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Waivers for Child Support customers 277-04380000

This document outlines information about managing waiver enquiries and requests.

On this page:

Respond to waiver enquiries

Record waiver requests - applicant and Registrar initiated

DCM - investigate waiver

ExCCS - investigate waiver

Prepare waiver submission

DCM bulk waiver submission

Referral and decision

Respond to waiver enquiries

Table 1: this table contains the process for Service Officers to manage customer enquiries about waivers of child support debt or overpayments.




Customer phones requesting their debt be waived (all staff) + Read more ...

If the customer or their representative has communicated in writing, go to Step 3

Is either of the customers deceased?



Issue: OTHER

  • Procedure ends here


Consider origin of the debt and possible remedies + Read more ...

  • Discuss how the debt was created. For example estimate reconciliation has caused a debt
  • Complete Minimum Collection Activity, see Customer Management Approach for Child Support
  • Explain waiver is used only where there is no other viable option

Explore other options such as:

Do not discuss the possible outcome of a debt waiver request with customers.

If the customer wants more information about the waiver process, refer them to the:

  • Child Support Guide 6.11: Compensation & Waiver of Debts. References has a link
  • Department of Finance website, hotline and other contact details

Document the customer call in the Communication window. See Documenting Child Support information.

  • Category: COLLECTION
  • Issue: OTHER


Customer writes in or emails a request to have a debt waived (all staff) + Read more ...

Check the correspondence

Is either of the customers deceased?

  • Yes, send to the Deceased Customer Management Team
  • No, send to the Customer Compensation Team (CCT) for them to send to Department of Finance:
    • forward the letter or email to the CCT - this team does not review intrays
    • route any intray to :





Record waiver requests - applicant and Registrar initiated

Table 2: this table contains the process for staff in the Customer Compensation Team (CCT) to record waiver requests




Waiver request + Read more ...

Waiver requests for child support debts are either:

  • received by the Department of Finance (Finance) directly:
    • These are forwarded by Finance to Services Australia for comment through the CCT
    • They are usually actioned by the CCT within 48 hours


  • initiated by the Child Support Registrar:
    • These debts are identified as suitable for waiver by Deceased Customer Management (DCM) team and External Complaints – Child Support (ExCCS)
    • These waivers are managed by DCM and ExCCS
    • It is not necessary for the customers or their representatives to lodge a waiver request in these instances


Record waiver + Read more ...

Has the waiver request already been recorded?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, document in the Compensation/Waiver window:
    • New
    • Claim/Request Indicator
    • Client or CSA
    • Claim Type: Waiver
    • Reason: Defective Administration/Financial hardship/Moral Obligation
    • Additional Reasons:
    • Date:
    • Amount:
    • Save


Waiver request allocation + Read more ...

When waiver request document is recorded in the Compensation/Waiver window, a Waiver Referral Required intray automatically generates.

Do not manually generate this intray.

Route the Waiver Referral Required intray to:

  • Position: NONE

In the Compensation/Waiver window notepad record the waiver request has been received. CCT allocates a SharePoint reference number and adds it in this notepad.

If required:


Waiver request referral + Read more ...

Are any of the customers deceased?

  • Yes, email DCM
  • No, for all other waiver requests email ExCCS

DCM - investigate waiver

Table 3: this table describes the process for staff in Deceased Customer Management (DCM) to investigate requests, identify potential waivers and use the macro to create the waiver brief.




Allocate waiver request – deceased customer related + Read more ...

The DCM Program Support Manager (PSM) or Team Leader allocates the Waiver Referral Required intray to a DCM Service Officer for action.

See Intray management Cuba Process Help.


Record waiver status in Cuba (DCM Service Officer) + Read more ...

  • Access the Compensation/Waiver window
  • Update the status to WRITING SUB
  • Save the waiver update


Waiver brief timeline + Read more ...

  • Finalise the waiver brief within 21 days of allocation
  • Complete the waiver brief within 14 days. This allows time for DCM PSM or Team Leader clearance and/or feedback
  • Use the Waiver brief macro to record the relevant case events and prepare the waiver brief
  • Send the finalised waiver brief to the DCM PSM or Team Leader for authorisation


Complete Deceased customer management processes + Read more ...

Do not proceed with the waiver request until all of the processes in Deceased Child Support customer management have been completed.

The deceased customer could be either the payer, payee or child.

Have the Deceased Child Support customer management processes already been completed?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, completing the DCM processes may show that a debt is suitable for a Registrar initiated waiver. Do not proceed until the DCM processes have been completed


Consider administrative remedies + Read more ...

Check for any administrative remedies, this may include:

Is an administrative remedy identified?


Investigate the case + Read more ...

Consider issues raised in the customer's waiver request and other relevant factors.

Debt may change

A recommendation to support the waiver is unlikely if the debt is liable to change. For example when the assessment is based on an income other than a taxable income. Ensure the debt is correct and will not change before proceeding.

Previous waiver discussions

Review notepads in the Communication and Compensation/Waiver windows

Determine if the case details and waiver process have previously been discussed with the customer.

Complex issues

Discuss with the PSM or Team Leader:

  • cases with complex issues or where significant information is required, for example:
    • international issues
    • deceased customer has an executor, or
    • a number of escalated complaints

The DCM PSM or Team Leader may contact Child Support Program (CSP) Branch Assistant Director (AD) or Service Support Manager (SSM) – EL 1, ExCCS to discuss management of the waiver.

If it is agreed DCM should not manage the waiver, ExCCS and CSP Branch will decide who will manage it.

Check for Personalised Services

If the customer is managed by Personalised Services, contact the Personalised Services Service Officer (PSSO). Decide on a customer management plan. See Personalised Services.

Is the waiver request likely to be supported because of its nature and/or is the waiver registrar initiated?


Contact waiver applicant + Read more ...

Document the contact on a notepad in the Compensation/Waiver window.

Contact the applicant to:

  • explain the waiver process
  • advise the Department of Finance (Finance) makes the final decision
  • confirm the grounds for the waiver request
  • advise they can provide documents to support their waiver request
  • request any additional information which would support their request including any:
    • evidence, or
    • financial information:
  • ask the customer to provide the information online within 7 days

Other party has an executor

If the other party has an executor and the debt is owed by the applicant, tell the applicant:

  • Child Support will contact the executor to advise them about the waiver request
  • Unless the executor supports the waiver it is unlikely their request will be supported
  • They may wish to withdraw their application before contact is made with the executor

Has the applicant withdrawn their request?


Contact the Executor + Read more ...

Do not contact the Executor about the waiver request until the applicant has been advised the Executor will be contacted.

Only contact the Executor if the waiver request relates to a debt owed to the deceased estate they are administering. See Contact with Child Support customers.

Explain to the Executor:

  • a request for debt waiver has been received and
  • the waiver process in general

Does the Executor support the waiver?

  • Yes:
  • No, the Executor does not support the waiver. If the Executor wishes to provide information in response to the waiver they must complete a UQ180.00 Permission to release information to Finance form. This allows the information they provide to be sent to Finance. Send them a copy of the form if they chose this option

Ask the Executor to return the following items to Child Support within 14 days of the phone call:

  • the Permission to release information to Finance form and
  • any written submissions or evidence

Explain to the Executor they will be sent an edited copy of the recommendation for Finance. Personal Information about the customer may be removed. They will be given the chance to provide more evidence directly to Finance.

Document the call in the:

  • Compensation/Waiver window and
  • Communication window of the deceased customer

Go to Step 10.


Process the withdrawal + Read more ...

In the Compensation/Waiver window from the:

  • Compensation/Waiver Details group box - select the waiver request
  • Status dropdown menu - select CLAIM WITHDRAWN

The Date field automatically populates with today’s date. If the date the customer withdrew the request is different, change it.

  • Select save
  • The Notes window automatically opens when a waiver withdrawal is saved
  • Add a note with the reason the customer has withdrawn the waiver request

Did the applicant apply through Finance?

  • Yes, email the withdrawal details to CCT. Procedure ends here
  • No, procedure ends here


Finalise waiver brief + Read more ...

In the Waiver brief macro add all relevant details of communication with the applicant and the other party.

The macro will produce the waiver brief.

Paste the draft brief into a Word document and save.


Seek clearance + Read more ...

Email the draft waiver brief for clearance to DCM.

In the Compensation/Waiver window:

  • update the status to SUB WITH RR and
  • save the waiver update


Check waiver brief (DCM PSM/Team Leader) + Read more ...

Discuss with CSP Branch AD or SSM - EL1, ExCCS cases with complex issues or where significant information is required. For example:

  • international issues
  • deceased customer has an executor, or
  • a number of escalated complaints

If it is agreed DCM should not manage the waiver, ExCCS and CSP Branch will decide who will manage it.

Check the waiver brief

Ensure the DCM Officer has:

  • addressed any issues raised by the waiver request
  • finalised the DCM process
  • reviewed the debt and undertaken any necessary debt correction work
  • completed the Waiver brief macro in full and accurately

Allow for the feedback process in the 21 day timeframe.

Is feedback to the DCM officer required?

  • Yes:
    • provide feedback to the DCM Officer
    • document that feedback has been provided in the Compensation/Waiver window
  • No, go to Step 13


Finalise waiver brief (DCM Team Leader) + Read more ...

  • Paste a copy of the waiver brief into the Waiver Referral Required intray
  • Add a note ‘Waiver brief cleared by [name and role of approver]’
  • Route the Waiver Referral Required intray to:
    • Position: NONE

In the Compensation/Waiver window:

  • update the status to SUB WITH NATIONAL OFFICE and
  • save the waiver update

Email the waiver brief and any associated documents from the investigation to:

  • CSP Branch
  • copy the DCM officer who prepared the brief

For DCM, procedure ends here

ExCCS - investigate waiver

Table 4: this table describes the process for staff in ExCCS to investigate cases and complete the waiver submission. Also the process for staff in CSP Branch when responsible for individual waivers.




Allocate waiver request + Read more ...

The ExCCS Service Support Officer will:

  • check the ExCCS mailbox daily
  • allocate the waiver request to an ExCCS Service Officer for action, copy to that officer’s SSM
  • email to the ExCCS Service Officer:
    • the waiver request and
    • associated documents
  • route the Waiver Referral Required intray to the allocated ExCCS Service Officer for action. See Intray management Cuba Process Help


Update waiver status in Cuba + Read more ...

In the Compensation/Waiver window:

  • update the status to WRITING SUB and
  • save the waiver update

If required see Waiver Cuba Process Help.


Waiver submission timeline + Read more ...

Finalise the waiver submission within 28 days of allocation.

To achieve this, complete the investigation within 18 days. This allows time for SSM or AD clearance and/or feedback.

Within 5-14 days complete the following:

  • waiver submission template
  • waiver applicant contact and
  • third party contact completed, if the debt is owed to a third party


Investigate the case + Read more ...

Consider issues raised in the customer's waiver request and other relevant factors.

Debt may change

A recommendation to support the waiver is unlikely if the debt is liable to change. For example when the assessment is based on an income other than a taxable income. Ensure the debt is correct and will not change.

Previous waiver discussions

Review notepads in the Communication and Compensation/Waiver windows

Determine if the case details and waiver process have previously been discussed with the customer.

Check for Personalised Services

If the customer is managed by Personalised Services, contact the Personalised Services Service Officer (PSSO). Decide on a customer management plan. See Personalised Services.

Complex issues

Discuss with the PSM or Team Leader:


Debt may change + Read more ...

A recommendation to support the waiver is unlikely if the debt is liable to change. For example when the assessment is based on an income other than a taxable income.

Is the debt accurate?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No:
    • The debt is not accurate. Either correct the debt or organise to correct the debt before the waiver proceeds
    • The debt cannot be corrected. If it is unlikely that future changes to the assessment will change it, go to Step 6
    • The debt cannot be corrected. If it is likely that future changes to the assessment will change the assessment, go to Step 8


Consider administrative remedies + Read more ...

Consider any administrative remedies before progressing the waiver, including:

Will an administrative remedy address the debt in part or full?


Administrative remedy may address the debt in part or full + Read more ...

Contact the customer and document the discussion in the Compensation/Waiver window.

Provide advice about the administrative process and the next steps. Examples are:

  • how lodge an objection, or
  • a correcting errors submission has been approved by Child Support

Does customer wish to withdraw the waiver?

  • Yes, go to Step 9
  • No:
    • explain to the customer they need to exhaust their administrative options to have the debt removed or addressed. The waiver request will be withdrawn - it can be reopened at a later date, once the customer has used all administrative options
    • if the debt is also owed to a third party, go to step 10
    • if the debt is only owed to the Commonwealth, see Table 5 - Prepare waiver submission


Contacting the applicant about the waiver request + Read more ...

Review notepads in the Communication and Compensation/Waiver windows to determine if the case details and waiver process have already been discussed with the customer.

Contact the applicant to:

  • explain the waiver process
  • ask them to take action if the debt is incorrect or is likely to change. For example lodge outstanding tax returns. Advise the applicant:
    • Child Support cannot support a waiver request for a debt which is subject to change, and
    • the waiver request will be withdrawn while the customer takes relevant action
  • advise the Department of Finance will make the final decision
  • confirm the grounds for the waiver request
  • advise they can provide documents to support their waiver request
  • request any additional information which would support their request including any:
    • evidence, or
    • financial information

  • Ask the customer to provide the information online within 7 days
  • advise if the debt is owed to a third party, advise Child Support will contact them to explain the waiver request has been received

For more information see Contact with Child Support customers.

Document contact outcomes in a notepad on the Compensation/Waiver window

  • If contact with the applicant is unsuccessful and they have requested a waiver, see Table 5 - Prepare waiver submission
  • If the customer withdraws their request, go to Step 9

Will any other party be affected by the potential waiver?


Process the withdrawal + Read more ...

In the Compensation/Waiver window from the:

  • Compensation/Waiver Details group box - select the waiver request
  • Status dropdown menu - select CLAIM WITHDRAWN

The Date field automatically populates with today’s date. If the date the customer withdrew the request is different, change it.

  • Select Save
  • The Notes window automatically opens when a waiver withdrawal is saved
  • Add a note with the reason the customer has withdrawn the waiver request

Did the applicant apply through Finance?

  • Yes, email the withdrawal details to CCT. Procedure ends here
  • No, procedure ends here


Contact the other party + Read more ...

Do not contact the other party about the waiver request until the applicant has been advised the other party will be contacted.

Only contact the other party if the waiver request relates to a debt owed to them. See Contact with Child Support customers.

Explain to the other party:

  • a request for debt waiver has been received, and
  • the waiver process in general

Does the other party support the waiver?

  • Yes:
  • No, the other party does not support the waiver. If they wish to provide information in response to the waiver, undertake the following:
    • Send them a copy of the UQ180.00 form
    • Explain they must complete the UQ180.00 Permission to release information to Finance form to allow the information they provide to be sent to Finance

Ask the other party to return these items to Child Support within 14 days of the phone call:

  • the UQ180.00 form, and
  • any written submissions or evidence

Explain to the other party:

  • They will be sent an edited copy of the recommendation for Finance
  • Personal information about the other customer may be removed
  • They will be given the chance to provide more evidence directly to Finance.

Document the call in the:

  • Compensation/Waiver window, and
  • customer’s Communication window

Prepare waiver submission

Table 5: this table contains the process for staff in CSP Branch (macro completed by DCM) or ExCCS (all other waiver requests) to prepare a draft submission for Finance.




Individual submission or bulk waiver? + Read more ...

If the waiver:

  • fits the criteria of a bulk debt waiver process, follow the process in Table 6 DCM bulk waiver submission
  • does not fit the criteria of a bulk debt waiver process and will be managed individually, go to Step 2


Analyse waiver request - Resource Management Guide No. 401 (all CSP Branch and ExCCS staff) + Read more ...

Waiver briefs completed by DCM are analysed by staff in CSP Branch.

Waiver requests from customers or their representatives are analysed by ExCCS officers.

Consider the waiver request in accordance with Resource Management Guide No. 401: Requests for discretionary financial assistance under the PGPA Act (RMG 401):

RMG 401 explains that debt waivers should generally be a remedy of last resort. Approval is unlikely to be granted for waiver of debts owed to the Commonwealth on behalf of third parties. For example a child support maintenance debt.

The waiver power allows authorised decision makers to approve waivers, but does not require them to do so.

Debts are generally only waived where recovery of the debt would:

  • be inequitable, or
  • cause the person to suffer financial hardship

A consideration of inequity would include:

  • whether the actions of the Commonwealth led to a debt that should not have arisen
  • what impact, if any, a waiver would have on another party
  • whether the debt meets the criteria of the current bulk debt waiver processes:
    • The debt is owed by a customer who has died, there is no collection avenue and the debt is owed to the Commonwealth only, or
    • The debt is owed to a customer who has died intestate

A consideration of financial hardship includes:

  • the financial information and evidence provided by the waiver applicant
  • if payment of the debt would leave the person without funds to provide for their basic needs and
  • if the person's financial circumstances may improve in the future


Finalise waiver submission to Finance + Read more ...

In the waiver submission include:

  • relevant details of the waiver request
  • waiver investigation, including details of the debt
  • contact with the applicant and contact with the other party, if relevant
  • specific reasons why the debt - compared to similar debts:
    • is special enough to be waived, or
    • is not special enough to be waived


Prepare covering letter to Finance + Read more ...

Draft a covering letter to Finance that advises either the waiver request is:

  • Supported by Services Australia - in full or in part, or
  • Not supported by Services Australia


Edit submissions + Read more ...

If the submission and covering letter need to be sent to the applicant and/or the other party, consider if editing the content is required.

Editing is done to protect the privacy of the parties to the debt.

Example 1

An applicant provides personal information in the waiver request about their current financial circumstances.

This information should be sent to Finance for the decision. However for the other party to be informed about it through the process is:

  • not required by law
  • not necessary and
  • not appropriate

Example 2

The other party responds and includes sensitive information and personal views. A decision will be made about the relevance of this information in the submission to Finance. It may be seen as appropriate to share with Finance for them to make a decision, but providing it to the applicant is not appropriate.

Review the covering letter and submission

Determine if there is any information that should not be sent to the applicant or the other party. Edit out any information which may breach the privacy of either party.

This includes:

  • medical information
  • details of Centrelink benefits and other child support cases
  • personal financial information
  • any other information of a sensitive nature which:
    • may breach the customer's privacy, or
    • the other party would not usually be privy to

See Table 4 Guidance on editing information in Open exchange of information for Child Support customers.

Is there any sensitive information which needs to be edited to either party?

  • Yes:
    • Create a duplicate of the documents and block out this information
    • Different versions may need to be created for the applicant and the other party
    • Go to Step 6
  • No, go to step 6


Create the customer covering letter/s + Read more ...

Create covering letters for copies of submissions to the applicant and, if relevant, the other party to the debt.


Seek clearance + Read more ...

Email the recommendation and covering letters to the delegated Assistant Director/SSM – EL 1 for clearance. The email must include:

  • the customer's waiver request and supporting documentation
  • any evidence provided by the other party to the case
  • the waiver brief, if prepared by DCM
  • the waiver submission
  • the recommendation letter to Finance
  • the covering letter to the applicant and other party, if applicable
  • any edited submissions

In the Compensation/Waiver window:

Into the customer’s HP Content Manager/workload folder save the:

  • submission
  • covering letters
  • edited submissions, if relevant
  • any other supporting documentation


Check waiver submission document (CSPB AD/ExCCS SSM – EL 1) + Read more ...

Ensure the CSPB Program Officer or ExCCS Service Officer has:

  • addressed any issues raised by the waiver request
  • identified how the debt occurred
  • finalised any outstanding administrative action
  • reviewed the debt and undertaken any necessary debt correction work
  • prepared the waiver submission with accurate information:
    • adequately covering considerations of inequity and financial hardship
    • supported by facts and detail making it clear why the recommendation has been made
  • provided specific reasons why the debt - compared to similar debts:
    • is special enough to be waived, or
    • is not special enough to be waived

Allow for the 28 day timeframe. Provide feedback to the CSPB Program Officer or ExCCS Service Officer if required.

Email the CSPB Program Officer or ExCCS Service Officer to advise:

  • the waiver submission is cleared and
  • the proposed recommendation to Finance is endorsed


Provide feedback + Read more ...

Once the waiver submission is cleared by the Assistant Director/SSM – EL 1:

In the Compensation/Waiver window record that the feedback has been sent.

Store copies of feedback completed in the Staff Feedback tool in the workload folder for the waiver.


Forward waiver submission to CCT + Read more ...

Record - AD or SSM - EL 1 approval in the Compensation/Waiver window.

Route the Waiver Referral Required intray to:

  • Position: NONE

In the Compensation/Waiver window:

Email the:

  • CCT
  • AD/SSM - EL 1 who cleared the submission, and
  • applicant’s PSSO, if applicable

Include in the email:

  • the waiver submission
  • letter to Finance
  • customer letters
  • any copies of edited submissions and
  • any associated documents obtained during the investigation which should be provided to Finance

DCM bulk waiver submission

Table 6: this table contains the process for staff in CSP Branch to prepare bulk waiver submissions to Finance.




Analyse waiver request + Read more ...

Consider the waiver brief completed by DCM in accordance with Resource Management Guide No. 401: Requests for discretionary financial assistance under the PGPA Act (RMG 401),

A debt waiver may be appropriate for certain debts owing to or by a deceased customer because recovery of the debt would cause inequity.

Finance has provided in-principle approval for 2 bulk waiver processes for debts with the following characteristics:

  • The debt is owed to a customer who has died intestate, or
  • The debt is owed by a customer who has died, there is no collection avenue and the debt is owed to the Commonwealth only

Does this debt waiver request have these characteristics?


Review waiver brief + Read more ...

The waiver brief has been prepared by DCM who:

Deceased customer, died intestate

The debt may be:

  • an overpayment debt owed to a payer, or
  • a child support debt owed to a payee

Check the following information in the waiver brief and in Cuba:

  • Customer name
  • Customer CSID
  • Parent’s role
  • Case end date
  • Maintenance debt
  • Proposed waiver amount (should not include penalties that can be remitted)
  • Customer death confirmation source
  • Date of death
  • Confirmation the customer died intestate

Deceased customer, no collection avenue, debt owed to the Commonwealth only

This process is only for debts owed to the Commonwealth - consolidated revenue or costs and fines.

The debt may be owed by a deceased customer:

  • who died intestate, or
  • whose estate has concluded and there are no monies left to disburse

Check the following information in the waiver brief and in Cuba:

  • Customer name
  • Customer CSID
  • Parent’s role
  • Case end date
  • Commonwealth only debt
  • Proposed waiver amount – do not include penalties that can be remitted
  • Date of death
  • Whether the customer died intestate


Actions post review + Read more ...

Has the debt waiver review established the debt is suitable for inclusion in the bulk waiver submission?

  • Yes, the CSPB Program Officer is satisfied the debt meets the bulk waiver criteria:
    • add the debt to the relevant bulk waiver spreadsheet
    • save a copy of the email containing the waiver brief to the bulk waiver folder
    • go to Step 4
  • No, discuss with DCM. The resolution may include:
    • more investigation
    • deferring the debt for later consideration – establishing the customer is intestate can take some time, and/or
    • DCM asking the applicant to withdraw their waiver request. If the applicant insists on proceeding with the waiver progress it as an individual submission to Finance. Follow the process in Table 5 – Prepare waiver submission

Document storage

Store copies of the bulk waiver submission documents, including spreadsheets:

  • by date and debt category in HP Content Manager
  • under record number WG1.18.374 Child Support Debt Waiver and Act of Grace


Prepare bulk waiver submission for Finance (CSPB Program Officer) + Read more ...

Bulk waiver submissions are sent to the Finance quarterly.

Submissions are sent in October, January, April and July for the preceding quarter.

Draft covering letters to Finance for both bulk waiver categories.

Group the debts in by Finance delegations:

  • Debts less than $10,000
  • Debts $10,000 - $19,999
  • Debts $20,000 - $49,999
  • Debts greater than $50,000


Finalise the bulk waiver submission - 3 stages + Read more ...

Stage 1

CSPB Program Officer:

Forward to the delegated Assistant Director for clearance the:

  • bulk waiver submission spreadsheets and
  • covering letters

Save these documents into the HP Content Manager/workload folder

Prepare 1 covering letter and bulk waiver submission spreadsheet for each bulk waiver category and Finance delegation level.

Stage 2


  • Check the bulk waiver submission spreadsheets and covering letters:
    • include the correct debt amounts - broken down into both bulk waiver categories and
    • are grouped by Finance delegations
  • Email the ExCCS Service Officer advising the:
    • waiver bulk waiver submissions are cleared and
    • proposed recommendation to Finance is endorsed

Stage 3

CSPB Program Officer

Email CCT and CSP Branch AD:

  • the waiver bulk waiver submission spreadsheet and
  • cover letter to Finance

Send each bulk waiver submission in a separate email.

Referral and decision

Table 7: this table contains the process for the Customer Compensation Team (CCT) to advise Finance that a debt has been addressed administratively, referring a waiver submission to Finance and processing Finance's decision.




Should Finance be notified? + Read more ...

Has DCM, ExCCS or CSP Branch advised the debt has been addressed in full administratively or the applicant has requested to withdraw the waiver?


Notify Finance of administrative fix/withdrawal (CCT) + Read more ...

The debt waiver is no longer required when:

  • an administrative remedy is identified, or
  • the request has been withdrawn

CCT emails Finance with the relevant information:

  • The debt has or will be addressed fully through an administrative process. The request has been withdrawn
  • The customer:
    • was advised they need to exhaust their administrative options to have the debt removed or addressed. The request has been withdrawn. It may be reopened at a later date
    • elected to withdraw the waiver request

Copy the originating business area:

  • DCM, or
  • ExCCS or CSP Branch

Procedure ends here.


Send recommendation to Finance (CCT) + Read more ...

When a recommendation has been endorsed and sent to CCT email Finance:

  • the waiver submission/bulk waiver spreadsheet
  • covering letter to Finance
  • customer letters
  • relevant supporting evidence, including:
  • customer's request
  • Statement of Financial Details (Department of Finance)
  • comments or evidence provided by the other party to the case
  • any other evidence received

Copy originating business area – either:

  • ExCCS, or
  • CSP Branch

Post a covering letter and a copy of the recommendation to the:

  • applicant and
  • other party to the waiver, if applicable


Finalise and record recommendation (CCT) + Read more ...

In the Compensation/Waiver window update the waiver status

In the customer's SharePoint file, in PDF format, save all letters to:

  • Finance
  • the applicant, and
  • the other party to the waiver, if applicable


Manage queries from Finance + Read more ...

Finance may contact CCT:

  • seeking more information before making a decision, or
  • inviting Child Support to comment on evidence provided directly to them by the applicant or other party

Note: once Child Support has sent the waiver submission to Finance, customers must provide any additional evidence directly to them, not Child Support.

CCT seeks comment from the originating business area:

  • ExCCS and/or
  • CSP Branch

In the Compensation/Waiver window - ExCCS Service Officer records the request and response.

In the customer’s HP Content Manager/workload folder - CSPB Program Officer or ExCCS Service Officer saves the request and response.

In the waiver request SharePoint file - CCT documents requests from Finance and the response.


Record decision + Read more ...

Finance emails the CCT their decision in a letter in PDF format.

When received by CCT:

  • record the correspondence on the waiver request SharePoint file
  • email a copy to the originating business area:
    • ExCCS and/or
    • CSP Branch
  • copy in the SSM - ExCCS/AD - CSPB who approved the recommendation submission. This notifies them of the decision
  • on the Compensation/Waiver window notepad record the location of the Finance decision letter


Record decision + Read more ...

  • The ExCCS Service Officer saves a copy of the decision letter to Cuba
  • The CSPB Program Officer/ExCCS Service Officer saves a copy of the decision letter in the customer’s HP Content Manager/workload folder


Action Finance’s decision + Read more ...

If Finance declines the waiver request:

If Finance approves the waiver request or partly approves:

  • finalise the waiver with a status of WAIVER APPROVED or PART WAIVER APPROVED
  • email the originating business area:
    • ExCCS and/or
    • CSP Branch
  • copy in the SSM - EXCCS/ the AD - CSPB who approved the recommendation submission to notify them of the decision


Process the approved or partly approved waiver - CSPB Program Officer or ExCCS Service Officer + Read more ...

The number of cases with debt a customer has affects how waivers are processed.

Use the Discharge Irrecoverable Debt window must be used, unless there are multiple cases with a debt.

Customer has:

CSP Branch Program Officers must email DCM:

  • advising of the waiver decision
  • confirming the decision has been actioned in Cuba


Notify Finance - waiver processed + Read more ...

Email Finance to confirm:

  • the amount waived and
  • the date the waiver was actioned


Notify other party of the decision (CSPB Program Officer, ExCCS Service Officer) + Read more ...

Finance writes to the applicant to notify them of the decision.

Was the other party to the debt advised of the debt waiver request?


Notify other party of the decision + Read more ...

If the other party was advised of the debt waiver request they must be notified of Finance's decision.

CSPB Program Officer/ExCCS Service Officer prepare a letter

  • The CSPB - AD or SSM – EL 1 will:
  • proofread
  • approve, and
  • sign the letter

CSPB Program Officer or ExCCS Service Officer will:

  • send the approved and signed letter to the other party
  • store a copy in the customer’s HP Content Manager/workload folder
  • paste a copy of the letters into the other party’s Communication window
  • record as:
    • Category: COLLECTION
    • Issue: OTHER
  • Refer the customer to the owning business line for follow-up action. Follow the process in Customer referral guidelines