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How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) record 277-51050000

Grouping of children can only be completed by appropriately trained Smart Centre staff

This document outlines the procedures for grouping children on a customer's record for child support purposes. Grouping children ensures the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) and Maintenance Income Test (MIT) are correctly applied to a customer's FTB Part A rate.

On this Page:

Creating a new group for FTB instalment claims

Move or replicate children into new or changed group for FTB instalment claims

Creating a new group for FTB instalment claims

Table 1




General information about groups + Read more ...

For FTB lump sum claims, see Recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim.

When a child is linked to a customer record, the system automatically places the child in:

  • a current relationship group if the child was born after the start date of the current relationship, or
  • the child stays 'ungrouped' where the child was born before the start date of the current relationship or if the customer is single. The 'ungrouped' child must be moved:
    • into a group with that child's other parent's name against it (option 1)
    • into a group with any full sibling (option 2), or
    • into a new group if the above options do not exist

Placing all FTB children in a correct group must happen before processing can be completed.

Although grouping of children on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen generally occurs automatically, check the following groups to determine if the child/ren need to be manually moved.

Marital Status (MS) changes

Current Relationship (CRE) group

  • The FTB customer and their partner are the child/ren's natural or adoptive parents (both parents have adopted the child)
  • Maintenance action is not required in this situation
  • The system automatically places all children born after the customer's current relationship start date in a CRE group
  • Only 1 CRE group can exist on the customer's record

Entitlement (ENT) group

  • The FTB record of the respective parent of the child shows the customer (or their current partner) is the child/ren's natural parent and is entitled to claim child support from another person
  • The customer (or their current partner) needs to take maintenance action to be paid more than the base rate of FTB Part A for the child/ren
  • Where the customer is not partnered to the child/ren's other parent (same-sex or heterosexual), the child/ren should be shown in an ENT group
  • Child/ren conceived via an artificial conception procedure (ACP) should be shown in an ENT group pending a decision on whether they need to take maintenance action, unless the child is of the current relationship
  • If the customer has started a child support case for the child/ren, each ENT group should show the name of the relevant child support payer
  • Children in ENT groups may be passing, failing or exempt from the Maintenance Action Test (MAT)
  • Customers may have multiple ENT groups on their record

Non-Biological (ENB) group

Maintenance action is not needed for children grouped in an ENB group as:

  • the customer and current partner are not the child's parent
  • the customer or current partner are the adoptive parent of the child
  • another carer exemption exists
  • the child was born of a surrogacy arrangement that is not recognised under the Family Law act
  • the child was conceived via an artificial conception procedure (ACP) and the customer was single at the time (or the partner did not consent) and the customer has been assessed as not required to seek child support as they are determined to be the only legal parent of the child. These cases must be placed in an ENB group to allow appropriate Maintenance Action Test (MAT) coding

Only 1 ENB group can exist on the customer's record. A new ENB group cannot be created on a partner’s record if 1 exists on the customer’s record. However, if 2 single customers with ENB groups become partnered, both ENB groups will remain.

If a customer is receiving child support for a child in an ENB group, see Non-biological carer receiving child support in Table 2.

Child/ren should show in an ENB group where the customer (and their partner if applicable) are not the child's biological parents. For example, the customer could be the child's aunt, grandparent or uncle.

Note: a non-parent carer is generally considered a foster parent for FTB purposes. See Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for a child in foster care.

Non-Active group

  • The customer is no longer entitled to child support, for example, the child has left their care

Deceased Payer (LPD) group

  • The child support payer linked to the group was either a Centrelink customer and has had a death action processed on their record, or
  • The child/ren have had their maintenance action code manually updated to reflect the payer is deceased
  • Children within an LPD group are exempt from the Maintenance Action Test (MAT)


Moving into an existing group or creating a new group + Read more ...

Before creating a new group, check if the child should be placed in an existing group. When adding a child, the preference is that the child is placed:

  • in a group with that child's other parents name against it (option 1)
  • in a group with any full sibling (option 2), or
  • in a new group if the above options do not exist

Only 1 current relationship or non-biological group can be created. A separate entitled group must be created for each paying parent.

Groups may appear on a number of pages on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen.


If the customer's partner is the child's parent and the customer is not, the entitlement group needs to be recorded on the partner's MNGS screen.

To update details for an existing ‘active’ group, go to Step 5.

If there is an existing group with the child’s other parent’s name against it, or with any full sibling, see Table 2.

Process Direct must only be used if the maintenance grouping:

  • is being updated as part of FTB claim processing, or
  • within an associated work item commenced using the Families - Care Assessment workflow on the Task Selector

Do standalone updates in Customer First.

To do maintenance grouping in:


Maintenance grouping in Process Direct + Read more ...

The Maint Ent Grp Summary (MNGS) screen is a post assess screen. This means Service Officers must complete all other claim updates and select Assess on the Errors (SWE) screen before making updates to the MNGS screen.

  • If a new maintenance group is required, an error displays on SWE screen after selecting Assess. Go to the MNGS screen and code the necessary updates
  • If other updates are required on MNGS screen for children already grouped, go to the MNGS screen from the Entitlements (ELD) screen after selecting Assess

MNGS screen updates:

  • Create a new group:
    • Go to MNGS screen in the FTB customer’s record
    • A warning will display regarding disclosure of MNGS information, after reading the warning, select Close
    • Select Add to create a new Maintenance group. Note: this will only activate once Assess is selected for the first time
    • Select the Group Type Code on the Create Maintenance Groups screen
    • Select Save
  • Manage child grouping:
    • Select Manage Child Grouping
    • On the Manage Child Grouping screen, in the From Group section, select Group Owner as customer or partner, select the Group ID
    • Select the child from the Child List table
    • In the To Group section, select the Group Owner as customer or partner, select the Group ID
    • Select Move
  • To remove a child from a group:
  • Select Manage Child Grouping
  • In the Manage Child Grouping screen, in the From Group section, select Group Owner as customer or partner, select the Group ID
  • Select the child from the Child List table
  • Select Delete
  • Once updates are complete
  • Go to the SWE screen
  • Select Assess again to go to the ELD screen
  • Finalise the claim as per Table 2


To create a new group in Customer First + Read more ...

Go to the MNGS screen in the FTB customer's record:


Updating details for an active group + Read more ...

On the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen, select the group to go to the Maintenance Entitlement Group Details (MNGD) table/screen.


Creating a Deceased Payer (LPD) group + Read more ...

When creating a new group and creating an LPD group in the same activity, select Assess in Process Direct or go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen in Customer First before updating the Maintenance Action (MNMA) table/screen. This will enable the details to be applied.

If the other parent is deceased, select the child and update the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) code on the MNMA table/screen to 'LPD' from the date the parent died or the date the child came into care, whichever is the later. This will automatically change the group to an LPD group.

Record a Note/DOC and finalise activity.

Child Support Deceased Customer Management Team only: if the relevant maintenance group is not already displaying as an LPD group, navigate to the paying parent's record, create a handoff for FCC trained staff to follow up the payer's death using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > Child Support Notification of Death.


Manual grouping + Read more ...

Manual grouping may be required in 2 circumstances:

  • Where a child is in a Non-Biological (ENB) group (on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen) and the customer advises they are receiving voluntary maintenance for that child/ren,
    • manually move the child/ren to an Entitlement (ENT) group in order to record the voluntary maintenance
  • Where a child is coded as adopted on the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen and the customer is partnered, determine whether the child should be in:
    • a Current Relationship (CRE) group (if both customer and partner adopted the child), or
    • an ENB group (if the customer or current partner solely adopted the child)


Record a foster carer or adoptive parent exemption + Read more ...

An adoptive parent exemption only applies in specific circumstances. In some cases, it is not applicable for a customer to take action to obtain child support.

In Customer First select the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen. On the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen:

  • Principal carers: If the customer is a principal carer receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance, Special Benefit or Parenting Payment, code Principal Carer Type field to reflect the customer's relationship to the child. This will automatically update the Foster Child FAO field. If the customer is not the child's parent, an exemption will automatically record on the Maintenance Action (MNMA) screen for the child. For help checking/coding principal carer status for income support, see Principal carer of a dependent child
  • Where a principal carer assessment is not necessary, update the Child's Miscellaneous Circumstances screen:
    • Enter the date the exemption applies from in the Event Date field
    • If the customer is the adoptive parent, type 'Y' in Adopted field
    • If the customer is the foster carer, type 'N' in Adopted field, 'Y' in Foster Child FAO field for family assistance and Health Care Card purposes

Record details on a DOC and finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen.


Current partner proven not to be the biological parent of the child/ren + Read more ...

Request the child's birth certificate and evidence that the current partner is not a parent of the child. See Centrelink action on proving parentage for child support for more details.

Once it is confirmed that the current partner is not the biological parent:

  • Move the relevant child/ren to an Entitlement (ENT) group on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen. Note that a new ENT group may need to be created. See Step 1 in Table 2 for detailed procedures on how to move the child into an ENT grouping. Placing the child into a new ENT group will trigger the requirement for the customer to take maintenance action to be paid more than the base rate of FTB Part A for the child/ren

Note: moving the child into a new ENT group will result in all historical maintenance information from the previous group being removed, not transferred into the new group. It will also automatically backdate the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) requirements to the date the customer first became entitled to apply for maintenance, which is from the end of the Deciding Maintenance Action (DMA) period (13 week (91 day) timeframe). This will likely trigger an FTB debt due to retrospective MAT failure.

Depending on the circumstance of the case, it may be appropriate to retrospectively pass the MAT from the date the customer first became entitled to apply for maintenance to prevent an overpayment. For example, this may be appropriate where a dispute over parentage exists and evidence confirms that the current partner, previously thought to be the biological parent, is not the biological parent. In this circumstance, the Secretary may take the view that prior to the evidence refuting parentage, it was not reasonable for the individual to take maintenance action as the current partner was presumed to be the parent. Apply the 'MWP' (Manual workaround pass) code if MAT is passed from the date the customer first became entitled to apply for maintenance. The Level 2 Policy Helpdesk can assist with policy advice if needed.

Can the customer nominate an alternative parent?

  • Yes, and the customer:
    • has proof of parentage, tell them to lodge an application for child support. Once the customer applies, the MAT code will be updated automatically
    • does not have proof of parentage, they may need to seek legal advice in order to obtain child support from the newly nominated parent. See Centrelink action on proving parentage for child support for more details. This procedure includes information about suitable MAT codes for this circumstance
    • is seeking an exemption from maintenance action in relation to the new payer, see Exemptions from seeking child support for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers. This procedure includes information about suitable MAT codes for this circumstance. In Customer First code 'MXR' (Maintenance exemption requested) from the date the customer requests to apply for the exemption
  • No:
    • Invite the customer to apply for an exemption from seeking child support due to parentage unknown
    • In Customer First code 'MXR' (Maintenance exemption requested) from the date the customer requests to apply for the exemption

In all of the above cases

  • Advise the customer they must take maintenance action within 91 days of the date they first became aware that the current partner was not the biological parent of the child/ren
  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: FTB
    • Review Reason: OTH (Other)
    • Due Date: 85 days from the date the Q107 is sent
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Q107 issued xx/xx/xxxx. Check if customer has taken child support action within 91 days. If no action, code NMA as has failed MAT.'
    • Keywords: MATREV
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer To Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • Record details on a DOC and finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen


Manual process required where a couple adopt a child and later separate + Read more ...

If a couple adopt a child and later separate, maintenance action is required against the other parent listed on the birth certificate/adoption papers. Where a couple adopt a child and this is coded on the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen, the system places these children in to Current Relationship (CRE) group on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen and applies 'CCR' (Child of current relationship) code.

If the couple separates, the child is placed in an Entitlement (ENT) group and a maintenance action code of 'NBP' (Non-biological parent receiving child support) is automatically applied. In these cases:

  • customers are not automatically sent the Maintenance Action Requirement Notification Letter (MARNL) following separation
  • the children are not automatically given a 91 day Deciding Maintenance Action (DMA) period, and
  • the child does not automatically revert to NMA (No maintenance action) at the end of the 91 day period

In Customer First manually send a Q107 letter to the customer. The letter advises the customer to take action to obtain child support and the date action must be taken by.

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: FTB
  • Review Reason: OTH (Other)
  • Due Date: 28 days from the date the Q107 is sent
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Q107 issued xx/xx/xxxx. Check if customer has taken reasonable action to obtain child support. If no action, return to OB 277-51050000 and refer to Families and Childcare Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for coding advice.'
  • Keywords: MATREV
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer To Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Note: if a customer separated more than 13 weeks in the past but the child has retained their NBP maintenance action exemption, manually issue the customer a Q107 letter advising them they have 28 days to take action. See How to code and action a manual review.

If the review matures and the customer has not taken reasonable action to obtain child support within the timeframe, they will fail the Maintenance Action Test (MAT). Refer the case to the Families and Childcare Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for coding advice.


If the customer has elected to claim FTB for a past period for a child from a previous relationship, the MAT must still be satisfied for the child. If the customer did not take maintenance action by the end of the relevant 91 DMA period applicable in their case, they can only be paid base rate FTB Part A for the child for the past period. In this past period scenario, the customer is not entitled to a further 28 days to take maintenance action. Refer these cases to the Families and Childcare Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for coding advice. See Checking reasonable action has been taken to obtain child support for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) past period claims.


Record another care exemption + Read more ...

After placing the child in a Non-Biological (ENB) group, in Customer First update the child's Maintenance Action Test (MAT) code to exempt the child.

'S'elect child on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen and go to the Maintenance Action (MNMA) screen.

On MNMA screen, code 'OCX' (Other carer exemption) in Maintenance action field. Code the date from which the exemption applies in Event date field.

Record details on a DOC and finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen.


Favourable Section 24 (Social Security Act 1991) assessment has been made + Read more ...

Child support/maintenance action is not required for children of the current relationship for customers paid under Section 24. Assessment by a social worker is also not required. Code maintenance action as:

Move or replicate children into new or changed group for FTB instalment claims

Table 2




Moving children between groups + Read more ...

For FTB lump sum claims, see Recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim.

Check the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen and ensure all child/ren display in the correct group/s.

If the child/ren:

  • need to be moved or grouped, go to Step 2
  • are correctly grouped, procedure ends here


Do Current Relationship (CRE) children need grouping? + Read more ...


Has the customer advised who the payer is? + Read more ...

  • Yes:
  • No, contact the customer and request the details. If the customer advises of the payer details, move the child/ren into a group with the payer's name against it as above. If the customer is unable to be contacted, the child must be moved:
    • into a group with the other parent's name against it
    • into a group with any full sibling, or
    • into a new group if the above options do not exist

Go to Step 4


To move a child between groups + Read more ...

  • In Process Direct, within a FTB New Claim work item, after selecting Assess, on the MNGS screen:
    • Select Manage Child Grouping
    • On the Manage Child Grouping screen, in the From Group section, select Group Owner as customer or partner, select the Group ID
    • Select the child from the Child List table
    • In the To Group section, select Group Owner as customer or partner, select the Group ID
    • Select Move
  • In Customer First, on the MNGS screen:
    • Code 'M' for move next to the child/ren’s name and 'M' next to the group they are to be moved to. Multiple children can be selected and moved. The correct existing group may display on another page or on a History page
    • Enter Source and DOR fields, page down before pressing [Enter]. The child will now display in the group

Check that the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) code for each child is correct.

Note: moving the child will result in the loss of all maintenance data for the child from the old group. Check the Maintenance Action Result (MNMR) screen for MAT codes that have applied. These may need to be restated.

Creating a new group

Go to the MNGS screen within the new claim in the FTB customer's record:

  • In Process Direct:
    • Go to MNGS screen in the FTB customer’s record
    • A warning will display regarding disclosure of MNGS information, after reading the warning, select Close
    • Select Add to create a new Maintenance group. Note: this will only activate once Assess is selected for the first time
    • On the Create Maintenance Group screen, select the Group Type Code using the drop down option
    • Select Save
    • Select Assess again from the SWE screen
  • In Customer First:
    • Code 'Y' in Create new group? field
    • Enter the Group type: field
    • Enter Source and DOR fields, press [Enter]
    • Move the child/ren into the new group by coding 'M' next to the child/ren and 'M' next to the new group (may need to scroll down to next page to see new group)
    • Press [Enter]
    • Once child/ren are grouped correctly on MNGS, navigate to AR and check the results.

Finalise the activity if the result is correct.

Record a Note/DOC.

To request maintenance information from Child Support, a refresh will be required. Access to complete this action is limited to selected staff. See Child Support data has not loaded onto or is incorrectly affecting customer's record for how to request a refresh.


Child support claimed from both parents + Read more ...

In cases where the customer is not the parent of the child and is applying for or receiving child support from both the child's parents, replicate the child from 1 active group to another.

To create an active group, see Step 2 in Table 1.

Once the groups are present, on the MNGS screen in Customer First:

  • Replicate the child by coding 'R' next the child/ren and 'M' next to the group the child/ren is to be copied to
  • Enter Source and DOR fields and press [Enter]
  • Check that the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) code for each child is correct
  • Record details on a DOC


Non-biological carer receiving child support + Read more ...

If a person who is not the parent of a child receives child support for the child, move the child from the Non-Biological (ENB) group to an active Entitlement (ENT) group so that private maintenance income can be recorded.

For details on how to move a child between groups, see Step 2 in Table 1.

Once the child moves to an ENT group, in Customer First update the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) code to 'NBP' (Non-biological parent receiving child support) on the Maintenance Action (MNMA) screen for the child.


Children from same-sex relationships + Read more ...

Same-sex couples are recognised as parents from 1 July 2009.

Some customers may have a current IVF maintenance exemption. This will need to be reviewed.

Depending on the family circumstances, the exemption may no longer apply and the child/ren will need to be moved to a new group.

The child may now be considered a child of the current relationship or the customer (or their partner) may now need to take action to obtain child support for the child from the other parent.

For coding and assessment information, see Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and child support for children born as a result of a surrogacy arrangement or via artificial conception procedure (including children of same-sex couples).


Replicating children to new or changed groups + Read more ...

In some cases, Child Support may create a new case for a current child with a new paying parent, including:

  • cases created in error
  • the original payer was later shown not to be the father
  • the details for 1 or more of the parties was incorrect

In these cases, a workaround is completed to replicate the child/ren from 1 maintenance group to another.

  • Create a new group
  • In Customer First, on the MNGS screen, code:
    • 'R' next to the child/ren to be moved, and
    • 'M' next to the group they are to be moved to
  • Enter Source and DOR fields
  • Check the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) code for each child is correct
  • Record details on a DOC

If the child/ren is not replicated, Child Support updates can overwrite the record, moving the child/ren back to the incorrect group.

Note: if a child is replicated into another group, the maintenance history from the previous group does not transfer to the new group. Depending on the changes affecting the case, a retrospective update to the MAT code may be appropriate. Use the 'MWP' code if MAT is passed.


No new grouping required - step-parent claiming FTB + Read more ...

In instances where the partner of an FTB claimant is the biological parent (and the FTB claimant is the non-biological step-parent) no new grouping is required.

In the biological parent's record, code the children as 'TOP' (Transfer out to partner) on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen from the relationship start date.

Do not code 'LCC' (Left customer care) on the Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen in the biological parent's record as this will trigger an inaccurate advice and may affect grouping for maintenance purposes.

In these cases, there should be only 1 Entitlement (ENT) group on the biological parent's Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen.

Note: cases where the step-parent is partnered to the biological parent and adopts a child, must be referred to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for coding advice.


No new grouping required - step-parent claiming FTB and biological parent in prison + Read more ...

In instances where the partner of an FTB claimant is the biological parent and is in prison (and the FTB claimant is the non-biological step-parent) no new grouping is required.

  • In the biological parent's record, code the children as 'TOP' (Transfer out to partner) on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen from the relationship start date
  • Do not code 'LCC' (Left customer care) on the Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen in the biological parent's record as this will trigger an inaccurate advice and may impact on grouping for maintenance purposes

In these cases, there should be only 1 Entitlement (ENT) group on the biological parent's Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen.

Child Support will end the case for the biological parent with a case end code of 'CLP' (Child left care. MAT failure).

  • Code an exemption of 'MWP' (Manual workaround pass) for the step-parent from the date the case was ended by Child Support

This needs to be reviewed when the biological parent is released from prison, or the step-parent separates from the non-biological parent.