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Customer location (tracing) 277-01050000

This document outlines the process to locate current address and contact details for customers in Australia and overseas. This process is also known as tracing.

On this page:

Check for customer record using New Zealand Inland Revenue Child Support (NZIRCS)

Check Department of Home Affairs records for customer movement and location

Attempt customer contact to confirm details

Initial investigation of available records for customer location

Types of searches available for customers

Intensive searches to locate customer contact information

Verifying customer details found after searches conducted

Finalise the customer location activity

Check for customer record using New Zealand Inland Revenue Child Support (NZIRCS)

Table 1




Check Cuba for the existing customer record + Read more ...

These steps must be followed for NZ 'In' Pre Transmittal requests only.

Using the customer information provided by NZIRCS, for an existing customer record see Customer records Cuba process help.

Note: there must be a match on a minimum of the first 3 search criteria.

Additional matches can be used to confirm identification:

  • any reference numbers - Case, TFN, CRN, CSRN or IRD
  • the customer's:
    • current and previous first and surnames (including maiden names)
    • address
    • first name and a surname of unknown (this may identify customers who were children in a previous case)
    • date of birth

Is a customer record located?


Customer record located + Read more ...

Was the case previously returned to NZIRCS as:
non collectable - check the International Transmittals window withdrawal record notepad, or
non traceable - check the payee’s Individual Customer Details window in the closed case for a 'NZ IN CASE, DO NOT TOUCH, NEW ZEALAND' indicator in the 'Address' field?

  • Yes, provide the return date to NZIRCS on the New Zealand daily exchange spreadsheet found in the NZ folder (located on Hobart's shared drive in the folder titled INT). Procedure ends here
  • No, see Table 2


Customer record not located + Read more ...

Create a new customer record, see Customer records Cuba process help

Note: if customer information is available in Centrelink system and successful data match occurs, this information will generally transfer overnight.

See the External Information Address window, External Information Phone window or Centrelink - Child Support information exchange.

Check Department of Home Affairs records for customer movement and location

Table 2




Conduct Department of Home Affairs search + Read more ...

These steps must be followed for overseas customers and New Zealand 'In' Pre Transmittal requests only.

Conduct a search for the customer using the Department of Home Affairs Movements Reconstruction database (MR). For NZ ‘In’ Pre Transmittal request use the customer’s name and date of birth provided by New Zealand Inland Revenue Child Support (NZIRCS).

Document the results of the search in the customer’s Communication window.

Note: (NZ ‘In’ Pre Transmittal request) if there is an existing customer record and the customer had the role of payer document the results of the Department of Home Affairs search in the Payer Collection window.

Record the results in the NZ - International tracing macro.

If the Department of Home Affairs search provides:


Request Department of Home Affairs PAX card + Read more ...

PAX cards are filled in by passengers when entering Australia and also departing Australia if the movement is before 1 July 2017.

Request a PAX card if an arrival movement record is located, whether in to or out of Australia.

Note: for NZ ‘In’ Pre Transmittal requests, only request a PAX card if the customer arrived or departed less than 6 months ago. This will determine the intention or purpose and temporary versus permanent relocation.

If the above does not apply, see Step 1 in Table 5.

See the External searches guide for instructions about making a Department of Home Affairs passenger (PAX) Card Request.


Incoming Passenger Card Information + Read more ...

An Incoming Passenger Card provides information about the customer’s contact details while in Australia and their intended length of stay.

Document all the details shown on the requested card using the Customer Arriving Into Australia Cuba Recording template in the Individual Customer Details DIBP window.

Record the results in the NZ - International tracing macro.


Outgoing Passenger Card Information + Read more ...

An Outgoing Passenger Card provides information about the customer’s intention when departing Australia. This is only available where the departure movement is for a period prior to 1 July 2017.

Document all the details shown on the requested card using the Customer Departing From Australia Cuba Recording template in the Individual Customer Details window.

Record the results in the NZ - International tracing macro.

If the results indicate that the customer is residing in a different jurisdiction, a residency decision may need to be considered, see Residency decision for Child Support customer.

Note: do not proceed beyond this point before creating a customer record, because prior to ATO searches being conducted an ATO legal notice needs to be issued electronically.

Attempt customer contact to confirm details

Table 3




Attempt phone contact with customer + Read more ...

Contact the customer using all phone numbers, see Contact with Child Support customer:

  • Check current and previous phone numbers in the Individual Customer Details window, the phone number may still be accurate, especially mobile numbers. If the phone number is no longer accurate, the person who answers the phone may be able to provide contact details or details of someone who can
  • Check the Payer Employer Relationship window - customers may be contactable at work or the employer may have contact details for the customer. Previous employers may also have contact details
  • Check information gathered from third party responses, ATO, Centrelink or The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), and
  • Contact the customer’s authorised representative (if applicable) to ask for the customer’s contact details

Protect the customer’s privacy when speaking to any third parties.

Note: the customer’s phone number may also be identified in Table 4. If a new phone number is found, try to contact the customer again.


Results of the contact attempts + Read more ...

If customer contact is:

  • successful, see Table 7
  • unsuccessful after locating a phone number identified in Investigate, and
    • an address was found, see Table 7
    • an address was not found, see Table 6
  • unsuccessful, go to Step 3


Contact the other customer + Read more ...

Contact the other customer to ask if they have contact information for the customer, for example phone numbers, previous and/or current address details.

When speaking to the other customer protect the customer’s privacy.

If contact details are provided, go to Step 1, otherwise see Table 4.

Initial investigation of available records for customer location

Table 4




Cuba records available + Read more ...

The following Cuba windows may provide contact information:

  • Payer Collection window - may contain information relating to previous customer searches or third parties who may be able to provide contact details. Use the find function to 'show all collection actions'
  • Notes window - communication records, registration interviews and other notepads may provide information

Centrelink data is exchanged nightly. Updated Centrelink records will be transmitted to Child Support overnight and be available on Cuba the following day. For details see External Information Address window, External Information Phone window or Centrelink - Child Support information exchange.


Searching external records + Read more ...

See the External searches guide for more information.

ATO Systems - tax returns, BAS statements and employment declarations may provide phone numbers and address details.

Note: phone numbers listed in the customer’s tax return can often be for their tax agent. The tax agent may be able to provide the customer’s current contact details.

Only use the residential address on a customer’s income tax return. Do not use the postal address as it may be the address of the customer’s tax agent.

Issue an electronic ATO legal notice prior to accessing ATO systems, see the Individual Customer Details window help.

  • current or past employers: available via ATO information, and
  • other third parties, business partners

A source of CIDC is identified using TSF or the External Information window, Service Officer APS4 approval is required. This is because this information is provided by third parties and therefore may not be correct.

ATO information includes a CIDC confidence indicator. The confidence indicator is the ATO’s confidence level that the information provided by a third party is information related to this customer. The TFN, name, address and date of birth attached to the CIDC record are displayed next to the details shown on Cuba to assist with making an assessment. See Approving customer location information for the referral process. Confirm with financial institutions, superannuation funds or employers to verify the ATO source of information is correct.


Contacting third parties for information + Read more ...

If contact with a financial institution is required, see Banks and organisations.

Do not phone financial institutions to obtain contact details.

To maximise the chances of successfully obtaining information from a third party via phone see Child Support’s information gathering powers and follow these principles:

  • be discreet and tactful when making enquiries. Do not intrude upon the affairs of the person contacted
  • use a friendly approach
  • ensure you are both speaking about the same person
  • if necessary, politely prompt them for more information
  • when seeking a current address, consider the following:
    • the customer may be using a different name (maiden, previous or assumed) which may be noted on the original application or ATO or Centrelink records, and
    • check that Child Support have the correct date of birth recorded for the customer. Confirm using Cuba and ATO systems
  • listen carefully
  • take complete notes, and
  • at the end of the call confirm the information received and thank the person for their time

Protect the customer’s privacy when speaking to a third party.

If a third party refuses to provide contact information for the customer over the phone issue 1 of the following notices:

  • section 161 notice - to obtain information for the purposes of making and varying child support assessments, or
  • section 120 notice - to obtain information for the purposes of collecting child support


Results of the searches + Read more ...

If a phone number is found, try to contact the customer again, see Table 3.

If a current address is not located:

  • check the customer’s address details as Invalid in the Individual Customer Details window
  • document the reason in a note on the Individual Customer Details window
  • if the customer is a payer with arrears, record the customer location outcome in the Payer Collection window, and
  • see Table 6

If a current address is located, see Table 5.

Types of searches available for customers

Table 5




ATO records searches + Read more ...

If a Cuba record has not been located for the payer NZIRCS is seeking information on, the initial ATO search must be conducted via Cuba. This is to ensure an electronic legal notice is issued to the Australian Taxation Office prior to accessing ATO systems, see List Customer window help.

Record the results in the NZ - International tracing macro.

Ensure a legal notice is also issued to the Australian Taxation Office for payers with an existing Cuba record, see Legal notice for Child Support access to ATO data and systems. Use the External searches guide to conduct the following searches:

  • AIS, use the customer name and date of birth provided by NZIRCS to locate the customers tax file number (TFN). Note any contact information recorded, that is address and phone numbers. The ICP ‘Client Search’ function can also be used to locate a customer TFN.
    Note: do not record the customer TFN on the New Zealand daily exchange spreadsheet
  • ICP (ICP Instruction Sheet), for customer incomes as requested by NZIRCS. Note any contact information located. ICP can be used to search for taxable income information for any tax assessments lodged from 2010
  • ADD and TSF, for customer incomes as requested by NZIRCS. Note any contact information located

NTS will not display incomes lodged from 2010 onwards, see ICP.

  • STAC, to confirm previously located and noted customer contact information
  • Corporate Applications, for recent employment declarations. If the customer has an active role of payer in an existing case, also record any recent employment declaration details into the Payer Collection window

Note: if there have been a number of declarations signed recently, more than 1 declaration may be recorded.


Electronic White Pages search + Read more ...

Use the External searches guide to search the White Pages to confirm previously located customer contact information.


Results of the searches + Read more ...

Record the results in the NZ - International tracing macro.

If a customer record:

  • exists in Cuba, see Table 8 to update contact details. Make sure that:
    • the IRD number provided by NZIRCS is updated
    • all information found/provided to NZIRCS, including income and case details, is documented in the notepad under the heading 'NZ Requested tracing'
  • does not exist in Cuba, see Step 4 in Table 8

Intensive searches to locate customer contact information

Table 6




Intensive investigation + Read more ...

This involves more intensive searches which may include external fee charging agencies. Only use these services when necessary.

The Intensive Customer Location Worksheet has external sources listed in order of most to least likely to be successful. Some sources may not be applicable for all customers.

Document all searches.

The External searches guide contains the correct contacts, forms and procedures at both a state and national level to assist with Level 1 and 2 Cuba searches.

If a phone number is identified, see Table 3.

If an address is identified, see Table 7.

If investigations have not resulted in locating a current address:

  • check the customer’s address details as Invalid in the Individual Customer Details window, and
  • if there is reason to believe the customer is in Australia based on the searches conducted, see Table 8, or
  • if there is reason to believe the customer is overseas (excluding New Zealand), go to Step 2


Conduct additional searches (customer overseas, excluding New Zealand) + Read more ...

Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (Austrac) records

‘Suspicious Matter Reports’ (SMRs) from AUSTRAC must never be disclosed. This means they must not be included when making a submission - they cannot be disclosed to any court or tribunal and are not admissible as evidence.

You must review AUSTRAC search results to ensure they do not contain an SMR/SUSTR - these must not be recorded in the system. If a record needs to be removed, take immediate action by sending an email National Intensive Collection Services.

Full details regarding AUSTRAC disclosure of information can be found on the Resources page.

Information obtained from an Austrac database search may assist with customer location by:

  • directly locating an address for a customer overseas, that is an address provided by the customer as part of an international funds transfer
  • providing information linking the overseas customer to third parties within Australia who may have contact information for the customer, or
  • indicating a jurisdiction the customer may be located in, that is patterns of financial activity and foreign currencies used

See External Searches Guide for information about requesting an Austrac search if unable to access.

If information linking the customer to a third party in Australia is located, see Table 4.

If overseas address or other contact information for the customer is found as a result of any of the above searches, see Table 7.

If an overseas address cannot be found but information that indicates the customer is located in a reciprocating jurisdiction is found, see Step 6 in Table 8.

If from any of the above searches a customer has indicated their country of residence or country of future residence is a reciprocating jurisdiction, see Step 6 in Table 8.

In all other instances, go to Step 3.


Conduct online searches (customer overseas, excluding NZ) + Read more ...

Prior to commencing online searches for a customer, consider any relevant information already obtained as part of this process which may assist to narrow the search field.

Generic search using online search engines

Google and Yahoo are 2 search engines to assist with finding contact or location information for a customer overseas, particularly if there is no information to suggest which jurisdiction or country the customer is in.

The website Lifewire has:

  • hints and tips for conducting online searches to locate people using Google and other search engines
  • information about using Boolean search techniques This search technique is especially useful for including or excluding specific words or terms in the online search query to obtain more relevant results, for example searching for a customer with a known alias or maiden name

'X-ray search' of online networking sites

Accessing online social networking applications is prohibited under the Acceptable Use of ICT Facilities however using a social network 'x-ray search' may provide relevant information that can be used to assist in locating a customer without the need to access the social networking application.

A reverse search is useful to look up information about an individual or business using a phone number, email address, physical address, name, etc.

'Deep web' search

When attempting to locate a customer through online searches, conducting a 'deep web' search using a specialised site such as may provide customer contact or location information by searching personal profiles, court records, member directories and other databases which may not be accessed as part of an ordinary search engine query.

Search Pipl using the customer’s name; an email address, phone number or online username (sometimes called a screen name or handle) if available.


Country specific websites + Read more ...

If there is information to suggest the customer is present in a particular country or jurisdiction, check any applicable website to conduct a free public records search.


Results of intensive searches + Read more ...

See Table 4 for information about contacting the third party if information linking the customer to a third party in Australia is located.

See Table 7 if overseas address or other contact information for the customer is found.

See Step 6 in Table 8 if:

  • an overseas address cannot be found but information that indicates the customer is located in a reciprocating jurisdiction, or
  • search results indicate a customer has advised their country of residence or country of future residence is a reciprocating jurisdiction

Verifying customer details found after searches conducted

Table 7




Confirm contact details + Read more ...

Contact details are verified when any of the following apply:

  • the contact details are provided by the customer
  • the customer is in receipt of a current Centrelink benefit and an address is available
  • an ATO address is less than 6 months old
  • two other independent sources provide the same address for the customer (for incarcerated customers, go to Step 3). See Table 4 for information about independent sources
  • a Central Authority provides the details for customers residing overseas

If a phone number has been found, try to contact the customer, see Table 3.

Note: ATO addresses over 6 months old require second source verification. The same address on multiple ATO systems does not constitute second source verification. An ATO address over 6 months old must be verified from a source other than another ATO system. When processing a New ATO address intray ensure it is a valid address. If it is a postal address that is available, check ICP to ensure it is not a tax agent's address. When in doubt check the tax return itself for the latest address. Note: New ATO address intrays will often generate when a person lodges their tax return. Therefore, do not assume that this is the customer’s current address since they may have actually updated their address with ATO over 6 months ago; that is, the address may not have changed since they last lodged.

Customers who have no fixed address may use the Centrelink office address. Only use a valid address.

Do not update a Personalised Services customer contact details without discussing with the Personal Services Officer.

If the contact details are verified based on the results of the investigations, see Table 8.


Centrelink or DVA customer + Read more ...

If the customer’s address details are:

  • from Centrelink and the customer is in receipt of a current benefit
  • from the Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA), or
  • not contradicted by more recent address or overseas movement details and the customer is overseas, see Table 8

If the customer is not in receipt of a current benefit, go to Step 4.

If a prison address is provided go to Step 3.


Incarcerated customers (customer in Australia) + Read more ...

Update an address if the Department of Corrective Services (or local equivalent) provides new information for a customer and:

  • the customer is currently on tracing, or
  • the customer's current address is a correction facility, and Child Support receive confirmation that the customer has been transferred to another facility

A second source is not required. See Table 8.


Send customer location letter + Read more ...

Do not update the customer's address before verifying it.

If unable to verify a customer's address send a Customer Location Letter. Provide the customer with 21 days to respond (28 days for International customers). Do not create or send a Customer Location Letter through Cuba or Pluto.

Create your Customer Location Letter and send it to your Team Leader/Manager for approval.

Team Leader must:

  • check the appropriateness of sending the letter
  • give full consideration to the address that has been located for the customer
  • ensure the letter is being sent to the correctly located address and documented appropriately in Cuba
  • provide approval to the Service Officer of the final version of the letter and the address the letter will be sent to

Once approved, document the source of the address and copy of the letter in the customer's Communication window.

The letter must be printed outside Cuba and Pluto on approved Services Australia letterhead. This ensures the letter’s presentation is the same as centrally printed letters.

The Team Leader must physically check the locally printed letter before it is sent.

In the Communication window, the letter sender and Team Leader / Manager add their notepad about the sending of the letter, see Documentation Cuba process help.

  • If the customer verifies the address, see Table 8
  • If the customer does not respond to the letter, go to Step 5

Allow the customer time to respond. See Standard response times.


Unable to verify the address + Read more ...

If unable to verify an address, document all relevant information in the Individual Customer Details window and note in Payer Collection window if the customer is a payer who owes child support.

Where an address already recorded on Cuba has been confirmed as no longer current, ensure the address is marked as invalid.

See Table 8.

Finalise the customer location activity

Table 8




Have the contact details been verified? + Read more ...

Contact details verified

Contact details are verified when:

  • provided by the customer
  • obtained from Centrelink and the customer is in receipt of a current benefit, or
  • provided by the ATO and are less than 6 months old

Update details in Cuba. Go to Step 2.

Contact details not verified

If attempts to contact the customer are not successful and there is enough information (from 2 independent sources) to update their address details, action the following:

  • complete the Submission to update an address (APS3 Service Officer)
  • save the submission in the Individual Customer Details window
  • for payee’s overseas excluding NZ ‘In’ requests, email International Child Support with new or updated payee overseas address details, and
  • if the Service Officer is an APS3, obtain APS4 approval by creating a Pending Approval intray and routing it to the necessary position in Cuba with a note stating that APS4 approval is needed to update an address


Update the customers address + Read more ...

If the customer's correct address has been verified or has received APS4 Service Officer approval, update, see Customer records Cuba process help the customer’s information in the Individual Customer Details window.

If the customer is locked to a Service Officer advise them of the update. Create a General Follow up intray, see Intray management Cuba process help.

The customer may refuse to provide or be unable to provide:

  • a residential, or
  • postal address

When this is the case, see Step 1 in Table 2 of Updating Child Support Customer information.

Ask the customer the date of the last letter they received or check notepads for relevant details. Also advise the customer that any letters that were unable to be issued due to the invalid address will be sent to them. Explain to the customer that these letters will show the date when they were originally generated by Services Australia, not the date they will now be issued.

Once the change of address is completed, use discretion to manually update any relevant pending or deleted assessment notices, account statements and letters generated while the customer’s address was invalid to keyed. If letters were sent but not received by the customer prior to the Tracing indicator being added, resend them manually. This will re-issue the letters to the customer and prevent the RUM-New address intray from generating.

When the address has been updated, future letters will issue automatically to the new address.

If unable to contact the customer to inform them their letters will be released and or resent, create an MX0-1 UNIQUE LETTER in Cuba, using the standard paragraph letter text which advises that the customer correspondence that has been held 'pending', is now being sent with the original issue date, not the date the are now being sent. The Resources page contains a link to the pre-approved letter text.

See also Letters for Child Support customers - Creating unique letters and Letters Cuba Process Help.

For decision letters add a document to the Letters List window, including:

  • the details of original letters, for example address and date originally sent, and
  • the details of the new decision letter, for example new address and the date of reissue

Creating this record of when and where the customer was served notice of any decisions will assist in identifying the 28 day notification period to lodge an objection.

Document on the Individual Customer Details window stating:

  • sources for locating the address
  • date the address was located
  • verification of the address
  • date the address was verified, and
  • that letters requiring re-issuing have been checked and generated


Check for further follow-up required + Read more ...

International: if customer location for an existing NZ 'In' case is successful commence collection activity. See Debt repayment.

If contact with the customer was successful continue to manage the customer as per the Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support.

If there is information that may relate to collection (for example, new employer details located), create a Collection Action Required intray. Delete any remaining Customer Location intrays (for example, a RUM - New Address Found intray).

If there is information to suggest the customer:

For NZ ‘In’ Pre Transmittal requests, a habitual residency determination needs to be made, go to Step 4.

For customers overseas, go to Step 6.

Note: if customer location for an existing NZ 'In' case is unsuccessful and meets the criteria for a Return Non Traceable as per New Zealand ‘In’ case management – Withdrawals and returns to NZIRCS from Child Support, refer customer as per the Customer referral guidelines for Child Support staff, or does not meet the criteria for a Return Non Traceable, this is the end of the return process. Unlock the case as per Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support.

For customers in Australia, procedure ends here.


Decision on habitual residency (NZ ‘In’ Pre Transmittal request) + Read more ...

Before information is sent to NZIRCS, for an Initial Request, habitual residency needs to be determined. Child Support only needs to be satisfied that a payer usually lives here on an ongoing basis to be satisfied that a payer is habitually resident in Australia for the purpose of the Australia-New Zealand Agreement. The References page contains a link to the Child Support Guide 1.6.4: Habitual Residency under the Australia-New Zealand agreement

It is not necessary at the pre-transmittal stage to be satisfied that a payer is a resident of Australia under the tax tests. However, if a payer is a resident of Australia according to ordinary concepts then they will also be habitually resident. For assistance, see 'Ordinary concepts test' in Residency decisions for Child Support customers.

If the payer already has a customer record before receiving the NZ 'In' Pre Transmittal request, and an Australian residency decision is already recorded, document the Australian habitual residency decision on the existing decision on a new notepad.

If the payer already has a customer record before receiving the NZ 'In' Pre Transmittal request, and an Australian residency decision is not already recorded, pend the Australian habitual residency decision.

If the payer has a residency decision recorded for a jurisdiction other than Australia, pend the Australian habitual residency decision and complete the appropriate steps to complete a referral for residency decision. Only customers with 1 or more active cases should be referred to the Specialist Residency Team. See Residency decisions for Child support customers - Specialist Service Officer.

If it is determined a payer is not habitually resident in Australia, add a note in the Individual Customer Details window stating why. Go to Step 5.

Once habitual residency has been determined, pend the residency decision in Cuba. Go to Step 5.

Note: for a Subsequent Request for customer location, habitual residency does not need to be determined unless NZIRCS have specifically requested confirmation of Australian habitual residency. Go to Step 5.


Update NZ 'In' Pre Transmittal spreadsheet + Read more ...

Record the status of the habitual residency determination advise the likelihood of collection rating for response to NZIRCS.

Note: habitual residency determination Y or N is automated where the following criteria are met:

  • customer currently in Australia and has been for 6 months or more
  • customer not currently in Australia but departed more than 6 months ago

Where a customer has either arrived or departed within the last 6 months a residency determination will need to be made and manually recorded in the spreadsheet.

Likelihood of collection indicator of L, M, or H is automated where corresponding cells are populated with predetermined data.


  • Benefits = Y
  • Address verified = Y & 2011 income = Y
  • Employment declaration signed less than 2 years ago & 2011 income = Y


  • Benefits = N & Employment declaration = N
  • Address not verified & no incomes since 2009

Else, Medium.

The indicator does not impact on NZIRCS ability to transmit a case to Child Support for collection where the payer is habitually resident in Australia. The indicator is to assist NZIRCS with their case selection.

Record the results in the NZ - International tracing macro. Staff are to:

  • select the ‘add data to Excel’ function at the bottom of the macro:
    • this will write the data to a SharePoint page, not a spreadsheet
    • there is no browse function in the macro, as staff do not select a spreadsheet
  • escalate any queries and feedback to their team leader. Team leaders will escalate issues via email to the Specialised Assessment Services (SAS) National mailbox as needed

Selected staff will:

  • collate the data from the SharePoint page, and
  • send it to 'Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR)'

Once all requests on a spreadsheet are finalised it is sent to NZIRCS via secure mail.

Procedure ends here.


Customer location request to Central Authority (customer overseas) + Read more ...

See Standard response times.

If Child Support do not have a valid address for a payer and the Department of Home Affairs, PAX card information or the payee indicates it is likely that the payer is residing in Sweden, Norway, British Columbia (Canada) or the USA:

  • send a customer location request to the relevant Central Authority, requesting a response within 28 days

To send a request to Sweden or Norway:

  • select and complete the 'Request for information (tracing)’ letter using the macro. Sweden and Norway address details can be located from the Central Authority Address Listing
  • send the letter to the relevant Central Authority via surface mail

To send a request to British Columbia (Canada):

  • select and complete the 'Request for information (tracing)’ letter using the International transmittal letters macro. British Columbia address details can be located from the Central Authority Address Listing
  • email the letter to the Central Authority Team
  • the Central Authority team will forward the letter to the British Columbia Central Authority via secure email

To send a request to the USA:

  • select and complete the 'Request for information (tracing)’ letter using the International transmittal letters macro. USA Central Authority address details can be located from the Intergovernmental Reference Guide. See Resources for a link
  • email the letter to the Central Authority Team
  • the Central Authority team will forward the letter to the USA Federal Authority or the relevant Central Authority via secure email

If Child Support do not have a valid address for a payer likely to be residing in any other reciprocating jurisdiction, see Residency decisions for Child Support customers