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Customer location (tracing) 277-01050000

This document outlines the process to locate current address and contact details for customers in Australia and overseas. This process is also known as tracing.

Importance of having correct customer contact details

Having correct customer contact details ensures Child Support:

  • customers get the information they need, when they need it
  • can help customers manage their child support responsibilities
  • can effectively collect money for children
  • are reducing costs to the community in wasted postage, stationery and time, and
  • display professionalism by treating customer information with respect

Note: Cuba will not release a letter to be viewed by the customer via the CS Online/myGov without a valid address recorded, even where the customer has requested correspondence be sent via online only

When customer location is required

Customer location is required in the following situations:

  • Application for assessment if the applicant cannot provide the other customer's address details
  • Returned Unclaimed Mail (RUM) if an intray generates because mail sent to the customer's address is returned to Child Support
  • Reactive identification if a customer is already on tracing and (for customers overseas) information obtained from the Department of Home Affairs or another source indicates the customer is outside Australia
  • Proactive identification if Child Support has sufficient reason to believe the customer's address has changed. Note: these need to be considered with the overall information available on the case. For example:
    • there is no recent payment history
    • letters have been sent to last known address
    • there is no returned unclaimed mail
    • the other customer or correctional services contacts Child Support to advise the customer has moved
    • an Equifax search or another third party indicates there is a different address for the customer
    • an Austrac search or other third party information indicates there is a different overseas address for the customer
  • Transmittal (payer overseas) if Child Support needs to confirm the payer's location in order to establish their jurisdiction of residence prior to transmitting a liability for enforcement
  • Residency if a customer has left Australia or a customer has moved between 2 overseas jurisdictions and the contact information is no longer correct
  • Proactive customer location activities if a customer's address is marked as invalid on Cuba and identified via:
    • a report of customers with a Tracing indicator
    • allocation of a Tracing intray
    • the Debt Collection Ranking window
  • For New Zealand 'In' and 'Out' requests as outlined below

New Zealand 'In' Pre-Transmittal request

New Zealand Inland Revenue Child Support (NZIRCS) sends Child Support customer location requests via a spreadsheet. These customer location requests are completed by Service Officers in the International Central Authority (CA) team.

  • NZIRCS may request customer location only or also request Child Support to determine a payer's Australian habitual residency (Pre Transmittal)
  • New Zealand 'In' Pre Transmittal request information must be recorded in the NZ - International tracing macro to ensure consistent presentation of data provided to NZIRCS

Note: under the Australia - New Zealand Agreement, for a case to be transmitted Child Support must have first determined the payer is habitually resident in Australia.

New Zealand 'Out' customer location request (payer resident in New Zealand and payee resident in Australia)

Child Support sends a spreadsheet of tracing requests to NZIRCS.

If NZ 'In' Pre Transmittal request check Cuba (International Central Authority team).

If the customer is overseas (excluding New Zealand), check Department of Home Affairs records.

In all other circumstances, attempt customer contact to confirm details.


Service Officer (APS4)

Accept information from TSF or CIDC search results

APS6 or above

Approve the issuing of Customer Location letters

All authorising officers must update the notepad, see Documentation Cuba Process Help in the Individual Customer Details window.

The Resources page contains links to pre-approved letter text, macro, related resources, information about privacy when contacting customers and a list of websites to assist with customer location searches.

Central Authority Address Listing for Child Support International customers

Child Support's information gathering powers

Contact with Child Support customers

Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support

Debt repayment

Deceased Child Support customer management

Direct requests for information from Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)

Documenting Child Support information

External searches guide

Legal notice for Child Support access to Australian Taxation Office (ATO) data and systems

New Zealand 'In' case management - Registrations between Inland Revenue, New Zealand and Child Support

Transmittal of Child Support information (excluding New Zealand)

Customer records Cuba Process Help

Documentation Cuba Process Help

Residency Cuba Process Help

Residency decisions for Child Support customers

Section 120/161 notice Cuba Process Help