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Management of files sent to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) 277-09180030

This document outlines the process for preparing and despatching a file to the AAT when a:

  • request for a review of a Child Support objection
  • extension of time decision has been made

On this page:

File allocated to Service Officer

Collate relevant documents

Redact parts of relevant documents

Finalise file build process

Exception handling

Despatch file

File allocated to Service Officer

Table 1: this table describes the steps when allocating an AAT file.




Service Officer is allocated AAT file + Read more ...

The Service Officer allocated the AAT file to build needs to:

Update Database

Update to show the holding position of which AST Officer is building the file and their location.

  • From dropdown menu:
    • AST Officer, select Service Officer’s name
    • AST Officer site select Service Officer’s site
  • In Appeals Comments text box, add any additional comments

Document in Cuba

Document the holding position and location of the AST Officer who is building the AAT file.

Notepad subject: File preparation in progress

Notepad body: File being prepared by [insert first name] in [insert site].

Note: if the matter is a care appeal and cannot be loaded into the SSAT Maintenance window due to a known system error, continue the existing documentation in the Communications window. All future notes relating to this appeal, which would normally be added to the SSAT Maintenance window, are to be added to this notepad.

If a customer to the appeal has an invalid address on Cuba, undertake tracing activities.

If the address listed on the appeal application is different to that listed in Cuba, and the Tribunal or customer have not confirmed this is the correct postal address for service of appeal documents, call the customer to confirm. After confirming, update their details.


Review objections decision + Read more ...

To help create and compile the AAT file, read the Objection Statement of Reasons report. This will allow a full understanding of the decision under review, the information used or considered by the decision maker and documents required.

Note: the final AAT file must be sent to the AAT within 28 days of the date of the 'Request for statement' or any shorter timeframes as specified by the AAT.

If there is a problem with the Objection Decision or are other issues regarding case management or customer service, see Table 5.


Family and domestic violence + Read more ...

Check the case for information regarding family and domestic violence, including:

  • Family Violence / Sensitive Issues indicator
  • information (including Cuba notes) or communication indicating a history of violence between the parents
  • current family violence orders
  • intervention or restraining orders against one or both parents
  • either parent expressing concerns for the safety of themselves or their children

See Family and domestic violence.

In some cases, information that relates to family and domestic violence, or that is otherwise inflammatory, may be relevant to the appeal. Where appropriate, consider whether there are grounds to seek a non-disclosure order.

Note: the AST Mailbox will have advised the AAT at time of appeal lodgement if there was a family and domestic violence indicator on a Cuba record. This will also be recorded on the database.

At any later stage, if new information about family and domestic violence becomes available see Table 5.


Create initial file + Read more ...

Create the initial File which will form the basis of the final AAT file. This must include:

  • Record of Application
  • all evidence and attachments submitted by the applicant with their record of application
  • Objection Cover Letter issued to the Applicant. Include a screenshot of the Cuba letters list showing:
    • only these letters
    • the date they were issued
    • method (Central print, Local print, Online etc.)
  • Objection Cover Letter issued to the other party (if applicable). Include a screenshot of the Cuba letters list showing:
    • only these letters
    • the date they were issued
    • method (Central print, Local print, Online etc.)
  • Statement of Reasons report for the decision
  • Assessment notices generated because of the decision (if applicable)

Collate relevant documents

Table 2: this table describes the process for collating and preparing relevant documents to the AAT file.




Documents to be included in the AAT file + Read more ...

Every file has consistent Cuba screens, notepads, letters and documents that need to be included. These are a minimum requirement, include additional items if deemed to be relevant. See File preparation – All AAT Appeal Files.

All files must include the:

  • AAT application
  • initial decision
  • objection decision
  • post decision contact and developments

Note: only include contact/developments relevant to the issue which the AAT is considering.

There are also a handful of file specific Cuba screens, notepads, letters and documents to be included in addition to the standard depending on the type of decision being appealed.


Relevance + Read more ...

The agency’s obligation is to provide all relevant documents. As a guide, this means all documents, the original decision maker used, or could have used, to inform the decision being reviewed.

The role of the staff member creating the AAT file is to decide what documents, or parts of documents, are relevant.

Producing irrelevant documents to the AAT may breach the secrecy provisions of the child support law.

For help making relevance decision see Relevance support document.


Review objection file + Read more ...

Read the Statement of Reasons report to identify the decision under review and the information used or considered by the decision maker.

Any evidence or document listed in the Statement of Reasons must be included in the file.

Review HPE Content Manager for:

  • evidence or documents edited before Open Exchange of Information
  • responses to notices issued under Information Gathering Powers
  • external search results

If the information relevant to the decision under review is a paper record in storage, see Step 6


Review Cuba records + Read more ...

Use the relevant File preparation – specific appeal types to make sure all relevant information is identified.

Review Cuba records to identify any other relevant information. Print the following and add to the initial file:

  • relevant documents from the View Correspondence window
  • records of contact attempts relevant to the review
  • letters to the customers relevant to the decision under review, and
  • Cuba screens relevant to the review

Where it is necessary to establish whether a customer made contact, include a copy of the Customer Receipt Number window in the file.

Check the Feedback and Review activity (Complaints) and the CSA online Account windows for any relevant documents.

If the information relevant to the decision under review is a paper record in storage, see Step 6.


AUSTRAC records + Read more ...

AUSTRAC - Suspicious Matter Reports (SMR) must not be included in any AAT file. They cannot be disclosed to any court or tribunal and are not admissible as evidence.

If there is a reference to any AUSTRAC material within the decision subject to the appeal, escalate to a Service Support Officer (SSO).

The SSO must review AUSTRAC search results to make sure they do not contain an SMR/SUSTR – these must not be recorded in the system. If a record needs to be removed, take immediate action by sending an email the National ICS mailbox.

Full details regarding AUSTRAC disclosure of information can be found on the Resources page.


Retrieve records from batchfiling + Read more ...

If applicable gather documents from batchfiling by completing the Create, Transfer or Retrieve a Corporate File webform in mySupport.

  • Documents retrieved from batch filing or archives will be in either electronic or paper form. They may take several weeks to arrive. Determine if the document is essential and discuss the matter with an SSO/PSM
  • Continue to complete the file within 28 days of the AAT's 'Request for statement' email or any other timeframe specified by the AAT
  • Documents received after the timeframe can be provided to the AAT after the initial file is dispatched


Translation of documents + Read more ...

A customer may send in documents that are in a foreign language which may be relevant to the appeal.

Check Cuba to see if a translated copy has already been requested and received.

If a translated copy cannot be located make a translation request as soon as possible. See Translation of documents.

Record what documents have requested to be translated in the appeal record.

Record when translated documents are received and send a copy to Cuba.


Organise file + Read more ...

The documents are saved electronically in the AST shared drive using the agreed naming convention. This is to make sure that when the files are combined into a single PDF document they will be in the correct order.

The agreed correct order for files lodged with the AAT as at 1 July 2015, see Order of file content in File Preparation - all AAT Appeal Files.


Documentation + Read more ...

As a general rule it will not be necessary for staff to document in Cuba what information has been included in the AAT file.

However, if Service Officer decides that certain information is relevant where it would ordinarily not be considered relevant (e.g., documents not listed at Step 1), they must outline the reason for including the information on the Exit Document.

Redact parts of relevant documents

Table 3: this table describes the process for applying redactions to documents.




Prepare file for redaction + Read more ...

Consider the Preparing documents for disclosure to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and identify if there is any information that is relevant to the review of the decision, but which may require redaction. See Table 5 for more information.


Relevance + Read more ...

The agency’s obligation is to provide all relevant documents. As a guide, this means all documents, the original decision maker used, or could have used, to inform the decision being reviewed.

Exclude documents, and parts of documents, which are clearly irrelevant to, or could have no reasonable bearing on, the decision to be made. Only redact the irrelevant part of a document if redacting will not destroy or make the balance of the document misleading.

In general, the following standard confidential information should be redacted or removed from the file:

  • Information about a person (other than a party) that is not related in anyway to the decision under review
  • TFN and Passport number
  • CRN and CSID identification number
  • Bank account numbers (other than the last 4 digits)
  • Residential address
  • Email address
  • Telephone numbers
  • Employer address

The role of the staff member creating the AAT file is to decide what documents, or parts of documents, are relevant.

Producing irrelevant documents, or parts of documents to the AAT may breach the secrecy provisions of the child support law.

For help making relevance decision see Relevance support document.


Mark redactions on file + Read more ...

Use Adobe to mark parts of the documents that are not relevant, for redaction. See Building a file using Adobe Professional X1.

The final AAT file is the file that will be sent to the AAT and parties to the review. It is edited and reviewed to make sure all relevant documents are included, and irrelevant and sensitive information has been removed (where appropriate).

The Service Officer will check the final file/documents for information that needs to be redacted. To prevent a privacy breach, make sure all personal information has been removed or considered for exception handling, including:

  • non-parent carer income information (except where this is relevant in a decision, e.g., COA)
  • names of relevant dependent children and any other children not relevant to the assessment (except if relevant to the AAT appeal)
  • details of other case/s - the case number, other parent's name, child/ren's name/s and statements not relevant to the review
  • location information within documents (e.g. bank statements) except where relevant
  • non-relevant conversations and/or notepads
  • financial information not relevant to the decision because it is not within time periods relevant to the decision
  • financial information of third parties – this is rarely relevant to the review unless there are family businesses, companies, trusts or partnerships where a person's money is being funnelled to reduce their income
  • other personal information that is displayed on financial information that is not relevant to the decisions (e.g., locations or store names etc.)
  • information in file notes of conversations that is not relevant to the review – e.g., there might be some personal information disclosed in phone calls with the agency that are file noted but irrelevant to the decision under review
  • other information that is not relevant to the review

For help on irrelevant information that needs redacting, see Relevance support document.

Once the file is completed the Service Officer must review the file to make sure:

  • redactions have been applied correctly
  • no relevant content is missing, and
  • all included content is relevant


Documentation + Read more ...

As a general rule it will not be necessary for staff to document in Cuba what information has been included in the AAT file.

However, if Service Officer decides that certain information is relevant where it would ordinarily not be considered relevant (e.g., documents not listed in File preparation – All AAT Files), they must outline the reason for including the information on the Exit Document.

Finalise file build process

Table 4: this table describes the process of finalising the file build.




Full file check (Service Officer) + Read more ...

Complete a check on the final AAT file by:

  • making sure all relevant information used to make the decision is included
  • assessing the relevance of the information included in the file by understanding and forming a view about the scope of the decision under review and record the decision regarding relevance
  • using the relevant File preparation - specific appeal types to make sure all the relevant documents are included in the AAT file
  • including any additional relevant documents and/or remove any non-relevant documents
  • checking that all documents have been edited in accordance with Prepare final AAT file above
  • checking there is no information included which may constitute a potential privacy incident or breach of the secrecy provisions
  • checking the file is in date order
  • complete the AAT Document Exit Check request

If additional documents or information is considered relevant beyond those normally required as listed in File preparation – specific appeal types, document the reason consider the additional document relevant and why they are included.

Document in Cuba

Document the holding position and location of the AST Officer who is building the AAT file.

Notepad subject: File build completed.

Notepad body: File build completed by [insert first name] in [insert site].

Update Database

Update the database to show which AST Officer completed the file build.

In the File Building section:

  • File Build Officer, select Service Officer’s name
  • Site, select Service Officer’s site
  • Completed, enter the date file build was completed


Secondary checking + Read more ...

Escalate appeals that are deemed to be high risk to an SSO for a secondary

A high risk customer/case can be identified by the following:

  • Current PS management
  • RACS arrangements
  • Family and Domestic Violence indicator
  • Self-harm threat within the last 12 months or relevant to the appeal
  • Previous upheld privacy breaches
  • Sensitive indicator files, including DCM, emergency response, security incident
  • Any case that may require exception handling, such as where relevant material includes Ombudsman/Ministerial content, documents of a sensitive nature (e.g. medical issues, witness protection, evidence from children or conflict between the parents) or a history of FDV

Note: a Service Officer may send a file for secondary check that has unusual circumstances and does not meet the above requirements, in consultation with their SSO/Team Leader. A Team Leader may also determine a Service Officer’s file needs to be secondary checked while building proficiency.

If the Service Officer has found reason why a secondary check is not required for a particular case, this needs to be identified on the AAT Exit Check Request. An SSO may determine a secondary check is not required and will leave a note in Cuba explaining the decision, otherwise they will complete the secondary check.

Update the database and document in Cuba the need for a secondary check.

Is a secondary check required?

Update database

Update to show which AST Officer completed the build.

In the Secondary Checking section:

  • Secondary Check Officer, select No Check
  • Site select, Service Officer’s site
  • Completed, key the date file build was completed

Document in Cuba

Update to reflect no secondary check required, the AST Officer that completed the build, location and date.

Notepad subject: File build complete - No Secondary Check required

Notepad body: File build has been completed and placed in National Workload Allocation - Lodgement folder

Go to Step 5


Secondary check required + Read more ...

Place the file and Exit document in the National Workload Allocation – Checking folder.

Document in Cuba

Update to reflect secondary check required, the AST Officer that completed the build, location and date.

Notepad subject: File build complete

Notepad body: Secondary Check Required.
File build has been completed and sent for secondary check. File has been placed in National Workload Allocation – Checking folder.


Secondary Checks (SSO) + Read more ...

Complete a check on the final AAT file by:

  • making sure all relevant information used to make the decision is included
  • assessing the relevance of the information included in the file by understanding and forming a view about the scope of the decision under review
  • using the relevant File preparation - specific appeal types to make sure all the relevant documents are included in the AAT file
  • including any additional relevant documents and/or remove any non-relevant documents (or parts of documents)
  • checking that all documents have been edited in accordance with Prepare final AAT file above
  • checking there is no information included which may constitute a potential privacy incident
  • checking the file is in date order, and
  • signing off the AAT Document Exit Request, update Cuba and the AAT database

Using Verint complete the transactional quality check for the AST Secondary Check. Answer all relevant questions in the form and make sure a copy is supplied to both the Service Officer and the Team Leader. If the file needs extra work or a complete rebuild return it to the Service Officer and inform the Team Leader.

Note: if a non-disclosure application is required, see Table 5.

Update Database

Secondary check allocated, update to show the holding position of the AST SSO conducting the secondary check and their location.

  • In the Secondary Checking section:
    • Secondary Check Officer: select SSO’s name
    • Site: select SSO site

Secondary check completed, update to show the secondary check is complete:

In the Secondary Checking section:

  • Complete, key the date file build was completed
  • Tick if:
    • Full Compliance Check Completed, and/or
    • Non Disclosure Application Required

Document in Cuba

Secondary check allocated, add a document to show the AST SSO conducting secondary check and their location:

  • Notepad subject: File Check in progress
  • Notepad body: Secondary check in progress with [insert USERID or first name] in Melbourne/Brisbane

Secondary check completed, add a document to reflect the check is complete:

  • Notepad subject: File check completed
  • Notepad body: Secondary File check completed and has been placed in the National Workload Allocation - Lodgement folder

If additional documents or information is considered relevant beyond those normally required as listed in File preparation – specific appeal types, document the reason consider the additional document relevant and why they are included.


Complete final AAT file + Read more ...

Apply redactions to the file using Adobe. Complete a final check of the file after saving and re-opening to make sure redaction have applied correctly.

Apply page numbers to the file using Adobe using:

  • Font: Arial Black Bold
  • Size: 12
  • Position: Right Footer Text

After completing the relevant checks, the Service Officer/SSO places the appeal and exit document in the Lodgement Folder of the National Workload Allocation folder in the shared drive ready for lodgement.

Documents still being considered under a non-disclosure application must not be included in the file. If the AAT direct document to be fully or partially disclosed, these documents will be sent as per the directions of the non-disclosure decision, at a later date with successive pagination.

Exception handling

Table 5: this table describes the process for identifying case where additional action is required to be taken.




Exception handling + Read more ...

Exception handling is the process of identifying cases that need additional actions to be taken outside of the routine AAT review process. The action required will fall into the following categories:

  • Documents relating to an Ombudsman or Ministerial investigation
  • The Service Officer identifies a problem with the objection decision or there are issues regarding case management or customer service
  • There is something unusual about the case, application or objection decision. It may be appropriate for the Senior Advisor to make written and/or oral submissions to the AAT about these issues
  • There is a history of family and domestic violence, or a Family Violence order. See Family and domestic violence
  • There is Single Touch Payroll information referenced in the objection decision or stored in records that may be relevant
  • There are documents or parts of documents which are confidential or sensitive, but may be relevant to the appeal and may require a non-disclosure application, e.g.:
    • medical issues
    • witness protection
    • evidence from children
    • conflict between the parents

The above list is a guide only. If a Service Officer is unsure whether exception handling is required, seek advice from an SSO or Team Leader.


Information relating to an Ombudsman or Ministerial investigation + Read more ...

Documents relating to an Ombudsman or Ministerial investigation should not be included in the AAT file unless it is directly related to the decision under review. In these situations, if the Service Officer considers that information relating to an Ombudsman or Ministerial investigation is relevant to the review, they should first consult with the SSO/Team Leader.

The SSO/Team Leader will contact External Complaints via their mailbox to advise the information may be sent to the AAT and both parties.

External Complaints will liaise with relevant stakeholders to determine if a non-disclosure application should be lodged with the AAT due to the sensitivity of the information.


Problem with the objection decision or other issues + Read more ...

Service Officers who identify a problem with the objection decision, or issues regarding case management or customer service need discuss these with their SSO/Team Leader as soon as possible to discuss the best resolution.

Resolution may include:

  • correcting errors
  • other administrative resolutions (e.g. customer contact, re-issuing of letters)

If correcting an error on the case will affect the decision under review, the AAT will need to be notified of the outcome and changes.


Family and Domestic Violence + Read more ...

The AST Mailbox will have advised the AAT at time of appeal lodgement if there was a family and domestic violence indicator on a Cuba record. This will also be recorded on the database.

At any later stage, if new information about family and domestic violence becomes available, it can be provided to the AAT if:

  • there is information or communication indicating a history of violence between the parents which may affect their conduct during the AAT hearing
  • there is a current family violence order in place
  • there is an intervention or restraining order against one or both parents
  • either parent has expressed concerns for the safety of themselves or their children
  • Services Australia obtained or became aware of the information within the last 2 years

In this instance the AST Service Officer must escalate the matter to their SSO or Team Leader.

For more information on family and domestic violence see:


Single Touch Payroll (STP) Information + Read more ...

STP information cannot be used to make decisions affecting a customer’s eligibility or entitlement without a secondary confirmation source.

If an objection decision references STP, or there is STP data stored in Cuba or other records that may be relevant, consult an SSO or Team Leader.


Identify if non-disclosure application necessary (Service Officer) + Read more ...

If the Service Officer thinks personal, sensitive or confidential information may be relevant to the review, they must discuss this with an SSO. The SSO needs to consider whether a non-disclosure application is needed. E.g., a customer’s address may help the tribunal make a decision about the care of the child or the fact that a parent was not notified of a certain decision.

Consider the Guidelines for the preparation of documents to the AAT. Determine what action is potentially necessary regarding the documents identified for a non-disclosure application.

If there is sensitive information that is relevant (including information relating to ombudsman or ministerial investigation), the Service Officer:

  • liaises with their SSO about whether a non-disclosure application is needed
  • records a note in the Exit Document, explaining why the information is sensitive, relevant and should not be disclosed to the parties


Non-disclosure application request considered (SSO) + Read more ...

The SSO will consider whether a non-disclosure application is needed.

The SSO will determine if contact with the customer is required to explain the process of disclosing documents during the AAT process or consultation with the customer is otherwise needed.

The SSO will assess the Service Officer’s exception handling request within 72 hours of allocation of the file and determine if a non-disclosure application is appropriate. The SSO may seek advice from a Program Support Manager (PSM).

Note: if a document has already been exchanged with the other party, this may negate the need for a non-disclosure request. The SSO should seek advice from a PSM is there is any uncertainty.

The SSO will advise the Service Officer of the outcome and note their decision in the exit sheet.

Is a non-disclosure application needed?


Non-disclosure application (SSO) + Read more ...

The SSO will determine if the information is both 'relevant' and 'sensitive' and they will make a non-disclosure application.

The SSO will:

Note: do not send any part of the non-disclosure application or copies of the documents which are the subject of the application to the customers.

Update database

Update to reflect the application for non-disclosure is proceeding and which document type it is applicable to.

  • From the 37(1AF) Application dropdown menu, select either:
    • s37(1) Request for Statement, or
    • s38aa Review File

Document in Cuba

Create a document in Cuba to reflect that a non-disclosure application has been made.

Notepad subject: Non-Disclosure App Submitted

Notepad body: s37(1AF) Application

Application for Non-Disclosure under section 37(1AF) sent to the AAT via BlueZone on [insert date] @ [insert time]

Bluezone: [insert number of pages] on [insert date] at [insert time]

Saved in HPE Content Manager as: [insert appeal number] – [insert appeal number] CSA [insert case number] ([insert date- YYYYMMDD insert action])

Examples for HPE Content Manager

2021AB012345 - 2021-AB012345_CSA_12121212 (20230710 Application)

2021AB012345 - 2021-AB012345_CSA_12121212 – (20230710 Marked for redaction)


AAT advise outcome of the non-disclosure application + Read more ...

The AAT will consider the application and email a direction to Child Support.

The AAT can make a direction of:

  • full disclosure
  • partial disclosure, or
  • non-disclosure

The AST mailbox administrator will:

  • receipt directions of AAT in the SSAT Maintenance Window

Select the disclosure direction provided.

Full or partial disclosure directions + Read more ...

The SSO will:

Update database

Update to reflect the 37(1AF) non-disclosure outcome

From the 37(1AF) Application section fill in the following fields:

  • Direction received outcome
  • Direction outcome
  • Docs sent date – only applicable if partial/full disclosure outcome

Document in Cuba

Update to reflect the 37(1AF) non-disclosure outcome.

Notepad subject: 37(1AF) Non-Disclosure Outcome

Notepad body:

Full disclosure or Partial disclosure.

A copy of this decision can be found in view correspondence.

Partial/full disclosure outcome:

37(1AF) Non-Disclosure has been finalised and sent to the AAT via BlueZone on (insert date) @ (insert time)

Bluezone: [insert number of pages] on [insert date] at [insert time]

Saved in HPE Content Manager as: [insert appeal number] – [insert appeal number] CSA [insert case number] ([insert date- YYYYMMDD insert action])

Examples for HPE Content Manager

2021AB012345 - 2021-AB012345_CSA_12121212 (20230720 AAT Direction)

2021AB012345 - 2021-AB012345_CSA_12121212 (20230726 Direction Actioned)

2021AB012345 - 2021-AB012345_CSA_12121212 (20230726 Marked for redaction)

Non-disclosure directions + Read more ...

The SSO will:

Update database

Update to reflect the 37(1AF) non-disclosure outcome

From the 37(1AF) Application section fill in the following fields:

  • Direction received outcome
  • Direction outcome

Document in Cuba

Update to reflect the 37(1AF) non-disclosure outcome.

Notepad subject: 37(1AF) Non-Disclosure Outcome

Notepad body:

Non-disclosure direction received.

A copy of this decision can be found in view correspondence.

No documents release to the customer as per direction.

Examples for HPE Content Manager

2021AB012345 - 2021-AB012345_CSA_12121212 (20230720 AAT Direction)

2021AB012345 - 2021-AB012345_CSA_12121212 (20230726 Direction Actioned)

2021AB012345 - 2021-AB012345_CSA_12121212 (20230726 Marked for redaction)


Exception handling not needed + Read more ...

The SSO will:

  • complete the sign off exception handling form
  • detail the outcome in a notepad in the SSAT Maintenance window
  • update the AAT database

Despatch file

Table 6: this table describes the steps to send the final AAT file to the AAT and copies to the parties involved in the review.




Preparing the file for despatch to the customer(s) + Read more ...

Create letters

Prepare the covering letter to the applicant (MX19-1). If there is a respondent to the AAT review, prepare the covering letter to the respondent (MX20-1). These will print locally. See Letters Cuba Process Help.

Issue letters and file to customer(s)

  • Create double sided copies of the final AAT file. One copy for each party of the review. For some appeal types there is only one party
  • Hole punch the documents, including the covering letter to the applicant (MX19-1) and covering letter to the respondent (MX20-1). Secure them with a plastic tube clip
  • Stick the plastic tube clip to a blank sheet of paper at the bottom of the bundle

Send the files Registered Mail. These files must be double enveloped.

Note: if the customer is RACS level 1, 2 or 3, check with the case manager or owning team to confirm mailing arrangements.

If either parent is on tracing or if the file is returned unclaimed, notify the AAT by email and undertake customer location activities. Document any tracing action taken in Cuba.


Submit final AAT file to the AAT + Read more ...

The final AAT file is submitted to the tribunal via Bluezone (FTP server).

Prepare the 37(1) Statements and Documents coversheet and save it in PDF format. Save the coversheet as the first document in the bundle to be submitted to the AAT. The AAT file must be submitted to the AAT via Bluezone within 28 days of the ‘Request for statement’ being received or any other timeframe specified by the AAT.

Save the file to HPE Content Manager.

After updating the database and documenting in Cuba, no further action is required until notification of the scheduled hearing date is received from the AAT.

Update Database

Update to reflect the AST Officer who completed the lodgement.

In the Lodgement officer section:

  • Lodgement Officer, select Officer Name
  • Site select Officer’s site
  • Completed enter the date file was sent to the AAT
  • Total Number of Pages enter the number of paginated pages

Document in Cuba

Cuba updated to reflect each stage:

  • Bluezone
  • Customer copies posted
  • Electronic record location
  • Page numbering


  • Notepad subject: File sent to AAT s37(1)
  • Notepad body: AAT s371(1) File uploaded to AAT via Bluezone xx.xx hrs

Customer copies posted

  • Notepad subject: Customer copies sent s37(1)
  • Notepad body:

AAT s37(1) Customer copies sent via Registered Post.

Applicant: [Name]

Post tracking number: [Tracking Number]

Respondent: [Name]

Post tracking number: [Tracking Number]

Electronic record location

  • Notepad subject: Electronic Record
  • Notepad body:

Redacted and paginated file relating to this case lodged and saved to HPE:

HPE: 2022xx22 - 2022-MC02xx22_CSA_335

Page numbering

  • Notepad subject: Page Numbering
  • Notepad body: s37(1) 1 - 346


Returned mail + Read more ...

If delivery of documents has been unsuccessful, they will be returned to the Appeals Support Team. On receipt of returned documents check if the AAT decision has been made.

Has the AAT decision been made?

  • Yes, securely destroy the documents and document in Cuba
  • No, go to Step 4


Returned mail – AAT decision not made + Read more ...

Advise the AAT

Advise the AAT the details of the documents that have been returned including:

  • Name of Customer
  • Tracking Number
  • Attempted Delivery Address
  • Type of Documents returned

Store Documents

Store document in a secure location.

Document on Cuba

Document in the Appeal record that the documents have been returned.

AAT Advise of new postal address

The AAT may advise of a new address to send documents to. Do not update Cuba with this address.

  • Retrieve the documents from secure storage and despatch to the customer with a new tracking number
  • Update Cuba with the new tracking details and tell the AAT the new details

AAT cannot provide new address

If the AAT is unsuccessful in obtaining a new address, attempt to contact the customer to update their address.

If customer contact is not successful and the address in Cuba is Invalid, undertake tracing activities.