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How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) record 277-51050000

This document outlines the procedures for grouping children on a customer's record for child support purposes. Grouping children ensures the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) and Maintenance Income Test (MIT) are correctly applied to a customer's FTB Part A rate.

Maintenance and FTB

Customers claiming FTB for a child from a previous relationship must take reasonable action to obtain child support from the child's other parent to be paid more than base rate FTB Part A for the child, unless an exemption is appropriate.

Child support received by an FTB customer and/or their partner may affect the customer's rate of FTB Part A. Any child support received must be recorded on the customer's record to make sure the correct rate of FTB Part A is paid.

For FTB instalment claims, all children linked to the FTB customer and their partner are grouped according to child support entitlement on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen. This screen is the entry point for viewing and updating child support information.

For FTB lump sum claims for 2008-2009 onwards, children are grouped on the Maint LSC Group Summary (MLGS) screen.

Grouping of children on the MNGS screen

Grouping needs to be done when a customer ('parent') claims FTB for a child from a previous relationship.

For child support purposes, the term 'parent' refers to:

  • biological parent
  • adoptive parent
  • if the child was born as the result of an artificial conception procedure (ACP), a parent of the child under section 60H of the Family Law Act
  • if the child was born because of a surrogacy arrangement, a parent of the child under section 60HB of the Family Law Act

Although grouping of children on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen generally occurs automatically, manual grouping may be required where the customer's circumstances change, see Manual grouping of children below.

The child/ren may appear in the following groups:

  • Current Relationship (CRE)
  • Entitlement (ENT)
  • Non-Biological (ENB)
  • Non-Active
  • Deceased Payer (LPD)

Note: there is an issue where a child is adopted by a couple that later separates. These children are being automatically placed in an ENT group and given a maintenance action exemption of Non-Biological Parent receiving maintenance (NBP). This is not the desired outcome, see Issue where a child is adopted and the parents later separate below.

Manual grouping of children

Where a child is in a Non-Biological (ENB) maintenance group on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen and the customer advises they are receiving voluntary maintenance for the child/ren, the child/ren must be manually moved in to an Entitlement (ENT) group in order to record the voluntary maintenance, see Manual grouping in Table 1.

Grouping should be checked when the customer circumstances change such as when they separate or reconcile. In some cases, the system automatically updates groups.

As same-sex relationships are recognised from 1 July 2009, it may be necessary to regroup the children for whom an IVF exemption was recorded before July 2009.

Issue where a child is adopted and the parents later separate

When a couple adopts a child and this is coded on the Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen, the child is placed in a Current Relationship (CRE) group on the MNGS screen. The child automatically receives a maintenance exemption code of 'CCR' (Child of current relationship).

If the couple separates, the child is placed in an ENT group and a maintenance code of 'NBP' is automatically applied:

  • these children are not automatically given a 91 day Deciding Maintenance Action (DMA) period
  • the customer is not automatically sent a Maintenance Action Requirement Notification Letter (MARNL) advising them of the need to take action, and
  • the child does not revert to NMA (No maintenance action) if the customer fails to take reasonable action to obtain child support within the 91 day DMA period

This is incorrect, see Manual process required where a couple adopt a child and later separate in Table 1.

System problem - Customer has 3 or more child support groups on the MNGS screen

A system problem, PM70178, affected FTB customers who have 3 or more child support groups on the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen. Where maintenance data from Child Support was loaded on to the Centrelink record (identified on the Event Summary (ES) screen as a *SP activity), and the activity contained details of a new child support payer, the new payer incorrectly overrode the details for 1 or more of the existing groups on the MNGS screen. This problem was fixed in September 2016, which prevents any further occurrences of the issue from occurring, but customers impacted before this date have not yet been cleaned up.


  • An FTB customer has 2 groups on the MNGS screen, for payers 1 and 2
  • The customer then has a child come in to their care. As the new child has a different parent to the customer's other children, the child is placed in their own Entitlement (ENT) group on the MNGS screen
  • A child support case is then started against payer 3
  • When the details of the new child support case were received by Centrelink via the data exchange (showing the customer has a child support case against payer 3), payer 3's details incorrectly overrode the details for either or both of the other payers
  • This resulted in payer 3 showing as the payer for multiple groups, with the periods payer 3 was partnered to the customer being applied to the maintenance action and income calculation for the other groups

This issue may have caused incorrect FTB reconciliation debts and arrears, and projected overpayments (Mandatory Continuous Adjustment), as it applied incorrect maintenance action and income results to other groups.

Impacted records are generally identified via the customer contacting to query FTB reconciliation debts and/or arrears, or an unexpected increase or decrease to their ongoing FTB. Where a customer raises a concern of this kind, Service Officers should check if this issue has caused the decrease/increase/debt. This can be confirmed by checking the MNGS screen to see if a payers name is attached to multiple groups (Note: 'page down' to see other pages on the MNGS screen).

If assistance is required in determining if this issue has affected a customer, refer to Local Peer Support (LPS). If LPS determines that the customer has been affected by this issue or is unsure, they are to escalate the enquiry to their Service Support Officer (SSO) via the normal escalation process.

SSOs must check whether a payer is incorrectly attached to multiple groups on the MNGS screen. If so, the SSOs need to update the payer details for the relevant group/s and must DOC their investigation/coding indicating who is the duplicated payer.

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and child support for children born as a result of a surrogacy arrangement or via artificial conception procedure (including children of same-sex couples)

Linking and unlinking a child support paying parent to a Family Tax Benefit record

Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes

Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers

Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support

Recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim