load Payment Files > year > month:

  • open the Load payment file and create a new worksheet
  • name the worksheet as today's date, for example 01Jan
  • copy and paste today’s payment file, including the totals column S from G > PaymentServicesAlbury > RBA Files > RBA Text Files > financial year folder > month folder > the date you are working on, into the new worksheet


Prepare the daily payment file worksheet + Read more ...

Open yesterday’s worksheet in the Load payment file:

  • Copy the values (figure amounts) from ‘Plus Aust Post’ down to ‘Unknown Variances’
  • Open today’s worksheet and at the bottom paste the formulas by selecting ‘paste special’ and ‘values’
  • Cut the value in the cell beside ‘Less Aust Post Tfr’ and paste this into the cell beside ‘Plus Aust Post Tfr’. Change the figure from a negative to a positive
  • Add in the current Australia Post (Customer Payments) figure into the cell beside ‘Less Aust Post Tfr’ changing the positive to a negative. (Type in formula: = - customer payments total (select this box on the payment file)
  • Change the date in the ‘Plus Aust Post Tfr’ cell to yesterday’s date
  • Change the date in the ‘Less Aust Post Tfr’ cell to today’s date
  • Delete any credits/dishonours from the cell below ‘Less Aust Post Tfr’ to ‘Swept to OPA’
  • Delete the values from ‘Swept to OPA’ down to ‘Unknown Variance’
  • Total the ‘Swept to OPA’ by completing an AutoSum from the total of all payments


Identify discrepancies on the daily payment file worksheet + Read more ...

Discrepancies are identified in the reconciliation process when comparing the Superfile totals to the amount swept to OPA:

  • Maximise today’s bank statement
  • In today’s worksheet add the ‘Swept to OPA’ value and subtract the ‘transferred to Account’ value from today’s bank statement (in cell ‘R’ below to Swept to OPA type in formula = Swept to OPA total – Transfer fund amount). In the cell below the total of ‘Swept to OPA’ the value should be 0.00
  • Save the spreadsheet

Is there a discrepancy?


Check payment file for payment methods + Read more ...

Check the payment file to ensure all payment methods, for example, Locked Bag, BPAY ®, EFT or Customer Payments are included. If a payment method is missing:

  • email Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Electronic Distribution Services and Child Support Cash Management Team and include:
    • the payment file date
    • what payment method is missing
    • request approximate time for the information to be available and confirmation that a complete file will be resent
  • email Child Support Cash Management Team advising when the updated file will be available


Investigate missing payments + Read more ...

Discrepancies in the daily payment file worksheet indicate that a payment(s) has not been included in the payment file or payment(s) have been incorrectly included. Missing payment(s) may be 1, or a combination of:

  • direct deposit - customer completes a deposit slip at the RBA for the funds to be directly deposited into Services Australia account. The RBA has manually credited the deposit internally and as such has not been processed through payment file
  • interbank deposit - customer completes a deposit slip at their bank, requesting the funds be transferred to the RBA (manually processed by customer’s bank)
  • manual bank adjustment - a manual bank adjustment may be necessary as a result of:
    • encoding errors - amount incorrectly keyed (debit or credit effect)
    • recall - funds recalled as they were not intended for child support
    • reversal - BPAY error
  • dishonoured foreign cheque

Note: if the discrepancy is a - (minus), look for a credit. If the variance is a + (positive), look for a debit, for example, foreign cheque dishonours appear as a debit; counter deposits appear as a credit.

Investigate the bank statement for the missing payment by following the instructions contained below in the following tables:

The discrepancy may be caused by a combination of missing payment types or multiple payments of the same type.

Stop searching when the missing payment(s) identified equal the value of the discrepancy.

See the Daily - Missing payments - direct deposit table.

Daily - investigate missing direct deposit payments

Table 2: this table describes the process for establishing discrepancies in the daily payment file worksheet and investigating missing direct deposit payments.




Identify if missing payment is a direct deposit + Read more ...

The missing payment(s) will equal the value ‘missing off daily payment file’ adjusted for any credits or debits.


  • bank statement for anomalies, for example, a deposit which does not include a CSRN or incorrect CSRN, they usually appear toward the beginning or the end of the bank statement. The only reference provided may be the customer name.
    Note: on rare occasions a direct deposit may have a CSRN. This may occur if the transaction has been manually credited by the RBA internally and as such not processed through the payment file process
  • manually upload worksheet to see if the previous payments have been made. Check the BSB report for any additional information that may be available
  • email folder (located on the Croc server), the RBA will email an image of a deposit slip for all direct deposits. Check the bank statement for the corresponding amount on the deposit slip. If it has not already been sent, email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services requesting a copy of the deposit slip

Is a direct deposit missing?


Direct deposit missing + Read more ...

Action the missing direct deposit:

  • open today’s payment file worksheet
  • in the row below 'Less Aust Post' copy and paste the details of the direct deposit transaction(s) from the bank statement
  • add the direct deposit value ($ amount) in row ‘R’
  • record the missing payment details on the Manual Upload tab of the Load payment spreadsheet for manual upload. Note: payments upload requests are sent to ICT on a Friday only, and must be checked the following Monday morning to ensure they have been actioned correctly. See the Weekly cash reconciliation table

Is there is a discrepancy?


Identify if missing payment is an interbank deposit + Read more ...


  • bank statement, search for a:
    • credit
    • transaction which includes a telephone number (normally interbank deposits will include a telephone number)
  • email folder, the RBA will email an image of an interbank deposit slip for all interbank deposits. Check the bank statement for the corresponding amount on the deposit slip. If it has not already been sent, email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services requesting a copy of the deposit slip
  • if the deposit is from another RBA account with a BSB number 092-009. These deposits will usually be from another Services Australia account number:
    • 092-009 11499-5
    • 092-009 11676-3
    • 092-009 11500-7
    • 092-009 11661-6
    • 092-009 11662-4

If Service Officers have an enquiry relation to an interbank deposit, email Child Support Cash Management Team.

Is the missing payment an interbank deposit?


Interbank deposit missing + Read more ...

Action the missing interbank deposit:

  • open today’s daily payment file worksheet
  • in the row below ‘Less Aust Post’ copy and paste the details of the transaction from the bank statement
  • Add the interbank deposit value ($ amount) in row ‘R’
  • record the missing payment details on the Manual Upload tab of the Master payment spreadsheet for manual upload. Note: payments upload requests are sent to ICT on a Friday only

Is there a discrepancy?

Daily - investigate cause of missing payment

Table 3: this table describes the process for establishing discrepancies in the daily payment file worksheet and investigating the cause of missing direct deposit payments or for dishonoured foreign cheques.




Identify if missing payment is a manual bank adjustment + Read more ...

Manual Bank adjustments can be as a result of:

  • bank encoding errors
  • reversals
  • RBA recalls
  • credit card chargebacks

These occur as they have been unable to quote the original payment reference receipt information, as such this information has been excluded from the payment file. These payments require a manual adjustment on Cuba

Go to Step 2.


Bank encoding error + Read more ...

A banking encoding error can be either a:

  • credit encoding error - this is a result of the RBA transferring too little funds (for example, the customer deposits $2000, the RBA transfers $200), or
  • debit encoding error - this is a result of the bank transferring too much funds (for example, customer deposits $200, the RBA transfers $2000)

To identify if an encoding error has occurred, check the:

  • bank statement for the payment
  • email folder. Encoding error notifications may be received from the RBA, Administered Treasury team or as a result of the customer notifying Child Support

For credit encoding errors, go to Step 3.

For debit encoding errors, go to Step 4.


Credit encoding errors + Read more ...

Action required:

  • investigate the payment on Cuba, check the Client Payment List window to ensure the full payment has not been received
  • if the customer initiated the credit query, email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services advising encoding error and request remainder of payment, or
  • if the RBA, Services Australia Administered Treasury team initiated the credit query, respond to their email request, providing confirmation to send credit
  • once the credit appears on the payment file adjust the customer’s account to reflect the payment amount received - see Cash Reconciliation Cuba Process Help
  • open today’s daily payment worksheet, in the row below ‘Less Aust Post’
    • copy and paste the details of the transaction from the bank statement
    • add the direct deposit value ($ amount) in row ‘R’

Is there a discrepancy?


Debit encoding errors + Read more ...

Action required:

  • investigate the payment on Cuba:
    • Check the customer’s account to confirm the actual amount received
  • check if the payment created excess cash:
    • If the difference in the payment has been refunded to the customer, do not authorise the RBA to debit Child Support' account - email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services and advise that they are not authorised to debit Child Support' account as the customer has been refunded the difference
    • If the incorrect amount was received, email Child Support Cash Management Team requesting they provide authorisation to the RBA to debit account 116755 in that amount
  • once the dishonour comes through on the payment file, adjust the customer’s account to reflect the amount actually received. Ensure the adjustment occurs in the correct cash reconciliation on Cuba, it should be the date of the payment file with the dishonoured payment
  • open today’s daily payment file worksheet:
    • in the row below 'Less Aust Post' copy and paste the details of the transaction from the bank statement
    • Add the direct deposit value ($ amount) in row 'R'

Is there a variance?


RBA Recall + Read more ...

RBA receive requests from external financial institutions to recall payments from customers who have requested trace and recall action. The reason for the recall could be due to a banking processing error, or due to the customer requesting the funds be recalled. An explanation for the recall is not always provided to Child Support.

The recall of funds must be reviewed case by case. Note: if the customer is locked, contact the case officer to advise them of the action being taken.

The RBA may request funds be recalled, this will usually be as a result of the payment not being intended for child support. The RBA may request funds be returned to the:

  • customer's bank account
  • customer's financial institution, or
  • RBA

If the payment was a duplicate payment, a bank processing error or it is intended for a third party, investigate:

  • check the Client Payments List window, if the amount received was the monthly payment Child Support expected, do not authorise the recall. Send an email to the RBA Electronic Distribution Services advising the recall is not authorised
  • check the Payee Disbursement List window, if the funds have been disbursed to the payee:

Note: if the funds cannot be recalled, email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services to advise recall not possible.

If after investigation the decision is to return the funds:

  • If the request was from the RBA - send an email to Child Support Cash Management Team requesting authority be provided to the RBA to debit Child Support's account
  • If the request was from the customer - advise the locked Service Officer to issue a refund via direct credit to the customer's financial institution

Is there a discrepancy?


RBA Reversal + Read more ...

The RBA will request that a deposit is reversed and sent back, this is usually a result of a BPAY error.

To determine if reversal is appropriate, check the:

  • Client Payment List window, if the amount received was the monthly payment we expected, do not authorise reversal. Email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services and advise recall is not authorised
  • Payee Disbursement List window, if the funds have been disbursed to the payee:

If after investigation the decision is to allow reversal, email Child Support Cash Management Team requesting they provide authorisation to the RBA to debit Child Support' account.

If the funds cannot be recalled or the decision is not to allow the reversal, email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services to advise recall not possible.

Is there a discrepancy?


RBA chargeback to credit cards + Read more ...

The RBA receive requests from financial institutions to refund payments when a customer claims that a credit card payment was not authorised by them.

The RBA will email Child Support requesting that they confirm the payment has been received by Child Support and credited to the customer's account and refund the payment.

Email the RBA's request to Child Support Cash Management Team.

CSA National Cash Management, check the Client Payments List window and confirm whether the payment was received and credited to the customer's account.

If the payment was received:

  • email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services with the following information:
    • Child Support confirms receipt of $ on / /
    • Child Support confirms this payment was applied to the customer reference number provided
    • the payment was processed through Government Easy Pay System, we hold no evidence regarding the payment
    • if the payment is returned, our records will show the amount as still owing by our customer
  • refund the payment, email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services providing authority to debit our account

If the payment was not received:

  • email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services, and
  • advise payment not received


Check the consolidated revenue debt (CSA National Cash Management) + Read more ...

A consolidated revenue debt will automatically create if the payment is returned to the RBA after it has been disbursed to the payee.

  • check the payer Customer window. If a consolidated revenue debt has been created ensure the amount is correct
  • move the debt to the payee's account:
    • from the Find Client Posting window determine where the funds were allocated. Note: this may be 1 or more payee and/or estimate or late penalty
    • move the debt via the Posting Adjustment window from the payer account to the payee(s) account
  • create a General Follow-up intray
  • document in the intray notepad that the debt is a s79(1)(b)(i) payee overpayment
  • route the intray to the owning Service Officer for follow-up of the consolidated revenue debt, see Child Support overpayments and other payee debt for collection avenues


Dishonoured foreign cheque + Read more ...

The RBA will email Child Support advising that a foreign cheque has been dishonoured:

  • check the bank statement, the dishonour will appear as a debit
  • check the email folder, the RBA will email a copy of the dishonoured cheque paperwork, use this information to locate the payment on the bank statement
  • go to the customer's account to check the original payment is on the account
  • dishonour the payment - see Cash Reconciliation Cuba Process Help
  • open today's daily payment file worksheet:
    • in the row below 'Less Aust Post' copy and paste the details of the dishonoured cheque from the bank statement
    • add the interbank deposit value ($ amount) in row 'R'

Does a discrepancy still exist?

Daily - investigate if missing payment was a payment made by a customer

Table 4: this table describes the process for establishing discrepancies in the Superfile and investigating missing customer payments, including Billpay, MailPay, Direct credit, BPAY and GovtEasyPay payments.




Check the Load payment file + Read more ...

The payment file is 1 of the RBA files that are received daily. This report is commonly referred to as the ‘Superfile’. It identifies all customer payments Billpay (Australia Post payments), Locked Box payments (MailPay payments), Direct Credit Payments (EFT – DE payments), BPAY payments and GovtEasyPay (credit card payments).

In addition this file will also identify any reversals and dishonoured payments.

All issues identified during the reconciliation should be noted on the Action Pending tab of the load payment file.

The Action Pending tab should be actioned each day, issues may include:

  • items to be manually dishonoured, for example, Billpay operator error
  • items automatically dishonoured, for example, cheques
  • invalid CSRNs (CSRNs less than or greater than 5 digits ending in a 01 - 09)

Note: if more than 1 payment file has been loaded out of sequence, that is, a debit has been loaded before credit, dishonour will not be automatically adjusted in Cuba. A manual adjustment is required, see Cash Reconciliation Cuba Process Help.

If a debit is reported in the payment file before the credit, it will not be adjusted automatically in Cuba. A manual adjustment is required, see Cash Reconciliation Cuba Process Help.

Open the Action Pending tab, action each issue referring to the instructions below.


Billpay operator error + Read more ...

A Billpay operator error is a result of Australia Post reversing an incorrectly posted transaction. Usually the reversal occurs on the same day however, this is not always the case.

Note: if the same receipt number has been quoted, a manual adjustment will not be necessary.

If the Billpay operator error is identified on the LP24 Summary report this means that the debit has not been applied on Cuba and it will need to be dishonoured manually:

  • identify the Ref No. transaction on the daily payment file worksheet (it will appear as a debit) and LP24 file
  • check the customer's account to determine whether the reversal has occurred. If the reversal has not occurred locate the receipt number for the payment on the daily payment file worksheet as this will be entered into the Cash Reconciliation List window. Note: this needs to be done on the date the bank statement is loaded into Cuba (that is, the bank statement is dated 01/01/2013 it will not be loaded into Cuba until 02/01/2013
  • dishonour payment - see Cash Reconciliation Cuba Process Help

Check the payee's account, if the funds from the dishonoured transaction are in the process of being disbursed, recall the payment. See Disbursements of child support.


Dishonoured cheque + Read more ...

The daily payment file worksheet will display cheques that have been dishonoured and the reason for the dishonour (this includes Australia Post - Customer Payments (Billpay), RBA Locked Bag (MailPay) and GovtEasyPay (credit card payments) payments).

Note: if the receipt number or reference numbers are not identified on the LP24 Summary report, it identifies the transaction has been uploaded onto Cuba.

To confirm that a cheque has been dishonoured:

  • locate the CSRN from the daily payment file worksheet
  • open the Client Payment List window
  • double select to open the payment transaction
  • if the receipt number for the payment and dishonour are the same, an automatic dishonour has occurred. No further is action required

If the cheque has not dishonoured:

  • dishonour the cheque
  • check the Payee Account Summary window, if the funds from the dishonoured cheque are in the process of being disbursed, recall the payment. See Disbursements of child support.


Check LP24 Summary report + Read more ...

The LP24 Summary report identifies transactions that could not be loaded into Cuba from the RBA payments file. The LP24 Summary report is located in the Load Payments file spreadsheet in G > PaymentServicesAlbury > RBA Files > RBA Text Files > financial year folder > month folder (save it as the date you are working on)

The LP24 Summary report is automatically generated each time a payment is uploaded into Cuba.

Check the report daily to identify any transactions that have been missed from the previous days upload, including:

  • error message 'Unable to Create payment for DR trans Ref No. xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx':
  • payment reason code 01436 - a MailPay dishonour fee has been included in the Superfile but not Cuba. The error has been identified as the amount was not equal to the original amount after the dishonour fee was applied:
    • no required action
  • duplicate payment - payments with the same payment date, CSRN and receipt number. For duplicate BPAY payments:
    • email a request for confirmation of duplicate payment to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia BPAY and Traces section
  • payment reason code 99999 - an operator error transaction has been reversed twice using the same receipt number:
    • email the RBA Electronic Distribution Services and request confirmation of error transaction
  • payments more than 1 000000003 - error is due to the original MailPay transaction being reassigned over 2 periods. Cuba cannot automatically dishonour it:
    • manually dishonour the 2 reassigned payments
  • payment reason code 03469 - error is due to the original payment being reassigned to 2 individual customers. Cuba cannot automatically dishonour it:
    • manually dishonour the 2 reassigned payments
  • unable to ADJ/DIS payment for quoted customer - error due to the original payment being allocated to the Suspense Account, Cuba cannot automatically dishonour payment:
    • manually dishonour/adjust

All missing payments must be manually uploaded to Cuba.

Daily - Cash reconciliation in Cuba

Table 5: this table describes the process of reconciling payments loaded onto Cuba against payments banked into the Services Australia account.




Action pending payments + Read more ...

Review the payments on the 'action pending' tab of the Load Payment file to ensure the payments are in the Suspense account.

  • Copy the receipt number and open Cuba Find Suspense Payment List
  • Paste the receipt number in the Receipt Number field
  • In the Suspense Status box, select radio button 'Outstanding', Payment Status 'ALL', Office 'ALBURY', Payment Type 'ALL' and select 'Find'
  • If the payment is located, then remove the payment from the 'action pending' spreadsheet
  • If the payment is not located, leave it on the spreadsheet to investigate further
  • For the unallocated payments, in the Suspense Status box change the radio button to 'All', then check the receipt numbers again
  • If the payment has been reassigned, no further action is required for this payment, remove the payment from the spreadsheet
  • Check the dishonoured payments list to ensure payments have been dishonoured, if not, then they will need to be dishonoured manually. Go to Cash Reconciliation Cuba Process Help
  • Record the CSRN beside the payment for future reference in LP24 Summary worksheet
  • Once recorded on LP24, delete from 'Action Pending' list


Check if payment has been allocated to the incorrect CSRN + Read more ...

Investigate each CSRN in the Action Pending worksheet to determine if the payment has been allocated to the incorrect customer account. For each CSRN:

  • search the CSRN in the Cuba Find Customer dialogue box
  • if the details identify a valid CSRN, take note of the customer details to enable the funds to be reassigned on the working day
  • if the payment will be disbursed to the incorrect customer, place a hold on the customer's account to stop disbursement - see Accounting Cuba Process Help

if the payment will be incorrectly allocated, take these actions on the working day:

  • investigate/determine which customer the payment belongs to, use the RBA BSB spreadsheet located in the Croc Server>RBA Payments File>year>month. Review the information in columns, B, C D and E to check the date the payment was received. Conduct searches in Cuba, for example, search the account name and review the history of payments reassigned
  • reassign the payment to the correct customer:
    • open and complete the Cash Reconciliation macro. Note: document the reason for the reassignment, use the Additional information' field if needed
    • key the reassignment of the payment, a Reassignment Pymt Auth Reqd intray will generate
    • route the intray to the SSO for approval. The SSO will review the account and confirm the payment is being reassigned to the correct customer. The SSO will update the status of the request to 'Authorise' or 'Not Authorise'
  • if a hold is in place on the incorrect customer's account, request the SSO to remove the hold
  • create a unique letter inserting the UQ18.00 - Incorrect Payment Reference number Payer or Employer letter (customer education letter) - Letters Cuba Process Help

Record the CSRN in the customer education folder under either 'new' or 'existing' customer tabs on the G:CSA>Payment Services>workload>Customer Education>customer ed data spreadsheet, after you have sent the letter.

Any dishonoured payments, are to be manually dishonoured in Cuba. These are recorded in red on the action pending spreadsheet.


Cash reconciliation on Cuba + Read more ...

Cash reconciliation is the process of reconciling payments loaded onto Cuba against payments banked into the Services Australia account.

Copy the ‘Adjusted Total’ for each payment type into the daily payment file for the previous day’s worksheet located in the Load payment file:

  • open the Cuba Cash Reconciliation List window, untick the ‘unreconciled only’ tickbox in the Find Reconciliation dialogue box. Select the Find button
  • select and highlight all the payment types for the date being worked on, for example, Billpay, BPAY, Credit Card, EFT and MailPay, select open
  • copy the ‘Adjusted Total’ at the bottom of the CSA receipts group box and paste it into the daily payment file worksheet in the Cuba row in column ‘S’
  • repeat the above steps for each individual payment type, pasting the ‘Adjusted Total’ into the next column in the spreadsheet
  • do an AutoSum in the 'Cuba' cell to sum the 5 individual payment types
  • in column R beside 'Unknown Variance' type the formula = total all payment - Cuba total

The unknown variance should be 0.00. If the variance is 0.00, See Table7, Step 1

Save the spreadsheet.

If there is a discrepancy with the reconciliation, record the discrepancy using the Cash reconciliation macro.

If there is a variance check that all dishonours and adjustments identified in the daily payment file reconciliation have been actioned in Cuba:

  • if there was a foreign cheque dishonour, a variance will occur due to the differing exchange rate at the time the cheque was dishonoured
  • the LP24 Summary report for any variances
  • the CSA payments inbox for any emails regarding payments that have not been actioned

If unable to resolve the discrepancy, speak to a team leader.

Note: MailPay dishonours are debited from the Services Australia account as EFT transactions. MailPay and EFT will always be reconciled with a discrepancy when there are MailPay dishonours.


Reconcile payments + Read more ...

The RBA Cash Reconciliation Matching Detail window enables Service Officers to manually reconcile MailPay, EFT, Billpay, Credit Card or BPAY receipts against CSA System receipts where the system is unable to automatically match both records.

The window displays all adjustments made to the CSA receipt total (that is, positive and negative banking adjustments and payment dishonours). It displays the CSA receipt amount and the Bank receipt amount(s) used in the reconciliation. Where banked and loaded payments have already been reconciled and an adjustment is required, Service Officers can use this window to unreconcile the totals to allow further adjustments to be made.

To reconcile a payment type:

  • Open the Cuba Cash Reconciliation Matching Details window.
    Copy the adjusted total at the bottom of the CSA receipts group box for each transaction type
  • Check for 'unknown variances' on the worksheet (formula = total all payments - Cuba)
  • Open the Cash Reconciliation Matching Details window, double select on the payment method to be reconciled
  • Reconcile the payments type. See Cash Reconciliation Cuba Process Help

The unknown variance should be nil. Note: if there is a variance, check that all dishonours have occurred.

See Cash Reconciliation Cuba Process Help.

Cuba will automatically reconcile payments loaded onto Cuba to the Bank receipts for a particular day. When they match, no further action needs to be taken.

When the Bank receipt total and the total payments loaded onto the system do not match Service Officers will need to perform a manual reconciliation. From completing the daily payment file reconciliation Service Officers will be alerted to any manual adjustments that will need to be conducted on Cuba.

Note: each payment type, for example, BPAY MailPay etc. must be reconciled. Service Officers must complete a manual reconciliation for each individual payment type.

Weekly - Cash reconciliation, manual upload of missing payments

Table 6




Missing payment(s) + Read more ...

Missing payments must be manually loaded to Cuba by ICT.

Note: if a payment is not assigned to a customer record it will be allocated to the suspense account - see Suspense account management (CS)

Payments upload requests are sent to ICT on a Friday only and must be checked the following Monday morning to ensure they have been actioned correctly.


Request upload of missing payment(s) + Read more ...

Service Officer

  • prior to 11am each Friday, send an email to the team Service Support Officer (SSO) to raise a CUBA BUSINESS REQUEST in mySupport:
    • copy and paste the date, payment method, receipt no, CSRN and amount into the email

Service Support Officer

  • search mySupport, Requests for Payment Support for the CUBA BUSINESS REQUEST form
  • in the What is this request for field, use the dropdown menu to select Manual Uploads
  • in the details field, record 'Manual Upload week ending (insert date), payment missing from Superfile requiring manual upload to CUBA'
  • EL2 approval is required, obtain approval and attach email trail to the Support Request form
  • select Submit
  • forward the acknowledgment email from mySupport to Payment and Child Support Systems Branch with a copy to the Payment Services Team:
    • use Subject line: Manual Upload week ending (Insert Date) - SD number from response email from ICT
  • forward the closure email from mySupport confirming the manual uploads are actioned to the requesting Service Officer

Service Officer

The Service Officer who requested the upload must complete the process in Step 3 on Monday morning. Create a reminder in Outlook to complete tasks.

Go to Step 3


Check upload + Read more ...

On the Monday morning following the upload request, check each payment has been correctly credited to the correct customer record.

If the payment has been correctly allocated, update the Master Payment file, Manual Upload tab to Yes (cell F).

If the payment has not been allocated to a customer account, it will be allocated to the suspense account.

Lock the payment and follow the instructions at Suspense account management (CS).

Daily - RBA invoice verification - tasks for reconciling payments transferred to Child Support

Table 7: this table describes the process steps for Payment Services team Service Officers required on a daily basis, when performing cash reconciliations.




Conduct the count + Read more ...

To verify the charges incurred for Payments Services, Service Officers must confirm the number of transactions for each category of payments monthly against the invoices issued by RBA.


Verify the total + Read more ...


Complete LP24 Summary + Read more ...

To balance the number and value of the daily transactions, Payment Services, Service Officers must record the number and value of the payments received each day from the RBA LP24 Summary to the LP24 tab in the monthly Load Payment File. See Complete the LP24 summary on the Load Payment file.